Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

Daily Bleed: Gil Wolman, Ricardo & Jesus Flores Magón, Simão Rodovich, Emma Goldman, Nicolas Thomassin, Andre Colomer, Joe Hill, Joseph Labadie, R.D. Laing, Victoriano Abarca, Nicolas Lazarevitch & Alexis Maslov; On this day, October 7

French lettrist & situationist theorist.

Alternate Saint,


Wobbly martyr of American Zerowork movement.

NEW YEARS DAY: in the ancient Sumerian calendar; celebrated with a festival to the Goddesses Ishatar & Astarte.


Nottinghamshire, England: 700-year old, 3-day GOOSE FAIR opens.

-3761 -- [BCE] -- Epoch (starting point) for Jewish chronology.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1571 -- Future novelist Miguel de Cervantes is wounded three times while fighting in the naval Battle of Lepanto.

1719 -- Pirated installment of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe appears, the first novel to be serialized.

1737 -- India: 40 foot waves sink 20,000 small craft & kill 300,000, Bengal.

Poe; source:
1849 -- Edgar Allan Poe dies in Baltimore at age 40, saying "Lord, help my poor soul."

‘Quoth the Raven,“Nevermore”’

1849 -- James Whitcomb Riley, poet, lives. "My work did itself. I'm only the willer bark through which the whistle comes."

Victor Barrucand, anarchist;
1864 -- France: Victor Barrucand lives, à Poitiers. Poète, musicien, journaliste et écrivain; d'abord militant anarchiste puis fédéraliste et enfin humaniste bourgeois, défenseur des droits des musulmans algériens.
Victor Barrucand drawing by Félix Vallotton

Carlos Cortez Poster: Joe Hill
1879 -- Sweden: Joe Hill lives! in Gàule. Labor martyr executed by state of Utah, the famous Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) labor songster/organizer. Workman, popular singer, poet, anarchist trade union militant.

I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night
Alive as you & me
Says I, 'But Joe, you're ten years dead,'
'I never died,' says he.

"Joe Hill ain't dead,' he says to me.
'Joe Hill ain't never died,
Where workingmen are out on strike
Joe Hill is at their side.'"

— From the song, "Joe Hill," by Alfred Hayes & Earl Robinson

Sabo Cat

Joe Hill wrote "The Preacher & the Slave," "The Rebel Girl," "Casey Jones," & "The Union Scab," among many other songs.

Inspired many attempts to portray Hill's life in different media over the years: biographies, novels, songs, plays, & movies have been written. "I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night" is a folk song of enduring quality & has even spun off similar songs.


Joe Hill Cremation

Joe Hill became a martyr upon his execution. Efforts by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Woodrow Wilson, the government of Sweden, & many prominent Americans to get him a new trial failed. On the eve of his execution, Hill telegraphed Big Bill Haywood, head of the IWW:

"Don't waste any time mourning. Organize."


Further details/ context, click here; anarchist[Details / context]

1879 -- Leon Trotsky lives. Russian Jewish communist leader & Bolshevik politician, a close friend of Lenin. Author of In Defense of Terrorism & Literature & Revolution.

"With regard to intellectual creation the revolution must from the very beginning establish & assure an anarchist regime of individual liberty."

— Leon Trotsky & André Breton

"At last the Soviet government, with an iron broom, has rid Russia of Anarchism."

— Leon Trotsky

Heir apparent to Lenin's throne, Trotsky lost the power struggle when Stalin outsmarted him. Exiled & later assassinated by one of Uncle Joe's agents. Known as the "Red Butcher" for his orders to kill Mahknovist anarchists in the Ukraine & the Kronstadt sailors in 1917 & others.

The Makhnovists rejected the Bolshevik corruption of the Soviets & instead proposed "the free & completely independent soviet system of working people without authorities & their arbitrary laws."

— Peter Arshinov, History of the Makhnovist Movement

1886 -- Author Caroline Slade lives. Wrote novels, to an extent that puts better-known writers such as Steinbeck to shame, about the dispossessed, exploited, & impoverished Americans of the 1930s & 1940s. First president of the foundation that built the Yaddo writers' colony. Most of her novels deal with the otherwise forgotten & struggling Americans. Her best-known work is Margaret (1947).

