Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

In summer's mellow midnight,
A cloudless moon shown through
Our open parlour window
And rosetrees wet with dew.

      — Charlotte Bronte, The Night-Wind,
September 11, 1840


Indian non-violent anarchist, writer, anti-colonialist.

Celebrated by giving bunches of flowers & picnicking in fields of daffodils.


Diocletian New Year, 1711



1227 -- Plague strikes the 5th Crusade, of Fredrick II, ending it after three days. God works in strange ways. (F)Red is shocked. He was advised by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Pat Robertson the plague would hit Orlando.

Fireball, animated
1589 -- Barbara Huebmeyer, Appela Huebmeyer & Anna Schnelling burned as witches.

1709 -- Source=Robert Braunwart English, Dutch & Austrians defeat French in the Battle of Malplaquet but they lose 20,000 men (War of the Spanish Succession). "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" is improvised after the Battle.
[Source: Robert Braunwart] [Hereafter noted with symbol: Source=Robert Braunwart]

1762 -- Writer Joanna Baillie lives.

1773 -- Benjamin Franklin writes,

"There never was a good war or bad peace."

1812 -- England: Luddite Potato riot in Nottingham.

At the height of the potato famine, the august "London Times" “looked forward” to a time “when a Celt on the Shannon would be as rare as a red man in Manhattan.”

1836 -- (18)Sixties dropout Fitz Hugh Ludlow lives, New York City.

Daily Bleed Saint, 2003
The Hashish Eater, an American Thomas De Quincy.

1841 -- US: All members of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President John Tyler's cabinet resign, with the exception of Daniel Webster, who stays on to finish negotiating a treaty. The resignations came after Tyler vetoed a banking bill sponsored by Beloved & Respected Comrade Whig Leader Henry Clay, an affront for which he was literally read out of his own party.

1852 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Buenos Aires rebels against the Argentine Confederation & separates from it for 10 years.

1861 -- Juhani Aho lives (1861-1921). Journalist & the first Finnish professional writer, best known Finnish author in Scandinavia in his own time, who specialized in short stories called "lastuja" (splinters).

1862 -- O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) lives, Greensboro, North Carolina. American author, jailbird, master of the short story & surprise ending.

Started a humorous weekly "The Rolling Stone" in 1894.

After release from prison for embezzlement as a bank teller, he writes such stories as "The Gift of the Magi" & "The Last Leaf." Vachel Lindsay compliments him:

"He always worked a triple-hinged surprise / To end the scene & make one rub his eyes."

Published 10 collections & over 600 short stories during his life time. Despite the popularity his last years were shadowed by alcoholism, ill health & financial problems.

Emperor Norton
1862 --

1862 Joshua Norton I, Dei Gratia Emperor of the United States & Protector of Mexico, He Demands Suitable Attire

WHEREAS, avaricious persons & others are conspiring against our person, right & dignity by refusing to supply us with suitable clothing, although repeatedly requested to do so; & WHEREAS, the national dignity & rights are thereby injured; NOW, THEREFORE, we command that you proceed on receipt of this our decree forthwith to the tailors, Walter & Tompkins, on Montgomery Street of this city, & then & there proceed to take the rivets out of their shears & prohibit any person from repairing them or furnish them with new ones until they shall furnish us with our clothing, which they have long ago been requested to do.

Given under our hand this 11th day of September, 1862.

1885 -- Novelist, poet, essayist D. H. Lawrence lives, Nottingham, England.

1998 Saint. Passionate & explicit moralist of religious, sexual rebirth.

"...Lawrence really was the educated son of a coal miner, sitting under a tree that was rapidly becoming part of a world-wide, disemboweled hell, writing hard, painful poems, to girls who carefully had been taught the art of unlove..."

Kenneth Rexroth, Bird in the Bush

Best known for his book Lady Chatterly's Lover, wherein the Lady takes up an interest in pruning. The book was banned for a time in both the UK & the U.S. as pornographic. In the UK it was published in unexpurgated form in 1960 after a obscenity trial.

1889 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Start of the Sherlock Holmes adventure "The Crooked Man" (BG).

