
Blackhead Disease - Wiki Article
Blackhead disease (also known simply as blackhead) is a commercially important avian disea...
published: 03 Nov 2012
author: WikiPlays
Blackhead Disease - Wiki Article
Blackhead disease (also known simply as blackhead) is a commercially important avian disease that affects chickens, turkeys and other poultry birds. The disease carries a high mortality rate and prim... Blackhead Disease - Wiki Article - wikiplays.org Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: en.wikipedia.org Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., This work is in the Public Domain., This work is in the public domain in the United States.
published: 03 Nov 2012
views: 40

Blackhead and Whitehead Comedone Acne
Dr. Thomas P. Habif, MD discusses Blackhead and Whitehead Comedone Acne. See more at www.d...
published: 30 Apr 2010
author: SkinDiseaseEducation
Blackhead and Whitehead Comedone Acne
Dr. Thomas P. Habif, MD discusses Blackhead and Whitehead Comedone Acne. See more at www.dermnet.com PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT!!! Acne Comedone Acne begins with the development of comedones. These appear before other signs of puberty at about age 10. The first event is the increase in production of oil by the sebaceous glands. The face and scalp become oily. Black heads or white heads first appear on the nose. Latter they form on the forehead, cheeks and finally to the chin. The chest and back may or may not be involved but these are the last areas affected. Comedones also form in and behind the ears. Closed comedones are the first to appear. The pores of some may dilate and become open comedones or blackheads. Lesion may be few or numerous giving the surface a studded appearance. The disease may then progress with some closed comedones evolving into papules, pustules and cysts. It is common to see patients with all of these lesions present in a single area. White round micros cysts called milia look like closed comedones. These are commonly found about the eyes or anywhere on the face. They are more common in older patients who have photodamaged skin. Large or small blackheads and whiteheads may be found lateral to the eyes in older people. Sun damage destroys the structural integrity of the collagen and the follicles expand to form large unsightly blackheads.
published: 30 Apr 2010
author: SkinDiseaseEducation
views: 356368

Extraction of Open Comedones (Blackheads) by Pore Strip - MICROSCOPE
The yellow substance is mostly keratin and sebum. Its yellow color is partly owed to melan...
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: GarthElson
Extraction of Open Comedones (Blackheads) by Pore Strip - MICROSCOPE
The yellow substance is mostly keratin and sebum. Its yellow color is partly owed to melanin. On this particular trial, it appears that the pore strip adhesive did not fully set. This is the source of the clear, sticky fluid at around 00:19 and at various other points throughout the video. I have added footage of a gopher to leave you with a more pleasant, less feverish feeling as you go back to your life. It is recommended you do not watch more zit popping videos today. I think.. this? might be the microscope I'm using... www.ecvv.com
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: GarthElson
views: 160169

BUGS ! or Blackheads MORGELLONS
Are these simple blackheads or parasites? Please let me know what you think they are. Ther...
published: 19 Dec 2011
author: morgellonsthetruth
BUGS ! or Blackheads MORGELLONS
Are these simple blackheads or parasites? Please let me know what you think they are. There is an area of very fragile skin on my temple that bleeds profusely on contact. There appears to be a number of simple blackheads in this area but zoomed in x400 under the microscope they appear to be parasites that shed their skin. Dr Gilmour the Dermatologist at Tameside General Hospital diagnosed harmless Sebhorreic Keratoses n this area but refused do any tests to confirm her diagnoses. Please visit Morgellons the Truth web site for more information morgellonsthetruth.com Please visit hazzelblackwell.com for excellent health information
published: 19 Dec 2011
author: morgellonsthetruth
views: 9271

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Information
Dr. Thomas P. Habif, MD discusses Hidradenitis Suppurativa Information. See more at www.de...
published: 30 Apr 2010
author: SkinDiseaseEducation
Hidradenitis Suppurativa Information
Dr. Thomas P. Habif, MD discusses Hidradenitis Suppurativa Information. See more at www.dermnet.com PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT!!! Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic suppurative and scarring disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue occurring in the axillae, the anogenital regions, and under the female breast. The disease does not appear until after puberty, and most cases develop in the second and third decades of life. Studies show clustering in families. A familial form with autosomal dominant inheritance has been described. Hidradenitis suppurativa is now believed to be a disease of the follicle rather than one beginning in the apocrine glands. Like acne, the initial event may be the formation of a keratinous follicular plug. The plugged structure dilates, ruptures, becomes infected, and progresses to abscess formation, draining, and fistulous tracts. In the chronic state, secondary bacterial infection probably is a major cause of exacerbations. A hallmark of hidradenitis is the double or bridged comedone, a blackhead with two or sometimes several surface openings that communicate under the skin. This distinctive lesion may be present for years before other symptoms appear. There is a great variation in clinical severity. Many cases, especially of the thighs and vulva, are mild and misdiagnosed as recurrent furunculosis. The disease is worse in the obese. Those patients who gain weight will often develop lesions between newly formed folds of fat. The primary lesions ...
published: 30 Apr 2010
author: SkinDiseaseEducation
views: 52758

