Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

Our Daily Bleed: Albert Camus, Benoît Broutchoux, Felice Orsini, Pauli Pallas, Emma Goldman, Ehrich Muhsam, Gustav Landauer, Ernst Toller, Ret Marut (B. Traven), Ethel Mannin, Charles Malato, Charles d'Avray, Ethel Mannin, Joseph Spivak, On this day November 7
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He ambles along like a walking pin cushion,
Stops & curls up like a chestnut burr.
He's not worried because he's so little.
Nobody is going to slap him around.

— Chu Chen Po (9th century).
Translated from the Chinese by Kenneth Rexroth

November 7

Militant historian of the Spanish anarcho-syndicalist movement.

Alternate Saint (2003-4):

Mystical Shawnee prophet,
twin brother of Tecumseh,
forged a pan-Indian united front against US aggression.

Car burning during protest


Lee Harvey Oswald with pamphlet


1687 -- Antiquarian William Stukeley lives, Hollbeach, Lincolnshire. Principal among his 20-odd works on the antiquities of England are those about Stonehenge & various reputed Druid remains.

1811 -- US: Battle of Tippecanoe. Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader William Henry Harrison, governor of Indiana, defeats an Indian group; the fame for this feat later helps him gain the US presidency.

1837 -- US: Abolitionist newspaperman Elijah P. Lovejoy murdered by an armed mob, Alton, Illinois.
... show details

1867 -- Physicist Marie Curie lives.

1874 -- US: Republican Party elephant first appears, (in Harper's Weekly).

1879 -- Ukraine: Leon Trotsky, Russian Bolshevik who will lose out to Uncle Joe Stalin, lives, Yankova.

Benoit Broutchoux poster; source
1879 -- France: Benoît Broutchoux lives (1879-1944). French anarchist, adherent of neo-Malthusian ideas & "free love" advocate.

Broutchoux collaborated with Sébastien Faure. His son Germinal was killed by the police in 1931. Broutchoux French anarchiste Benoît Broutchoux & Charles Malato spoke at the massive gathering at
Louise Michel's final graveside ceremony.

  • October 2nd 1993, Lille, France: Meeting & discussion organized by F.A. Group "Humeurs noires," CNT, Centre Culturel Libertaire following the 2nd edition of the comics "Benoit Broutchoux."
  • Centre culturel libertaire Benoit Broutchoux, Groupe May Picqueray 1-2, rue Denis-du-Peage 59800 Lille.


    1880 -- France: Arrivée de anarchiste Louise Michel à Londres.

    1885 -- France:

    Benoît Malon constitue la Société d'économie sociale

    1889 -- Author Mark Aleksandrovich Aldanov lives.

    Santiago Salvador, Spanish anarquista; source
    1891 -- Spain: Santiago Salvador Franch tosses two bombs into the audience at Teatre Liceu opera house during a performance of the opera William Tell, killing 22 people. The bombing was initially blamed on the anarquista José Codina, then on Mariano Cerezuela (both executed on May 21, 1894) & finally attributed to Salvador.

    The violence of the anarchists did not always land at the feet of tyrants...

    Further details/ context, click here[Details / context]

    1893 -- Spain: Felice Orsini tosses two bombs into a Barcelona opera house to avenge the execution of Pauli Pallas (who killed a civil guard during an rebellion September 24, 1893). 20 dead & several casualties. A state of siege is declared in the city & hundreds of anarquistas arrested & tortured by the army.

    1894 -- Spurned by his girl friend, poet Robert Frost, 20, wanders through the Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia, where he has gone to think black thoughts.

    1901 -- Cecília Meireles lives, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Brazilian journalist, teacher & poet, perhaps the best of her time writing in Portuguese. Taught, among other places, at the University of Texass. Initiated the first children's library in Brazil in 1934, & wrote several children's books.

    1903 -- A request from Columbia that she be allowed to land troops in Panama to protect her own territorial integrity is denied by the commanders of US warships in the area. To protect US "interests," as you no doubt suspected.

    1907 -- México: Dynamite explodes on a locomotive, kills engineer Jesus Garcia.

    1908 -- US: Omaha chief of police prevents Emma Goldman from lecturing in the hall of her choice, where she hoped to lecture between the 7th-13th (we Americans proudly call this free speech); crowds gather to hear Emma at other sites in the city. Emma Goldman, anarchist feminist

    Emma has just concluded speaking in cities throughout Missouri: Springfield, Liberal, & Kansas City.

