- published: 04 Sep 2015
- views: 10773
The Gothic Line (German: Gotenstellung; Italian: Linea Gotica) was a German defensive line of the Italian Campaign of World War II. It formed Field Marshal Albert Kesselring's last major line of defence along the summits of the northern part of the Apennine Mountains during the fighting retreat of the German forces in Italy against the Allied Armies in Italy, commanded by General Sir Harold Alexander.
Adolf Hitler had concerns about the state of preparation of the Gothic Line: he feared the Allies would use amphibious landings to outflank its defences. To downgrade its importance in the eyes of both friend and foe, he ordered the name, with its historic connotations, changed, reasoning that if the Allies managed to break through they would not be able to use the more impressive name to magnify their victory claims. In response to this order, Kesselring renamed it the "Green Line" (Grüne Linie) in June 1944.
Using more than 15,000 slave-labourers, the Germans created more than 2,000 well-fortified machine gun nests, casemates, bunkers, observation posts and artillery-fighting positions to repel any attempt to breach the Gothic Line. Initially this line was breached during Operation Olive (also sometimes known as the Battle of Rimini), but Kesselring's forces were consistently able to retire in good order. This continued to be the case up to March 1945, with the Gothic Line being breached but with no decisive breakthrough; this would not take place until April 1945 during the final Allied offensive of the Italian Campaign.
Greatest Tank Battles - Smashing the Gothic Line
DIRTY SECRETS of WWII - The German Gothic Defense Line (720p)
WW2 in Italy - Breaking Through the Gothic Line | 1944 | PART 1 | Combat Footage | Full Documentary
WW2 in Italy - Breaking Through the Gothic Line | 1944 | PART 2 | Combat Footage | Full Documentary
San Marco Marines, Uccelli BN - Gothic Line
Gothic Line World War 2
Operation Winter Storm - Gothic Line
Decima Mas, Barbarigo BN - Gothic Line
1st Forlì Storm Battalion - Gothic Line
Canadian Tanks pierce the Gothic Line pushing Nazi panzer forces back into the Po valley.
This history documentary video is structured to explain the German Gothic Defensive Line in Italy. The documentary explains to a degree that after design & engineering work was complete, more than 15,000 forced-labourers built the line, building more than 2,000 structures that were well-fortified nests, in addition to technology settlements, casemates, bunkers, transfer and recovery posts, medical treatment areas, and hosting many other positions to repel any attempt to breach this "Gothic Line". Equipped with electricity and gas during its construction, adding insurance and resolve as soon it would be tested. To they're credit, the Germans built a formidable structured defense shield and technically initially breached by the Americans, but not until April '45, during the final Allied thru...
►My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives?sub_confirmation=1 ►Google+: http://plus.google.com/+TheBestFilmArchives ►Facebook: http://facebook.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►Twitter: http://twitter.com/BestFilmArch It is the story of the 10th Mountain Division (United States) in Italy during the WW2. This film shows how it succeeded in breaking the Gothic Line (German: Gotenstellung; Italian: Linea Gotica), touted as invincible by the Nazi leaders. WW2 in Italy - Breaking Through the Gothic Line | 1944 | PART 1 | Combat Footage | Full Documentary
►My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives?sub_confirmation=1 ►Google+: http://plus.google.com/+TheBestFilmArchives ►Facebook: http://facebook.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►Twitter: http://twitter.com/BestFilmArch It is the story of the 10th Mountain Division (United States) in Italy during the WW2. This film shows how it succeeded in breaking the Gothic Line (German: Gotenstellung; Italian: Linea Gotica), touted as invincible by the Nazi leaders. WW2 in Italy - Breaking Through the Gothic Line | 1944 | PART 2 | Combat Footage | Full Documentary
The Uccelli BN was one of the most aggressive units of the San Marco Division. Its role in the "Wintergewitter" operation on the Gothic Line was instrumental for its success, but it took its toll on the Battalion. Lt Mariani was one of the replacements sent to an advanced outpost in the Serchio Valley to regroup and keep up the fight. Scores of volunteers applied to replenish the ranks. But his unit could not accept just any new recruit. So he devised an unorthodox but effective test to see if the applicants were up to the task.
Artillery LT Cesare Fiaschi of the Italian Monterosa Alpine Division, takes us through his memories of Operation Winter Storm. Axis last counter attack in WW2. Part of the "On the Gothic Line" documentary.
Early in 1944, the Allies land at Anzio. Simultaneously they are also pushing from the South at Cassino where the Germans ask the Italian Decima Mas Divison for help. Egidio Cateni, 1st company of the Barbarigo Battalion and his anti-tank platoon is sent to replace a German SS unit that was in difficulty. Since the Allies have more tanks than drivers, the order is shoot to kill. Cateni in a few days claims the destruction of several Allied tanks. But it wasn't a pretty sight.
In April 1945 "Ardito" Domenico Lombini and his Fireteam of the "1 Battaglione d'Assalto Forlì", deployed North of the High Senio River, has to fight hard to defend his position in order to cover the retreat of Axis units pressed by the advancing Allies. (Many thanks to Frederick P. Bills for contributing with his photographic archive)
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Here's a review for the Gothic Line by KTS eLiquids! You can find all infos at: http://www.ktseliquid.com Their ejuice line-up: Life - Bannana & Vanilla Love - Gummy Candy & Strawberry Soul - Mango & Maracuya Faith - Strawberry & Vanilla Death - Forrest Berries & Blueberry If you enjoyed this video, please feel free to like and subscribe to my channel - that would mean a lot to me:) For any other product review requests, feel free to contact me at rickysvapespot@gmail.com Also follow me on: https://www.twitter.com/rickysvapespot https://www.facebook.com/rickysvapespot https://www.instagram.com/rickysvapespot Take care and vape on!:) Ricky
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You'z a weenie git
Alpha squad is tasked with taking a southern objective with support of Bravo and MMG, while Charlie suppresses the Nothern objective. From there the platoon is to take the north objective and then converge and capture the final objective, the enemy HQ compound. Things don't go exactly as planned, but they went better than expected. We're on the southern flank of the platoon line, and I'm in command of the squad. Special guest appearance by Roll1D20.
10th Mountain Div. Captures Riva Ridge and Mt. Belvedere This episode from The Big Picture recounts the history of the 10th Mountain Division in Italy. The first episode details the division's arrival in Italy, moving to the front and the capture of Riva Ridge and Mt. Belvedere. Good camera footage shot in combat along with interviews with 10th Division Commander, George Hays. Other interviews with German General Hilldebrand, and American and German solider, and local Italian partisans. STORY OF THE 1OTH MOUNTAIN DIVISION IN ITALY, AND HOW IT SUCCEEDED IN BREAKING THE GOTHIC LINE, TOUTED AS INVINCIBLE BY THE NAZI LEADERS. THE FINAL BREAK-THROUGH BY THE 1OTH MOUNTAIN DIVISION IN ITS RELENTLESS PUSH TOWARD FINAL VICTORY IN ITALY IN WORLD WAR II. Department of Defense CLIMB TO GLORY - PART ...
Clicca qui: http://vergatonews24.it/ per le altre notizie e filmati. Vergato, 2 Giugno 2012 - Graziano Pederzani presenta a Francesco Guccini parte della sua collezione di radio militari, ben130 pezzi raccolti sulla "Linea gotica". In questo video ci racconta l' utilizzo e come ne è entrato in possesso.