1893 -- US: 443 Hoh Indians move to new reservation established on coast of Olympic Peninsula, Washington state.

1895 -- India: Vinoba Bhave, land reformer, anarchist, anti-colonialist, lives. Major successor to Gandhi.

"My main idea is that the whole world ought to be set free front the burden of its governments....If there is a disease from which the entire world suffers, it is this disease called government."

1901 -- Katri Vala lives (1901-1944). Finnish poet, critic, school teacher, central member of the literary group Tulenkantajat (The Fire Bearers). Vala also wrote poems that were radical in the social views & attacked war & Fascism.

1902 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Arnold Bennett novel Anna of the Five Towns is published.

1903 -- Frankfort School theorist Theodor Adorno lives.
Rather than subject, nature became object, made alien. Men pay for the increase of their power with alienation from that over which they exercised their power. The quest for knowledge & power becomes war against nature, man declares war upon himself.
The body becomes both machine (a tool in the process of production & advancement) & the animal body the subject of experiment, control, vivisection. In the process of turning nature into substance & matter, "nothing is allowed to live."

THEODOR ADORNO, Patron Saint 2004-2010
Frankfort School theoretician, negative dialectician.


1904 -- US: One of the largest reported New York City anarchist meetings in support of the Russian anarchist movement. EG, anarchist feminist

Emma Goldman is among a cast of speakers. This fall she hosts two members of the Russian Social Revolutionary party seeking to organize support for political freedom in Russia. With the assistance of the American Friends of Russian Freedom, Emma manages a successful tour of Catherine Breshkovskaya (the "Grandmother of the Russian Revolution"), recently freed from Siberian exile.

1906 -- South Africa: Gandhi begins nonviolent resistance campaign, Johannesburg.

1914 -- Source=Robert Braunwart México: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Yucatan Gov. Eleuterio Avila abolishes the debt of the campesinos, but continues the prohibition on their leaving their employers.

1915 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Wales: First British Women's Institute is formed, Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllandysiliogogogoch WI, Anglesey. You can say that again.

1916 -- US: Trial of labor activist Warren Billings begins in San Francisco.

American Way of Death, from book cover
1917 -- Coming & Going?: Jessica Mitford lives, Gloucestershire. English-born writer / journalist noted for her investigative works of American society, sister of novelist Nancy Mitford. Her caustic examination of unscrupulous practices in the American funeral industry, The American Way of Death (1963), was a best-seller. In 1992, she published The American Way of Birth, a look at the state of American obstetrical care.

1917 -- EG, anarchist feministUS: Gag Rule? Police authorities, zealous protectors of the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, prevent Emma Goldman from speaking publicly at a meeting at the Kessler Theater in New York; to protest & dramatize police suppression of her address, she nonetheless appears on stage, a gag over her mouth.

1919 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Honduras: US marines invade.

1920 -- US: The anarchists Sacco & Vanzetti indicted for South Braintree crimes.
Sacco & Vanzetti Timeline

1922 -- US: In the Sacco-Vanzetti Case, the Andrews motion for a new trial is made. It is based upon Mrs. Lola Andrews’ retraction.

See Heroes & Martyrs: Emma Goldman, Sacco & Vanzetti, & the Revolutionary Struggle, an audio CD by Howard Zinn.
Sacco & Vanzetti Timeline

1924 -- Japan: During this month [I don't have exact days -- ed.], the aptly named Guillotine Society (Girochin Sha) makes two attempts on the life of General Masatarô Fukuda to avenge the murder of Ôsugi Sakae. Amakasu Incident

Industrial Unionism
1925 -- US: IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) marine strike.

1926 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Spain: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Dictator Primo de Rivera holds a plebiscite on his rule — no negative votes are allowed (-Sept. 13). You'll never guess the results...

Rome, 11 Sept 1926, illustration by Flavio Costantini
1926 -- Italy: A rocky day in Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Mussolini's life.

In Rome, the anarchist Gino Lucetti tosses a bomb at Mussolini's car, but it deflected from the windshield, wounding eight passersby.

