Brave New War: How conflict changed in 2015

The nature of warfare changed significantly during 2015, but most people are blissfully unaware. I think the new spectrum of warfare goes beyond what's mentioned in this article, but it's still good to see some journalists waking up to reality.

Peter Pomerantsev, Brave New War: A new form of conflict emerged in 2015:
From China in Asia to Russia in Europe and the Middle East, and ISIS just about everywhere, 2015 has seen the flourishing of conflicts that exist in a gray zone, one which is not quite open war but more than regular competition, which is attuned to globalization, which liberal democracies are ill-equipped to deal with, and which may well be the way power is exercised and conflict conducted in the foreseeable future.

Described by scholars as “hybrid,” “full-spectrum,” “non-linear,” “next-generation,” or “ambiguous”—the variations in the description indicate the slipperiness of the subject—these conflicts mix psychological, media, economic, cyber, and military operations without requiring a declaration of war.

In the case of Russia’s ongoing campaign in Ukraine... The point is not to occupy territory—Russia could easily annex rebel-held eastern Ukraine—but to destabilize Ukraine psychologically and advance a narrative of the country as a “failed state,” thus destroying the will and support inside Ukraine and internationally for reforms that would make Kiev more independent from Moscow...

China’s doctrine of the Three Warfares pushes these non-physical aspects even further, using “legal,” “psychological,” and “media” warfare to ... “undermine international institutions, change borders, and subvert global media, all without firing a shot. The Western, and especially American, concept of war emphasises the kinetic and the tangible—infrastructure, arms, and personnel—whereas China is asking fundamental questions: ‘What is war?’ And, in today’s world: ‘Is winning without fighting possible?’”

An immediate aim of the Three Warfares is to spread China’s dominion over the South China Sea...

In many ways, gray-zone conflicts are the dark flip side of globalization, where transnational media, economic integration, and the free movement of people create not a “global village,” but an environment in which we can all mess with each other in more insidious ways. Globalization also means, however, that states such as China or Russia are unlikely to declare full-on war. Why risk an open conflict they would probably lose when the aim is to preserve all the advantages of “positive” globalization—the global markets and foreign investments—while simultaneously harnessing these dynamics to subvert others.

All this leads to a situation where powers can be fighting each other with one hand and shaking hands with the other ...

Many Chinese and Russians would argue that Western countries are likewise waging gray-zone conflicts against them. After the Chinese stock market collapsed this year, Lin Zuoming, a powerful figure within one of China’s largest state-owned enterprises, insisted the crash was “without any doubt … an economic war” led by the United States to undermine the Communist Party’s rule...

But liberal democracies in the West can also find it very difficult to act in the gray zone...

While it is relatively easy for authoritarian regimes to fuse the efforts of military, media, and business entities, in democracies the interests of these groups are often diametrically opposed. For example: When the U.K. government signed a deal this fall allowing China to invest in a new British nuclear reactor, the money men at the Treasury were delighted; the moral men in the media appalled by the United Kingdom selling out on human rights; and the military men worried by Chinese penetration of British energy and telecommunications infrastructure.

Of course, Western powers can unite money, media, and the military to devastating and diabolical effect when a war is declared ... but they are more at a loss when responding to not-quite-wars that are undeclared...

It’s a brave new war without beginning or end, where the borders of peace and war, serviceman and civilian have become utterly blurred—and where you and I are both a target and a weapon.
The full spectrum of new warfare probably goes way beyond what's mentioned here, to include any type of covert attack, including drug warfare, all manner of "accidents" done covertly, and possibly even spooky technologies like weather warfare, seismic warfare, biological warfare, etc. A brave new world, indeed.

These are the terrifying fruits of diversity and globalisation: we can all mess with each other in more insidious ways.

File under: Waking Up to Unrestricted Warfare.

Chinese Navy to BBC: 'Stay away from islands'

A BBC journalist flies over one of the artificial islands created by China. An island far closer to Philippines territory than to China. And it's teeming with activity.

This week Chinese media also threatened Australian flights over their islands, saying: "... it would be a shame if one day a plane fell from the sky and it happened to be Australian".

File under: it's time to stop feeding the dragon.

France: what motivates Islamic terrorists?

In the wake of the France attacks, apparently by members/proxies of ISIS (Islamic State), we've had the usual intellectually bankrupt journalism here in Australia which is worried more about a potential backlash against Muslims than it is in getting to the heart of understanding what motivates terrorists.

But a few weeks ago, ABC Lateline made some progress by honestly discussing the barbarity of the prophet Mohammed.

As Sam Harris says about Mohammed: "He was a warlord who did many of the things that you see members of ISIS doing".

The Koran contains 90 verses which implore Muslims to imitate the prophet Mohammed: "a beautiful pattern of conduct".

Devout Muslims, in an ardent search for the right way to follow their religion, inevitably turn to the biography of Mohammed, which reads like a war documentary.

Indeed, in early Islam, the biography of Mohammed was known as Maghazi (literally, stories of military expeditions).

And Mohammed nicknamed his swords "Pluck Out" and "Death", and himself had a nickname from early Muslim historian Tabari of "The Obliterator".