    Her lectures in Des Moines, Iowa, on the 15th are successful, but lectures in Minneapolis & St. Paul poorly attended. Between the 24th-30th, she appears in Winnipeg, Canada for lectures & a debate with socialist J. D. Houston.

    Mr Block
    1912 -- US: Ernest Riebe's "Mr. Block," IWW labor comic strip, makes it's first appearance.

    Riebe & his "Block Supply Co." at P. O. Box 156, Minneapolis, are long gone, but his comic art is still making people laugh — & think.

    One of the best-loved features in the Wobbly press, & his comic book was a hot seller for years. Joe Hill wrote a "Mr. Block" song, & Riebe brought out two more Mr. Block comic books, a Mr. Block play, & Mr. Block postcards. Other IWW artists introduced Block into their own cartoons.

    Like all labor cartoonists, Riebe is largely overlooked in the various surveys of US comics issued by the big multinational publishers. Increasingly, scholars recognize Riebe as an important figure & some call him the first "underground" comic book artist.

    Throughout the 1980s, Riebe's work was prominently featured in Carlos Cortez's cross-country Wobbly Art Show. Historians Joyce Kornbluh, Dave Roediger & Sal Salerno have reproduced Mr. Block cartoons in their pathbreaking studies of the Wobbly counterculture.

    Riebe's Mr. Block cartoon
    Riebe's Mr. Block cartoon
    Riebe's Mr. Block cartoon

    Camus, anarchist sympathizer
    1913 -- Algeria: Albert Camus lives, Mondovi. Wrote The Stranger, The Myth of Sisyphus, gets Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. In 1959, started the review "Freedom," in support of conscientious objectors.

    French Existentialist, Bleed Saint 1998, 2008-2009.

    Wrote for numerous libertarian publications. Camus' relationship to anarchism considered at:

    See also

    "L'histoire d'aujourd'hui nous force à dire que la révolte est l'une des dimensions essentielles de l'homme."

    1914 -- US: First issue of The New Republic published.

    1915 -- Switzerland: Création d’un Comité d’action international pacifiste; les opposants à la guerre, parmi lesquels Alphonse Merrheim et Albert Bourderon.
    [Source: Le Libertaire]

    1915 -- México: Emiliano Zapata finally issues a proposed labor law. It includes an 8-hour day, prohibition of work for children under age14, worker cooperatives to run factories abandoned by owners, & a fixed minimum wage. But "it failed to respond to some of the most important demands [of the] Mexican labor movement," & exposes Zapata's lack of understanding of his urban counterparts.

    1917 -- Russia: The Bolshevik coup leaves the Communist Party as the new landlord-occupant of the Winter Palace. They dig the digs, move in for the long haul, & bring the hopes of the Russian Revolution to a screeching halt with what in effect is a counter-revolution. Party, bureaucracy, capitalism & hierarchical authority are the operative concepts.

    1918 -- US: Billy Graham invades earth.

    1918 -- Germany: Kiel Mutiny, following the imprisonment of 600 sailors, sparks a general uprising. The provisional government declared by Independent Social Democrats will be overtaken by the Bavarian Raterepublik — the Workers', Soldiers', & Farmers' Councils — within five months.

    "Red Bavaria" Revolution. Workers revolt. The Bavarian monarchy is overthrown & a Republic is declared by the Socialist Kurt Eisner, who becomes its president.

    Eisner proposes a ministry position to the anarchist Erich Mühsam. Mühsam refuses, preferring to fight along with Gustav Landauer, Ernst Toller, Ret Marut (now best known as the novelist B. Traven), & others, for the development of Workers' Councils & self-managed co-operatives.


    Gustav Landauer

    Denn in der Poesie sind
    Worte und Begriffe das
    Instrument, das uns zur
    Musik führt, -zum
    Rhythmus, zum
    Unsagbaren, das in uns
    einschwingt und uns
    mitschwingen läßt.

    Ernst Toller, playwright, became chairman of the Central Council of the farmer & soldier, & leader of a Red Army.

