Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

Our Daily Bleed: Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman, Albert Laisant, Milly Witkop Rocker, Max Sartin; November 23
    In the very earliest time,
    when both people & animals lived on earth,
    a person could become an animal if he wanted to
    & an animal could become a human being.

    Sometimes they were people
    & sometimes animals
    & there was no difference.

    All spoke the same language.
    That was the time when words were like magic.

    The human mind had mysterious powers.

    A word spoken by chance
    might have strange consequences.

    It would suddenly come alive
    & what people wanted to happen could happen —
    all you had to do was say it.

    Nobody could explain this:
    That's the way it was.

        — Edward Field, "Magic Words,"
        translated from the Inuit (Eskimo)


American radical, helped found the Wobblies.

ST. CLEMENTS DAY. Procession of blacksmiths & (mad) hatters.

Japan: NIINAME SAI, harvest festival.

Lee Harvey Oswald mug shot


1170 BC -- [BC] Pyramid Scheme?: First recorded strike for better working conditions & pay, takes place in Egypt, by pyramid laborers who are tired of belaboring the point.

"They say the Pharaohs built the pyramids. Do you think one Pharaoh dropped one bead of sweat?

We built the pyramids for the Pharaohs & we're building for them yet."

         — Anna Louise Strong

1760 -- French revolutionary Francois-Noel Babeuf lives, St. Quentin, France.

Communist leader in the French Revolution, member of the Conspiracy of Equals, until betrayed to the Directory, when he was captured & executed.

Opposed to the middle-class degeneration of the revolution. The Conspiracy of Equals included Buonarroti, Sylvain Maréchal, Jacques Roux, & Jean Varlet, among others. Babeuf & 30 others were executed, but Varlet escaped & published "Explosion," one of the first anarchist proclamations, declaring "Government & revolution are incompatible."

1828 -- US: William Silvus, American labor activist, lives (1828-1869).

Painting of Silk Workers Revolt in Lyon
1831 -- France: The Silk Workers' Revolt in Lyon continues. Workers occupy the Town Hall & an attempt at an insurrectionary government is made.

For lack of a clear politics, or by a trick of the authorities, the latter regain control of the city on December 2.

1852 -- US: A Drop in the Bucket? Just past midnight, a sharp jolt causes Lake Merced to drop 30 feet (9m).

1859 -- US: Western outlaw, gunslinger, Billy the Kid (Bonney) lives.
Letter B
while i've been going on
the blood from my wrist
has travelled to my heart
& my fingers touch
this soft blue paper notebook
control a pencil that shifts up & sideways
mapping my thinking going its own way

— Michael Ondaatje, Collected Works of Billy the Kid

1874 -- Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy is published.

1883 -- Radical Marxist muralist Jose Orozco lives, Zapatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Jose Orozco

1884 -- Playwright Guy Bolton (The Dark Angel; Lady Be Good) lives, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire.

 Death manning film camera
1887 -- Screen monster Boris Karloff lives.
Boris Karloff as Frankenstein Animated skull

1888 -- Film comedian Harpo Marx lives.

1889 -- US: First jukebox installed, Frisco, California.

1903 -- US: Army troops dispatched to Cripple Creek, Colorado to put down a rebellion by striking coal miners. Paid by mine owners & the State, General Sherman Bell & his men arrive & throw 600 union workers into a military bullpen, holding them for weeks without charges.

When a lawyer appears with a writ of habeas corpus, the General says, (quote)

"Habeas corpus, hell!

We'll give 'em post mortems!"

The "Victor Record" editor criticized Bell's seizure of power, but soldiers confiscate the issue, seize the editors & printers, & throw them into the bullpen as well. The wife of one of the jailed printers, Emma Langdon, publishes the paper on her own the next night.

The headline? "Slightly Disfigured But Still in the Ring!"

1906 -- Sait Faik Abasiyanik, major modern Turkish writer/short-story writer, lives, Adapazari, Ottoman Empire.

1906 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministUS: Mother Earth Masquerade Ball at Webster Hall in New York City disrupted by police; owner is forced to close the hall.

Mother Jones illustration, source
1907 -- A Tribute to Mother Jones, by Eugene V. Debs, published in "The Appeal to Reason"; later reprinted in Debs: His Life, Writing & Speeches (Charles Kerr Cooperative Publishing, 1910).

