Investors should beware backdoor tech listings

Retail investors are being enticed to put their money into untested tech companies. And that's making people nervous.

Tech startups replace WA's struggling miners

One byproduct of the boom in start-ups under way at the moment is that retail investors are being enticed to put money into untested tech companies. And that's making people nervous. 

At an industry conference in Sydney last week, some prominent figures from the US venture capital industry were fairly dismissive of the concept of equity crowdfunding, which some sections of the local start-up community desperately want to see established. "Most of it is going to be capital that's written off,"  said Jim Fleming, of DC-based Columbia Capital.

Or as Rick Lewis, of Silicon-Valley-based US Venture Partners, which backed cloud storage firm Box and camera maker GoPro, put it: "I'm a little sceptical. You never know whether a start-up is crowdfunded because it can't get institutional capital." 

This column is a politics-free zone and I have zero desire to opine on the national debate over crowdfunding. But I will say this: while crowdfunding can be a great way to fund a prototype or to raise money for a charity or cause, the jury is still very much out on whether equity crowdfunding is a good way to fund viable companies. (There are at least two glaring exceptions: Oculus Rift, the virtual reality headset maker that was acquired by Facebook for $US2 billion in 2014, raised initial capital on Kickstarter; Uber the world's most valuable start-up, raised some initial money on AngelList.)

Going through the back door should set the alarm bells ringing.
Going through the back door should set the alarm bells ringing. Getty Images

Anyway, in a local context there is another unusual form of financing that is being used to support the growth of smaller tech companies that we should perhaps be much more cautious about: the backdoor listing.

Largely unique to Australia, the backdoor listing or reverse merger typically involves a dormant ASX-listed resources company (which never found the resources it was exploring for) reinventing itself as a technology company. The mining company typically "acquires" the private tech company after a capital raising, and the technology company assumes the shell listing. 

Regulatory concerns

ASIC raised concerns about the growing use of this structure last year, and performances have been mixed,

For some companies, the backdoor listing is seen as a cheaper, more palatable option than getting funds from local VCs, who, historically, have been seen as greedy and nasty. But you have to ask yourself: is it appropriate for a small technology company, with negligible revenues, let alone profits, to subject itself to the pressures and scrutiny of the public markets at such an early stage of its existence? That they need to take this step to secure financing, when venture capital is so plentiful, should arguably raise a red flag.   

"Many of the backdoor-listing companies have done the rounds of the private markets and not got funding," Rick Baker, of Sydney-based Blackbird Ventures, alarmingly, said at the AVCJ conference in Sydney. "They've been picked up and pushed on to the market to a perhaps less sophisticated group of investors. And I think that is just not a good thing for the reputation of the tech industry in the long term."   

Unless you have a lot of discretionary capital to throw around, investing in individual equities is already risky enough for most people.  A backdoor-listed stock or illiquid crowdfunded equity stake involves another layer of risk and complexity. 

Plenty of VC options

The main reason these forms of funding have emerged is the historic lack of institutional capital in this country for start-ups. But this is no longer the case:  Blackbird established a $200 million fund last year with the support of First State Super, Paul Basset's Square Peg Capital is raising a fund of its own, and just this week another early-stage fund was announced

More capital for start-ups and technology is a wonderful thing, but it should probably go through the venture system, which has the expertise and ability to reduce risk by taking many small bets. The worry with with alternatives like backdoor listings is that ordinary investors could get badly burned, hurting the perception of the entire tech industry. 

"The risk is or what we just need to be wary of, is where all of this capital goes," Andrea Kowalski, investment director at Bailador Investment Management says.

"So long as its supporting experienced and sophisticated and more institutional type funds that have the knowledge and capability of picking the good companies, then I think these policies are fantastic."

"[But] if it comes from investors that may not have that level of knowhow and end up funding businesses that don't warrant that level of funding, we are going to potentially see in a few years, more tears from the investor side."

"This [backdoor listings] is a risk for the industry and for the equity markets and for the perception of the quality of the tech companies coming onto market".

Fairfax Media Australia