- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 9561
Kagoshima Prefecture (鹿児島県, Kagoshima-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyushu. The capital is the city of Kagoshima.
Kagoshima Prefecture is located at the southwest tip of Kyushu and includes a chain of islands stretching further to the southwest for a few hundred kilometers. The most important group is the Amami Islands. Surrounded by the East China Sea to the west, Okinawa Prefecture in the south, Kumamoto Prefecture to the north, and Miyazaki Prefecture to the east, it has 2,632 km of coastline (including the 28 islands). It has a bay called Kagoshima Bay (Kinkowan), which is sandwiched by two peninsulas, Satsuma and Ōsumi. Its position made it a 'gateway' to Japan at various times in history. While Kyushu has about 13 million people, there are less than 2 million in this prefecture.
The prefecture boasts a chain of active and dormant volcanoes, including the great Sakurajima, which towers out of the Kagoshima bay opposite Kagoshima city. A steady trickle of smoke and ash emerges from the caldera, punctuated by louder mini-eruptions on an almost daily basis. On active days in Kagoshima city an umbrella is advisable to ward off the ash. Sakurajima is one of Japan's most active volcanoes. Major eruptions occurred in 1914, when the island mountain spilled enough material to become permanently connected to the mainland, and a lesser eruption in 1960. Volcanic materials in the soil make Sakurajima a source for record daikon radishes, roughly the size of a basketball. Many beaches around the Kagoshima Bay are littered with well-worn pumice stones. A crater lake in the southwestern tip of the prefecture, near the spa town of Ibusuki, is home to a rare species of giant eel.
ご視聴ありがとうございます。 ラーメンyoutuber SUSURUによるSUSURU TV.第415回放送。 ラーメンを毎日すする「毎日ラーメン健康生活」を実施中! ■今日の動画詳細■ 今回は麺屋ばってん 親父 さん 全国編残り2日、鹿児島県! パンチ力抜群の豚骨で九州を締めます! 【本日のお店情報】 麺屋ばってん 親父 鹿児島県鹿児島市上荒田31-18 アトムハウス 1F 食べログURL https://tabelog.com/kagoshima/A4601/A460101/46011549/ ■全国編の為に100万円借金しました!クラウドファンディングを募っています!■ 限定商品ご用意しているので、ぜひ応援よろしくお願いします! http://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/14237 ★★週刊ジョージアさんにて4週連続でSUSURUのレポを掲載していただいてます!★★ https://weekly-g.jp/c04gourmet/s02ramen/ra145/ ★★新潟WEEK!1月号(12/18)にてSUSURUの記事(結構ガッツリ)を掲載していただいてます!★★ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01NBA2AIQ/&tag;=nlsp-22 ★★Youtubernewsさんにて SUSURUインタビュー記事を掲載していただいてます!★★ 第1弾 http://youtubernews.com/article/2937 第2弾 http://youtubernews.com/article/2959 第3弾 http://youtubernews.com/article/2970 第4弾 http://youtubernews.com/article/3085 ■サブチャンネル(全国編中は観光の様子や...
About shooting location : http://kagoshima-trip.jp/drone/ Yakushima Island 屋久島 / Yoron Island 与論島 / Tanegashima Island 種子島 / Koshiki Island 甑島 / Amami Island 奄美大島 / Kakeroma Island 加計呂麻島 Kagoshima, Japan.
