German citizenship is based primarily on the principle of jus sanguinis. In other words one usually acquires German citizenship if a parent is a German citizen, irrespective of place of birth.
A significant reform to the nationality law was passed by the Bundestag (the German parliament) in 1999, and came into force on 1 January 2000. The new law makes it somewhat easier for foreigners resident in Germany on a long-term basis, and especially their German-born children, to acquire German citizenship.
The previous German nationality law dated from 1913. The amendments to the law under the Nazi regime were repealed by the Federal Republic of Germany (see the article on the Reich Citizenship Law).
Prussian law was the basis of the legal system of the German Empire. Prussia's nationality law can be traced back to the "Law Respecting the Acquisition and Loss of the Quality as a Prussian subject, and his Admission to Foreign Citizenship" of 31 December 1842, which introduced Jus sanguinis to the country. Until 1913, however, each German state had its own nationality laws, those of the southern ones (notably Bavaria) being quite liberal. In 1913, the Nationality Law of the German Empire and States (RuStAG) of 22 July 1913 standardized the law in all of the German Empire. It had been operational until the 1999 reforms.
German Citizenship - How much is it worth? | People & Politics
The German Citizen Test (with Lukas and Stephan!)
Dirk Nowitzki Gives Conan The Texas Citizenship Test
Controversial German citizenship test goes into effect
German citizenship issues (English and German but mostly German :)
Expatriated! - The Dual Citizenship Debate | People & Politics
German Citizenship Requirements
How-To Obtain German Citizenship
Austria: The long road to citizenship | European Journal
A Syrian Soldier with a German citizenship defects after being ordered to open fire on protesters
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Palestinians with dual German citizenship reported killed in airstrike
German Citizenship - How much is it worth? | People & Politics
The German Citizen Test (with Lukas and Stephan!)
Dirk Nowitzki Gives Conan The Texas Citizenship Test
Controversial German citizenship test goes into effect
German citizenship issues (English and German but mostly German :)
Expatriated! - The Dual Citizenship Debate | People & Politics
German Citizenship Requirements
How-To Obtain German Citizenship
Austria: The long road to citizenship | European Journal
A Syrian Soldier with a German citizenship defects after being ordered to open fire on protesters
Hitler Learns Abetz Wants To Renounce German Citizenship
Assistant recruit a German citizen - Assistent rekrutieren einen deutschen Staatsbürger.flv
Palestinians with dual German citizenship reported killed in airstrike
Obtaining German Citizenship
Obtaining German Citizenship
Want to retain your German passport and get another citizenship? Learn how - with this tutorial
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How-To Get Dual Citizenship In Germany And The United States
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Dual citizenship in Germany | Journal
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German town revokes Hitlers honorary citizenship
Germany: Found in Translation (Learning World S4E2, 1/3)
google hangout invite +3 years in Germany my reflections+citizenship question
German nationality law
Talk with Journalist Ali Aslan | Talking Germany
Brian Thomas, Journalist and Presenter at DW TV | Talking Germany
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Demographics of Germany
Canada: German immigrants in 1953 Einwanderer
ISRAEL The German Colony
Kathleen Canning, plenary speaker, "Bodies and Citizenship" Conference, April 1, 2011
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Your Dual Citizenship
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Lennox Lewis: Beyond the Glory (Boxing Documentary)