Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

'My father Time is weak & gray
With waiting for a better day;
See how idiot-like he stands,
Fumbling with his palsied hands!'

       — Percy Bysshe Shelley



Proponent of Free Love. Spiritual leader. First woman to run for US presidency (with Frederick Douglass). Member of the First International (until expelled by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Marx).

Chibcha, Columbia: FEAST OF CHUKEM, Deity of Footraces.

Maori, New Zealand: FESTIVAL OF PAPA, the wife of Rangi. Brain: Heaven Hell Earth


SPRING EQUINOX — For those not under the thumb of Northern Hemisphere ethno-oppression.

AUTUMNAL EQUINOX, (UT). One of the four great solar days, observed in all temperate regions of the world.


Tree view

Rain, rain, & the clouds have gathered,
The eight ply of the heavens are
The flat land is turned into river.
“Wine, wine, here is wine!”

— Ezra Pound

"Everywhere I go it rains on me."

— Tom Waits

Kowlakowsi's Sausage Shop, source
480 -- [BC] Battle of Salamis takes place, involving a total of 1,100 vessels. (Give Me Salami or Give Me Death?)

1779 -- High Seas: During the American Revolution, Commodore John Paul Jones, aboard the Bonhomme Richard, begins a hard-fought engagement against the British man-of-war Serapis off Flamborough Head in the North Sea.

After inflicting considerable damage to the American vessel, British captain Richard Pearson asks Jones if he has struck his colors, the naval sign of surrender. Jones famously replies "Well, that depends on what your definition of 'is' is," & — all available video tape replays being inconclusive — they furiously resume fighting for three more hours before Pearson surrenders to Jones.

US 1, England 0.

1800 -- US: Educator William H. McGuffey lives near Claysville, Pennsylvania. His Eclectic Readers sell, in various editions, 122 million copies.

1806 -- Meriweather ("Don't ever call me Mary!") Lewis & William Clark return to St. Louis, Missouri, from the first overland journey across North America to the Pacific Coast, with a wealth of information about the largely unexplored region. Freeways were not as congested then as now, & the trip only took two-&-a-half years. One of the longest transcontinental journeys ever recorded until the traffic congestion of the 1990s.

1818 -- Percy Bysshe Shelley's Mask of Anarchy is published.

'Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number —
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you —
Ye are many — they are few.'

1838 -- US: Victoria Woodhull lives, Homer, Ohio. Woodhull & her sister, Tennessee Claflin, invaded male territory as Wall Street brokers & publishers of "Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly." Woodhull & Clafin spoke for free love, abortion, divorce, legalized prostitution & women's voting rights.

Neptune statue
1846 -- German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle discovers planet Neptune.

Eighth planet from the sun, it was postulated by French astronomer Urbain Leverrier, who calculated the approximate location of the planet by studying gravity-induced disturbances in the motions of the planets. A few days after Leverrier announced his findings, Galle discovered the blue gas giant.

1850 -- Eugene Field lives. Poet, journalist, humorist.

1856 -- Author William Archer lives.

1862 -- Russia: Whose Counting?: Count Leo Tolstoy (author / christian / anarchist / pacifist), 34, marries Sophie Andreyevna Behrs, 18. They have 13 children in 17 years.

"I'm not going to get into the ring with Tolstoy."
— Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)

"Hemingway was a jerk."
— Harold Robbins

1864 -- Poland: During the London solidarity meeting with Polish "January Uprising" the International Workers Association is founded.

1865 -- Hungarian-born British novelist, Emmuska Orczy, lives, Tarnaörs. Child of Baron Felix Orczy, a noted composer/conductor, she becomes famous with the 1905 publication of The Scarlet Pimpernel.

1867 -- John Lomax lives (1867-1948), Goodman, Mississippi . Folk singer, music producer, author, folklorist who collected folk songs & tales, documenter of musical heritage (year of birth uncertain; some say 1875). Amassed some 10,000 recordings for the Library of Congress. Father of Alan Lomax.

1868 -- Puerto Rico: Several hundred women & men revolt against Spain for Puerto Rican independence, the event took place in Lares & is better known as the Cry of Lares ("Grito de Lares").

