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Visiting Our Lady of Good Success: A Pilgrimage to Heaven

Historic Procession of Our Lady of Good Success
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the canonical crowning of Our Lady of Good Success in Quito, and the first time her miraculous statue has led the the annual Rosary of the Dawn procession. The events of the ceremony were truly historic, with full military honors…
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The Ideal Presidential Candidate Who Is Not Running

The Ideal Presidential Candidate Who Is Not…
Perhaps it is best to start by saying there is no ideal presidential candidate now running in the race in either party. None of them has all the qualities that are presently needed, although some candidates may have a few of them. No candidate is proportional to the crisis…
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The Empty Chair

The Empty Chair
There was a time when people read books. In fact people still do, but the trend among the young and future generation is changing. Is it a good change? Perhaps it would be prudent to think and see…
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The Way of the Cross, Station 7