- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 179
Ferdy Mayne (11 March 1916 – 30 January 1998) was a German actor long resident in England.
He was born Ferdinand Philip Mayer-Horckel in Mainz, Germany. His German father was the Judge of Mayence, while his half-English mother was a singing instructor.
Because his family was Jewish, Mayne was sent to Britain in 1932 to protect him from the Nazis. He stayed with his aunt, the photographer and sculptress Lee Hutchinson. His parents were detained in Buchenwald but, thanks to his mother's connections, were able to leave Germany for Britain.
At the start of the Second World War, Mayne operated as an informant for MI5. Significant clues to his secret service work were provided by Joan Miller in her posthumously published memoir One Girl's War (1986). Mayne had served as a witness at her marriage in 1945.
Mayne appeared in 230 films and television programmes. In 1967, he achieved international recognition in his role as Count von Krolock in Roman Polanski's The Fearless Vampire Killers.
The Ferdy Mayne @ Cobra Club Brooklyn, NY 10.15.15
The Ferdy Mayne @ Elbow Room
The Ferdy Mayne @ Elbow Room 2
The Ferdy Mayne - Real Shackle - The Loft Sessions
Frightmare Trailer (1983) Ferdy Mayne
Scene from "Abandon Ship!" / "Seven Waves Away" (1957)
The Ferdy Mayne - Cool Cool Shepherds
The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967) Trailer
The Ferdy Mayne - Dresses
the ferdy mayne
The Ferdy Mayne performing "Paw" at Cobra Club in Bushwick, Brooklyn on 10.15.15
Live at Brick by Brick Studios - http://www.facebook.com/brickbybrickstudios The Ferdy Mayne - https://www.facebook.com/theferdymayne Video - Tariq Kidwai - http://www.tariqkidwai.com/ Artwork - Bethany Robertson - http://www.bethanyrobertson.com
Director: Norman Thaddeus Vane Stars: Ferdy Mayne, Luca Bercovici and Nita Talbot Drama students decide to pay tribute to their favorite horror star by stealing his body from his crypt for a farewell party. They fail to realize their violation of the tomb has triggered powerful black magic, and Conrad hasn't taken his final bows yet Available in the UK and US on DVD: UK R2 DVD: n/a US R1 DVD: http://amzn.to/qBNeDu Visit and subscribe to zombie101trailers channel for everything zombie related.
Film written and directed by Richard Sale. In this scene: Tyrone Power (Alec Holmes), Lloyd Nolan (Frank Kelly), Mai Zetterling (Nurse Julie White), Stephen Boyd (Will McKinley), Ralph Michael (Mr Kilgore), Ferdy Mayne (Solly), Moira Lister (Mrs Middleton), Victor Maddern, Clare Austin, et al.
The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967) Trailer AKA: Dance of the Vampires / Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are in My Neck Director: Roman Polanski http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061655/ Jack MacGowran, Roman Polanski, Sharon Tate, Ferdy Mayne
ancient scripture shaneshitting out a coke can sized shit surrounded by broken cement tubes.. s pooped out from dirty holes.
BUY NOW: https://www.tromashop.com/troma-entertainment/dvd/frightmare-dvd Directed by Norman Thaddeus Vane (1983) Starring Ferdy Mayne, Luca Bercovici, Nita Talbot The gory ghosts of Hollywood's Golden Era return from the grave craving bloody revenge, in Norman Thaddeus Vane's Frightmare! Following the death of legendary horror actor Conrad Radzoff (Ferdy Mayne, The Howling II, Conan the Destroyer) , a group of overzealous drama students steal his corpse from his crypt and take it to the decrepit haunted house where his finest fright films were made. As the night goes on, the students lean the true meaning of terror, as Conrad's vengeful spirit takes them out one by one. Featuring incredible special effects by Chuck E. Stewart (Critters, The X Files, Bruce Almighty) and early perform...
(színes, magyarul is beszélő, román-német filmdráma, 86 perc, 1979) rendező: Sergiu Nicolaescu író: Jack London forgatókönyvíró: Rüdiger Bahr, Dimitru Carabal operatőr: Nicolae Girardi zene: Bert Grund szereplő(k): Karl Michael Vogler (Dag) Sergiu Nicolaescu Ernest Maftei (Greeanleaf) Vincent Osborne (Kwaque, a néger) Ferdy Mayne Hans W. Hamacher Dag, egy luxushajón dolgozik hajópincérként. Egy napon egy rendkívüli képességekkel rendelkező kutyát talál a tengerparton. Úgy gondolja, ha eladja jó pénzt kaphat érte. Ezért is viszi magával a hajóra, ahol azonban hamarosan nagyon megszereti a kutyát. Vannak azonban olyanok, akiknek semmi sem drága a kutya megszerzésért...