坂本勇人/山口鉄也/松本哲也/片岡治大/藤村大介 村田修一/村田真一/井端弘和/阿部慎之助/久保裕也 大西崇之/川相昌弘
ぐりぶーファミリーと薩摩剣士隼人たちが『照國神社の熊手』にあわせてダンスを踊ったよ! みんなも一緒におどろう! Kagoshima Japan
2016/9/15収録音声より ■オススメ動画 桜井誠ブチギレ!女性集団暴行した脱原発パヨクを絶対許さない! https://youtu.be/8l4lfPVsGo4?list=PLOeWR5ru5XQxOHQhrGGhrfEDzN1ME4FK1 桜井誠凸激怒!妨害予告の韓国テ●集団を入国させた米子入管に抗議! https://youtu.be/riBXJ5ebTwA?list=PLOeWR5ru5XQxOHQhrGGhrfEDzN1ME4FK1 【桜井誠】ヘイトニダ!犯罪擁護する毎日変〇新聞 https://youtu.be/AJcWHz7ES7M?list=PLo-Lv0OBjfTUaK81vFzwxOi6DkXJcGqax 【桜井誠】朝鮮学校問題、やっと時代が追い付いた!小池百合子よくやった! https://youtu.be/NcwIS7_CGx0?list=PLo-Lv0OBjfTUaK81vFzwxOi6DkXJcGqax 青山繁晴 若者には、自分がどう考え、祖国である日本が何を礎として存在しているかを説明できるような日本人であって欲しい。 https://youtu.be/LGhTYV3vStc 青山繁晴 一票の格差問題を生む「東京一極集中」の弊害について https://youtu.be/6CIwVEbNxFk
【閲覧注意】鹿児島県・恐怖のガチ心霊スポット!【トンネル,峠,岬,慰霊塔,橋,公園】 鹿児島県の怖すぎる幽霊・心霊スポットエリア【ラインナップ一覧】 開聞トンネル(御倉本トンネル1号・2号) 入来峠 (鹿児島県鹿児島市花尾町) 犬田布岬(戦艦大和慰霊塔) 涙橋(鹿児島県鹿児島市南郡元町) 武岡トンネル(鹿児島県鹿児島市武) 城山公園(鹿児島県鹿児島市城山町) ザビエル公園(鹿児島県鹿児島市東千石町) 音楽 フリー・無料の音楽素材「甘茶の音楽工房」 http://amachamusic.chagasi.com/
午前8時17分ごろに鹿児島県十島村で震度4の地震がありました。 震源地はトカラ列島近海で、地震の規模(マグニチュード)は3.5と推定されます。 この地震による津波の心配はありません。 ・・・記事の続き、その他のニュースはコチラから! [テレ朝news] http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/ann/
PCR48チャンネルが新アカウントになってから初の完全新作になります。 「本物。鹿児島県」のCMがTVでの放送が終了し、好きなCMだっただけに寂しく思います。 使用しているこちらの曲は、昔アロエヨーグルトのCMタイアップ曲でしたので聞き覚えのある方も多いのではないでしょうか? ちなみにこの曲が収録されいるアルバム「coronet」は、私の人生で一番聴いているアルバムです。 残念ながら現在は廃盤となってしまいましたが、もし機会があれば是非聴いてみてください。 使用曲:待ちわびた休日/上田まり
Here, we provide information of Kagoshima nature, history, culture, local specialties, cooking, and sightseeing events. (The following versions available: English, Chinese, Taiwanese Hokkien, and Korea) Provided by Kagoshima Prefectural Visitors Bureau http://www.kagoshima-kankou.com/
The park is located at the north of Kagoshima CIty. There are monuments to the arrival of St. Xavier in 1549 and the birth of famous Japanese song "I am a Child of Sea". You can enjoy great view of Mt. Sakurajima from the park. It is convenient to come to the park by Kagoshima City View Bus. Subscribe to my channels! 1) Kagoshima Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs5AgH1OSypb1p1mCuqt8gg 2) Volcano Mt.Sakurajima Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClCqk92Xly78hGYBzKgM5-A 3) Amusement Arcade (Gachapon& UFO catcher) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK5QMHcVS7zSGp65W-Kcg5Q 4) AruTube (Cute Animals) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxNxCdCE5gdXulajzfdKJw 5) Kagoshima Foods https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgymRFknAD3puEHLTh-I33Q 6) Kagoshima Transportation https://www.youtube.com/...
