S y d n e y T r a d s

Weblog of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum

Ave Et Vale – Roderick Ian West

“Do not suppose, that in thus appealing to the ancients, I am throwing back the world two thousand years, and fettering Philosophy with the reasonings of paganism.” – Bl. John … Continue reading

26 January 2016 · 3 Comments

Melbourne Man Urges Emma Watson to Practice Her Feminist Multi-Culti Liberalism

An individual going by the name of Oscar Izard has started a petition urging actress Emma Watson to actually practice the multicultural feminism she advocates. The petition, which can be found … Continue reading

19 January 2016 · 3 Comments

@WrathofGnon, Thanks for all the Fish!

We would like to take this opportunity, by way of demure, and express gratitude to the Twitter personality known as Wrath of Gnon for his witty counter-cultural series of memes, many … Continue reading

18 January 2016 · 3 Comments

Brazilian Founder of Femen renounces Feminism, Embraces Christianity

The founder of Brazil’s ‘chapter’ of the international pornographic protest movement Femen has renounced feminism, embraced pro-life politics, apologised to Christians and expressed a desire to reenter communion with the Catholic … Continue reading

17 January 2016 · 5 Comments

The Year in Review: 2015, Year of the Quickening

Wieża Babel sama upada.¹ [“The Tower of Babel falls under its own weight”] 2015 has been an interesting year. If it is to be immediately remembered for anything it is for … Continue reading

1 January 2016 · 2 Comments

Human Nature News – Feminist Bigotry

The recent Higher School Certificate (HSC) results indicate that boys are more likely to make strategic subject choices, entering subjects that lead to career success. The Federal Minister for Education, … Continue reading

22 December 2015 · 5 Comments

Human Nature News – European Genetic Origins: New Research

People want to know from where they came. Adopted children yearn to know their biological parents. The middle aged middle class are willing to invest time and money to discover … Continue reading

8 December 2015 · 2 Comments

Human Nature News – Ways to Whiteness

Peter Baldwin, who served as a minister in the Hawke and Keating Labor governments, has written a fascinating assault on whiteness studies, a branch of “critical race theory”.1 There is … Continue reading

24 November 2015 · 3 Comments

Radio Carpe Diem Website Launched

Friends and supporters of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum will be interested to note the launch of Radio Carpe Diem‘s new website. Carpe Diem, which broadcasts in Sydney Australia at 88.9FM … Continue reading

15 October 2015 · 2 Comments

Anti-Genocide Protest Heckled by Racist Whites at Sydney’s Town Hall

It was a sunny Spring day in Sydney – with the train system malfunctioning, traffic choking the weekend roads and new residential unit towers popping up like weeds wherever industry … Continue reading

11 October 2015 · 9 Comments

OzConservative Back Online

We are pleased to read news of the re-emergence of the Australian traditionalist blog OzConservative. A brief report on the Orthosphere states that the recently missing Melbourne based blog, administered by Mark Richardson, is now … Continue reading

26 September 2015 · 3 Comments

Faux-Conservatism Alive and Well at Sydney University

Every so often I am provided with a piece of writing, where the author purports to be a “conservative”, so that I may offer comment as to its bona fides. … Continue reading

18 September 2015 · 3 Comments

So, ‘Diversity is Strength’, is it?

While European elites incrementally embrace the dystopic nightmare of Jean Raspail’s Camp of the Saints as the inevitable future of the continent, traditionalists of the Occidental ‘dissident-right’ can only look … Continue reading

14 September 2015 · 2 Comments

Rally Protesting Forced Mass Third-World Immigration, Warsaw Poland

It appears that  the block of Central European nations – Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland – steadfastly refuses to buckle under the pressure of its Western ‘partners’, particularly their … Continue reading

12 September 2015 · 2 Comments

A Mere Holding Action

Last week, 11 August 2015, the Coalition party room held what the media has described as a marathon session, during which a spirited debate was held on whether or not … Continue reading

16 August 2015 · 3 Comments

“Marriage Alliance” Launched in Australia

A major organised block of opposition to the so-called “marriage equality” push in Australia has been launched today. Marriage Alliance is an association of individuals and groups who plan to push back … Continue reading

3 August 2015 · 21 Comments

A Tale of Two Lambdas

To those of us following the series of disasters that pepper the landscape of the Culture Wars over the last several decades – gradual but persistent cultural-moral erosion, successive demographic displacement of … Continue reading

