SAP HR Self-Services

Boost Employee & Manager Adoption of SharePoint or Office365

Enable True Self-Services


Improve Workforce Productivity
Making daily routines easier and faster has a huge impact on overall productivity. One of our clients found that digitizing leave requests for employees and managers saves the company $12M per year. Another client found that Sitrion’s benefits enrollment solution was so easy they received 100% participation for the first time.

Tailored to Your Systems


SharePoint, Office 365, Web, Mobile? No Problem
Introducing people to new business processes can be costly. It requires huge investments in training and HR call center infrastructure, but often results in poor user satisfaction. Why not do it the other way round, and bring the processes to where the people work? Our clients save hundreds of thousands of dollars by reducing HR call center volume, and benefit from significantly higher adoption rates and user satisfaction.

Employee Self-Services Simplified - Leave Requests

Give Workers Services on Their Device of Choice
Nowadays 80% of the workforce is not able to leverage HR self-service portals because of technical limitations, device challenges, or usage challenges. This results in resource and cost intensive, paper-based, or call/email-based processes. Sitrion has helped global clients to achieve up to 90% adoption rates with our intuitive and mobile employee self-services. Surveys show that this approach saves on average $6 per employee per month.

Manager Self-Services Simplified - Approving Leave

Boost Manager Productivity
Manager self-services can drive quick ROI. A Sitrion customer analyzed one of their time-consuming, manual processes and estimated that it cost them $35 per transaction for more than 3,000 transactions per month. By introducing intuitive and mobile manager self-services, the company was able to reduce that cost down to $3 per transaction. Additionally, their managers were much happier because this routine task was automated and completed much quicker.

Benefits Enrollment for All


“The easiest Benefits enrollment I have ever seen.”
Benefits enrollment is a chaotic time for HR teams, and staff needs to make important decisions that impact their families. With unintuitive experiences and ‘nowhere to ask’ questions, internal service ticket requests can skyrocket. Give your employees easy access to complete enrollment resources, as well as the ability to ask questions, seek advice, or share ideas with colleagues.

Employee Onboarding


Get Your Employees Up and Running Quickly
There are ‘first day’ activities every new employee needs to perform – setting up personal details, enrolling in benefits, and many more. It seems such a minor process, but on an enterprise scale, it has a huge impact. One of our clients, who regularly onboards seasonal staff, was able to decrease their cost per transaction from $23USD to $5USD across thousands of transactions per month.

Approval Task Center


Simplify and Accelerate Your Business Processes
For many HR teams, making approvals or giving clearance is the key part of the workflow. Managers often have to grant an approval for invoice authorizations, purchase requisitions, vacation time plans, and time adjustment postings. However these decisions are often made in a vacuum and stored in cumbersome systems like SAP that are unwieldy and disconnected from the tools that we use to get our jobs done. Not any more.

Socially-Enabled HR Self-Services

Incorporate Your Social Networking Infrastructure
Enterprises increase spending for corporate HR call centers to support users on technical questions as well as on HR-related questions. Sitrion offers socially-enabled HR self-services so employees can ask questions and find answers from similar questions quickly. This amplifies the power of self-services and frees HR from the burden of answering the same questions again and again. With this our clients have increased their HR to staff ratio from 1:200 to 1:400.

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