- published: 25 Mar 2011
- views: 7402265
Ani (Armenian: Անի; Greek: Ἄνιον, Ánion;Latin: Abnicum;Georgian: ანისი, Anisi;Turkish: Ani) is a ruined medieval Armenian city situated in the Turkish province of Kars near the border with Armenia.
Between 961 and 1045, it was the capital of the Bagratid Armenian kingdom that covered much of present-day Armenia and eastern Turkey. Called the "City of 1001 Churches", Ani stood on various trade routes and its many religious buildings, palaces, and fortifications were amongst the most technically and artistically advanced structures in the world. At its height, the population of Ani probably was on the order of 100,000.
Long ago renowned for its splendor and magnificence, Ani was sacked by the Mongols in 1236 and devastated in a 1319 earthquake, after which it was reduced to a village and gradually abandoned and largely forgotten by the seventeenth century. Ani is a widely recognized cultural, religious, and national heritage symbol for Armenians. According to Razmik Panossian, Ani is one of the most visible and ‘tangible’ symbols of past Armenian greatness and hence a source of pride.
レキシ / きらきら武士 feat. Deyonna
きらきら武士 feat. Deyonna/レキシ【オルゴール】 (ダイハツ「トール」CMソング)
【弾き語り】きらきら武士 / レキシ feat.Deyonna(椎名林檎)【コード歌詞付き】ダイハツ「Thor(トール)」CM曲
レキシ キラキラ武士
四月は君の嘘 アニメ 挿入曲 ピアノソロ曲【作業 勉強用BGM】
レキシ - SHIKIBU feat. 阿波の踊り子(チャットモンチー) Music Video +「Takeda' 2」 Rec映像
狩りから稲作へ / レキシ (歌詞あり)
http://www.laughin.co.jp/ikechan/ レキシセカンドアルバム『レキツ』収録のPOPナンバー!
■R3 Music Boxオルゴール全曲集 [Part 1] http://goo.gl/jbgmFM [Part 2] http://goo.gl/HWoDru ■アーティスト・カテゴリ別再生リスト http://goo.gl/657Soj ■R3 Music Boxの動画を検索 (曲名やアーティスト名・タイアップ情報を追加してください) http://goo.gl/CYLKiO ■チャンネル登録はコチラ http://goo.gl/13Vg2n ご視聴ありがとうございます。 R3 Music Boxでは最新のヒット曲や名曲をオルゴールアレンジにしています。 癒されるオルゴールサウンドをお楽しみください。 この他にもアニメソング、ドラマや映画の主題歌、CMソング、ゲーム音楽など様々な曲をアップロードしていますので、ごゆっくりご覧下さい。 毎日午後9時配信予定です。 ぜひチャンネル登録をよろしくお願いします。 =========== 関連ウェブサイト =========== ■R3 Music Box (曲のリクエストもこちらから) http://r3-music-box.com ■R3 Music Boxチャンネル ("支援する"ボタンから寄付もできます) https://www.youtube.com/c/r3musicbox ■ニコニコ動画 http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/28470749/video ■Twitter http://twitter.com/r3_music_box ■Facebook http://www.facebook.com/r3musicbox ==================================== ※曲のリクエストはYouTubeのコメント欄ではなく、R3 Music Bo...