1888 -- Sargent C. Johnson lives, Boston, Mass. Pioneering artist of the Harlem Renaissance, known for his wood, cast stone, & ceramic sculptures. Among his most famous works is "Forever Free" & "Mask."

1891 -- Archibald John Motley, Jr. lives, New Orleans, LA. Renowned African American painter of the 1920's & 30's.

Liquid breakfast
1894 -- American physician, poet, & humorist chiefly remembered for a few poems & for his "Breakfast-Table" series of essays, Oliver Wendell Holmes dies in Cambridge.

1897 -- US: Elijah Muhammad lives, Sandersville, Ga. A leader in the Nation of Islam, the largest African-American movement since Garveyism.

1901 --
Mexico: Death threats received by Ricardo & Jesus Flores Magón, who are jailed. This period also marks the first forced suspension of their publication "Regeneración". anarquía Octubre Amenazas de muerte a Ricardo y Jesús Flores Magón, que están encarcelados. Fin de la primera época de

See "Regeneración y Otros órganos de la Prensa Magonista,"

1905 -- Paintings of a radical group of artists, including Henri Matisse & André Derain, go on display, Paris; beginning of the Fauvist movement.
Source: [Robert Braunwart] [Hereafter attributed with symbol: Source=Robert Braunwart]

1907 -- Emma Goldman, anarchistEngland: The ever-dangerous anarchist feminist Emma Goldman speaks in London, on "The Labor Struggle in America"; she is trailed by Scotland Yard detectives. Sherlock Holmes was reputedly doing his drugs. Thus doth labor still struggle to this day.

1907 -- Novelist Helen MacInnes lives, Glasgow. Scottish-American, librarian who wrote espionage novels such as Above Suspicion; Decision at Delphi.

1909 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US consul reports a revolution against the Nicaraguan government will begin October 8.

1911 -- Source=Robert Braunwart México: Revolutionaries with the anarquista Zapata take Axochiapan, Morelos, from government forces.

1911 -- Italy: In un discorso a Torino Giolitti definisce la guerra per occupare la Libia "una fatalità storica."
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]

1916 -- US: 222 points are scored in a football game between Georgia Tech & Cumberland University of Lebanon, Tennessee. 666 new goal.

1919 -- Nicolas Thomassin (1849-1919) dies. French weaver, socialist, anarchist, participant in "Sans patrie" (formed October 18, 1891) with Gustave Bouillard, Pierre Leroux, Paulin Mailfait, etc.

Nicolas Thomassin supported Jean Baptiste Clement for legislative election in 1884, lost his job & became a news vendor for "Le père Peinard" & "La révolte." He founded the anarchist groups "Les sans Patrie" & "Les deshérités de Nouzon" in 1891 — which resulted in police harassment & numerous arrests. In 1916, Thomassin was still listed as a subscriber to "Cubilot ," published by the libertarian colony of Aiglemont.

1920 -- H.G. Wells, author/socialist, on a trip to Russia, is invited to address the Petrograd Soviet.

H. G. Wells was torn between two of salvation & one of doom. He was so obsessed with the future he invented a time machine to take him there.

1920 -- Spain: Two union militants are assassinated by hired gunmen.

Francesc Capistrón "Xiquet," president of the Sindicato de Vaqueros, & Victoriano Abarca of the Barcelona Sindicato del Metal de la CNT, are cut down by pistoleros del Libre (goon squads supported by big business & the Catholic Church). Also today cenetista Pedro Antonio Carranza is arrested & held for nearly three months before learning he is in jail for "injurias a la Guardia Civil" (insulting the hated Civil Guard).

1924 -- Russia:

Nicolas Lazarevitch & Alexis Maslov are arrested for belonging to a criminal workers' organization. Both were active this past summer in Moscow with an anarcho-syndicalist group publishing "Dynamo". Maslov is sent to the camp at Urda & Lazarevitch is imprisoned for nearly three years (Lubianka, Butyrki, Souzdal, & Vladimir prison), before a campaign gains his deportation in 1926.

1927 -- R.D. Laing, British radical anti-psychiatrist, lives.

"Humanity is estranged from its authentic possibilities."

— R.D. Laing, introduction to Politics of Experience

"In the context of our present pervasive madness, sanity, freedom, all our frames of reference are ambiguous & equivocal."

cliche art
1929 -- France: French lettrist & situationist theorist Gil J Wolman lives.

