S y d n e y T r a d s

Weblog of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum

Sydney Traditionalists Introduce Sen. Bernardi at Quadrant Dinner

Senator Cory Bernardi, author of The Conservative Revolution and outspoken critic of modern liberal politics in Australia and abroad, was the guest speaker at the April Quadrant Dinner. The Convenor of the Sydney … Continue reading

2 April 2014 · Leave a comment

Quote of the Week: Cory Bernardi, “The Conservative Revolution”

“The principles which have guided mankind for centuries provide a very clear map of the path we should take. In fact, they should be entirely uncontroversial for the religious and … Continue reading

31 March 2014 · 2 Comments

The Dangers of “Enlightened” Foolery

“If two consenting adults want to live together in close union and can find a consenting minister of religion to bless their union, who are we to object? The same … Continue reading

9 March 2014 · Leave a comment

Quote of the Week: Cory Bernardi, “The Conservative Revolution”

“The very notion of true liberty is often difficult to grasp because it tends to be measured according to subjective values that can differ widely between individuals and cultures. When … Continue reading

24 February 2014 · Leave a comment

Essays on the Frankfurt School, Part III: Carl Jung

As to the previous essay on Existentialism, it could be surmised that man’s obligation to construct meaning in his own life is limited only to physical, concrete realities. Jung calls … Continue reading

19 February 2014 · Leave a comment

Quote of the Week: Cory Bernardi, “The Conservative Revolution”

“The genuinely conservative government will not shy away from drawing necessary distinctions between what is compatible with a free society and what is not conducive to maintaining a stable body … Continue reading

13 January 2014 · Leave a comment

First “Shots Fired” in Australia’s Culture War, 2014

Cory Bernardi wrote a book late last year titled The Conservative Revolution (Connor Court, 2013). To most thinking Conservatives the more controversial element of the book would have been its … Continue reading

12 January 2014 · 4 Comments

Fourth Documentary Screening with Honoured Guest, Sen. Cory Bernardi, 8 April 2013

Last month, on Monday 8 April 2013, the Sydney Traditionalist Forum hosted its fourth documentary screening, the first which was attended by an honoured guest: Senator Cory Bernardi of South … Continue reading

11 May 2013 · Leave a comment

Australia Day 2013

There is much to reflect on this Australia Day, 26 January 2013. This Antipodean island continent that has remained, so far, strongly part of the Anglosphere (subject of course to … Continue reading

26 January 2013 · Leave a comment

Bernardi Takes Knife for Excessive Honesty

South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi was recently forced to resign from the Opposition front bench, where he served as Parliamentary Secretary, after delivering an apparently controversial speech staunchly opposing the Marriage Amendment (No. … Continue reading

22 September 2012 · Leave a comment

British Quarterly Review interviews Senator Cory Bernardi

The Autumn issue of the British Quarterly Review contains an interview with South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi. The interview, “A Conservative Maverick in the Antipodes” is the first time an … Continue reading

1 August 2011 · Leave a comment

STF Promotion:

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution"

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution" (Connor Court, 2013)

STF Promotion

The World is Burning (Oak & Arrow, 2013)

The World is Burning (Oak & Arrow, 2013)

STF Promotion

Emile Joseph, "A Love that Spans the Ages" (2014)

The “Think Different” Campaign 2013-14

"Traditionalism is the most revolutionary ideology of our times" - Julius Evola

Coming to a campus near you, also backed by the Sydney Traditionalists.

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