Michelle Bridges


Our fitness expert helps defeat negative self-talk and refreshes an active chef's workout routine.

Minted lamb with cauliflower mash.

Minted lamb with cauliflower mash. Photo: Julie Renouf


"Since I had kids, I have struggled with my weight and I've hit an all-time low. I'm fat and ugly, I don't eat well, and I'm good at making excuses. I don't enjoy exercise any more. I feel hopeless, really. I know the only person who can change all this is me, but I'm so depressed I don't think I could do it anyway." 

My heart goes out to you, but this isn't a conversation about what you eat and whether or not you're fat. What's missing here isn't a healthy larder or some squat-thrusters. It's self-belief: whether or not you believe in yourself. You're telling me you're lost and hopeless, but I don't buy it. I believe in you and I don't even know who you are.   

So … that negative self-talk? Ditch it. No one wants to hear it, yourself included. And your story about being fat and ugly? You're not; you're perfect. And your perfect body is going to respond perfectly to what you tell it to do, starting now.  Not tomorrow, not this afternoon. Now


And don't head into this by telling yourself you're doing this for your kids. You're not – you're doing it for you. There – now, give me a hug. 

Got a question? Message me: facebook.com/Mishy.Bridges


Logan Campbell, executive chef, Jonah's Restaurant & Boutique Hotel, Whale Beach, NSW

Logan's workout: Work can be very demanding, often starting early and finishing very late. Without regular training, I fatigue much quicker. The major issue is finding time to train. Once a week I do a 6am circuit class that focuses on a good mix of weights and cardio. It's early enough that it doesn't interfere with my work and it sets me up for the day, so I feel full of beans. Two days later I like to go for a 30-minute run, which recharges me.

Logan's goal: My fitness goals are to run the 14-kilometre Sydney City2Surf, and to lose an additional two per cent body fat, but I don't think my current routine will achieve this.

Michelle says: Frankly, if I was in your line of work – long hours, surrounded by delicious food – there'd be another 15 kilos of Michelle Bridges roaming the planet. It must be tough for you chefs, but kudos for keeping exercise in your difficult day. 

Okay, that was Nice Michelle. Here comes Butt-Kicking Michelle: I'm hearing all your bitching about starting early, finishing late and feeling tired, but you aren't going to reach your goals by focusing on what's not good. What's good is that you're starting from a reasonable fitness level, that you recognise that your training gives you more energy, and that you have a specific goal in mind: the City2Surf.

So here's the plan: Keep the circuit and add four 6am runs, adding some hills. One short one, two medium-distance, and one long one. Gradually increase the distance to 14 kilometres or more.


Minted lamb with cauliflower mash

1 large potato, peeled and chopped

300g cauliflower, trimmed and chopped

1 small zucchini, trimmed and chopped

1 tbsp chopped fresh chives

2 tbsp low-kilojoule ricotta cheese

2 tsp olive oil

½ tsp dried mint

1 tsp finely grated lemon zest

6 small french-cut lamb cutlets

Cook the potato and cauliflower in a large saucepan of boiling water for 12 minutes, adding the zucchini for the last 3 minutes of the cooking time. Drain out the water, add the chives and ricotta, and mash together in the saucepan, leaving some texture. Set aside and keep warm.

Combine the olive oil, mint and lemon zest in a small bowl. Brush the lamb cutlets evenly with the oil mixture.

Heat a non-stick frying pan on a medium to high heat. Cook the lamb for 2 minutes each side for medium, or until cooked to your liking. Set aside, loosely covered with foil, to rest for 2 minutes. 

Serve the cutlets with the mash.

Recipe from Powerful Living (Viking) by Michelle Bridges.