1868 -- US: The first installment of The Other Side, by Martin A. Foran, president of the Coopers' International Union, was printed in the Workingman's Advocate of Chicago. This is the first novel by a trade union leader, & probably the first working-class novel ever published in the US.

1870 -- French dramatist & short story master, Prosper Mérimée, dies in Cannes. His work was a return to the classical style during a romantic age.

Kupka, anarchiste; 'Religions' L’Assiette au Beurre 162, 1904; source, Research on Anarchism
1871 -- Bohemia: František Kupka lives (1871-1957), Opocno. Czech Abstract painter, anarchist, satirist, book & magazine illustrator.

1878 -- Puerto Rico: Proclamation of the Republic, in revolt against Spanish rule: "Grito de Lares."

Gaston Coute
1880 -- Gaston Coute, French anarchist songster, lives (1880-1911).
Gaston Coute

1881 -- Spain: Founding Congress of the Federación de Trabajadores de la Región Española (FTRE; Spanish Regional Workers’ Federation), Sept. 23-26, in Barcelona.

The FTRE experienced rapid growth (49,561 members within a year). This expansion was brought to an end by internecine strife, & these friction's were evident at the congress in Seville when a minority, southern Andalusians, split off & held a radical anarcho-communist congress of their own. By 1888 it was displaced by the OARE (Spanish Regional Anarchist Organization).

The FTRE failed to marry the various interests present within it & in terms of profile it cannot stand comparison with the FRE, nor with the CNT....

Further details/ context, click here; anarquista, anarquismo, anarquistas, anarquía[Details / context]

1891 -- Author John Masefield, 13, goes down to the sea for the first time to serve as an apprentice aboard the training ship Conway.

Emma Goldman Celebration poster from the Emma Goldman Papers Project
1893 -- EG, anarchist feministUS: Benefit concert today, intended to raise money for Emma Goldman's defense is a financial failure.

A NY Grand Jury had indicted the young anarchist feminist Emma on three charges.

She was returned from Philadelphia to New York on Sept. 9, & placed in confinement.

On Sept. 11, Emma pleads not guilty & is released on bail Sept. 14.

1895 --
France: 23-28 septembre.- VIIe congrès national corporatif, founding Congress of the CGT, held in Limoges.      

Le cheminot A. Lagailse premier secrétaire général.

Un mois après le congrès de Limoges, Fernand Pelloutier publie un article manifeste dans lequel il défend le développement des idées anarchistes dans les syndicats.

Cette influence libertaire aidera la jeune CGTà maintenir son indépendance, par rapport à l'État d'abord et par rapport aux partis politique ensuite. Cette indépendance sera codifiée et fortement réaffirmée onze ans plus tard lors du congrès d'Amiens en octobre 1906.

Further details/ context, click here; libertaire, anarchiste, anarchisme, anarchistes, anarchie[Details / context]

book icon
1896 -- George Bernard Shaw advises Ellen Terry on how to perform Shakespeare: "Play to the lines, through the lines, but never between the lines. There simply isn't time for it."

Delvaux painting
1897 -- Paul Delvaux lives (1897-1994). Painter, Belgiumese, dreamlike depictions of skeletons, trains & nudes makes him a master of surrealism.

1899 -- Louise Nevelson lives (some say 1900). Sculptor, artist.

1899 -- EG, anarchist feministUS: Emma Goldman addresses 13 meetings in Pittsburgh & surrounding cities, including West Newton, McDonald, & Roscoe, Pa., September 23-October 10.

1900 --
France: Paris Congress of the Second International convenes, 23rd-27th.      

Participants include Pablo Iglesias representing the PSOE & Antonio García Quejido for the UGT.

The Second International is the first international body to recognize Irish nationhood. England, not to be outdone, is still working on it in 2007.

Source: [Congressos Obrers]

1901 -- Jaroslav Seifert lives. Poet/journalist who, in 1984, is the first Czech to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

"If a writer is silent, he is lying."

1908 -- US: Giant Fred ("Bonehead") Merkle fails to touch 2nd, causes 3rd out in 9th & disallows winning run (baseball game ends tied; Cubs win replay & pennant).

