
N. Korean Cildren from Ryanggang Province arrive in Pyongyang
Pyongyang, June 1 (KCNA) -- Delegates of Ryanggang Province to the celebrations of the 66t...
published: 02 Jun 2012
author: stimmekoreas
N. Korean Cildren from Ryanggang Province arrive in Pyongyang
N. Korean Cildren from Ryanggang Province arrive in Pyongyang
Pyongyang, June 1 (KCNA) -- Delegates of Ryanggang Province to the celebrations of the 66th anniversary of the Korean Children's Union are greatly rejoiced a...- published: 02 Jun 2012
- views: 807
- author: stimmekoreas

Top Hotels in Hyesan North Korea
http://hotels98.com/top-hotels-in-hyesan-north-korea/ | Top Hotels in Hyesan North Korea...
published: 21 Mar 2014
Top Hotels in Hyesan North Korea
Top Hotels in Hyesan North Korea
http://hotels98.com/top-hotels-in-hyesan-north-korea/ | Top Hotels in Hyesan North Korea- published: 21 Mar 2014
- views: 1

North Korean small power stations on 75mb and so on...
From Jul 21 to 23, North Korean what is called "Super Jamming" had been inactive !! 3905kH...
published: 27 Jul 2013
author: pesnyaozemle
North Korean small power stations on 75mb and so on...
North Korean small power stations on 75mb and so on...
From Jul 21 to 23, North Korean what is called "Super Jamming" had been inactive !! 3905kHz NBC New Ireland (Papua New Guinea) 3912kHz Voice of the people (K...- published: 27 Jul 2013
- views: 57
- author: pesnyaozemle

North Korean SW Stations received in Japan : IC-R75
Listed as following: 2350kHz KCBS, Sariwon, 5kW (16:55 c/off) *2850kHz KCBS, Pyongyang, 50...
published: 23 Mar 2012
author: pesnyaozemle
North Korean SW Stations received in Japan : IC-R75
North Korean SW Stations received in Japan : IC-R75
Listed as following: 2350kHz KCBS, Sariwon, 5kW (16:55 c/off) *2850kHz KCBS, Pyongyang, 50kW **3220kHz KCBS, Hamnung, 5kW (not heard around 15:00UTC) 3320kHz...- published: 23 Mar 2012
- views: 224
- author: pesnyaozemle

北朝鮮平壌放送 天気予報 DPRKorea RadioPyongyang
北朝鮮のラジオ平壌放送です。 音が小さい;; 新義州(シニジュsinuiju)、平城(ピョンソンPyeongseong)、沙里院(サリウォンsariwon)、江界(カンゲKangg...
published: 07 Jul 2011
author: 優介 宮戸
北朝鮮平壌放送 天気予報 DPRKorea RadioPyongyang
北朝鮮平壌放送 天気予報 DPRKorea RadioPyongyang
北朝鮮のラジオ平壌放送です。 音が小さい;; 新義州(シニジュsinuiju)、平城(ピョンソンPyeongseong)、沙里院(サリウォンsariwon)、江界(カンゲKanggye)、恵山(ヘサンHyesan)、清津(チョンジンChongjin)など北朝鮮の地名言ってますね 時間は22:40頃 周波数はAM6...- published: 07 Jul 2011
- views: 1595
- author: 優介 宮戸

Smuggling Goods on a Tube in North Korea?
On 28th, a video footage captured a man smuggling goods from China crossing the Yalu River...
published: 31 Aug 2007
author: Eunkyoung Kwon
Smuggling Goods on a Tube in North Korea?
Smuggling Goods on a Tube in North Korea?
On 28th, a video footage captured a man smuggling goods from China crossing the Yalu River on a rubber tube in the regions of Hyesan, Yakang province in Nort...- published: 31 Aug 2007
- views: 5246
- author: Eunkyoung Kwon