Beauty Tips - Beauty Tips - How to Remove White heads & Black heads
Simple Home Remedy to treat white and black heads by using non chemical material. Subscrib...
published: 14 Aug 2010
author: careworldtv
Beauty Tips - Beauty Tips - How to Remove White heads & Black heads
Simple Home Remedy to treat white and black heads by using non chemical material. Subscribe for More Beauty Videos : www.youtube.com
published: 14 Aug 2010
author: careworldtv
views: 82311

Dog & Cat Diseases : How to Treat Cat Acne
Cat acne is often misunderstood, but it usually forms on the chin in pustules and pimples....
published: 07 Jun 2009
author: eHow
Dog & Cat Diseases : How to Treat Cat Acne
Cat acne is often misunderstood, but it usually forms on the chin in pustules and pimples. Treat cat acne by keeping the chin clean and free of irritants with help from a staff veterinarian in this free video on cat health and pet care. Expert: Dr. James Talbott Bio: Dr. James R. Talbott is a staff veterinarian at Belle Forest Animal Hospital and Kennel in Nashville, Tenn. Filmmaker: Dimitri LaBarge
published: 07 Jun 2009
author: eHow
views: 8634

Metabolic Bone Disease in snakes? Fact or Fiction? Paget's disease=the answer.
My 1st "sad" video. Metabolic Bone Disease is rare in snakes if it occurs at all. I don't ...
published: 06 Jul 2011
author: ApexSerpents
Metabolic Bone Disease in snakes? Fact or Fiction? Paget's disease=the answer.
My 1st "sad" video. Metabolic Bone Disease is rare in snakes if it occurs at all. I don't think it exists as a deficiency like in diurnal reptiles. There are rare cases of a bone disease called Paget's disease that is similar to arthritis or MBD. It affects young snakes and the causes could be many as I discuss in this video. I believe it lies dormant in the animal and is triggered by an event but literature suggests it's a degenerative disease. For me degeneration suggests aging and Paget's disease in snakes affects young specimens so I am in doubt but it's the best explanation for a nocturnal snake that displays MBD like symptoms.
published: 06 Jul 2011
author: ApexSerpents
views: 1570

Get Rid of Whiteheads Now Cure Whiteheads Completely
Get rid of whiteheads at HowToGetRidOfAcneAndAcneScars.com -- Get rid of whiteheads by lea...
published: 01 Apr 2012
author: advmnmedia
Get Rid of Whiteheads Now Cure Whiteheads Completely
Get rid of whiteheads at HowToGetRidOfAcneAndAcneScars.com -- Get rid of whiteheads by learning the secrets that greedy Wall Street Companies don't want you to know about. YOU can cure your acne and acne scars starting today! If you suffer from whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, zits, or however you choose to address your horrific disease, and you're NOT interested in curing your condition permanently? If bettering your life, is NOT your priority - then please stop reading this! This will be a waste of your time. BUT ... If you ARE ready to end your suffering - this is definitely for you! You are about to discover a natural, proven system that works! It has been used by thousands of people to cure their acne conditions, just like the one you're suffering from right now! This IS the key to ending your acne breakouts forever! Click on the link in the first sentence. Do you really want to know how to get rid of whiteheads and completely heal your ravaging skin illness? Then you must treat all the symptoms related to it. And this system will show you a natural way to permanently rid your skin of these awful, social-life ruining, libido-killing, skin criminals. You owe it to yourself to check out the only holistic acne system available that will permanently cure your breakouts in the next 30-60 days -- Guaranteed! Get this system and learn how to get rid of whiteheads and cure your acne scars forever! Make a change. Better your life. Start Right Now! Click on the link in the ...
published: 01 Apr 2012
author: advmnmedia
views: 19869