"Making petrified conditions dance by singing them their own tune . . . . .
Don't call us, do it yourself!"

B  U  R  E  A  U       O  F       P U  B  L  I  C       S  E  C R  E  T  S

1929 -- Source=Robert Braunwart William Faulkner novel The Sound & the Fury is published.

1931 -- South African Bishop Desmond Tutu lives. Receives Nobel Peace Prize for his work to dismantle apartheid.

La Revue Libertaire masthead
1931 -- André Colomer (1886-1931) dies. Poet, anarchist & finally a Communist.

Involved with the review "L'action d'art," an organizer with the CGTU, involved in "Libertaire" & "La revue anarchiste." Broke with anarchism to become a "true Communist."

Further details/ context, click here; libertaire, anarchiste, anarchistes, labor[Details / context]

1932 -- Zelda Fitzgerald's only novel, Save Me the Waltz, is published. It receives mixed notices & sells badly.

1933 -- Joseph A. Labadie

American labor activist, writer, poet, printer, anarchist, dies. Deeply influenced by Josiah Warren, Benjamin Tucker, & Proudhon. The largest labor & radical library (The Labadie Collection) in the US is named in his honor.

LeRoi Jones
1934 -- Amiri Baraka (aka LeRoi Jones, Imamu Amiri Baraka) lives. American dramatist, poet & novelist, whose works have explored the experience & anger of African-Americans. In the process he became for some time a racist & anti-Semite himself: 'We must eliminate the white man before we can draw a free breath on this planet.'

"God has been replaced, as he has all over the West, with respectability & air conditioning."

— Imamu Amiri Baraka

In 1958 Baraka founded Totem Press. In Harlem he established the Black Arts Repertory Theatre. Co-editor with Beat poet Diane Di Prima of Floating Bear. His poems reflect an interest in music, & he wrote Black Music (1968), Blues People & The Music: Reflections on Jazz & Blues (1987). After 1974 his political ideology had him advocating the overthrow of capitalist system, black or white.

1934 -- Ulrike Meinhof lives. German terrorist who end up commiting suicide in her jail cell in 1996. She was a member of the "Baader-Meinhof Gang," also known as the Red Army Faction (RAF), with Andreas Baader.

1934 -- Brazil: Green Shirt fascists in São Paulo attempt to mimic Mussolini's "March on Rome," only to be scattered in disarray when confronted by the anarchists & workers from the Federação Operária de São Paulo, determined to stop them at the Praça da Séto.

Simão Rodovich, discovering the fascists are armed with machine guns to counter the antifascists, gets into an enormous shoot out that leaves six people dead.

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

Key words, Portuguese: integralistas ( fascistas), Moussoulini, Brasil, trabalhadores, marcada 7 de Outubro de 1934, esperando 500 mil pessoas, Simão Rodovich, Morreram 6 pessoas morrendo; Brasil anarcho-syndicalists, anarco-sindicalistas, anarchismo, anarchici, anarquista, labor, operários, anarquistas

1935 -- Australian novelist Thomas Keneally lives.

Achieved his greatest success with novels based upon historical events, including The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith (1972), based on a revolt of Aborigines in 1900, & Schindler's List (1982), about a German industrialist who saved the Jews assigned to work in his factory during WWII. Both were made into films.

1935 -- The League of Nations has, finally, an attack of moral conscience & declares Italy an aggressor country for it's invasion of Ethiopia.
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]

1937 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Sci-fi author Ray Bradbury speaks his first words in fandom.

1942 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: The United Mine Workers withdraws from the CIO.

1942 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Denmark: King Christian X attends Copenhagen synagogue in this Nazi-occupied country.

Radclyffe Hall; source:
1943 -- Radclyffe Hall, British lesbian novelist, dies.

Lesbian novelist of new identities & new realities; Daily Bleed Saint 1998.

1943 -- US: Tule Lake concentration camp administration fires 43 coal workers involved in a labor dispute. Tensions remain high during a month of strife, leading to the Tule Lake uprising on November 4th.

1954 -- France: Denunciation of the Paris Surrealists by the Lettrist International.