    The Munich Soviet (or "Council Republic") of 1919 exhibited certain features of the TAZ, even though — like most revolutions — its stated goals were not exactly "temporary." Gustav Landauer's participation as Minister of Culture along with Silvio Gesell as Minister of Economics & other anti-authoritarian & extreme libertarian socialists such as the poet/playwrights Erich Mühsam & Ernst Toller, & Ret Marut (B. Traven), gave the Soviet a distinct anarchist flavor. Landauer, who had spent years of isolation working on his grand synthesis of Nietzsche, Proudhon, Kropotkin, Stirner, Meister Eckhardt, the radical mystics, & the Romantic volk-philosophers, knew from the start that the Soviet was doomed; he hoped only that it would last long enough to be understood.

    — Peter Lamborn Wilson

    1919 -- US: "Palmer's Reign of Terror" begins: 3,000 anarchists imprisoned without bail, Ellis Island in NY harbor, in a "Freedom-loving" nation (just don't try to practice it!).

    Red Emma Goldman, anarchist
    1920 -- Russia: Emma Goldman attends the third anniversary of the October Revolution in Petrograd, in her estimation "more like the funeral than the birth of the Revolution."

    Also during this month, following the Red Army's murder of Nestor Makhno's commanders in the Crimea while negotiating under a white flag, Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Leon Trotsky orders an attack on Makhno's headquarters; Makhno manages to escape, eventually reaching Paris where he lives in exile. Trotsky orders the arrest & imprisonment of Russian anarchist Voline.

    Sowing what he one day shall reap, "The Red Butcher" creates a fine legacy.

    Emma Goldman, anarchist feminist

    1921 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministDancer Isadora Duncan, sympathetic to the Soviets, attempts to meet with Emma Goldman.

    1921 -- Italy: Fondazione del Partito Nazionale Fascista durante il Congresso fascista a Roma (-11 November). Segretario del partito viene eletto Michele Bianchi, ex sindacalista rivoluzionario.
    Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]

    Spikey fish
    1925 --

    anarchist diamond dingbatLuís Andrés Edo, anarcho-syndicalist lives. Anarquista who fought the repressions of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Franco's Spain. An untiring militant & author of two books (2002 & 2006).
    In Spanish:

    1933 -- India: Gandhi begins tour for Harijan uplift.

    1933 -- US: Blue Moon UpRising? Pennsylvania voters overturn blue law.

    Spanish women training with rifles
    1936 --
    "This war we wage is to squash the enemy in front of us. But the enemy is also he who opposes the Revolution's conquests."

    Buenaventura Durruti,
    Radio speech, November 7, 1936
    video icon

    1936 -- Francisco Pérez Mateo, an artist, dies. Active on the Republican side during the first months of the war, Pérez Mateo was known primarily as a sculptor, a fact which makes this poster an oddity among his work.

    Pérez Mateo belonged to some of the leading artists' associations of the time, such as the Sociedad de Artistas Ibéricos, & was included in an exhibition by this group in Paris in 1936.

    ... show details

    1936 -- Spain: Increasingly aware of her inability to speak Spanish hindering her work in Spain, Emma Goldman plans to shift to publicity work & fund raising in Great Britain or the United States, where she could make a greater contribution. Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feminist

    The threat of Nationalist forces to Madrid prompts the government to relocate to Valencia, including four anarchists ('pajaros carpinteros'),who have accepted major ministry posts just days ago. While recognizing the paramount need to fight the fascists, Emma Goldman is troubled by the CNT-FAI's direction, especially its decision to join the government & effectively align itself with pro-Soviet forces. In her correspondence with close friends, she is highly critical of the collaborative direction of the CNT [Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo], but publicly remains supportive.

    1936 -- Spain: The International Brigades intervene on the Madrid front.

    Madrid Nov 7 poster; source
    1936 -- Terra e Liberdade, uma co-produção anglo-espanhola e um dos filmes espanhóis concorrentes em Cannes, estreou-se em Madrid em 7 de Abril [de 1995]. / Land & Freedom, by Ken Loach, one of the competing Spanish films in Cannes [ of 1995 ]. film still; source armed fighter; source

    1938 -- Ethel Mannin, novelist & anarchist, successfully assumes Emma Goldman, anarchist feministEmma Goldman's role as S.I.A. (Solidarid Internacional Antifascista) representative in London; raises significantly more financial support for the SIA than Goldman had. Emma advises Gudell that the next propaganda campaign undertaken by the CNT-FAI should be aimed at the release of the political prisoners in Spain.

    I am purely evil;
    Hear the thrum
    of my evil engine;
    Evilly I come.
    The stars are thick as flowers
    In the meadows of July;
    A fine night for murder
    Winging through the sky.

