- published: 16 Jul 2017
- views: 388
To help compare different orders of magnitude, this page lists lengths between 10−5m and 10−4 m (10 µm and 100 µm).
http://shop.schmerzen-wastun.de Ich schätze, Natur Zeolith 10µm wird auch Dir helfen können - gegen kleine Unpässlichkeiten - weniger und mehr schwere Erkrankungen zu besiegen - Dich vor drohenden Erkrankungen zu schützen Hier bekommst Du Deine Unterstützung für "Leben ohne Krankheit". Greife zu, der Aufwand ist sehr gering bezüglich der Verbesserung Deiner Lebensqualität. http://shop.schmerzen-wastun.de
Laser - Hochratebohren von 10 µm dicker Metallfolie mit 2D Polygonscanner High speed Laser drilling of 10 µm metal foil using a 2D Polygon scanning system (Scangeschwindigkeit: 250 m/s; 125.000 Löcher) Laserinstitut Hochschule Mittweida Technikumplatz 17 09648 Mittweida Deutschland http://www.laser.hs-mittweida.de
The extremely compact system LaserControl Nano NT is especially designed for the requirements of small machining centers in micro machining. Der äußerst kompakte LaserControl Nano NT wurde speziell für die Anforderungen von kleinen High-End-Maschinen in der Mikrobearbeitung konzipiert. http://www.blum-novotest.com
ゼータ電位測定装置 ZEECOM にて、沈降するカオリン(はくとう土, 5-10μm)の電気泳動の観察
industria x daiichikongo project 回収率98%を誇るエレメントの無いフィルター『FILSTAR』 現在ご使用の産業用のフィルターのコストや環境対策として ・ 回収率90%以上の高精度メインフィルター、高級ストレーナーとして ・ 10μm以下のファイナルフィルター前のプレフィルターとして ・ 自動車、工作機、加工業の切削粉の回収に ・ 各工場、水処理等の循環水、排水のろ過に ・ 洗浄水、溶剤等の異物の除去に 是非第一金剛へお問い合わせください!!
초미세먼지가 뇌에 침투하면? / SBS 미세먼지(PM10)라고 하면 크기가 10μm 이하인 입자를 말합니다. 잘 가늠이 안 되실 텐데 머리카락 굵기의 1/7 정도라고 보면 됩니다. 초미세먼지(PM2.5)는 크기가 2.5μm 이하로 미세먼지보다 훨씬 작습니다. 석탄이나 석유 같은 화석연료가 탈 때 나오는데, 문제는 초미세먼지가 뇌에 직접 침투해 치매를 부를 수도 있다는 겁니다. 연중기획 '공기는 생명이다', 정구희 기자가 보도합니다. ▶ SBS NEWS 유튜브 채널 구독하기 : https://goo.gl/l8eCja ▶대한민국 뉴스리더 SBS◀ 홈페이지: http://news.sbs.co.kr 페이스북: http://www.facebook.com/sbs8news 트위터: http://www.twitter.com/sbs8news
The innovative high performance filter medium sera crystal clear Professional effectively eliminates cloudiness from 10µm (e.g. floating algae, duff and sludge) in shortest time, due to its new, patented 3D-fiber structure. It can be used in freshwater and marine aquariums as well as in garden ponds and it ensures long-term crystal clear water. The outstanding force in comparison to traditional filter wool: The filter balls are inherently stable and 80 % of them can be reused after washing them out. In this video, our experienced staff member and successful author, Dieter Untergasser, will check out the efficacy of sera crystal clear under extreme conditions. For more information, please visit: www.sera.de
http://www.showa-seiko.co.jp/ 【昭和精工の特長】 •ファインブランキング金型からリチウムイオン電池箔抜き金型まで厚板(13mm)から薄板(10μm)の精密セン断金型に対応 •自動変速機のクラッチ用金型の製作経験が豊富 •アルミ缶成形用金型の製作実績多数 •創業58年のプレス金型製作技術をエムアイモルデと共有
prise et dépose d'une bille de 10µm avec micro-pince
Goudsmits manual Cleanflow magnet (type SECF) is build-up by two layers of strong neodymium magnetic bars. The magnetic bars with 8.000 gauss on top of the extractor tube will catch fine particles (min 10µm). These ferrous particles can be easily removed from the bars by removing the extractor bar. www.goudsmitmagnets.com/industrial-magnetic-systems/magnetic-filtering/cleanflow-magnets/cleanflows-manual-cleaning-static
Feinstaub ist eine Herausforderung für Großstädte. Paul Wege erklärte, wie jeder die reale Feinstaubbelastung in seiner Umgebung messen kann und diese Daten Wissenschaft und Politik weiterhelfen. Mehr zu MachWerk: facebook.com/MachWerkFRA Weitere Infos zum N Klub: www.nklub.de
Introduction: Machines have made modern life very convenient and challenging. Many of these new inventions are engineering marvels and are objects of curiosity and wonderment. In this video we present you 10 amazing machines which perform some wonderful job : Number 10 : SAM100 A New York-based company has invented a semi-automated robot that is able to lay bricks up to four times faster than a human can and it will be commercially ready in September. The Semi-Automated Mason (SAM) system costs $500,000 (£330,000) and has taken New York-based Construction Robotics eight years to develop and test out on construction sites. Number 9: TRAC-140 An effective machine for mowing the grass along a highway without disturbing any traffic flow. Number 8: SVM 1000 Plasser & Theurer SVM 1000 t...
The video shows the fabrication of a 10x10x0.5mm piezoceramic plate. An Nd-YAG nanosecond laser is used to structure cavities down to 10µm. The structures are used as actuators for the drive of a nanorobot.
A steel microcylinder with a diameter of 500μm is inserted in a hole with a clearance of less than 10μm. This test was carried out by Marcello Porta in 2007 within the Italian Research National Project "Development of innovative technologies for the assembly of hybrid microproducts"
VT-S720 -- automatische, optische Hochgeschwindigkeitsinspektion (In-Line AOI) von OMRON - In-Line Betrieb - für optimierten Durchsatz - 3CCD Top-Kamera mit intelligenter High-Color-Technologie - 3D Vermessung der Lötstelle - Programmgenerierung mit wenigen Schritten - hohe Servicefreundlichkeit - Telezentrische 3 CDD Farbkamera ermöglicht eine echte Farbauswertung - 4x 10µm farbliche Seitenkameras - Konstante Kamera- und Beleuchtungseinheit für stabile, störungsfreie Inspektion - Intelligente Fehlerauswertung -- kein Bildvergleich - Komplett neu entwickelte Programmierumgebung für sehr schnelle Programmgenerierung - Hundertprozentige Fertigstellung von Programmen auf einer Off-Line Station (inkl. Debug) - Neben typischen AOI-Anwendung liegt der Schwerpunkt im THT- und Lotber...
Rat eye perfused with BriteVu and CT scanned at 10µm.
Salpingoeca urceolata es un pequeño flagelado, apenas 10µm, que vive adherido a plantas y otros organismos.