1911 -- MANIFESTO of September 23rd 1911

This Manifesto is issued by the Junta of the Mexican Liberal Party today. It is broadcast & republished in its official paper, "Regeneracion" (bilingual anarchist newspaper published by Ricardo Flores Magón & Anselmo Figueroa, two of the major figures of the Partido Liberal), January 20, 1912.

1912 -- First Keystone Kops film comedy released.

1916 -- Warren Billings, labor activist, goes on trial in San Francisco. See Daily Bleed, 22 July:

1923 -- orange diamond dingbat, added 2011, remove 2012Japanese-American author John Okada lives, Seattle, Washington in 1923. Served in the US Army in World War II, wrote one novel — No-No Boy — about the aftermath of the Japanese-American internment. Okada died in obscurity, of a heart attack at the age of 47, believing Asian America had rejected his work.

1926 -- John Coltrane, brilliant jazz saxophonist/composer considered the father of avant-garde jazz, lives, Hamlet, North Carolina.

1928 -- US: 12-year-old Barbara Griffith disappears, Massena, NY.

This results in first inquiry by a US law official regards the "Blood Libel."

Local hate-rumor ran rampant, & hundreds of residents gather at the police station when the mayor orders the police chief to interrogate the local rabbi whether or not Jews use Christian blood on their holidays.

By October 5 the result is a national outcry, press quotes from Jewish leaders, Governer Al Smith orders a hearing, Mayor Hawes apologizes in "The NY Times," disciplinary action is taken against the anti-Semetic accuser, Trooper HM McCann, & a call for leniency for him by R. S. Wise.

Elsewhere, during the same month, Jews in Hungary, Yugoslavia & Poland suffered severe pogroms & Blood Libel-provoked persecution.

1930 -- Ray Charles lives, Albany, Georgia. Blind by the age of six, he studies music & forms his own band at the age of 24. A recorded performance at the Newport Jazz Festival in 1958 establishes his career as one of the premier soul singers in the U.S.

Ray Chalres, source:

1934 -- Per Olov Enquist lives. Swedish novelist, playwright, & journalist, who gained international fame with his "documentary-style" fiction. Influenced by the French nouveau roman (Alain Robbe-Grillet, Claude Simon, Nathalie Sarraute, Michel Butor, Marguerite Duras). Wrote the script for the Jan Troell film Hamsun (1996), depicting the late years of the writer, shadowed by accusations of Nazi sympathies.

anarquista Federico Borrell García's moment of death
1936 -- added 2008France: Robert Capa’s photographs of the militia at Cerro Muriano during the Spanish Revolution appear in today's issue of the magazine "Vu."

It includes "The Falling Soldier," a photo capturing the moment of death of 24-year-old anarchist Federico Borrell. An iconic photo of the Spanish Revolution & now one of the most famous war photographs of all time.

Federico was buried in a shallow & unmarked grave near where he fell & its whereabouts have never been traced.

Controversy raged over the famous photo with allegations that it was posed & therefore fake & did not actually document the death of a militiaman. However in 1996, Mario Brotons, who had been in the Column Alcoiana as a 14-year old (!) confirmed the identity of the subject of the photo. In the process Capa’s slandered reputation was redeemed & Federico was brought out of obscurity.

PsychoHazard Waste
1939 -- Id He Gone Yet?: Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud dies.

1948 -- Gregory d'Alessio, then secretary of the New York Classic Guitar Society, hears a stranger's voice on the telephone:

'I hope the guitar gang is free tonight. If so, what are the chances of getting together? This is Carl Sandburg.'

Thus begins the story of a unique association (at once musical, literary, artistic, & social) which retained the same informality for the next two decades.

Andres Segovia might drop in & mesmerize everyone with his Andalusian magic. Other luminaries...included Edward Steichen (Carl's brother-in-law), June Havoc, & Tallulah Bankhead, at whose home a hilarious all-night gathering was held.

Other notables in this unlikely association included Danny Kaye, Marilyn Monroe, Fred Friendly, Edward R. Murrow, Bill Mauldin, Charles Schulz, & Frank Lloyd Wright, among others.

1949 -- Bruce Springsteen lives, Freehold, New Jersey. Composer/singer, rock star for 80s.

1950 -- US: Congress overrides Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Truman's veto & passes the McCarran Internal Security Act, requiring registration of members of groups the Attorney General determines to be Communist fronts, & establishing of emergency concentration camps. Truman called the act "the greatest danger to freedom of speech, press & assembly since the Alien & Sedition Laws of 1798."