ダイハツの「Thor(トール)」のTVCMソングにも選ばれたレキシの「きらきら武士」を弾き語りました。 いいね、チャンネル登録して頂けると喜びます。 リクエストなども受け付けてます。 https://twitter.com/yasu_hikigatari
ギャルに褒められたのに気を良くして全身エンチャントを施した装備を要求する人麻呂。目指すはキラキラ武士。しかし装備を見せびらかすために訪れたハァ族の村の様子がおかしい。人口の減ったハァ族の村を救うため、人麻呂が立ち上がる。神聖な教会で繰り広げられるアブノーマルな村人のプレイに悶絶。 ◼︎ブラバーGamesチャンネル http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEetnO0XTMDk1w7TJU1qirQ ◼︎Twitter http://twitter.com/brabagames ◼︎YouTuberへの道(ブログ) http://road-to-youtube.com
四月は君の嘘 挿入曲 【アニメで使われたクラシックピアノ曲特集】再生リスト https://www.youtube.com/playlist?action_edit=1&list;=PLUGDh7RGv5oqmrzOu70Ht_5_PzCpI1W3r 00:00:00 | No.01 ベートヴェン:月光第3楽章 00:06:38 | No.02 モーツアルト:きらきら星変奏曲 K265 00:13:17 | No.03 ショパン:エチュード 25-5 (有馬公生 課題曲) 00:16:03 | No.04 バッハ:平均律 2巻 No.1(1番目奏者課題曲) 00:19:45 | No.05シューベルト:ピアノソナタ 第16番 00:27:45 | No.06ショパン:エチュード10-4 (相座武士 課題曲) 00:29:45 | No.07ショパン:木枯らしのエチュード (井川絵美 課題曲) 00:32:45 | No.08クライスラー = ラフマニノフ:愛の悲しみ(ガラコンサート) 00:37:33 | No.09ショパン:ノクターン8番(コンサート終了後、音楽準備室にて) 00:42:43 | No.10ドビュッシー:月の光 00:46:42 | No.11モーツアルト:ピアノソナタ8番 1楽章(凪のレッスン曲) 00:50:30 | No.12ラヴェル:亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ 00:55:12 | No.13 J.Sバッハ:平均律 2巻 No.14 01:01:16 | No.14 ショパン:革命のエチュード(相座武士 コンクール曲) 01:03:36 | No.15 スクリャービン:練習曲 作品8-12(井川絵美 コンクール曲) 01:05:45 | No.16 ショパン:バラード1番 ト短調(有馬公生 コンクールクライマックスの曲) ▼▼わかりにくそうな曲...
11月25日リリース、レキシのファーストシングル「SHIKIBU feat. 阿波の踊り子」(NTTドコモ dヒッツ powered by レコチョク CMソング)のミュージックビデオを公開。 平安時代の女流作家・紫式部をテーマにした表題曲は、レキシネーム”阿波の踊り子”ことチャットモンチーが参加した「SHIKIBU feat. 阿波の踊り子」。 ミュージックビデオは、紫式部(レキシ)と劇団シキブ(八嶋智人)の2人が、京都を舞台に鬼ごっこして戯れる姿を描いたLaugh & Peaceな映像世界。 今回公開された映像は、c/wの「Takeda' 2 feat. ニセレキシ」のレコーディング映像を挿入したYouTube Ver.として特別公開。 11月25日リリースのファーストシングル「SHIKIBU」は、CDが特製風呂敷に包まれた『レキシ 限定オフィシャル風呂敷「あ・ふろしき・ぶ」付スペシャルパッケージ』の完全生産限定盤と通常盤の2形態でリリース。c/wには、「Takeda’」まさかの第2章「Takeda'2 feat. ニセレキシ (U-zhaan)」、ある意味初のライブ音源となる「キャッツあつめ~CATS LIVE SELECTION」を収録。 ファーストシングル「SHIKIBU」 特設サイト http://rekishi-ikechan.com/free/special/feature/shikibu/ オフィシャルHP http://rekishi-ikechan.com/
videomix #003 mixed by satoshi / blindorchestra 再UPしました。
Ani Ruins - Kars - Turkey Travel Guide and Tours HD World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Ani is a ruined medieval Armenian city-site situated in the Turkish province of Kars, near the border with Armenia. Between 961 and 1045 it was the capital of the medieval (Bagratuni) Armenian Kingdom that covered much of present day Armenia and eastern Turkey. The city is located on a triangular site, visually dramatic and naturally defensive, protected on its eastern side by the ravine of the Akhurian River and on its western side by the Bostanlar or Tzaghkotzadzor valley. The Akhurian is a branch of the Araks River and forms part of the current border between Turkey and Armenia. Called the "City of 1001 Churches," Ani stood on various trade routes and its many religious buildings, p...
Did you ever want to see historic Armenia, but didn’t know where to begin planning your trip? Stay tuned to author-photographer Matthew Karanian’s travel guide, “Historic Armenia After 100 Years, Ani, Kars and the Six Provinces of Western Armenia.” The Southern California lawyer spoke with CivilNet in September 2013 from the shores of Lake Van, where he was researching and photographing ancient Armenian monuments. Karanian talked with CivilNet again ahead of the launch of the first major travel guide to Historic Armenia, which will take place in California on February 11, 2015. © Նյութի հեղինակային իրավունքները պատկանում են Սիվիլիթաս հիմնադրամին: ՍիվիլՆեթի խմբագրական քաղաքականության համաձայն` արգելվում է օգտագործել ՍիվիլՆեթի նյութերը առանց պատշաճ հղման, ներբեռնել և այլ օնլայն հարթակից վե...