Chinas Grenzen - Abenteuer vom Ussuri bis zum Hindukusch (1/2) Tiger, Schmuggler, Festungsinsel
Eine mehr als 22.000 Kilometer lange Grenze trennt China von seinen Nachbarn. Wüsten, Hoch...
published: 14 Jun 2014
Chinas Grenzen - Abenteuer vom Ussuri bis zum Hindukusch (1/2) Tiger, Schmuggler, Festungsinsel
Chinas Grenzen - Abenteuer vom Ussuri bis zum Hindukusch (1/2) Tiger, Schmuggler, Festungsinsel
Eine mehr als 22.000 Kilometer lange Grenze trennt China von seinen Nachbarn. Wüsten, Hochgebirge, Dschungel und Meere, politische Systeme und Kulturen, wie sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein können, umgeben das Land. Johannes Hano war zehntausende von Kilometern in China unterwegs und hat Bilder eingefangen, die das Reich der Mitte aus neuen Blickwinkeln zeigen. Im fernen Nordosten wird wilder pazifischer Lachs gefischt, der dort durch den Fluss Ussuri in seine Laichgebiete in Russland zieht. Weiter südlich, immer noch an der russischen Grenze in der Region Jilin, versuchen chinesische Naturschützer, den Amur-Tiger vor dem Aussterben zu bewahren. Nur noch 20 Exemplare des exotischen Raubtieres leben in chinesischer Wildnis: Chinas Wirtschaftswachstum hat seinen Preis. An der nordkoreanisch-chinesischen Grenze gelingt ein seltener Blick auf den Nachbarn. Alltagsszenen in der nordkoreanischen Stadt Hyesan. Tief in Chinas Süden gibt es eine kleine katholische Kirche in der Nähe Tibets, die während der Kulturrevolution nicht zerstört wurde. Weiter geht es nach Taiwan, genauer auf die kleine Insel Kinmen, die nur drei Kilometer entfernt vom chinesischen Festland im Meer liegt. Kinmen ist die militärisch am stärksten befestigte Insel der Welt. Gut 20 Jahre führten China und Taiwan dort einen blutigen militärischen und einen Propagandakrieg über die Frage, was China ist und sein soll. Heute nähern sich beide Seiten an. Sechs Monate lang ist Ostasien-Korrespondent Johannes Hano durch Chinas entlegenste Grenzprovinzen gereist. 20.000 Kilometer hat er mit seinem Team dabei zurückgelegt, auf Landstraßen, Feldwegen, Sand- und Geröllpisten, und war an Orten, die noch nie ein Ausländer gesehen hat.- published: 14 Jun 2014
- views: 0

Taekkyeon --------------- Taekkyeon is the traditional Korean martial art from the Joseon ...
published: 05 Jul 2013
author: HeavenlyStar12345
Taekkyeon --------------- Taekkyeon is the traditional Korean martial art from the Joseon Dynasty with a dance-like appearance in some aspects. Taekkyeon is ...- published: 05 Jul 2013
- views: 157
- author: HeavenlyStar12345

No Korean jammer on 75mb ! (16:55 UTC March 13, 2014)
3945kHz R. Vanuatu (presumed)
3912kHz Voice of the People (South Korea)
3950kHz PBS Xinjia...
published: 14 Mar 2014
No Korean jammer on 75mb ! (16:55 UTC March 13, 2014)
No Korean jammer on 75mb ! (16:55 UTC March 13, 2014)
3945kHz R. Vanuatu (presumed) 3912kHz Voice of the People (South Korea) 3950kHz PBS Xinjiang, Chinese 3959kHz KCBS, Kanggye (North Korea) 3965kHz IRIB Russian (Iran) 3985kHz Echo of Hope (South Korea) 3990kHz PBS Xinjiang, Uyghur 4010kHz Kyrgyz Radio 3945kHz R. Vanuatu (presumed) No KCBS stations on 3920kHz (Hyesan), 3972kHz (Wonsan) and 3980kHz (Chongjin) QTH: Yokohama, Japan Aerial: PA0RDT mini whip (9V DC version powered and wired thru audio RCA cable)- published: 14 Mar 2014
- views: 72