In 1815, following his final defeat at Waterloo, French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte (Kenneth Haigh) arrives at St. Helena, the barren, wind-swept South Atlantic island to which the British and their allies have exiled him. Guarding Napoleon are troops led by English general Sir Hudson Lowe (Ralph Richardson), the island's governor. Although Lowe allows Napoleon and his small entourage his valet, Haitian bodyguard General Gourgaud (Moses Gunn), and chief aide Count Bertrand (Ferdy Mayne) and Bertrand's wife (Billie Whitelaw) to move freely around the island, Napoleon bristles at the idea of being Lowe's prisoner. Stars: John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson, Billie Whitelaw, Ferdy Mayne Credit Source: https://archive.org/details/EagleInACage License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Civil War veteran-turned-rancher John Benedict (William Holden) returns home from a hunting trip to discover that a ruthless renegade and his murderous gang . The Revengers (1972) - Western Movies Full Length western movies full length in english, western movies cowboys and indians, western movies full length . The Revengers (1972) - Western Movies Full Length western movies full length in english, western movies cowboys and indians, western movies full length . Eagle in A Cage 1972 War Movies English Full Length Old Classic Ralph Richardson Movies in English 70's (Ferdy Mayne) In 1815, following his final defeat at .
A barely watchable relic from 1949 worth viewing only for the always charming Hy Hazell, who, against all odds, gives an amusing and varied performance in a short movie with the tritest of story lines that is hardly believable and could have been put together by a five-year old, and was clearly made as a very rushed "B" movie filler. Even the presence of Joan Hickson, Lockwood West and a minimally seen Ferdy Mayne cannot raise this movie out of the mire. ‘Mire' is also a good term for the dreadful video-tape conversion... It was sad that so talented an actress as Ms Hazell was never allowed decent screen roles in ‘proper' movies - though she certainly made her mark on the West End stage. The Radio Times reviewer gives the film two stars - I can't imagine why!
Sinopse: Estudantes decidem fazer um tributo a sua estrela favorita de cinema, roubando seu corpo da sepultura, mas ao violarem seu túmulo, liberam uma força poderosa, envolvida com magia negra. Título Nacional: Estrela do Horror Gênero: Horror País: Estados Unidos Lançamento: Setembro de 1983 Diretor: Norman Thaddeus Vane Roteiro: Norman Thaddeus Vane Elenco: Ferdy Mayne, Luca Bercovici, Nita Talbot, Leon Askin, Jennifer Starrett, Barbara Pilavin e Alan Stock. Copyright © 1983 Screenwriters LAST.FM: https://www.last.fm/user/taasii TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/taasiis AVISO: ESTE CANAL APENAS COMPARTILHA FILMES, NENHUM DOS VÍDEOS SÃO MONETIZADOS PARA O CANAL, POR FAVOR, PRODUTORAS, ARTISTAS (TRILHA SONORA)... HABILITEM A MONETIZAÇÃO PARA VOCÊS, SEM APAGAR O CONTEÚDO, NÃO COMPARTILH...
Le Grandes Vacances - Οι Μεγάλες Διακοπές (1967) Ο Τσάρλς Μποσκέ είναι ο δικτατορικός διευθυντής ενός γαλλικού αυστηρού οικοτροφείου. Όταν ο γιος του, Φιλίπ, αποτυγχάνει στο μάθημα των αγγλικών, αποφασίζει να τον εγγράψει σε ένα σχολείο στην Αγγλία για την περίοδο των καλοκαιρινών διακοπών. Ο Φιλίπ, όμως, που έχει κανονίσει με τους φίλους του να πάει για ιστιοπλοΐα, στέλνει στη θέση του τον σπασίκλα Στεφάν. Παραγωγή: 1967 Διάρκεια: 84 λεπτά Κατάλληλο για όλους Χώρες: France ,Italy , Γλώσσες:English ,French , Κατηγορία: Comedy , Σκηνοθεσία: Jean Girault Παίζουν: Louis de Funes, Ferdy Mayne, Olivier De Funes, Claude Gensac
(Estados Unidos, 1992) - Peter Sanderson é um campeão de xadrez que se torna o maior suspeito dos crimes terríveis que vêm acontecendo na cidade. Odiado por seus adversários, ele se envolve com uma mulher que é brutalmente assassinada. Uma psicóloga é contratada para diagnosticar o suspeito e acaba apaixonada por ele. Cruéis mortes acontecem. Em cada vítima, uma mensagem do assassino. Pelas pistas deixadas, Peter descobre que o assassino é seu rival no xadrez e que a última cartada está chegando ao final. Num clima de suspense onde não se pode perder um minuto, Peter quer saber qual será a próxima jogada de seu inimigo, pois um lance errado pode levá-lo à morte. Direção: Carl Schenkel Elenco: Christopher Lambert: Peter Sanderson Diane Lane: Kathy Sheppard Tom Skerritt: Capitão Frank Sedm...
