S y d n e y T r a d s

Weblog of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum

Sydney Traditionalists Introduce Sen. Bernardi at Quadrant Dinner

Senator Cory Bernardi, author of The Conservative Revolution and outspoken critic of modern liberal politics in Australia and abroad, was the guest speaker at the April Quadrant Dinner. The Convenor of the Sydney … Continue reading

2 April 2014 · Leave a comment

TFP Lecture: The Curve of History

Yesterday, members of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum attended a lecture organised by the Tradition Family Property organisation on the topic of ‘The Curve of History.’ Our friend Paul Folley writes the following as an introductory … Continue reading

16 October 2013 · Leave a comment

TFP Lecture: Is Beauty Really ‘In The Eye of The Beholder’?

Yesterday, members of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum attended a lecture organised by the Tradition Family Property organisation on the topic of ‘Is beauty really “in the eye of the beholder”?’ … Continue reading

13 July 2013 · Leave a comment

TFP Lecture: Why the Left Always Seems to Win

Yesterday, members of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum attended a lecture organised by the Tradition Family Property organisation on the topic of ‘Why the left always seems to win’ subtitled, ‘the left’s secret weapon: revolutionary … Continue reading

6 July 2013 · 3 Comments

Third Face-to-Face Meeting of the “Conservative Cave”, Friday 31 May 2013

Members of the Conservative Cave Facebook group met tonight at the Lord Nelson pub, located in an old sandstone building situated in the colonial port district of Sydney: “The Rocks”. … Continue reading

1 June 2013 · Leave a comment

Second Face-to-Face Meeting of the “Conservative Cave”, Friday 1 March 2013

Last night, members of the “Conservative Cave” Facebook group met for their second dinner and drinks at Sydney city’s Great Southern Hotel. Traditionalists from the Sydney region came together for this … Continue reading

2 March 2013 · Leave a comment

Geert Wilders in Sydney a Success, Despite Far Left and Mainstream ‘Right’ Mendacity

Geert Wilders MP, founder and leader of the Dutch Freedom Party (Partij voor de Vrijheid) yesterday delivered a speech in Sydney’s Liverpool district to an audience of several hundred attendees. … Continue reading

23 February 2013 · 1 Comment

Inaugural Cardinal Newman Dinner, 16 February 2013

Yesterday, the Australian Catholic Students Association hosted the inaugural “Cardinal Newman Dinner” in honour of the prominent leader of the nineteenth century New Oxford Movement which strove to return the Anglican Church … Continue reading

17 February 2013 · Leave a comment

First Face-to-Face Meeting of the “Conservative Cave”, Friday 14 September 2012

Local members of the Sydney based “Conservative Cave” Facebook group met tonight at the Great Southern Hotel on George Street for a casual dinner and drinks. Approximately 25 attendees gathered … Continue reading

14 September 2012 · Leave a comment

Book Launch: Bob Katter MHR, “An Incredible Race of People”

On Friday, 22 June 2012, members of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum attended North Sydney’s Stanton Library for the launch of Bob Katter’s brief history of Australia, An Incredible Race of People (Pier 9, … Continue reading

22 June 2012 · Leave a comment

Mark Steyn speaks in Sydney, 29 February 2012

On the 29th of February, 2012, Canadian journalist and commentator Mark Steyn addressed a Sydney audience at the city Tattersalls Club. The event, jointly hosted by the Institute of Public Affairs … Continue reading

29 February 2012 · Leave a comment

STF Promotion:

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution"

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution" (Connor Court, 2013)

STF Promotion

The World is Burning (Oak & Arrow, 2013)

The World is Burning (Oak & Arrow, 2013)

STF Promotion

Emile Joseph, "A Love that Spans the Ages" (2014)

The “Think Different” Campaign 2013-14

"Traditionalism is the most revolutionary ideology of our times" - Julius Evola

Coming to a campus near you, also backed by the Sydney Traditionalists.

Supporters & Friends

Radio "Carpe Diem" Monday 8:00pm to 10:00pm EST (Sydney)

Traditionalist reflections by Mark Richardson (Melbourne, Victoria)

Conservative News, Opinion and Commentary (Melbourne, Victoria)

Traditionalist reflections by Mark Moncrieff (Melbourne, Victoria)

Traditionalist Commentary and Analysis (US and UK)

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