S y d n e y T r a d s

Weblog of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum

Guest Video, “The End Game: Why the West is Lost”

Today’s Guest Video is by the Black Pigeon, titled “The End Game: Why the West is Lost”. The seventeen minute presentation is a summation of a private exchange the Black … Continue reading

13 May 2017 · 2 Comments

Is Western Civilization Misogynistic?

Resentment combines hatred and love/desire. Self-hatred and dissatisfaction often leads to imagining that someone else has it better and to resentfully desiring to be that someone. That other person is … Continue reading

19 February 2017 · 6 Comments

2017 Symposium – James Kalb

Identity and the Civilization of the West Identity has become a problem today. No one seems sure where it comes from, what it is for, or what difference it should … Continue reading

11 February 2017 · Leave a comment

Quote of the Week: Guillaume Faye, “Sex and Deviance”

“Indeed, feminism is above all a form of masculinism. To imitate men, to become a man, not only socially but also sexually: such is the unthinkable idea¹²¹ of feminism, which … Continue reading

11 July 2016 · 1 Comment

Guest Video: “Western Values Heading Towards Oblivion”

This Saturday’s Guest Video is provided by the “Black Pigeon”. Titled “Western Values Heading Towards Oblivion” the “Black Pigeon” starts by noting the election of London’s first Muslim Pakistani Mayor, and … Continue reading

28 May 2016 · 1 Comment

2016 Symposium – James Kalb

Liberalism as a Religion The strange and increasingly nonfunctional condition of Western political and social life cannot easily be changed, because its causes are quite basic. To endure any length … Continue reading

30 April 2016 · 3 Comments

Bonus Quote No.9 (Special March ’16 Mardi Gras Edition): Roz Ward, Introducing the Safe Schools Coalition

“Safe Schools Coalition is about supporting gender and sexual diversity. It’s not about celebrating diversity. It’s not about stopping bullying. It’s about gender and sexual diversity. It’s about same sex … Continue reading

20 March 2016 · Leave a comment

Quote of the Week: Gérard Zwang, “La Fonction Érotique”

“The human condition is lived only as a man or woman. From the moment of fertilization, the die is cast. Some people prate about the bisexualism of every human being. Such a notion does not exceed the … Continue reading

7 March 2016 · Leave a comment

Quote of the Week (Special March ’16 Mardi Gras Edition): Roz Ward, “The Role of the Left in the Struggle for LGBTI Rights” Marxism Conference 2015

“LBGTI oppression and hetronormativity are woven into the fabric of capitalism […] This push to fit people into these physical and social gender constructs that promote heterosexuality is still incredibly strong … Continue reading

29 February 2016 · Leave a comment

Dear Feakshows…

SydneyTrads is the web page of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum: an association of young professionals who form part of the Australian independent right (also known as “non-aligned right”).

22 January 2016 · 2 Comments

Brazilian Founder of Femen renounces Feminism, Embraces Christianity

The founder of Brazil’s ‘chapter’ of the international pornographic protest movement Femen has renounced feminism, embraced pro-life politics, apologised to Christians and expressed a desire to reenter communion with the Catholic … Continue reading

17 January 2016 · 6 Comments

The Year in Review: 2015, Year of the Quickening

Wieża Babel sama upada.¹ [“The Tower of Babel falls under its own weight”] 2015 has been an interesting year. If it is to be immediately remembered for anything it is for … Continue reading

1 January 2016 · 2 Comments

The Liberal Culture Olympics

One could say that the Eurovision song contest is the Liberal Olympics except that the Olympics have themselves become so attuned to the zeitgeist it is more accurate to refer … Continue reading

27 May 2014 · Leave a comment

Won’t Someone Please Think of the Cancer?

The phrase ‘I’m only intolerant of intolerance’ seems as silly as ‘the only thing we have to fear is fear itself’. They’re both sort of catchy rhetorical phrases, but they’re … Continue reading

9 April 2014 · Leave a comment

Sydney Traditionalists Introduce Sen. Bernardi at Quadrant Dinner

Senator Cory Bernardi, author of The Conservative Revolution and outspoken critic of modern liberal politics in Australia and abroad, was the guest speaker at the April Quadrant Dinner. The Convenor of the Sydney … Continue reading

2 April 2014 · Leave a comment

Essays on the Frankfurt School, Part III: Carl Jung

As to the previous essay on Existentialism, it could be surmised that man’s obligation to construct meaning in his own life is limited only to physical, concrete realities. Jung calls … Continue reading

19 February 2014 · Leave a comment

Recommended book:

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution"

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution" (Connor Court, 2013)

RSS Orthosphere

RSS Gornahoor

Recommended book:

Frank Salter, "The War on Human Nature in Australia's Political Culture"

Frank Salter, "The War on Human Nature"

RSS Social Matter

Recommended book:

Aristokratia Vol. 3 (Manticore Press, 2015)

RSS OzConservative

Recommended book:

Derek Turner, "Sea Changes" (Washington Summit Publishers 2012)

RSS Thermidor Mag

RSS Kakistocracy