Abenteuer vom Ussuri bis zum Hindukusch - Tiger, Schmuggler, Festungsinsel - Chinas Grenzen
Sechs Monate lang ist Ostasien-Korrespondent Johannes Hano durch Chinas entlegenste Grenzp...
published: 22 Apr 2013
author: Iris Sahnewas
Abenteuer vom Ussuri bis zum Hindukusch - Tiger, Schmuggler, Festungsinsel - Chinas Grenzen
Abenteuer vom Ussuri bis zum Hindukusch - Tiger, Schmuggler, Festungsinsel - Chinas Grenzen
Sechs Monate lang ist Ostasien-Korrespondent Johannes Hano durch Chinas entlegenste Grenzprovinzen gereist. 20.000 Kilometer hat er mit seinem Team dabei zur...- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 57
- author: Iris Sahnewas

coal mining vs copper mining in china
coal mining vs copper mining in china, Links: http://goo.gl/N1nfWU (Hot!!!)
Get the price ...
published: 13 Jan 2014
coal mining vs copper mining in china
coal mining vs copper mining in china
coal mining vs copper mining in china, Links: http://goo.gl/N1nfWU (Hot!!!) Get the price of machines: http://goo.gl/Evkb4v Zenith is quite experienced in construction, milling and mining industry. Requirements like customized design, advanced equipments and faultless service are available. China, Zambia, and a Clash in a Coal Mine : The New Yorker 10 Oct 2013 China, Zambia, and a Clash in a Coal Mine The appeal is obvious: China is one of the world's biggest users of copper, which is used to make coal mining vs copper mining in china - 16 Dec 2013 More details: Get the price of coal mining vs copper mining in china: SBM as one of the largest mining Mining in Mongolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tavan Tolgoi coal mine in Ömnögovi Province countries largest export (which had previously been copper). The largest customer for coal was China, accounting for over 82% of all exported coal. and Taiwan are also likely to be beneficiaries to this coal through the Trans-Siberian railway. Mining in North Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Coal, iron ore, limestone, and magnesite deposits are larger than other mineral Mining joint ventures with other countries include China, Egypt, and South Korea. project with a Chinese firm in the development of a copper mine in Hyesan. Mining News, Mining Companies & Market Information - Daily updates on gold and commodity prices, exploration, mine development sector and removing all unlawful operations, China has admitted that its rare regulations and cheap natural gas have worked together to kill off coal in the If Rio Tinto and Mongolia can reach a deal on a $6bn+ expansion of the copper- gold China to shut down two coal mines each day | 12 Oct 2013 Of the billion tonnes of global coal demand growth since 2000, China accounted for billion tonnes or 82%. China now accounts for 47% How does China drive the mining and metals business? | Yale Insights In so many ways, the story of mining and metals, today, is the story of China. Globally That is the roughly billion metric tons consumed in coal-fired utilities for electricity And it goes down from there: copper, gold, bauxite, nickel, zinc, etc. Arsenic, copper, and zinc contamination in soil and wheat during 1 Dec 2013 Area A is in the proximity of Shuoli coal mine. In area B, three coal mines and a coal cleaning plant were distributed. risks for the inhabitants of Huaibei, China ; Journal: Environmental Science and Pollution Research Mining Tibet: Meltdown in Tibet Mining and mineral exploration have increased dramatically on the Tibetan Plateau since the It is China's largest copper deposit. Mole Coal Mine, Qinghai Mine Disasters - Mines and Mining News - The New York Times Commentary and archival information about Mines and Mining from The New York A blast at a coal mine in China's far-west Xinjiang region killed 21 people on photographs of open-pit copper mines, tailings ponds, and cyanide- leaching- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 0