Dick Nixon, used car salesman, & family
1952 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader US Vice Presidential hopeful Dick M Nixon plays "Checkers" on TV.

Been There, Done That?: "The American people deserve to know whether or not their vice-president is a crook. Well, I've made mistakes but, I'm no crook."

"I was just floored," said Ethel Blubmeister of Chappaquiddatrickydick, Mass. "I mean, isn't he dead?"

1952 -- Rocky Marciano becomes world heavyweight boxing champ. The only one to go undefeated, with a pro record of 49 bouts & 49 victories, including 43 by knockout.

1954 -- Playwright George C. Wolfe lives, & raised in pre-civil rights, segregated Frankfort, Kentucky. Critically acclaimed for the controversial plays The Colored Museum; Jelly's Last Jam; Spunk.

The Colored Museum gave Wolfe an enormous amount of positive critical attention, but also drew attacks from many African Americans.

"Black people acting like white people's version of black people — that's a certain kind of madness," he says.
"I didn't invent black satire — it existed in Richard Pryor & every other faction — but in black theater, it wasn't a common phenomenon."

1954 -- Japan: Lucky Dragon fisherman dies from nuclear test radiation.

A Japanese tuna fishing boat, the Lucky Dragon, was caught in the path of Bravo's fallout. It was 100 miles east of Bikini when the bomb was detonated. The crew members suffered from radiation sickness, & one of the them died of liver & blood damage on today.

The Lucky Dragon Incident touched several sensitive issues in Japan: the atomic legacy of World War II; disruption in the supply of fish, a principal food item; curtailment of fishing rights on the high sea; & a deep-rooted concern that the United States was insensitive to the feelings & sufferings of the Japanese people & unduly preoccupied with the development of weapons for mass destruction.

In 1960-61 Ben Shahn, a founding member of Graphic Artists for SANE (Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy), creates a series of paintings & drawings that he exhibits at the Downtown Gallery as "The Saga of the Lucky Dragon."

video icon

1955 -- US: I.D. Please?: Jury in Sumner, Mississippi, acquits Roy Bryant & J.W. Milam of murdering 14-year-old African American Emmett Till. The two admitted kidnapping the youth. But the jury based its verdict on a claim that the slain boy's body was too decomposed for positive identification. (see 31 August; 9 November).

They tortured him & did some things
too evil to repeat.
There were screaming sounds inside the barn,
there was laughing sounds out on the street.

Then they rolled his body down a gulf
amidst a bloody red rain
And they threw him in the waters wide...

— Bob Dylan, "The Death of Emmett Till."

1957 -- US: Nine black students at Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas are forced to withdraw because a white mob had formed outside.

1959 -- George Padmore dies (1902-1959). Sometimes called the 'Father of African emancipation'. Early Communist Party member who quit in 1953, remained a leftist militant communist, anti-colonialist, & friend of C.L.R. James. He groomed the young Kwame Nkrumah ("He is not very bright, but do what you can for him," his brother James wrote George) & later became Nkrumah's adviser on African affairs when Nkrumah became President of Ghana.

1961 -- US: First movie to become a TV series debuts — How to Marry a Millionaire.

Margarethe Faas-Hardegger; source
1963 -- Margarethe Faas-Hardegger (1882-1963) dies. Studied law, & in touch with Munich bohemian & Berlin anarchist circles. Anti-fascist & a peace militant. Preached & practiced free love, & lovers with the anarchist writers Gustav Landauer & Erich Mühsam.

Friend of Fritz Brupbacher & pacifist Gertrud Woker.

Established an anarchist-communist agricultural community in Minusio. In 1912 she was imprisoned because of false evidence given in a legal action against artist Ernst Frick. She lived with Hans Brunner in a socialist commune in Herrliberg, & at Monte Verità.
Further details/ context, click here; libertaire, anarchiste, anarchisme, anarchistes, anarchie Spanish: anarquista, anarquismo, anarquistas, anarquía Italian: libertarian, anarchico, anarchismo, anarchici, anarchica, anarchy, anarquista, German anarchist, anarchie, anarchisten, Portuguese: anarquista, anarchism, anarquistas, anarchy, libertarian, Anarþist, anarho, anarkismo POLISH: anarchizm, anarchia, anarchizmowi, anarchizmu, Anarchistyczne Archiwa[Details / context]

1966 -- The Jefferson Airplane opens at Winterland.

