Monday 7th March, 2016 Australia/Sydney

Australian Conservative

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  • Nuclear Royal Commission a boost for SA, subs – Bob Day

    Family First Senator Bob Day today welcomed the South Australian Government’s move for a Royal Commission into the nuclear industry, saying the decision has enhanced prospects for submarines to be built in South Australia.

  • “Haven’t you learnt anything?”

    “My European Jewish brethren are in danger. Again. European streets are ringing with “Death to the Jews” and “Gas the Jews” – ugly mobs, salivating for Jewish blood. Again,” writes Michael Galak at Quadrant Online.

  • Climate alarmists turn back the clock

    The unrelenting war on carbon fuels has some zealots advocating “Zero Emissions”, while also, incredibly, opposing nuclear and hydro-power. They would take us all back to the BC Era (before coal).

  • America’s retreat from responsibility

    It comes as no surprise to hear those who have long bemoaned Pax Americana celebrating the superpower’s shrinking presence on the world stage. There is grave cause of concern, certainly, but the real problem is Washington’s neo-isolationist refusal to lead, Quadrant editor Keith Windschuttle writes.

  • PM accepts Arthur Sinodinos resignation “with deep regret”

    “With deep regret, I have accepted the resignation of Senator Arthur Sinodinos from the ministry,” PM Tony Abbott said yesterday.

  • Abbott Govt’s $200m UN climate fund handout a mistake: IPA

    “The Abbott government should urgently reconsider its decision to hand over $200 million of taxpayers’ money to the United Nations Green Climate Fund,” the IPA says.

  • Rising seas are nothing new

    Sea levels are never still, but with global temperatures flat and snow cover and polar ice steady, sea levels are probably as stable today as they ever get, writes Viv Forbes.

  • Abbott Govt will pledge $200m over four years to the Green Climate Fund

    The announcement will be made to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru today by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon Julie Bishop MP. Read the Abbott Government’s media release.

  • PM Abbott announces new Book Council of Australia to be formed

    The Abbott Government will establish the Book Council of Australia “to promote good reading as well as good writing”. Read the full list of the 2014 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards shortlists and category winners.

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