More North Korean Refugees Return Home!
Pyongyang, September 30 (KCNA) -- There took place at the Koryo Compatriots Hall on Monday...
published: 03 Oct 2013
More North Korean Refugees Return Home!
More North Korean Refugees Return Home!
Pyongyang, September 30 (KCNA) -- There took place at the Koryo Compatriots Hall on Monday round-table talks with inhabitants who came back to the DPRK after being taken away to south Korea due to the allurement and abduction operations of the south Korean puppet forces. Pak Jin Gun, 49, who resided in Tongam-dong, Tanchon City and Jang Kwang Chol, 33, who resided in Ryonbong-dong No. 1, Hyesan City were present there. They told how they were deceived by the intrigues of the puppet group before being taken away to south Korea. Pak Jin Gun said he was taken away to south Korea in October 2011, caught in the tentacles of the Intelligence Service while roaming about in China after trespassing on the border with it in quest of money. Jang Kwang Chol said he was taken to south Korea in March last year, fooled by the tricks of brokers tied with the Intelligence Service. They noted that the puppet forces are becoming all the more pronounced in their moves to allure and abduct inhabitants of the DPRK to take them to south Korea. They referred to the reality of the corrupt south Korean society. The one year he spent in south Korea was the days of nightmare, Jang said. Pak stressed that those who were taken to south Korea can hardly eke out their living as they can not get jobs without money. Jang said that south Korean society is a dark society not only for those who had been abducted and taken away to it but for south Koreans. Touching on the frantic smear campaign being staged by the puppet group against the DPRK over human rights, Pak and Jang said this was prompted by its sinister scenario to tarnish the international image of the DPRK and break its single-minded unity. Jang said the group's anti-DPRK human rights campaign is based on lies, fabrications and intrigues. Pak and Jang told how they came back to the care of the DPRK, cursing south Korean society. Upon hearing in great shock the news of the press conferences given by the returnees to the DPRK, he decided to come back to the homeland, being prepared for punishment, Pak said. But he hesitated and wavered after hearing the lies cooked up by the south Korean puppet forces, he added. It was only after he saw the TV footage of the round-table talks given by teenagers who were allured and almost taken to south Korea by the puppet forces in June that he came to realize it was all a whopping lie that the returnees to the DPRK were punished, Pak said. Defying the appeasement of the police in charge who tried hard to convert him, he resolved to return to the homeland, not wanting to live in the dark land of south Korea and questioning if it is wrong to go back to native place, Pak said. Finally he succeeded in coming back to the DPRK despite disturbance, he noted. Jang Kwang Chol said he was taken away to south Korea, being caught by flesh dealers but he always kept in his mind his dear homeland and his beloved wife and children. He said he left home without saying to his wife where he was going. He added: I cursed myself a thousand times asking myself where you are and what you are doing far away from the great embrace where the genuine life and dignity shine. My heart was afire with the strong desire to return to the embrace of our party and the DPRK, and at last I managed to return to the motherland in July which I missed even in dreams. The returnees noted in excitement that thanks to supreme leader Kim Jong Un, the people of the DPRK are the happiest in the world and the country is demonstrating its might as an invincible and powerful nation. Pak Jin Gun noted that the motherland warmly embraced him and pardoned his sins, not punishing him even though he took the road of treachery. He can not find words to express his gratitude, Pak added. He remarked that our socialist system under which the people of the country are living in a great harmonious family and our party's policy of loving the people are the best in the world, adding this is the truth he keenly realized as he had been under the differing social systems in the north and the south of Korea. He expressed his determination to devotedly work for the most advantageous country. -0-- published: 03 Oct 2013
- views: 116

