Welcome to CoryBernardi.com


This website is dedicated to restoring common sense and conservative principles as the best way forward for our nation.

I make no apologies for defending the important things that have made our nation great: our families, our economic freedom and the traditional values which have been the cornerstone of our society.

Subscribers to my e-letter receive a weekly dose of common sense that is almost guaranteed to entertain, amuse and infuriate. I also share my regular column of ‘controversial ideas’ that political Left would prefer you didn't hear about because they challenge their radical agenda.

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    Now more than ever we need to be on the front foot, protecting the values, culture and traditions that have made Australia the wonderful place it is today. 

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    My Blog

    United Nations secondment

    united_nations.pngIt’s been another big week in politics since my last letter.

    It seems the rest of Australia has finally woken up to the damaging political agenda of the ‘Safe Schools Coalition’ program and even though the facts are ignored or misrepresented by the celebrity ‘news’ services, the awful truth is out there. Whilst the review is still being conducted, it would be incredulous for the government not to act against this appalling program.

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    Shorten's 'Latham handshake' moment

    Bill_Shorten.jpgPolitics has reached a new low when the leader of a major political party can only resort to name calling to defend his ideological and illogical policies.

    It happened this morning with the ‘Napoleonic’ leader of the Labor Party, Bill Shorten, who was seeking to defend Labor’s poisonous ‘Safe Schools Coalition’ program that indoctrinates children with a political agenda.

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    Cashless society threatens our privacy

    cashless_society.jpgToday I am going to write about money. More specifically, what the government wants to do with your money.

    The Sydney Morning Herald reports this morning that Australia is ‘on an unstoppable march towards a cashless future’; with the Assistant Minister to the Treasurer Alex Hawke MP saying that a move to a purely digital currency “will lead to countless benefits for all Australians in convenience and security, and will save billions in transaction costs every year”.

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    Keep political agendas out of schools

    gay_manual.jpgThis morning the media asked for my thoughts on a story on the front page of The Australian about a taxpayer-funded ‘gay manual’ introduced to schools.

    The program, written by homosexual activists and supported to the tune of $8m by the federal government, encourages children as young as 11 to become advocates for the homosexual cause.

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