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Why Livefyre and Instagram Make the Perfect Team

February 12, 2016 ·

by livefyre


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If you have multiple Instagram accounts, you probably dread the process of constantly having to login and logout. Don’t you wish there was a way to simply switch between and manage your content without that inconvenience? Yeah, us too.

Good news: there is. Rumors have been flying about Instagram addressing this issue since November, but now it’s official. Thanks to Instagram’s latest update, users will now be able to easily toggle back and forth between not two, not three, but up to five accounts at a time. For marketers, this news is a godsend. Now you can simultaneously post content to various accounts — no hassle, brain power or recently recovered login credentials required.

Luckily for Livefyre customers, our rights management capabilities have always supported using multiple Instagram accounts. Now that this road block no longer exists on Instagram’s platform, marketers can set up as many Instagram accounts as they want, while managing them with a few taps of the thumb. The best part about this change? Livefyre’s Rights Management tool makes that ease of use downright effortless.

Customers need only enter their Instagram credentials into Livefyre’s platform and enjoy limitless freedom to scale content across their accounts in seconds. Here’s how:

1. Collect the usernames and passwords for the Instagram accounts you want to use on your Livefyre platform.

2. Add them in using our Rights Management tool.

3. In the upper right hand corner, you’ll now see an easily accessible drop down menu where you can share content from all of your Instagram accounts in one place.

4. Start sharing.

Together, Livefyre and Instagram are unstoppable. Enjoy this freedom — you deserve it.