"Am 21.12.1975 saß ich als 12jähriger im Wohnzimmer meiner Mutter, die eine Etage höher mit unserer Nachbarin Lisa deren Geburtstag und etlichen Leuten feierte. Die Decke dröhnte nur so von Partymusik. Aber ich hatte nur Interesse an der ZDF-Erstausstrahlung 'Lockruf des Goldes, 1. Teil: Das Klondike-Fieber'. Ich habe damals den Ton des ersten Teils auf MC mit meinem ITT Schaub Lorenz-Recorder 720 stereo aufgenommen. Damals war diese Erstausstrahlung das absolute Highlight eines Vorweihnachtsgefühls am 21.12.1975, und es war modern – so sehr ich jetzt wohl unter den Jüngeren Fragezeichengesichter auslöse: Die Musik, die Besetzung, die Schauspielart und –weise, der so toll gesprochene Off-Text von Claus Biederstaedt, die Spannung, die Szenerie etc. - einfach alles! Für mich als seit dem ‚Se...
(Estados Unidos, 1992) - Peter Sanderson é um campeão de xadrez que se torna o maior suspeito dos crimes terríveis que vêm acontecendo na cidade. Odiado por seus adversários, ele se envolve com uma mulher que é brutalmente assassinada. Uma psicóloga é contratada para diagnosticar o suspeito e acaba apaixonada por ele. Cruéis mortes acontecem. Em cada vítima, uma mensagem do assassino. Pelas pistas deixadas, Peter descobre que o assassino é seu rival no xadrez e que a última cartada está chegando ao final. Num clima de suspense onde não se pode perder um minuto, Peter quer saber qual será a próxima jogada de seu inimigo, pois um lance errado pode levá-lo à morte. Direção: Carl Schenkel Elenco: Christopher Lambert: Peter Sanderson Diane Lane: Kathy Sheppard Tom Skerritt: Capitão Frank Sedm...
preserving the remnants of the firek infused juicepatties
Ficha Técnica Título Original: The Fearless Vampire Killers Gênero: Comédia Tempo de Duração: 98 minutos Ano de Lançamento (Inglaterra): 1967 Estúdio: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / Cadre Films / Filmways Pictures Distribuição: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Direção: Roman Polanski Roteiro: Gérard Brach e Roman Polanski Produção: Gene Gutowski Música: Christopher Komeda Fotografia: Douglas Slocombe Desenho de Produção: Wilfred Shingleton Direção de Arte: Fred Carter Figurino: Sophie Devine Edição: Alastair MacIntyre Elenco Jack MacGowran (Professor Abronsius) Roman Polanski (Alfred) Alfie Bass (Shagal) Jessie Robins (Rebecca Shagal) Sharon Tate (Sarah Shagal) Ferdy Mayne (Conde Von Krolock) Iain Quarrier (Herbert Von Krolock) Terry Downes (Koukol) Fiona Lewis (Empregada)
This video is a tribute to Sharon Tate's role as Sarah Shagal in the movie "The Fearless Vampire Killers" costarring Roman Polanski,Alfie Bass,Jack MacGowran & Ferdy Mayne. The movie was released in 1967 I found this quote about the movie at amazon.com: One of Roman Polanski's more overt comedies, this 1966 monster spectacle stars Jack MacGowran and Polanski as a clunky but heroic pair of vampire killers. Called upon to rescue the beautiful and buxom daughter (Sharon Tate) of an innkeeper from a Draculalike bloodsucker, the duo muddle through all sorts of scrapes, the most intense being a scene in which a room full of dancing vampires realize the human interlopers are the only ones in the room who are reflected in a mirror. Scary and funny, the film has some unforgettable set pieces, a ...
Bande Annonce Officielle "LE BAL DES VAMPIRES" réalisé et avec Roman Polanski. Avant de devenir une comédie musicale, Le Bal des Vampires était un film d'Épouvante, mais aussi une comédie. Il met en scène le professeur Abronsius qui traque les vampires accompagné par son fidèle assistant, le jeune Alfred. Lorsque la jeune Sarah est enlevée par le Comte Von Krolock, les deux amis partent à sa recherche. Mais leur étonnement est à son comble lorsqu'ils sont reçus avec amabilité dans la luxueuse demeure du Comte. Là, les vampires préparent leur bal annuel. Les deux compères ne sont pas au bout de leurs surprises... Un Film de : Roman Polanski Avec : Roman Polanski, Jack MacGowran, Sharon Tate, Ferdy Mayne, Alfie Bass, Ronald Lacey, Otto Diamant, Andreas Malandrinos ABONNEZ-VOUS : http://go...
Original cinematic trailer of the movie "Les Grandes vacances" by Jean Girault (1967). With Ferdy Mayne, Martine Kelly, François Leccia, Olivier De Funès, Claude Gensac, Maurice Risch, Christiane Muller, ... German title: "Balduin der Ferienschreck"
Old man sits in an apricot tree
He sees I and I sees he
Old man sweet as the fruit he's picking
Knows the rhythm of nature's ticking
Gives a smile of tooth and metal
Winks an eye like a falling petal
Face a furrowed field of life tracks
The years of the living knife
He I love, he I know
Seasons come, so fruitman go Through the crowd I enter in
See the head of virgin skin
Frail the old man's hand I take
Peace be with you Sunday shake
Sweet old man he turns to me
Tries to tell me what's to be
He don't say no words at all
Tears from him like fruit do fall
He I love, he I know
See sons that come, so fruitman go