"Bullets pass, Mussolini stays," announces Mussolini after surviving the attack.

Famous Italian anarchist-communist Errico Malatesta was briefed & endorsed the attentat.

The 26-year-old Lucetti was sentenced to 30 years; he died in the Ischia prison in 1943.

In his honor, two anarchist antifascist partisan groups fighting in the Carrara area adopted the names ‘G. Lucetti’ (60-80 combatants) & ‘Lucetti bis’ (58 strong).

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

Illustration by Flavio Costantini

1927 -- US: Baseball's Babe Ruth hits 50th of 60 homers.

1930 -- Katherine Anne Porter's Flowering Judas is published.

1931 -- Libya: L'opera di repressione condotta dal generale Rodolfo Graziani in Libia porta alla cattura di Omar al-Muctar, capo della resistenza araba contro l'oppressione italiana. Dopo un processo sommario sarà barbaramente impiccato dagli occupanti italiani.
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]

1941 -- Charles Lindbergh decries that "the British, the Jewish, & the Roosevelt administration" are trying to get the US into World War II.

A side of Lindbergh not often revealed in grade-school texts or mainstream media was the deep-seated anti-Semitism & the pro-Nazi stance of both Charles & his wife, author, Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

1942 -- Norway: Underground Norwegian trade union newspapers arrange thousands of letters to the government rejecting Nazification.

1942 -- US: A burning plane crashes into the Curtiss-Wright airplane factory in Buffalo, New York, killing 12, injuring 35. The pilot parachuted to safety.

1942 -- US: The first American Japanese inmates arrive at concentration camps, Central Utah, or Topaz.

1942 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Poland: Nazis deport 90,000 Jews from the ghetto of Warsaw; the ghetto of Stolin is liquidated - 11,000 Jews are executed.

1955 -- Source=Robert Braunwart H.L. Mencken publishes "I believe that religion, generally speaking, has been a curse to mankind."

1959 -- Duke Ellington receives the NAACP's Spingarn Medal for his outstanding musical achievements & contributions to the field of music.

1965 -- Benefit for BOTH/AND jazz club at the Fillmore with "Big Mama" Thornton, The Airplane, Elvin Jones, Jon Hendricks Trio & the Joe Henderson Quartet.

1966 -- So-called "first" elections in South Vietnam.

1968 -- No Reservations?: Arriving in London for a tour of the U.K., Sly & the Family Stone bassist Larry Graham is busted by bobbies for possession of cannabis. BBC cancels the group's television appearance & a London hotel refuses to honor the band's reservations.

1969 -- Got Booty?: A two-record "bootleg" set of Bob Dylan songs, called "The Great White Wonder" first appears in a Los Angeles record store. It's believed to be the first bootleg album.

1970 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Ford introduces the Pinto despite knowing a design flaw causes the gas tank to explode in collisions. Ford reasons that correcting the flaw would cost $137 million & settling lawsuits would cost only about $49 million, so they do not change the design.

1971 -- Russia: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Nikita Khrushchev dies of a heart attack at 77. Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Nixon offers "to do the funeral arangements."

Victor Jara
1973 -- Chile: CIA overthrows democratically elected government, ending nearly 150 years of democratic rule. Murders Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Salvador Allende, folk singer Victor Jara, American IWW journalist Frank Teruggisome spell it Terrugi, apparently in error, & many others. Over 5,000 die, & many others "disappear." Orchestra conducted by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Henry Kissinger?

16 years of repressive military terror follows under Pinochet.


Should you ask me where I come from, I must talk
with broken things,
with fairly painful utensils,
with great beasts turned to dust as often as not
& my afflicted heart.

— Pablo Neruda

Guards singled out Jara as he continued to sing protest songs in the stadium, beat him viciously & machine-gunned his mutilated body in front of the other prisoners.

The US-backed military dictatorship banned Jara's music, image & name &, for a time, even outlawed the public performance of the evocative folk-guitar.

The elected government of Salvador Allende falls to a bloody U.S.-supported military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet [au-GOOS-toh PEE-no-shay].

He immediately killed or "disappeared" hundreds &, in coming years, thousands more.