Hiya! Today I'm sharing all my personal tips and tricks for having an awesome time at Disneyland Paris. I've been a few times now, so I'm pretty confident on sharing the secrets I've learnt. From where to stand for the shows, how fast passes work and the benefits of upgrading at Sequoia Lodge, I've got the ultimate guide to DLP! If you have any questions, leave them below. Enjoyyyyy! B xo WATCH NEXT: Disneyland Paris Day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNkQM_7-KvM Disneyland Paris Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66pKDzUULw8 Disneyland Paris Day 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7HG0XMXfoo Disneyland Paris Planning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUDrKc2rVZM Disneyland Paris Dining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsIsvtYZUJs Disneyland Paris Haul: https://www.youtube.com/wat...
http://www.traveltaboo.com. A dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world popular destinations, such as Japan. Come to visit this website for details and to share your good and bad travel experiences to enhance others' knowledge.
Travel Tips for January, February and March | India Travel Guide | Sid the Wanderer Hi I am Sid, a travel vlogger from India, subscribe to my channel now: https://bit.ly/Sid-The-Wanderer A short Travel Guide for Travel tips for Incredible India during winters for the months of January, February and March! When the temperature is still low across the country, do head out to the beaches, mountains or deserts - you will find bliss everywhere. See the video to learn more about these destinations. Here are some useful links: January: 1. Tawang in Arunanchal Pradesh (http://www.sid-thewanderer.com/2010/12/tawang-part-2-tawang-monastery-ani.html and http://www.sid-thewanderer.com/2010/12/tawang-part-1-journey-to-town-and-lakes.html) 2.Chadar Trek in Ladakh (http://www.sid-thewanderer.com/201...
FIRST STEPS IN ARMENIA: YEREVAN & GYUMRI After 4 full weeks in Georgia, we decided that it was time to move on. So we chose Armenia to spend the next three weeks. Since the beginning of our trip, we’ve been traveling all around that country. In Ani, we even saw the border a few hundred meters from us. Now we could at least find out how Armenia looks like. The arrival in Yerevan was rather surprising. The center is full of green parks, has some pedestrian street and plenty of fancy shops and cafes. Along all the Caucasian cities we visited so far, Yerevan is the one which reminds us the most of European capitals. On our second day, we met Vako. He is a local who likes to share his knowledge of the city by offering free walking tours (highly recommended). During our five days in Yerevan, ...
Серия мини-интервью о путешествиях на выставке MITT 2016
Hello. You guys wanted an Advance combo video and here it is. This is a video response and part of a continuation of my Tamer Guides. This video covers some advance tactics that you can make use of in your Tamer play style as well some tips regarding the use of your Block skills. Do check out my previous guides as well as my most recent written guide. https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/4f013u/tamer_guide_advance_animation_cancel/ In this video I cover a stun lock combo that I often use that works very well. The basis of it being... Flash—BJ—Tremble—BJ—LBP—BJ—Grapple. I've also went over optimal damage debuff that you can make use of. And I cover the concept of canceling skill animation into BJ (Bolt/Jolt Wave). There are some skill animation that you can cancel with ...
Bikram Yoga Puebla : http://tiempode.com/bikramyogapuebla.html
Verse 1: I became her lover, she became my lover. Had her heart broke, I was helping her recover. I became the man she knew she could rely on. Somebody to listen or shoulder to cry on. She was getting better, better she was getting. The more time spent, the more she would forget him. But then back around he seen that he started coming, and shes on the low taking phone calls from him. I thought that we were building something strong. He apologizes and now your gone. And I won't put up with this.
Pre-chorus: You wanna go. (Go.) Just hope you know. Baby your gonna be lonely, lonely again. Oh lonely, lonely. Go on go, go. Just hope you know. (Hey.) Baby your gonna be lonely, lonely again. Lonely, lonely again.
Chorus: Don't call me when your lonely again. When your lonely again, lonely again. Oh, sugga don't call me when your lonely again, when your lonely again. Lonely again. (Oh.)