By 1902 Julius Wyland's Kansas-based socialist newspaper, "An Appeal to Reason", was the fourth largest weekly in the US, with a circulation of 150,000, peaking in 1913 with 750,000 subscribers.

Mother Jones wrote her own autobiography, at age 95, with an introduction by Clarence Darrow, which was also published by Charles Kerr.

"I'm no lady,
I'm a hell-raiser!"

1909 -- US: Wright Brothers forms million dollar corp to manufacture airplanes called, Wright On Brothers, Inc.

Jean Cocteau portrait
1913 -- Jean Cocteau reviews Marcel Proust's Swann's Way:

"It resembles nothing that I know of, & reminds me of everything I admire."

1917 -- US: Supreme Court strikes down Louisville, Kentucky ordinance requiring blacks & whites to live in separate residential areas.

1919 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministUS: The anti-war activists & anarchists Alexander Berkman & Emma Goldman begin a short lecture tour in Detroit; today's event is attended by 1,500 people & Emma says 2,000 people had to be turned away for lack of space. Large Jewish audience attends a meeting on Nov. 25.
video icon
video icon

1920 -- Paul Celan lives, Romania. Poet/lecturer, influenced by French Surrealism & Symbolism. Lived in France, wrote in German. Received Georg Büchner Prize. Translated such writers as Cocteau, Michaux, Mandelstam, Ungaretti, Pessoa, Rimbaud, Valéry, Char, du Bouchet, & Dupin.

1926 -- English poet Christopher Logue lives, in Portsmouth, Hampshire. One of the leaders in the movement to bring poetry closer to popular experience. His own pungent, political verse is strongly influenced by the work of Bertolt Brecht & the English ballad tradition. His first book of poetry, The Weakdream Sonnets was published in 1955.

universal anarchist icon
1928 -- Albert Laisant (1873-1928), libertaire, dies. Son of Charles Ange Laisant (1841-1920), Albert, introduced to libertarian ideas by Sébastien Faure, turns the whole family into anarchists, including his father & his own two sons, Maurice & Charles.

1931 -- USSR: In the face of sabotage & 'irresponsibility' & only two years after its introduction, the Soviet authorities are forced to abandon Nepreryvka, the five-day week — see 26 August & 1 December.
Source: 'Calendar Riots'

Horrific lightning storm
1935 -- Ethel Leginska (1886-1970) becomes the first woman to write an opera — & conduct it. Her original work titled, "Gale" opens at the Chicago City Opera Company. She broke down gender barriers in concert halls around the world (she was the first woman to conduct opera in America & the first woman to conduct at the Hollywood Bowl), a composer of originality & power & also a formidable teacher who inspired in her Los Angeles studio a new generation of pianists.

Leginska was tragically cut down in her prime, killed by a lightning bolt.

Her epitaph?

"Even God found Her a good Conductor."

1936 -- Pacifist/anti-fascist writer Carl Von Ossietzky who has been sent to a German concentration camp, is awarded the 1935 Nobel Peace Prize.

As a peace activist, journalist, editor-in-chief & contributor to "Die Weltbühne," Ossietzky was sentenced to prison in the early 30s for "defaming the German Army." He was imprisoned in a concentration camp after the Nazis came to power as a political prisoner & "a traitor." In 1936, still a concentration camp inmate, Ossietzky received the Nobel Peace Prize. Released as an invalid under "protective custody," he died in Berlin in 1938.

In Norway, the press had debated his nomination intensely: socialist, communist & liberal newspapers were in favour of an award to Ossietzky, conservative newspapers were skeptical or negative because of the anti-fascist "statement" it sent, & rightwingers tried to smear him as a communist.

Book cover, Inkorrect
1939 -- Poet bill bissett lives, Halifax, Canada, "the same day as Gerald Lampert, P.K. Page & Billy the Kid." He really did run away from home in his early teens to join a circus, which led him from his home town, Halifax, to Vancouver. In the 1960s, bissett assumed an almost godlike pre-eminence in the counter-culture movement in Canada & the UK.