Religion is the imitation of archetypes, and Mohammed was nothing like Jesus or the Buddha. He was a role model in terrorism.

The kindest thing you can say about Islam is that it is open to interpretation, but the terrorists have a very convincing case that they are the true Muslims.

Other fun facts about Islam...
Mohammed beheaded 600-900 Jews on one day.

Mohammed ordered or supported 43 assassinations.

The prophet Mohammed commanded 65 military campaigns, and fought in 27 of them. He averaged an event of violence every 6 weeks for the last 9 years of his life.

The prophet Mohammed sanctioned the killing of about 10 poets who criticised him.

The prophet Mohammed took a Jewish girl (Safiyah) to bed on the night of torturing her husband to death.

Safiyah said: “Of all men, I hated the prophet the most—for he killed my husband, my brother, and my father”.

Mohammed sanctioned sex slaves as the spoils of war.

The Islamic holy books (Koran, Hadith, Sira) contain more Jew hatred (9%) than Mein Kampf (7%).

The Islamic calendar begins when Mohammed stopped being a peaceful preacher in Mecca and became a violent warlord in Medina.

The prophet Mohammed was poisoned by a Jewish women, following his attack on the Jewish settlement of Khaibar. He died three years later as a result.

Three of the first four Caliphs (Muslim rulers after the death of Mohammed) were also so well loved, they too met with violent death.
File under: it's all about Mohammed.

US mining chief urges Australia to stop feeding the dragon

And he's absolutely right. China will eventually invade Australia, just like it's stealing the South China Sea, and has stolen Tibet and Uighur territory.
US miner links iron exports to China's advance in South China Sea

Cliffs Natural Resources... chief executive, Lourenco Goncalves, said the miners were supplying China "to become an enemy".

"I hope the Australians will continue to question themselves why one or two companies are giving their finite resource away to the Chinese while the Chinese builds into a military powerhouse in the South China Sea," he said in a conference call with analysts on Friday

"I believe that China is a disaster. I believe that China will bring Australia down.

"Australia is a member of the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement), so it is a friend, at the same time that they supply China to become an enemy. So (they've) got to pick a side.

"I think that Australia will only believe China is destroying Australia when they build an artificial island on the Great Barrier Reef that they can see from the shore . So it is a matter of a myopic approach to world geopolitics and economics."
File under: national security trumps economics.

Tianjin: Confidence more important than food

If the Tianjin explosion was an inside job, which I suspect it was, then what might the motive be?

The answer might be found in this Confucius quote:
Zigong asked about government.

The Master said, "The requisites of government are that there be sufficient food, sufficient military equipment, and the confidence of the people in their ruler."

Zigong said, "If one had to dispense with one of those three, which should be given up first?" "The military equipment, " said the Master.

Zigong again asked, "If one had to dispense with one of the two remaining, which should be given up?"

The Master answered, "Give up the food. From of old, death has always been the lot of men; but if the people have no faith in their rulers, they cannot stand."
So, Confucius is saying that a nation can recover from material loss, including deaths. But it's a far more serious matter when the people lose confidence in their leaders. So, if some people have to die to maintain confidence in your rulers, then so be it, according to Confucius.

The Tianjin explosion followed shortly after China's stock market crash, where a lot of people lost a lot of money. Confidence in Xi Jinping's leadership was shattered, given that the Communist Party had encouraged people to invest in stocks, rather than property.

All of a sudden, China's leaders went from geniuses to fools. Xi Jinping would not have been on these people's Christmas card list.

So, what would China's leaders do in this situation? It would not be surprising if they did something to (a) distract people's attention away from the stock crisis and (b) censor talk that dramatised the crisis and questioned the leadership of Xi Jinping and (c) found some minions to blame.

The Tianjin explosion was a perfect distraction, and the government did censor talk about the crisis:
China arrests man for suicide 'rumors' amid stock market rout

Chinese authorities have arrested a man who allegedly spread rumors about people in Beijing jumping off buildings in response to a stock market crash, state television reported on Sunday.

The 29-year-old man, surnamed Tian, was detained for "disorderly behavior", China Central Television said.

He alleged wrote on social media on July 3 that "there are people, because of the stock market crash, who have jumped off buildings in Beijing's Financial Street," a commercial development in downtown that houses many financial institutions.
All the boxes were ticked: distraction, censorship, and they scapegoated journalists and professionals for "spreading rumours" that accelerated the collapse.

Restoring confidence in Xi was especially important because he would soon be sticking his head out of a moving car, while driving down a military parade.

And all this comes on the back of China's slowing economy:

So, the Tianjin explosion could simply have been one giant distraction, to get past the stock market crash, while avoiding a crisis of confidence in Xi's leadership.


The other dimension to the market crash is how China responded externally. I suspect that China blames its stock market crash on America, specifically a Morgan Stanley downgrade, which China interpreted as an act of economic warfare.

Subsequently, China retaliated by devaluing their currency and dumping US loans. There is also speculation that China began covertly attacking America, and allies, with all manner of "accidents", as per their doctrine of unrestricted warfare. But that's a big topic, and will have to wait for another time.

File under: the art of distraction.