2 August 2015 · 2 Comments

“Filial Appeal” to Pope Francis Underway

Catholic supporters of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum will be interested to note that we have received correspondence from the Associazione Supplica Filiale concerning the Vatican’s position on marriage and homosexual unions. Supplica Filiale … Continue reading

1 August 2015 · 4 Comments

WordPress Glitch

Admin Notice In the last hour, we’ve noticed that our logo (feature image), custom menu and background image have all disappeared from our website. Attempts to correct this at the … Continue reading

27 July 2015 · 2 Comments

MH17 Victims: May they Rest in Eternal Peace

Today is the anniversary of the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine by Russian backed “separatist” rebels. Out of the 298 victims, 38, the third largest … Continue reading

17 July 2015 · 1 Comment

One Flag Goes Up, Another Goes Down

The last several weeks have been difficult, particularly for our American cousins, and especially those who have been witnessing the escalating attack on their traditional values and cultural icons. A certain … Continue reading

16 July 2015 · 1 Comment

“British”, apparently…

Only moments ago, Eliza Harvey of ABC24‘s free-to-air news referred to the perpetrators of the 2005 London Tube bombings as “British.” Not “British born”, but “British.” Tomorrow, London will be … Continue reading

6 July 2015 · 3 Comments

Announcing Campaign to “Save Southern Heritage”

Earlier today we wrote a brief reflection on recent developments in the ongoing assault on America’s Southern heritage, its symbols and icons. The latest campaign to remove the Southern Cross from … Continue reading

4 July 2015 · 2 Comments

Antipodean Reflections on America’s 4th July Celebrations, 2015

This may be one of the most ironic Independence Day anniversaries celebrated by our American cousins across the pond. With the recent media driven controversies continuing to rage over the … Continue reading

4 July 2015 · 2 Comments

The Defenestration of an Apparent Heretic

Readers in the online Sidestream may be aware of the recent defenestration of software developer and principal of Urbit, Curtis Yarvin, who was ‘disinvited’ from the StrangeLoop Conference scheduled to … Continue reading

9 June 2015 · 5 Comments

A Statement on Recent Developments in the Neoreactionary Online Community

Supporters and friends of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum will recall that in January this year we became a fellow organisation of the Hestia Society for Social Research.1 One of the … Continue reading

31 May 2015 · 1 Comment

The ANZAC Tradition: Identity and Values

Instead of publishing our own message for this year’s ANZAC remembrance, we feel that the following exchange which occurred during the question and answer session at the 22 April 2015 Quadrant … Continue reading

25 April 2015 · 1 Comment

Pearls of Wisdom from the Foreign Minister

To become a Minister of State, one has to be a cultivated professional with years of experience, and most importantly wisdom, strong character, a proven ability to both lead and serve … Continue reading

21 April 2015 · 1 Comment

Aristokratia Volume 3: Coming Soon

We have been informed that the third volume of Aristokratia journal (Manticore Press) has been sent to the printers and will shortly be available for purchase. Friends and members of … Continue reading

13 April 2015 · 1 Comment

“Principal Architect” of Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, Dies at 84

Traditionally, one does not make disparaging or negative comments about the departed, so we will let the mainstream press do that for us instead. Hal Colebatch, writing in The Australian on 16 April 2008, … Continue reading

20 March 2015 · 2 Comments

Australian Establicons: Intentional Blindness is a Virtue

One could be forgiven for thinking that we have entered a new phase of collective political stupidity, where our national ‘leaders’ seem committed to manage – and not oppose – the … Continue reading

20 March 2015 · 1 Comment

Australian Establicons: Expressions of European Identity must be Qualified

There are times when we have to wonder whether or not the Tony Abbott Experiment is not some complex trolling initiative a la the Manchurian Candidate. Not having been satisfied with his string … Continue reading

18 March 2015 · 1 Comment

Poor Student Thugs Cop-it from the Cops

Hard left juveniles from university campuses across Sydney were pepper-sprayed by police today at a “protest” against federal government education reforms that seek to deregulate the university system in Australia. … Continue reading

13 February 2015 · 1 Comment

Orthosphere Update

We were disappointed by the sudden shutdown, seemingly without notice in December last year, of Mark Richardson’s Australian blog of traditionalist Conservatism, OzConservative. It is therefore with sadness that we hear … Continue reading

4 February 2015 · 3 Comments

The Hestia Society for Social Studies

Friends and supporters of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum will be interested to note that we have entered into a fellowship with the US based Hestia Society for Social Research. The Hestia … Continue reading