    — Ethel Mannin, 'Song of the Bomber'

    Irish novelist & author Ethel Mannin (1900-1985) was born in London. Though her parents were British, she became known as an Irish writer. She was a prolific novelist who also wrote biographies, travel books, books for children, & autobiographies. Married to Reginald Reynolds.

    "Dig into the novels of Ethel Mannin & you will find anarchism, the Spanish Revolution, Emma Goldman, women’s lib., the colonial struggle, the Arab guerrillas, all dealt with: her factual works include Women & the Revolution & many others."

    Albert Meltzer

    1938 -- Charles Malato dies. See entry above, 1879, for Benoît Broutchoux. Malato, a French revolutionary & propagandist, was a close friend of the Spanish anarquista educator Francisco Ferrer. He was one of four anarchists (Pedro Vallina, an English anarchist named Harvey & another named Caussanel) falsely arrested in 1905 for a tossing a bomb into a processsion headed by the French President & the King of Spain.

    1940 -- US: Tacoma Narrows Bridge, nicknamed "Galloping Gertie," collapses in moderate wind four months after opening.

    Joni Mitchell
    1943 -- Songster Joni Mitchell lives.

    1945 -- England: Cecil Wilson, pacifist parliamentarian, dies.

    1959 -- US: The Taft-Hartley Act is invoked by the Supreme Court to break a steel strike.

    Charles d'Avray' source
    1960 -- Charles d'Avray, (1878-1960) dies. Poète et chansonnier anarchiste; à Sèvres décédé le 7 Novembre 1960 à Paris XXe, il est enterré au cimetière du Père-Lachaise.

    ... show details
    See also Ken Knabb's informative piece,

    1962 -- Former American First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt dies.

    1967 -- US: Carl Stokes (Cleveland) & Richard Hatcher (Gary, In.) elected first black mayors of major US cities.

    1967 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader General Hershey, striking a blow for freedom, announces draft crackdown on deferred college students who are active in anti-war demos.

    Door stops?
    1968 -- The Doors are banned in Phoenix after Jim Morrison tells the audience to stand up. Local authorities, a bunch of stand-up guys, were wary of Morrison's intentions because he had recently mooned an audience.

    Author Tom Robbins (Another Roadside Attraction) covering a Doors concert for Seattle's underground "Helix," described them as "Edgar Allan Poe drowning in his birdbath." (Among other things.)

    1969 --

    "A determined revolutionary doesn't require authorization from a central committee before offing a pig. As a matter of fact, when the need arises, the true revolutionary will off the central committee..."

    — Eldridge Cleaver (from "The Berkeley Tribe," Nov. 7, '69)

    1971 --
    Joseph Spivak (1882-1971) dies, NY City.

    Lifelong anarchist who emigrated to the US & during WWI was active in nation-wide anti-militarist campaigns with Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman.

    Spivak helped found the Libertarian Book Club, publishing English translations of Voline's The Unknown Revolution (1954-1955), The Ego & Its Own by Max Stirner (1963), etc.

    An activist to the end, Spivak participated in a conference on "the co-operative movement" just a few weeks before his death at age 90.

    Libertarian Book Club Logo

    1972 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Mob figure & anti-Castroite Meyer Lansky, 71, arrested Miami.

    1972 -- US: 7th Circuit Court of Appeals reverses convictions of last five of the Chicago Seven.

    1972 -- US: Congress finally (after 9 attempts) passes War Powers legislation, over Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Nixon's veto; limits a President's power to commit armed forces to hostilities abroad without Congressional approval.

    1972 -- US: Supreme Court decision indicates how far state power will go to protect the spectacle of union strikes: Four California Teamsters are ordered reinstated with five years' back pay as a unanimous Supreme Court rules it is "unfair labor practice for an employer to fire a worker solely for taking part in a strike."

    John Zerzan, "Organized Labor versus 'The Revolt Against Work'"

    Road kill squirrel
    1974 -- Rolling Stone reports Ted Nugent has won the National Squirrel-Shooting Archery Contest by picking off a squirrel at 150 yards. Nugent also wiped out 27 more of the small mammals with a handgun during the three day event.

    Squirrel with Punk haircut & Balls

    "& so shall we burst forth from the land, with revenge as our companion!"

