Why I'm no friend of Malcolm Turnbull's anymore

The government has shown no guts.
The government has shown no guts. Andrew Meares

In economic management, the Rudd and Gillard governments showed a lack of sense, while the Abbott and Turnbull governments have shown a lack of spine. And neither seems to give a stuff about the effect they are having on business or investors.

This is difficult for me to write, having been a friend until now of both Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull. But Canberra is showing no leadership and no guts.

Back in 2007, our then Treasurer, Peter Costello, had our federal government effectively debt free.

Barely nine years later we have federal debt of about $400 billion, with an interest running at something like $1 billion a month. All this has happened during tolerably good times economically.

Australia did not suffer much from the global financial crisis. We enjoyed a resources boom and strong sales to China across the subsequent years.

We should now be in a reasonably strong position, but we're not because economic management has been dreadful.

Labor had been in government for less than a year in 2008 when the global financial crisis struck. Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swan responded by plunging $42 billion into the economy. It was too much and on the wrong basis (stimulating personal consumption instead of building infrastructure), but they had to be seen to be doing something and had to act quickly, so let's be charitable and forgive them for that blunder.

More important was what Labor did next, which was to keep spending with both hands with little or no consideration of how they could finance their lavish outlays. Having inherited a debt-free government, Labor went on a debt binge, pouring money into the bottomless pits of health, education and welfare.

The core problem is that when a government hands someone a benefit, the beneficiary tends to believe he or she is entitled to it. And if a subsequent government tries to reduce or take away that benefit, the beneficiaries will scream outrage.

Inherited problem

Having inherited this problem, Abbott and Joe Hockey tried to tackle it in their first budget by proposing curbs such as payments by frequent users of medical services. The screams were so loud they backed away (even though the payments would have been modest and means-tested) and never returned.

In the 2014 budget, Joe Hockey talked about being tough, but did no such thing. His proposed deficits for the four years 2014 to 2017 were expected to total $107 billion and government debt was forecast to continue rising remorselessly.

The main "tough" measures, such as the $80 billion slash to education and health services, were mostly going to happen after 2017. The outraged screams were so loud, the coalition backed away from everything (including abolition of Section 18c).

We now have a new prime minister backed by a treasurer who won a reputation for toughness by his praiseworthy performance in stopping the boatloads of illegal immigrants.

Given the size of Australia's economic mess, Scott Morrison can be forgiven for taking a little time to work out a strategy for getting the country back on its feet. But the early omens are not good. Every kite the government has flown (15 per cent GST for example) has been promptly shot down (usually by the media, but too often by Turnbull himself).

Lee Iacocca, when rescuing Chrysler (for a time anyway) observed: "People will accept a lot of pain, if everybody's going through the chute together … But the first time you find someone goofing off or not carrying his share of the load, the whole thing can come unravelled."

Australia is in too much debt and the government is spending too much money.

Here's a rough blueprint for Morrison. Cut wherever you can in the health, education and welfare areas (which are currently absorbing every dollar raised in tax). Phase out negative gearing over three years, except for Australian first-home buyers. Crack down on excessive super contributions by the rich.

To stimulate the economy, cut company tax rates by a couple of percent and ease bracket creep for individuals. Everyone will scream, but everyone will also get something.

Best of all, companies and individuals will have certainty and we can all start replanning our investment portfolios.

Trevor Sykes is not a licensed investment adviser. Views expressed are those of the author and not a substitute for tailored investment advice.