I got off tram at Tenmonkan-dori and went through Tenmonkan Street Arcade before I arrived at Terukuni Shrine. Subscribe to my channels! 1) Kagoshima Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs5AgH1OSypb1p1mCuqt8gg 2) Volcano Mt.Sakurajima Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClCqk92Xly78hGYBzKgM5-A 3) Amusement Arcade (Gachapon& UFO catcher) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK5QMHcVS7zSGp65W-Kcg5Q 4) AruTube (Cute Animals) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxNxCdCE5gdXulajzfdKJw 5) Kagoshima Foods https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgymRFknAD3puEHLTh-I33Q 6) Kagoshima Transportation https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCujSuqD7R1J04EfSu5lMnqQ Check out my SNS! Official Blog : http://www.kagoshimalove.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/loverkagoshima Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shang...
This is the first movie of our Kagoshima Trip. Kagoshima is famous with many things among which the KuroButa (黒豚) the black meat big, the Sakurajima island volcano (桜島火山), the delicious ramen (鹿児島ラーメン) and many many others. This movie contains only our arrival at Kagoshima and travel to hotel but in the next several episodes we'll visit the volcano island Sakurajima, walk through the center of the city (which just survived a major volcano eruption) and taste some of the Kagoshima delicacies. Please enjoy! :) Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/chottom1 Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chottomattenet/830359256975133?ref=hl&ref;_type=bookmark
Check out the Odigo Japan Website for all Japan related information! https://goo.gl/AQ1TzF More Information About These Places: Yakushima Island: https://www.odigo.travel/spots/561b685369702d119ca50300 Sakurajima Island: https://www.odigo.travel/spots/55d1996969702d51801e0100 We’re sending a bunch of YouTubers out to explore Japan, covering the entire country - all 47 Prefectures! Come follow us on this journey as we upload daily vlogs and special reports about our adventures, as well as interesting features and fun facts about Japan. Check out Rachel and Jun here: https://www.youtube.com/user/MyHusbandisJapanese Check out our daily vlogs throughout Kagoshima!! Day 97: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFP84YhDcG4 Day 98: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29h83G3UW50 ————————————————————...
These are some videos and pictures of the Ohara festival in Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. It provides you a guide on the culture of Kagoshima. And it tours Tenmonkan, which is located a short walk away from Kagoshima Chuo Station. HD quality available, hope you enjoy! More on my student life in Kagoshima, Japan on http://www.aquamina.net
VOLCANIC SAND BATH? YES!! Welcome to Ibusuki, Kagoshima! In this episode, John travels to Kagoshima prefecture on the bottom of Kyushu to visit this unique style of onsen. It's call “suna mushi onsen” (砂むし温泉) in Japan. This style of Volcanic Sand Bath is only in Ibusuki, Kagoshima. There are several health benefits associated to suna mushi onsen. ★ Good for the skin ★ Improves blood circulation ★ Increases your metabolism ★ Relaxation The sand is on average 50 to 55 degrees Celsius (~122 F) and that heat can be adjusted for children (cooler) -- or hotter for those who can take the heat. The recommended time limit in the sand bath is 10 minutes although I like to stay under for 15 minutes. You can stay as long as you like but to be honest, you can't stay over 15-20 minutes because yo...
Cape Sata is the southernmost of Japan's mainland and located at Osumi Peninsula (Latitude N31 degrees). The trip is exciting and the scenery of the cape is wonderful! See my blog article of Cape Sata http://kagoshimalove.com/cape-sata Subscribe to my channels! 1) Kagoshima Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs5AgH1OSypb1p1mCuqt8gg 2) Volcano Mt.Sakurajima Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClCqk92Xly78hGYBzKgM5-A 3) Amusement Arcade (Gachapon& UFO catcher) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK5QMHcVS7zSGp65W-Kcg5Q 4) AruTube (Cute Animals) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxNxCdCE5gdXulajzfdKJw 5) Kagoshima Foods https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgymRFknAD3puEHLTh-I33Q 6) Kagoshima Transportation https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCujSuqD7R1J04EfSu5lMnqQ Check out my SNS! Off...