On September 19th, 1974, US intelligence sources reveal that striking Chilean labor unions, instrumental in destabilizing the Allende government, were secretly bankrolled by the CIA.

Control the music, you have a powerful tool to shape society

In these difficult times, workers are discovering the secrets of the economy.

They're learning it isn't impossible to produce without bosses or supply themselves without merchants.

But the workers march without arms, empty-handed, down this freedom road.

Over the horizon sail the U.S. warships, preparing to show themselves off the Chilean coast....

— Eduardo Galeano, Century of the Wind

Military Coffins

...The man in the river

wears a white shirt, dark pants & sprawls
as if sleeping while water riffles his hair.
This is a photograph from the coup or golpe,

meaning also hit or shock — just one death
from thirty thousand.

— Stephen Dobyns, "Paco"

Bombing Allende

1976 -- US: A police officer is killed attempting to dismantle a bomb in New York City's Grand Central Station. Croatian militants claim responsibility.

1976 -- Italy: On the anniversary of the Chilean military coup against Allende, activists bomb the Chilean Embassy, the American Library & the offices of the Brazilian national airline in Rome.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1977 -- Quincy Jones wins Emmy for outstanding achievement in musical composition for the miniseries Roots. It is one of nine Emmys for the series, an unprecedented number.

1979 -- Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers begin a US tour playing with a giant backdrop that says, "Why MCA?" referring to the fact that the label they had been recording for was sold to MCA Records.

1980 -- US: Federal District Court judge dismisses an $11 billion suit filed by Oglala Lakota Indians for damages to, & restoration of, the sacred Black Hills in South Dakota.
"Getting kicked out of the American Bar Association is like getting kicked out of the Book-of-the-Month Club."

— Melvin Belli on the occasion of his getting kicked out of the American Bar Association.

Nancy lap-dancing with Mr. T at Xmas
1981 -- US: US-China Rift? Beloved & Respected Comrade Nancy Reagan defends her decision to spend $209,508 in donated funds on a 4,732 piece china set.

"The White House really badly, badly needs china," she explains. "It's badly needed."

"He especially liked ads for shampoos & hair coloring. The women in them seemed to regard their hair as independent, capricious entities, whom they must placate & provide with food."

— Thomas M. Disch

1985 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Anne Tyler novel The Accidental Tourist is published, US.

Peter Tosh
1987 -- Reggae star Peter Tosh is shot & killed in his home in Kingston, Jamaica. Police say Tosh was shot in the head after refusing to give money to robbers.

Renau illustration
1988 -- Canada: The Innu of North West River in Labrador, begin protesting low-altitude training at NATO base near Goose Bay, citing environmental damage.

The ongoing campaign includes numerous runway occupations by the Innu, & solidarity actions across Western Europe, but has received little attention in the US, which, surprisingly, funds much of the base operations.

1988 -- Sports Aid-jogging to feed the world. Governments, too busy creating new enemies & weapons are unwilling to it, so its a joggin we must go...

1988 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Haiti: Army terrorists attack a church where Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Jean-Bertrand Aristide is saying mass, killing at least 12 & burning the church.

1990 -- Guatemala: US anthropologist Myma Mack murdered by U.S.-paid Guatemalan military.

Uncle George Wants You! (To forget...)
1990 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader George Bush says 120,000 Iraqi troops with 850 tanks are moving south in Kuwait.

Soviet satellite photos taken today show no troop build-up.

1993 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Chile: 10-peso coin issued to commemorate Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Pinochet's murderous coup.

1993 -- Source=Robert Braunwart France: Greenpeace prevents a chlorine-laden ship from leaving a French port.

1995 -- Monster Mosh?: Green Day tells a British magazine that they turned down an invitation to perform on "Sesame Street" because "we couldn't handle a mosh pit full of 5 year olds."

1996 -- For the first time, a new single by a major recording artist is released exclusively on the Internet. David Bowie's "Telling Lies" is released on his web site, where it was available for 24 hours.
David Bowie: Friend or Foe?:

1997 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Indonesia: Unauthorized labor unions & strikes are outlawed.

