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Gawker welcomes written submissions from outside contributors and is happy to pay authors for work accepted for publication on the site. Reported stories/essays and personal essays are the types of things we like to read and consider for publication. Submissions can be emailed to features@gawker.com. Please include your submission in the body of the email. Please limit your submissions to 1200 words. Authors of essays accepted for publication will be notified within a week of submission.

Who We Are

Alex Pareene
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Interim Deputy Editor
Hamilton Nolan
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News Editor
Gabrielle Bluestone
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Senior Writers
Rich Juzwiak
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Sam Biddle
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J.K. Trotter
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Ashley Feinberg
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Staff Writers
Jordan Sargent
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Andy Cush
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Allie Jones
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Art Director
Jim Cooke
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Deputy Art Director
Tara Jacoby
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Staff Illustrator
Sam Woolley
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Contributing Editors
Melissa Cronin (Weekends)
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Brendan O’Connor (Nights)
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Executive Editor, Gawker Media
John Cook
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Executive Managing Editor, Gawker Media
Lacey Donohue
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Executive Features Editor, Gawker Media
Tom Scocca
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Director, Editorial Labs
Adam Pash
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