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Easy Meat
by Peter McLoughlin
The Tongue is Also a Fire
by James Como
Out Into The Beautiful World
by Theodore Dalrymple
Unreading Shakespeare
by David P. Gontar
Islam Through the Looking Glass: The Collected Essays and Reviews of J. B. Kelly, Vol. 3
edited by S. B. Kelly
The Real Nature of Religion
by Rebecca Bynum
As Far As The Eye Can See
by Moshe Dann
Threats of Pain and Ruin
by Theodore Dalrymple
The Oil Cringe of the West: The Collected Essays and Reviews of J.B. Kelly Vol. 2
edited by S.B. Kelly
The Impact of Islam
by Emmet Scott
Sir Walter Scott's Crusades and Other Fantasies
by Ibn Warraq
Fighting the Retreat from Arabia and the Gulf: The Collected Essays and Reviews of J.B. Kelly. Vol. 1
edited by S.B. Kelly
The Literary Culture of France
by J. E. G. Dixon
Hamlet Made Simple and Other Essays
by David P. Gontar
Farewell Fear
by Theodore Dalrymple
The Eagle and The Bible: Lessons in Liberty from Holy Writ
by Kenneth Hanson
The West Speaks
interviews by Jerry Gordon
Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited: The History of a Controversy
Emmet Scott
Anything Goes
by Theodore Dalrymple
The Left is Seldom Right
by Norman Berdichevsky
Allah is Dead: Why Islam is Not a Religion
by Rebecca Bynum


Ulysses Deriding Polyphemus by JMW Turner


Slaves of the Combustion Engine by Theodore Dalrymple

Signs of Hope for Fresh Thinking in the U.S. and the U.K.

by Conrad Black

Islam: What Is To Be Done? by G. Murphy Donovan

Where Have You Gone, Vinegar Joe? by Samuel Hux

Muslims and Atheism by Ibn Warraq

Progressivism is Hostile to Humanism by Patrick Frank

Culturism and Modernism: An Academic Odyssey

by John K. Press

A Tempered Heart: Valentine’s Days in a Chinese Odyssey

by Lizhi He

Can Our Ballistic Missile Defense System Shield Us from Rogue Regime ICBMs?

by Jerry Gordon

Nuclear War or Nuclear Peace? Israel's Post-Iran Pact Options

by Louis René Beres

Brittania Waives the Rules by Michael Curtis

Erdogan’s War Against Democracy in Turkey: Interview with Mehmet Yuksel of HDP

by Jerry Gordon

“Stand Up for Bastards”: Natural Issue in the 1571 Act of Parliament, 13 Eliz., c. 1

by David P. Gontar

The Vote for the Greatest Portuguese and its Leading Candidates

by Norman Berdichevsky

Social Justice Warriors' War Against the Enlightenment

by Lorna Salzman

Why I Don’t Read Newspapers by Richard Kostelanetz

Book reviews:

And Yet… by Christopher Ward-Greene

They Also Serve by John M. Joyce

Short Stories:

Chattel Women—Nigeria, 2014 by A. Human Being

The Magical Universe by Kanchan Bhattacharya

September Song by P. David Hornik

The Good Thief by James Como


The Tree at Frost’s Window Replies by Evelyn Hooven

Trigger Warning by Len Krisak

I Would Call You Today by Sutapa Chaudhuri

The Garden by David Sollway

Miklós Radnóti: Learn… To Write Upon The Skies

by Thomas Ország-Land




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Easy Meat: Inside Britain's Grooming Gang Scandal.

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