Et ça finit mal (And a Bad End), published today, a tract denouncing the withdrawal from Ça commence bien, a text written by the Lettrist International as a planned collaborative protest against the celebrations surrounding the centenary of Rimbaud's birth — of the signatures of the Parisian surrealists, who deemed the text "too Marxist" & denounced the Lettrists as Stalinists, falsifiers & publicity hounds.
[Situationist Resources]

1955 -- US: Annette Funicello makes her first appearance on the Mickey Mouse Club.

Beat pulp cover, source:
1955 -- American poet Allen Ginsberg organizes poetry reading at Six Gallery, SF (featuring also Michael McClure, Philip Lamantia, Gary Snyder, Philip Whalen, Kenneth Rexroth) & brings down the house by reading "Howl" publicly for the first time.

"Six poets at the Six Gallery. Kenneth Rexroth, M.C. Remarkable collection of angels all gathered at once in the same spot. Wine, music, dancing girls, serious poetry, free satori. Small collection for wine & postcards. Charming event."

— from postcard printed by Allen Ginsberg to publicize 1955 Six Gallery Reading

Much legend surrounds this event, which took place on October 7, 1955, though the date is sometimes given as October 13

... show details

On-stage, the poets were seated in a semicircle behind the podium. Kenneth Rexroth, dressed in a bow tie & a cutaway pinstripe suit, opened the evening with a few brief introductory remarks. Taking notice of the mixture of literary & political interests represented by those in attendance as well as by those on-stage, Rexroth compared the climate of San Francisco to that of Barcelona at the time of the Spanish anarchists, where culture survived despite an oppressive national political environment.

Also in attendance was Will Petersen;/mcclure/mcclure.htm

1957 -- England: Fire in the Windscale plutonium production reactor north of Liverpool, spread radioactive material throughout the countryside.

A radioactive cloud was released, the public was told it would go out to sea, but temperature inversion caused the cloud to cover a good part of Britain. Possibly one of closest events to a 'china syndrome' ever. In 1983, the government said 39 people probably died of cancer as a result. All the facts may yet be undisclosed.

1958 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Spencer Tracy movie "The Old Man & the Sea" premiers.

1959 -- Outer Space: Far side of Moon seen for first time, compliments of USSR's Luna 3.

SI dingbat
1960 -- France: Hands off Alexander Trocchi, English-language tract protesting Alexander Trocchi's arrest in the US, signed by Guy Debord, Jacqueline de Jong & Asger Jorn, Paris.
[Situationist Resources]

1961 --
anarchist CatSão Paulo, Brazil

October 7-8, 1961

Gathering of exiled Spanish libertarians & Brazilian anarchists, at the Centro de Cultura Social. Spanish exiles include members of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) & the FFLL.

Source: [Movimento Anarquista no Brasil]

Encontro dos Libertários Espanhóis Exilados; Rubino de Oliveira, 85, 7 e 8 de outubro de 1961. Estiveram presentes anarquistas brasileiros e exilados da CNT e da FFLL.

tribe logo
1963 -- US: Government awards $750,000 to Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation as payment for land previously stolen.

1964 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: LBJ adviser Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Walter Jenkins is arrested for sex in a Washington DC YMCA men's room.

1964 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: FLQ members Gabriel Hudon & Raymond Villeneuve are sentenced to 12 years each for terrorism, Georges Schoeters gets 10, Quebec.

1965 -- Charles Linster does 6,006 consecutive push-ups. Auntie Dave, that sexist pig, in an unguarded moment, reveals in an interview with himself, that he prefers pin-ups to push-ups.

Jim Kweskin Jugband, soucre:
1966 -- Jim Kweskin Jug Band, Big Brother, & Electric Train at the Avalon Ballroom in Frisco, California.

1967 -- Japan: Nationwide demonstrations & riots begin against Viet Nam War & government policies.

Anarchist bomber cartoon
1969 -- US: Haymarket statue (memorial to cops slain who fired on workers in 1886) in Chicago bombed. (or yesterday?)

"Every anarchist hole was entered & the assassins in some instances were dragged from their beds."

1969 -- US: PAT? Black football players at the University of Wyoming are kicked off the team for protesting against them Mormons from Utah state's segregated Brigham Young University.

1970 -- Australia: Draft Resistor's Union underground network becomes operational.

1970 -- BOAC Air terminal at Victoria, booby trap hand grenade found.

