Conversation Apps

Discussions, quips and full-on accolades, our Conversation Apps keep audiences on-site and engaging on your properties.


Packed with features and fully customizable, Comments turns your content into monetized conversation. Go ahead, embrace opinions.

Live Blog

Designed for real-time event coverage, Live Blog lets your editors shape experiences live on your owned and operated properties.


Make users your evangelists. Reviews offers a fully-customizable tool for satisfied customers to rate and review, right on your site.


With Polls, people answer your questions, keeping your finger on the beating pulse of the collective mindset. Everyone has an opinion, help your audience share theirs.


Focus reader attention with Sidenotes. Sidenotes empowers readers to interact as they read, adding quips and exchanging ideas directly related to your content.


Rapid conversation, maximum energy. Chat brings the full force of your audience to bear with active, continuous discussion.

Seamlessly responsive

Livefyre apps are quick and responsive across any device, and our mobile SDKs add additional layers of native integration.

Your ticket to our cloud

All apps come with access to Livefyre Engagement Cloud, bringing you all the tools you need to find, moderate and manage your user-generated content.

The benefits are universal

For Brands

Bring authenticity to your owned properties with user-generated content

For Publishers

Drive engagement around your content to build and retain engaged audiences

For Agencies

Increase brand engagement for your clients with the leading social depth platform

Other Packages

Visualization Apps

Vivid and striking, our visualization apps beautify your site with active, dynamic engagement.

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