1999 -- US: Eleven Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN) members responsible for a wave of bombings across the US (New York & Chicago) in the 1970s & 1980s have been released from federal prisons after accepting a controversial clemency offer from President Bill Clinton.

Protests at World Economic Forum demand environmental cleanup; source
2000 -- Australia: Protests against World Economic Forum at Melbourne Crown Casino September 11 - 13. For two days Melbourne witnesses a police force ferociously attacking peaceful people protesting over national & global issues.

2001 -- US: Terrorists hijack passenger airliners & target them at major symbols of American global corporate capitalism, military & politics. Airliners crash into the Pentagon & NY City's World Trade Towers.

The towers contain one-third of the Wall Street financial offices, & employ 50,000 workers.

The Pentagon controls the largest military in the world (The US military budget is larger than the budgets of the next 25 countries combined).

The American government sanctimoniously treats the whole world as its own provenance.

US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has said that if the US chooses to use force, it is because we are America.

"We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see further into the future."

"US officials & terrorism "experts" are filling the airwaves with talk of the threat that terrorism poses in the coming century. They have part of it right — terrorism will remain a threat. What they forget, ignore or deny is that the biggest perpetrator of terrorism on the world scene is the United States."

— Robert William Jensen, Austin-American Statesman, September 1, 1998

Considering possible US government complicity in 9/11,

"If history shows that a violent response to an act of terrorism begets more terrorism, then why is a violent response the predominant choice of the experts & politicians of the world?"

— Beau Grosscup, The Newest Explosions of Terrorism

"We have heard that a half million children have died," said 60 Minutes reporter Lesley Stahl, speaking of US sanctions against Iraq.

"I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. & — & you know, is the price worth it?"

Her guest, May 1996, U.N. Ambassador Madeleine Albright, consummate liberal, responds:

"I think this is a very hard choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it."

— Los Angeles Times

"I got a call on 9/11 . . . saying, 'You got to say this is connected. This is state-sponsored terrorism. This has to be connected to Saddam Hussein.'"

— General Wesley Clark, speaking on "Meet the Press," June 2003, regarding White House officials who told him to start linking Iraq to 9/11 on the day of the attack

Brazilian writer Millor Fernandes notes that "in order not to see reality, the ostrich sinks its head in the television set. The machine dictates orders, the machine stones you.

"On September 11, the loudspeakers of the second twin tower in New York were also giving stunning orders, when the tower started to creak.

"As people ran down the stairs, the loudspeakers were ordering everyone to return to their workstations.

"Those who survived, disobeyed."

2001 -- 9/11: 15 Saudis, 0 Iraqis. American politicians set a course of vengeance, not justice, in retaliation. Neo-con opportunists, long seeking to get Saddam Hussein & his oil, exploit the tragedy, spending billions of dollars & thousands of lives over the next several years to get al Queda Saddam. Additionally, hundreds of innocents in the US are disappeared by the federal government.

2002 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: NY daily lottery draws the number 911, on the terrorist anniversary.

2006 -- US: 9/11 media foie de gras on this terrorist anniversary. Trussed up as (ad)hominey grits & pickled boloney for the goslings, champagne & lobster for the global police.

2077 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Beginning date of Arthur C. Clarke's novel Rendezvous With Rama.

3000 --

If our world survives, the next great challenge to watch out for will come... when the curves of research & development in artificial intelligence, molecular biology & robotics all converge. Oboy. It will be amazing & unpredictable, & even the biggest of brass, let us devoutly hope, are going to be caught flat-footed. It is certainly something for all good Luddites to look forward to if, God willing, we should live so long. Meantime, as Americans, we can take comfort, however minimal & cold, from Lord Byron's mischievously improvised song, in which he, like other observers of the time, saw clear identification between the first Luddites & our own revolutionary origins. It begins:

As the Liberty lads o'er the sea
Bought their freedom, & cheaply, with blood,
So we, boys, we
Will die fighting, or live free,
& down with all kings but King Ludd!

— Thomas Pynchon, Is It O.K. to Be a Luddite?

Time Gears

Source: [Luddite Chonology]

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