S y d n e y T r a d s

Weblog of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum


The following are regular contributors to SydneyTrads, the weblog of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum. Click on names below to access their tag index. Our writers can be contacted by sending us an email via our Contact Page. For information about the contributors to the STF Symposia, readers are directed to the Symposium index.

R. BRENNAN is a free-lance writer with a particular interest in literature, language and perennial wisdom.

M. W. DAVIS is a native Bostonian currently studying at the University of Sydney. He is an officer of the Australian Monarchist League.

DOMINIK GIEMZA is a legal practitioner and the co-host of Carpe Diem Radio’s regular segment: the “Conservative Song”.

EMILE N. JOSEPH teaches the English language to adult migrants and is passionate about all things linguistic. He is happily married with two young children in Sydney.

THURLOW KENT is a Traditionalist writer with antiquarian interests.

CECIL LANSDOWNE is a student of politics and a conservative grass-roots campaigner in the Sydney region.

DEWI SANT is a pseudonym of a Religion and Visual Arts pedagogue in a prestigious Sydney boys school.

LUKE TORRISI is a retired legal practitioner and now an academic researcher and host of Carpe Diem, Sydney’s only explicitly Traditionalist and Paleoconservative radio programme broadcasting on 88.9FM, between 8:00 to 10:00pm, Mondays.

Contributions from readers are welcome, whether these are essays, opinion articles, news analyses, reviews or fiction. Contact us for more information; we will be happy to hear from you.

SydneyTrads is the internet portal and communication page of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum: an association of young professionals who form part of the Australian paleoconservative, traditionalist conservative, and independent right.

STF Promotion:

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution"

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution" (Connor Court, 2013)

Frank Salter, "The War on Human Nature in Australia's Political Culture"

Frank Salter, "The War on Human Nature"

Aristokratia Vol. 3 (Manticore Press, 2015)

The World is Burning (Oak & Arrow, 2013)

The World is Burning (Oak & Arrow, 2013)

Academic Grants for Conservative Students

RSS OzConservative

RSS Social Matter

RSS Gornahoor


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