27 January 2015 · 2 Comments

Acknowledgment of Nation

Earlier today, we made the point of emphasizing the importance of asserting a robust and unapologetic national identity in the face of external threats, that this was not the path our … Continue reading

26 January 2015 · 1 Comment

Australia Day 2015: Some French Reflections

It is no simple task to reflect on our nation this Australia Day, 2015. It seems that many of the items that have dominated the news cycle over the past … Continue reading

26 January 2015 · 2 Comments

Elites Fear Le Pen More Than Le Sword

The response to the latest Islamist attacks against the West, this time in Paris, has become a familiar refrain. It is the same one used following the Sydney cafe siege last … Continue reading

15 January 2015 · 2 Comments

Tradition and Reaction in Quadrant

Readers of SydneyTrads will be interested to note the publication of Luke Torrisi’s “Tradition and Reaction in Conservative Politics” which appears in the January-February issue of Quadrant magazine.1 Torrisi is the host of Radio … Continue reading

1 January 2015 · 1 Comment

Acknowledgment of Nation

“I acknowledge the Federal Commonwealth, created by the nation under the Crown to defend its undivided sovereignty over all Australia’s lands and waters. “I acknowledge the Christian Anglo-Celtic pioneers and … Continue reading

27 December 2014 · 2 Comments

The Sacred Grove: Natural Space and the Numinous

I A pervasive interest in the association of natural space with the sacred is a noticeable tendency in the work of some important Traditionalists. Tolkien, for instance, epitomises this tendency, … Continue reading

24 December 2014 · 1 Comment

Progressives are “Shocked, Shocked!”

Hostages have been taken at Sydney’s Lindt Café on Martin Place. Islamist flags have been placed over the windows of the Café. Customers at the Café have been forced to … Continue reading

15 December 2014 · 3 Comments

The Bitter Fruit of Idiocracy

We’ve written previously about the rising specter of anarcho-tyranny in Australia. It seems that as every week passes by, there is yet another example of how this insidious dive into … Continue reading

24 September 2014 · 2 Comments

Anarcho-Tyranny Threat Levels Continue to Rise

Only four days ago, SydneyTrads noted the rise of anarcho-tyranny in Australia as a result of the Coalition government’s plans to demand that citizens returning from terror stricken regions of the globe may … Continue reading

6 August 2014 · 2 Comments

The Rise of “Anarcho-Tyranny” in Australia

Anarcho-tyrannny was a term coined by US paleoconservative journalist and social critic Sam Francis over a decade ago. It refers to the practice of governments cracking down on the law … Continue reading

1 August 2014 · Leave a comment

The Great Man of History and the Fallacy of Equality

Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? [Where is the Great Man?] (1 Corinthians 1:20, English Standard Version) Many … Continue reading

16 July 2014 · 2 Comments

The Right’s Greatest Online Asset: Leftist Hate

Just as the establishment left’s greatest political asset is ‘establishment conservatism’ (due to the later’s apparent commitment to never oppose the essence of progressive dogma) the sidestream’s greatest virtual asset would … Continue reading

28 June 2014 · Leave a comment

Quadrant Predicts Possible Voter Backlash Against Abbott Government

Some fifteen days ago, SydneyTrads noted a not too flattering report by Christopher Carr in which he claimed that conservative voters have been betrayed by the Abbott Government’s hesitation to … Continue reading

15 June 2014 · 1 Comment

A Gentler, Weaker Military

The Sydney Traditionalists have been on record strongly opposing the concept of female involvement in the armed forces.1 Some may ask how this accords with Western ideas of liberty and choice, but … Continue reading

14 June 2014 · 1 Comment

STF Promotion:

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution"

Cory Bernardi, "The Conservative Revolution" (Connor Court, 2013)

The World is Burning (Oak & Arrow, 2013)

The World is Burning (Oak & Arrow, 2013)

Emile Joseph, "A Love that Spans the Ages" (2014)

Also Recommended:

Lawrence Auster's "View from the Right"

STF Promotion

Frank Salter, "The War on Human Nature in Australia's Political Culture"

Frank Salter, "The War on Human Nature"

Aristokratia Vol. 3 (Manticore Press, 2015)

Supporters & Friends

Radio "Carpe Diem" Monday 8:00pm to 10:00pm EST (Sydney)

Senator Cory Bernardi

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