[Phiên âm tiếng Việt][Video Lyric] Lovely Day - Park Shin Hye
♥ Phiên âm tiếng Việt bởi Ami Wakeshima (AmiW): http://juniorbabygirl.wordpress.com/
published: 22 Jul 2013
[Phiên âm tiếng Việt][Video Lyric] Lovely Day - Park Shin Hye
[Phiên âm tiếng Việt][Video Lyric] Lovely Day - Park Shin Hye
♥ Phiên âm tiếng Việt bởi Ami Wakeshima (AmiW): http://juniorbabygirl.wordpress.com/ Video Editor & Uploader: Sera Hwang ♥ NOTE: "Phiên âm này không phải là chế, mà là phiên âm Tiếng Việt dành cho những bạn chưa biết tiếng Hàn hoặc không biết cách đọc phiên âm quốc tế để hát tiếng Hàn dễ dàng hơn, dù không đạt như người bản xứ nhưng cũng khiến cho người Hàn hiểu rằng các bạn đang hát tiếng của họ!" (Câu này mình trích nguyên văn từ blog của AmiW) ♥ Lyric cho các bạn ^.^ Lovely Day - Park Shin Hye San myo si nan ke wươ chyơ dô My sunshine Tông hoa sôk công chu chơ rơm nu nưn kam cô ki ta rin ko yê dô Nun tư myon ne kyo thê ham kê han love shot Tông hoa sô koang cha chơ rơm na rưn bô myo u so chun ko chyô Na tô môn le tu nu ni no man cư ri cô Tô môn le tu cưn ko rin ka sư mi sô ri chi nê dô I wanna love you I wanna with you Cư te tô nư ki na dô Ne ma mưn Ne kê woa dô chô cưm to ta ka woa dô ne ma mưn ka chyo dô Every day lovely day Me in sôk sa kyo chun kê dô Khen ti bô ta tan khôm han sa rang ưn chun ko yê dô Ma bơ pê chu mu nưn ko ro syan lan la Ta tưs han hes san ka thưn no ưi mi sô na rưn tưn chu kin Na tô môn le ka sư mi tô tu cưn ko ryo Tu nu nê a rưs ko ryo i chê nưn man he bôn le dô I wanna love you I wanna with you Cư te tô nư ki na dô Ne ma mưn Ne kê woa dô chô cưm to ta ka woa dô ne ma mưn ka chyo dô Every day lovely day Me in sôk sa kyo chun kê dô Khen ti bô ta tan khôm han sa rang ưn chun ko yê dô wanna love you wanna with you A na chun le dô lovely day Ne ma mưn nư kyo boa dô Yong wươn hi ham kê he Ran la ran la ran la ran la Me in heng bôk man chun ko ya Khen ti bô ta tan khôm han sa rang ưn chun ko yê dô ============- published: 22 Jul 2013
- views: 14
Youtube results:

03-01-2012 - BBC Vietnamese - Bắc Hàn bắn chết ba người vượt biên
Bài báo: https://storage.driveonweb.de/dowdoc/1659bec5c79a28263a86745e0255940d.pdf Cập nhậ...
published: 04 Jan 2012
author: FreePressForVietNam
03-01-2012 - BBC Vietnamese - Bắc Hàn bắn chết ba người vượt biên
03-01-2012 - BBC Vietnamese - Bắc Hàn bắn chết ba người vượt biên
Bài báo: https://storage.driveonweb.de/dowdoc/1659bec5c79a28263a86745e0255940d.pdf Cập nhật: 07:55 GMT - thứ ba, 3 tháng 1, 2012 "Bắc Hàn bắn chết ba...- published: 04 Jan 2012
- views: 146
- author: FreePressForVietNam

DPRK (North Korea) News - May Day 2011 in the DPRK
erster Mai in der DVRK (Nordkorea) Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- Working people of the DPRK s...
published: 01 May 2011
author: stimmekoreas
DPRK (North Korea) News - May Day 2011 in the DPRK
DPRK (North Korea) News - May Day 2011 in the DPRK
erster Mai in der DVRK (Nordkorea) Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- Working people of the DPRK significantly marked May Day. Industrial establishments, cooperative...- published: 01 May 2011
- views: 3484
- author: stimmekoreas

published: 21 May 2012
author: shamhing6
(蘋果日報/英國星期日電訊報)北韓糧食短缺問題一直嚴重,不但一般老百姓捱餓,甚至連軍人也吃不飽,有傳要以鹽水當湯。最新資料顯示,北韓近年更發生多宗民眾餓極喪失人性殺人賣肉、食人充飢事件,至少三名食人魔,被當眾處決,最近一宗發生在去年。據南韓智囊組織「統一研究院」報告指,他們訪問二230名變節北韓人,多人表示曾經目...- published: 21 May 2012
- views: 6422
- author: shamhing6

KCNA (Iniciado en Corea Nuevo Curso Escolar)
Korean Central News Agency Pyongyang, 1 de Abril Quedó iniciado en las escuelas a todos ni...
published: 01 Apr 2011
author: rodrigorojo1
KCNA (Iniciado en Corea Nuevo Curso Escolar)
KCNA (Iniciado en Corea Nuevo Curso Escolar)
Korean Central News Agency Pyongyang, 1 de Abril Quedó iniciado en las escuelas a todos niveles el nuevo curso escolar del año 100 (2011) de la Era Juche. Se...- published: 01 Apr 2011
- views: 1230
- author: rodrigorojo1