1967 -- Radio Malta stops testing.

Big Muddy
1967 -- The Airplane & Muddy Waters at Winterland, Post & Steiner streets, Frisco, California.

1973 --

1973 Chilean poet & communist cultural hero Pablo Neruda dies, in Santiago.

His most widely read work remains the 1924 Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada (Twenty Love Poems & a Song of Despair).

1971 Nobel Laureate in Literature for a poetry that with the action of an elemental force brings alive a continent's destiny & dreams.

"Books will tremble on the shelves, & new & unheard words, new signs & new seals, will rattle the doors of poetry."

"I have always wanted the hands of the people to be seen in poetry. I have always preferred a poetry where the fingerprints show. A poetry of loam, where water can sing. A poetry of bread, where everyone may eat."

1974 -- Robbie McIntosh, drummer for the Average White Band, dies in his North Hollywood hotel room, of a heroin overdose. He inhaled a white powder thought to be cocaine but was actually pure heroin.

1977 -- Cheryl Ladd replaces Farrah Fawcett on Charlie's Angels.

1978 -- Italy: To protest the development of maximum security prisons, inmates break down the walls dividing their cells at Asinara jail.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1979 -- US: Jane Fonda & 200,000 attend anti-nuke rally in Battery Park, NYC.

Old Victrola
1979 -- Africa: First anti-riot vehicle which plays DISCO to soothe nerves of troublemakers is sold to a black nation. Also armed with water cannon & tear gas in case protesters can't dance to the tunes.

1982 -- US: "New" extra-strength Tylenol creates new headaches in Chicago.

1983 -- US: National Kidney Foundation president Dr David Ogden decries as "immoral & unethical" a plan by Virginia doctor H. Barry Jacobs to buy kidneys from poor people — among them, residents of Third World nations — & sell them to wealthier people who need kidney transplants.

1983 -- Brazil:
"More than 500 women looted a grocery store in Brazil's drought-ravaged northeastern region, taking seven tons of food, a local government spokesman said."

"San Francisco Chronicle," Sept. 23, 1983

Source: "No Middle Ground" #2, Fall 1983

1984 --
Modern kitchen

"Anyone that's ever had their kitchen done over knows that it never gets done as soon as you wish it would."

— President Ronnie Reagan justifying the incomplete security measures at the US embassy annex in Beirut, where an iron gate was lying on the ground awaiting installation

"Anyone that's ever had their kitchen done over knows that the process is nothing at all like trying to stop somebody from driving a truckload of explosives into your house."

— Columnist Russell Baker

1988 -- US: Jose Canseco becomes baseball's first to steal 40 bases & hit 40 HRs. Seattle Mariners shortstop Alex Rodriquez (A-Rod) matches it September 1998.

Psycho poster
1994 -- Writer Robert Bloch dies after a long battle with cancer. American crime & suspense writer, famed for stories about psychopaths.

Best known is Psycho, the basis for Alfred Hitchcock's stunning film (1960). Bloch also wrote humorous fantasy, science fiction, short stories, screenplays & radio plays.

Chip off the old Bloch?

The author of Psycho was asked that tired old question: why he wrote horror fiction.

Bloch, always of quick wit, thought for a moment & replied,

"I have the heart of a small boy...

& I keep it in a drawer at home."

Bloch wrote a fan letter to H.P. Lovecraft at the age of 16. Lovecraft encouraged the lad to begin writing fiction & to submit stories to "Weird Tales". Thus began a 60-year writing career — one of the most distinguished in the horror & mystery field.

Adventures in Capitalism poster
1997 -- "Tubthumper" album by the anarchist group Chumbawamba is released.
Chumbawamba tattoo

Chumbawamba would like to overthrow the government &, really, who wouldn't?

Beats taking the kids to Disneyland...

2000 -- US: Leonard Peltier Clemency March & Rally, Olympia, Washington, Sylvester Park, rally at the State Capital.

4000 --

anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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