    Mao: What About Worker's Self-Management?
    1974 -- China: Huge wall poster, critical of the regime, is posted on Peking Road in Canton. Entitled "Concerning Socialist Democracy & Legal System: Dedicated to Chairman Mao & the fourth National People's Congress," it was written by a group of ex-Red Guards under the collective pseudonym of Li I-che.

  • Bibliography on Chinese anarchism at /Anarchist_Archives/worldwidemovements/chinabiblio.html

  • Shifu; Soul Of Chinese Anarchism by Edward S. Krebs, of possible interest,

  • 1976 -- Italy: 3,000 gate-crash Milan movie theatres. Four movie houses are invaded as part of the ongoing "self-reduction movement," protesting higher ticket prices. Theatres agree to reduce prices, but later, because it is felt they are still too high, more demonstrations occur.

    1978 -- US: Nation's first nuclear-free zone established in Missoula, Montana.

    1978 -- In New York, The New Yorker correspondent for some 50 years, Janet Flanner (Genêt) dies. Her first novel, The Cubical City, appeared in 1926, but she is best remembered for her writing in The New Yorker.
    1983 -- US: "The New York Times" reports a city plan to improve the lives of South Bronx residents by pasting vinyl decals — featuring cheery images of curtains, shades, shutters & plants — on the boarded-up windows of abandoned tenements. Says a housing official,

    "Perception is reality."

    Collage by SaintMeister James Koehnline

    1988 -- John Fogerty wins his self-plagiarism court battle with Fantasy Records. The label claimed Fogerty copied his song, "Run Through The Jungle" when writing "The Old Man Down The Road."

    1990 -- Indian-born English author Lawrence Durrell, best known for The Alexandria Quartet, dies in Sommières, France.
    It is the duty of every patriot to hate his country creatively.

    — Lawrence Durrell

    Worked as a jazz pianist in a London nightclub. In the 1930s he went to Paris, where he started his career as a writer & associated with such authors as Henry Miller, who became his mentor.

    Bleedster S. notes, "Born in India, lived there only 4 years, spent the rest of his life moving around, lived in England, France, Greece, Egypt, Yugoslavia, & Argentia. Spent the last 33 years of his life in various places in France, mostly near the Mediterranean. He didn't like being called "English" either — had vague pretenses to being Irish, but carried an English passport."

    For much greater detail, see Ian MacNiven, Lawrence Durrell (1998).

    1990 -- In Montreal, Quebec, Hugh MacLennan, dies. His work includes Two Solitudes (1945), The Watch That Ends the Night (1959), & Voices in Time (1980).

    1990 -- PAT?: National Football League withdraws plans to hold the 1993 Super Bowl in Phoenix due to Arizona's refusal to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday.

    PeeWee logo
    1991 -- US: Safety in Numbers?: Actor Paul Reubens, a.k.a. Pee Wee Herman, pleads no contest to charges of indecent exposure. He had been arrested in Sarasota, Florida for exposing himself in a theatre — i.e., practicing safe sex with someone he loved.

    1991 -- Should've Pee-Wee-ed? Magic Johnson announces he has HIV virus & retires from Lakers.

    1991 -- Demonstration against conscription & war, Ada, Vojvodina, Yugoslavia.

    1994 -- South Korea lifts 50-year ban on direct trade & investment in North Korea.

    1998 -- US: Hizzoner Willie Brown "pied" in Frisco, California.

    Fuck the Vote
    2000 -- US: Despite wasting a record 3+ billion dollars urging the American electorate to vote, only a minority of eligible Americans can be bought. Many among the vast majority are convinced none of the candidates could possibly represent them or are worthy of their vote.

    We must discover new frontiers... People have been standing
    for centuries before a worm-eaten door, making pinholes in it
    with increasing ease. The time has come to kick it down, for it
    is only on the other side that everything begins.

    — Raoul Vaneigem

    2004 -- France: Sébastien Briat dies, crushed by a train of radioactive waste bound for Germany. Antinuclear militant & a 21-year-old trade unionist, Sébastien helped found a student section of the trade union CNT-Education de Nancy.

    2010 -- Residents of Cap d'Agde, Europe's largest nudist colony, criticize foreign nudists & express unhappiness at "an explosion of libertarianism" they claim is turning the resort into the "European capital of debauchery" & an "open-air brothel".

    9006 --
    Cascadia Independence Project / Cascadia Now

    US should be accountable to the same degree it holds other countries

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