Disease Specific Nutrition - Premson Pyara
Get a free video from my personal collection over the 9 years in health and beauty industr...
published: 09 Oct 2009
author: premsonb
Disease Specific Nutrition - Premson Pyara
Get a free video from my personal collection over the 9 years in health and beauty industry. Call me @ +91-98496-12346 Premson Pyara. 1. Life style Makeover for - Lung, Heart, Kidney & Skin 2. Pain Management - Arthritis, Back pain, 3. Prostate problem 4. Child health care - Memory, concentration, hand writing 5. Cardiovascular Nutrition 6. Anti-oxidant drink - ORAC 7. Weight Management 8. Beehive Nutrition 9. Omega3 diets 10. Blackhead & whitehead removal 11. Natural 10 min face-lift. 12. Mineral Foundation.
published: 09 Oct 2009
author: premsonb
views: 225

Home Remedy for Blackheads Part 1
www.lifefxusa.com www.6minutefacelift.info www.6minutefacelift.info Blackheads' is the nam...
published: 18 Mar 2011
author: skincarefx3
Home Remedy for Blackheads Part 1
www.lifefxusa.com www.6minutefacelift.info www.6minutefacelift.info Blackheads' is the name given to blackish bumps or plugs on the skin. They are nothing, but blocked pores that are filled with oil deposits and dead skin cells. A part of skin disease called acne; they usually appear on the face, back, chest and other parts of the body that have sebaceous glands. Blackheads are higher in number when compared pimples or zits. They thrive in oily skin and get worsened when the latter is exposed to pollution. You need to maintain proper hygiene to get cured of blackheads. While there are many skin treatments, like laser therapy, which you can follow to get cured of blackheads, it is advisable to stick to natural ways. Check out some home remedies for getting rid of blackheads. http Home Remedy For Blackheads • An effective home remedy for blackheads would be to combine hot water, Epsom salt and iodine. Put 1 tsp Epsom salt and 4 drops iodine in 1/4 cup hot water. When the solution cools down, apply it on the affected area, with a cotton ball. After it dries, remove it with a clean cloth. • Make a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves, with water. Apply the paste on the affected area for about 10 to 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Use this remedy regularly for favorable results. www.6minutefacelift.info www.lifefxusa.com www.6minutefacelift.info
published: 18 Mar 2011
author: skincarefx3
views: 1863

Acne Pimples - Papules and Pustules
Dr. Thomas P. Habif, MD discusses Acne Pimples - Papules and Pustules. See more at www.der...
published: 30 Apr 2010
author: SkinDiseaseEducation
Acne Pimples - Papules and Pustules
Dr. Thomas P. Habif, MD discusses Acne Pimples - Papules and Pustules. See more at www.dermnet.com PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT!!! Papulopustular Acne Introduction Papulopustular acne is the most common form of acne. All acne begins with a microcomedo. That lesion may progress to a closed comedo also know as a white head or an open comedo which is also know as a black head. The microcomedo, open and closed comedo all have the potential to evolve into papules and pustules. The most common presentation is to see comedones, papules and pustules in the same area. Lesions may remain localized to the face or appear on the back, chest and upper arms. The course and extent is highly variable and unpredictable. Some patients have only a few papules that may last a few months and resolve. Others have a moderate number of papules or papules and pustules that extend to all areas of the face. At the other end of the spectrum are those who have wide spread unstable disease with many papules and pustules that last well into the twenties and thirties. All of these lesions heal with scarring. The smallest papules and pustules leave only microscopic scars. Scars following the evolution of the larger more inflamed lesions are visible. Rosacea and perioral dermatitis may be misdiagnosed as acne. Rosacea usually begins after age 30. Papules and pustules of uniform size are found on the forehead, cheeks and nose. There may be erythema and telangiectasias in the same location. Perioral dermatitis ...
published: 30 Apr 2010
author: SkinDiseaseEducation
views: 5902

Sexy guys in speedos hot sex cams blackhead squeeze asian grannies analog atomic clocks
hello guys:) im hot girl from russia :)) what can isay:) i am just extremely sexy and pass...
published: 19 May 2011
author: zonary56
Sexy guys in speedos hot sex cams blackhead squeeze asian grannies analog atomic clocks
hello guys:) im hot girl from russia :)) what can isay:) i am just extremely sexy and passionate girl thatlove pleasure in its faces and ways;) i love to make ur hottest wishes and the wildest desires come true... Additional tags: asian grannies, dating and sex, blackmarket whitehouse,...
published: 19 May 2011
author: zonary56
views: 936

The Common Acne Myiths
For some people, acne represents nothing more than the key to the door into adulthood - al...
published: 26 May 2010
author: TypesAndTips
The Common Acne Myiths
For some people, acne represents nothing more than the key to the door into adulthood - almost a rite of passage as the body changes.As the most common disease in the world, it is often taken for granted that spots, blackheads and greasy skin will stake their temporary claim on the faces of almost everyone in the world.
published: 26 May 2010
author: TypesAndTips
views: 4383
Youtube results:

Acne Pimple & Blackheads.How To Remove Acne Pimple & Blackheads
tinyurl.com Discover how 138000 people got rid of acne pimple and blackheads within 2 week...
published: 06 Dec 2011
author: success00000
Acne Pimple & Blackheads.How To Remove Acne Pimple & Blackheads
tinyurl.com Discover how 138000 people got rid of acne pimple and blackheads within 2 weeks visit tinyurl.com How to remove acne pimple and blackheads Acne pimple and blackheads are the least severe type of acne, but can nevertheless, cause problems. Because of clogged pores, quite often they will appear on the nose which is a perfect spot because of the oil that builds up there. Because their roots are buried deep, they can be quite stubborn and painful to remove. Some feel that just squeezing blackheads is the answer, however, that is not an effect method and can aggravate the situation. That solution is only temporary and can make matters worse. Here are some helpful tips for removing blackheads acne and pimples naturally. Try to stay away from dairy products as much as possible because these contain harmful hormones that can trigger sebum, which is one of the main causes of acne. Make-up does not cause acne but it can aggravate it so be careful here and make sure that you wash any make-up off thoroughly before you go to bed. A healthy diet can really help. Eat foods that contain vitamin E, such as almonds, sunflower seeds, wheat-germ, broccoli, vegetable oils and peanuts, plain or dry roasted. One important point I would like to mention here is to make sure you are not allergic to peanuts as one of the side effects is acne! Avoid stress as much as possible. In this day and age that is easier said than done, but stress and anxiety can cause acne or make it worse, so ...
published: 06 Dec 2011
author: success00000
views: 81

How I Keep My Skin Clear ♡
Instagram: PeachyKeenLove Twitter: @PeachyKeenYT ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ In the past...
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: PeachyKeenLove
How I Keep My Skin Clear ♡
Instagram: PeachyKeenLove Twitter: @PeachyKeenYT ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ In the past, I used to have acne & blackheads on my cheeks, forehead, chin, nose - basically everywhere. I also had impetigo (you can google pictures of that. it's basically a bacterial disease) on my face, ears, and arms. My skin used to be pretty bad, but I promise you, when you find the right products and get on a routine, your skin will get so much better! My skin isn't perfect, but it has improved SO much! If you have acne, don't get discouraged! Almost everyone gets it at some point and it won't last forever. My biggest tips are: 1) Go see a dermatologist for the best results. 2) GET ENOUGH SLEEP!
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: PeachyKeenLove
views: 596

Natural and Easy Remedy For Backhead
youthfully.net Discover how you can fight blackhead with easy and natural way....
published: 06 Apr 2010
author: Tarmizi Ramly
Natural and Easy Remedy For Backhead
youthfully.net Discover how you can fight blackhead with easy and natural way.
published: 06 Apr 2010
author: Tarmizi Ramly
views: 42

Acne Lesions and Classification
Dr. Thomas P. Habif, MD discusses Acne Lesions and Classification. See more at www.dermnet...
published: 30 Apr 2010
author: SkinDiseaseEducation
Acne Lesions and Classification
Dr. Thomas P. Habif, MD discusses Acne Lesions and Classification. See more at www.dermnet.com PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT!!! Acne Classification Acne lesions Acne lesions are divided into inflammatory and noninflammatory lesions. Noninflammatory lesions consist of open and closed comedones. Open and closed comedones are the first lesions to appear. Closed comedones or white heads appear as white microcysts. The follicular opening is barely perceptible. Open comedones or black heads have a dilated follicular orifice that contains a plug with a dark surface. The opening may be small or very large. Inflammatory acne lesions are characterized by the presence of papules, pustules, and nodules (cysts). Papules are less than 5 mm in diameter. Pustules have a visible central core of purulent material. Nodules are greater than 5 mm in diameter. Nodules may become suppurative or hemorrhagic. Suppurative nodular lesions have been referred to as cysts because of their resemblance to inflamed epidermal cysts. Recurring rupture and reepithelialization of cysts leads to epithelial-lined sinus tracks, often accompanied by disfiguring scars. Classification Inflammatory acne lesions are classified as papulopustular and nodular. A severity grade based on a lesion count approximation is assigned as mild, moderate, or severe. Mild cases have few to several lesions. They do not have cysts. Moderate cases have several to many papules and few to several cysts. Patients with severe acne have ...
published: 30 Apr 2010
author: SkinDiseaseEducation
views: 36367