1974 -- US: Willie? Washington, D.C. police stop the car of Representative Wilbur Mills, chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, at the Tidal Basin, finding him "intoxicated, scratched, & bleeding." While questioning him, Annabel Battistella, a stripper who known as "Fanne Fox, the Argentine Firecracker," jumps out of his car & leaps into the water.

1975 -- No Joint?: John Lennon wins his lengthy 3-year fight to stay in the US when the US Court of Appeals in NY rules that his 1968 arrest in Britain for possession of marijuana was contrary to US ideas of due process & is invalid as a means of banishing him from America. (or 1974?)

1979 -- US: 2,500 anti-nuke demonstrators attempt to occupy two nuclear plants under construction at Seabrook, New Hampshire.

1984 -- Philippines: More Shoes Than Imelda?: 20,000 march against Marcos dictatorship, Manila.
Grinning teeth, Yikes!

In 1986 Imelda Marcos revealed the reason there were so many shoes (thousands) in her closets:

"Everybody kept their shoes there.

The maids ... everybody."

1985 -- US: People for Ethical Treatment of Animals erects giant rabbit banner near the Capitol to protest testing of cosmetics on rabbits.

1987 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Religious Whacko Pat Robertson acknowledges a Wall Street Journal report that he's been less than candid about his wedding date, & that his first child was born only 10 weeks after his marriage. Complains the candidate, "I have never had this kind of precision demanded of me before."

1989 -- US: Housing Now! march in Washington D.C. draws 200,000.

There are lots more people in the House. I don't know how many exactly — I never counted but at least a couple hundred.

— future American President Dano Quayle, explaining the difference between the House & the Senate.

1989 -- England: Anarchist Book Fair, London.

1990 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Justice Department reports US prison population doubled in the last 10 years. Worst in the Western World, last we heard, over 3% of the population in jail or in the corrections system. By 2006 it has reputedly added 16,000 to its secret prisons around the globe.

1990 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Palestine: Israeli security forces raid Gaza City mosque & steal Islamic writings.

1991 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Reagan official Elliott Abrams pleads guilty to Iran-contra crimes.

1991 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Jackson Browne, James Taylor & Bruce Cockburn headline a NY concert to protest the James Bay Two hydroelectric project in northern Quebec.

Declassified! Top Secret!
1993 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Guatemala: A mass grave of 150 women & children murdered by the US-supported & trained Guatemalan army is opened.

US government documents released in 1999 describe in chilling detail, often in cold bureaucratic language, how American advisers & their Cold War obsession spurred on the killings & hid the horrible secrets.

In the 1980s, the Guatemalan army escalated its slaughter of political dissidents & their suspected supporters to unprecedented levels.

For the full documents, see the National Security Archive’s Web site at

1993 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Demonstration & book burning are held to protest the donation of two gay-themed books to 42 Kansas City, Mo. high schools.

1995 -- Source=Robert Braunwart China: Painting "Chairman Mao Goes to Anyuan" is auctioned for $662,810. Who needs Andy Warhol?

Evil Empires: one down one to go--Microsoft
1998 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Russia: Hundreds of thousands of Russians demonstrate against Beloved & Respected Comrade Boris Yeltsin.

1999 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Novelist Carlos Fuentes receives the Belisario Dominguez award from the Mexican Senate.

2001 -- US: Missles unleased on Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden & the ruling Taliban.

Bush Lied!
2002 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader George Dubya says Iraq "possesses & produces chemical & biological weapons,", in Cincinnati. This was not a lie, only a slip of the tongue, having meant the US, not Iraq.

2002 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Palestine: An Israeli missile kills 10 Palestinians in a crowd, Gaza Strip.

2010 -- Peruvian-Spanish writer Mario Vargas Llosa wins the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Spectacles of the commodity
3500 --

"The world at once present & absent which the spectacle makes visible is the world of the commodity dominating all that is lived.

The world of the commodity is thus shown for what it is, because its movement is identical to the estrangement of men among themselves & in relation to their global product."

— Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle

Ginsberg Apartment
3510 --
Photo of 1010 Montgomery Street apartment in San Francisco, where Ginsberg wrote 'Howl.' A little hard to see, but the album on the shelf says "Mass In B Minor." Probably Bach or Vivaldi or some stuff like that. Hey, you know those Ivy League types.

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