Recent polls have demonstrated that Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders holds a much higher potential to defeat Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, in an election than Hillary Clinton, altough the latter is the Democratic party's front-runner ...Clinton has so far won 1,716 delegates and Sanders has gained 1,433. Counting super-delegates, Clinton has 2,240 and Sanders has 1,473 ... READ MORE ... Source. Al Jazeera ... ....
Dark week for football with another terror attack in Iraq. This time, according to El Pais, it is a coffee shop which was targeted in a town north of Baghdad early on Friday, the attack killed at least 16 people wounding 20 others ... In the next few hours, Islamic State claims claims responsibility for the attack online ... Real Madrid also shows its solidarity with the people of Iraq, who suffer injustice and extreme violence ... d'ALMEIDA....
Nicolas Maduro says ‘Washington is activating measures at the request of Venezuela’s fascist right’. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro declared a 60-day state of emergency on Friday due to what he called plots from within the OPEC country and from the US to topple his leftist government. Maduro did not provide details of the measure ...Related. Crowds steal flour, chicken and underwear in looting spree in Venezuela ... Related ... ....
British fighter jets were scrambled to intercept three Russian planes that committed an “act of aggression,” the U.K.'s defence secretary said. RAF Typhoons left their base in Estonia to obstruct the planes which were approaching Baltic countries...Try Newsweek. Subscription offers....
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Researchers who dove hundreds of times into a sinkhole beneath the brown murky waters of Florida'sAucilla River have retrieved some of the oldest evidence of human presence in the Americas including stone tools apparently used to butcher a mastodon. ....
(Source. IdahoDepartment of Fish and Game). IDAHOFISH AND GAME. PanhandleNEWS RELEASE. Coeur d'Alene, ID. Date.. May 13, 2016. Contact.. phil cooper. (208) 769-1414 ... in Coeur d'Alene beginning at 6.30am ... The Commission is in Coeur d'Alene for their quarterly meeting Monday and Tuesday, May 16 and 17 at the IDFG Panhandle regional office in Coeur d'Alene. A public hearing will begin at 7 p.m ... (noodl. 33554429) ....
-->. The flamboyant city and its people enchant the visitor with their courtesy and style. The very mention of Paris evokes images of the Eiffel tower, the Arc de Triomphe with its bustling Champs Elysees and the Mona Lisa in the Louvre... For a start, the myth that the French snub those who cannot speak their language is just that — a myth ... The Sacre Coeur is on a hilltop which has a spectacular view of Paris ... Malati Mathur. ....
In trading on Friday, the JuniorGold Miners ETF (GDXJ) is outperforming other ETFs, up about 1.6% on the day. Components of that ETF showing particular strength include shares of Coeur Mining (CDE), up about 7.7% and shares of Gold Resource (GORO), up about 7.5% on the day ... ....
Since May 2015, when ExecutiveBoard memberBenoitCoeure inadvertently gave market-moving information to diners at London’s luxury Berkeley hotel, the ECB has reined in meetings with financiers and adopted new guidelines intended to increase accountability ...Coeure himself, who doesn’t stand accused of any wrongdoing, said in August that he “will no longer speak at events organized by banks.”....
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 12, 2016 Scam Jam coming to Coeur d'Alene May 19th ... The IdahoDepartment of Finance is co-sponsoring Idaho's 2016 Coeur d'Alene Scam Jam Conference on Thursday, May 19th at The Coeur d'Alene Inn, 506 W. Appleway Avenue, Coeur D'Alene, Idaho ... with opening ceremonies conducted by Master of Ceremonies Dan English, Coeur d'Alene City Council....
(Source. Hunt Mining Corp). Liberty Lake, Washington, May 12, 2016 - Hunt Mining Corp. (the 'Corporation' or 'Hunt') (TSX VENTURE ... The Martha Mine has year round access, contains a flotation mill, equipment and buildings and commenced silver production in 2008 ... ... Chairman and CEOTim Hunt states ... The parties involved include an Argentine subsidiary of the Corporation and an Argentine subsidiary of Coeur Mining, Inc ... T ... E ... T....
tax expense adjustment at Costerfield of $1.4 million; write-off of $3.4 million of residual mining interest at Fabiola and Yasna veins at Cerro Bayo and the associated tax savings of $0.8 million; and tax savings of $1.4 million upon cancellation of the royalty rights at Cerro Bayo purchased from Coeur Mining during the quarter....