1942 -- In a letter to Felix Frankfurter, Alexander Woolcott imparts H. L. Mencken's "Happy Formula" for answering controversial letters, which is final, courteous, & can be employed without reading the missive to which it replies. He merely says:

"Dear Sir (or Madame): You may be right."

Torpedo car
1942 -- High Seas: Poon Lim set adrift for 133 days after his boat is torpedoed.

1945 -- US: Wartime food rationing ends.

1946 -- French Navy opens fire on Haiphong, Vietnam, kills 6,000.

Rocker family
1955 -- Milly Witkop Rocker (1877-1955) dies. Anarchist, labor organizer, lifelong companion of Rudolf Rocker.

See Milly Witkop-Rocker, by Rudolf Rocker (Berkeley Heights: Oriole Press, 1956.)

1958 -- US: Astrology Works?! Ronald & Nancy Reagan appear together in the "GE Theatre" production of "A Turkey for President".

1964 -- US:. Supreme Court refuses to strike the phrase "under God," instituted in 1954, from the Pledge of Allegiance.

Rotting corpse
1967 -- "Rolling Stone" quotes Frisco's veteran disco jockey Tom Donahue:

"Top Forty radio, as we know it today & have known it for the last ten years, is dead, & its rotting corpse is stinking up the airwaves."

1968 -- Canada: RCMP arrests 114 during anti-Vietnam War protests on campus of Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia.

1970 -- Lithuanian radio operator seeking asylum leaps from Russian trawler onto the deck of the Coast Guard cutter Vigilant. Commander Ralph Eustis allowed Soviet sailors to board his vessel, tie up the would-be defector, & drag him back.

1975 -- Friendly Neighborhood Narco Agent - Jef Jaisun on the Dr. Demento Show live. Jaisun#45ada56a3de85d3b

1976 -- Police arrest Jerry Lee Lewis outside the gates of Graceland after he shows up for the second time that night & makes a scene, shouting, waving a pistol & demanding to see Elvis Presley.

1980 -- Italy: Earthquake in Campania & Basilicata. The reconstruction will see the Italian state engaged in pillage & waste (il cui ammontare si aggirerà intorno ai 50mila miliardi).
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]

1981 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting Prez Ronnie Reagan authorizes CIA to form paramilitary squads of Nicaraguan exiles to overthrow the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. (This is the same clown who, on September 28, 1990, with a straight face, claims "We have never interfered in the internal government of a country." & of course, from 1855 to 1981 there have been at least 40 US military interventions in Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean alone.)

Raffaele Schiavina, aka Max Sartin, Italian American anarchist
1987 --

Max Sartin, 97, dies, Salt Lake City, Utah. True name Raffaele Schiavina, born April 8, 1894. Schiavina collaborated on many anarchist newspapers (in Italian). He was imprisoned & later expelled from the "land of the free" in 1919 for anti-war activities. In Paris, he participated in the defense of Sacco & Vanzetti. Schiavina was imprisoned & harrassed numerous times before returning to the US where he published, for 45 years, the weekly magazine "Adunata dei Refrattari" (longest lasting paper of the Italian-American anarchist movement).

See his Autobiographical Notes at the Kate Sharpley Library, from "Bollettino Archivio G. Pinelli" (Milan). No 13, August 1999.


Max Sartin, anarchicho

1990 -- After a successful, yet tragic personal life, popular British writer Roald Dahl dies in Oxford.

1990 -- Yo! Catch This!? Bo Diaz, baseball catcher, is crushed to death by a satellite dish, at 37.

Utah Phillips cartoon; source
2000 -- US: Florida...
State of Utah urges Florida to throw its votes
to their favorite son,
sending U. Utah Phillips to the White House.

Utah Phillips, a man who once ran for president of the U.S.A.
on the "Sloth & Indolence" ticket.

"The Earth is not dying — it is

being killed. & the people

who are killing it have names

& addresses."

— U. Utah Phillips

State of the Union address


2009 -- China: Human rights activist Huang Qi, who campaigned for the parents of the children killed in schools in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, is sentenced to three years in prison for "illegally holding state secrets".

3000 --

"Every man is a fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists of not exceeding the limit."

— Elbert Hubbard, printer, publisher

Friends?: Man pointing gun
9001 --

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Anarchist Time Line / Chronology