Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

Adin Ballou

With his distant cousin Hosea, an influential American utopianist.

Brittany Coast: BENEDICTION OF THE SEA. Going out in boats, priests bless the water over the sunken fairy city of Ys, to keep the waterlogged fairies from mischief.

355 -- Greece: Future Roman Emperor Julian arrives at Piraeus to study (Gore Vidal).
[Source: Robert Braunwart][Hereafter attributed with symbol: Source=Robert Braunwart]

Lee Harvey Oswald
640 -- Death of St. Oswald, King of Northumbria, by the hand of Penda, King of Mercia.

978 -- Author Murasaki Shikibu lives.

Her first name refers to her father's office as a Japanese governor. Her personal name is not recorded, it being impolite to write the names of highborn women. After her husband dies, Murasaki joins the retinue of Empress Akiko, & writes The Tale of Genji, the world's first surviving long novel. Her book is called the finest work of Japanese literature. Nothing is known of Murasaki's life after leaving the court of the empress.

1391 -- Spain: Castilian sailors set fire to Barcelona's Jewish ghetto, killing 100.

1498 -- Got Kangaroos?: Columbus is the first recent European to land on a South American continent. Unable to get anything right, this time he thinks he's in Australia (this guy should be enshrined!). Must have been the Koala he drank.

1583 -- Gilbert claims Newfoundland — the first English colony in North America. He spent months agonizing, racked with indecision, over what to call this new found land.

1600 -- Near miss: the Gowrie conspirators attempt to stab King James VI of Scotland, having lured him away from his entourage with tales of a secret treasure.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1608 -- Source=Robert Braunwart France: 3 luminous UFOs arrive at Nice, France & humanoid creatures emerge. Politicians in limos no doubt.

1620 -- England: Loaded With Old Baggage? "Mayflower" & "Speedwell" sail away to New World.

1796 -- Author Michael Banim lives.

1842 -- England: "Plug Plot" riots. In response to economic crisis, high unemployment, high food prices & decreased wages; spontaneous strike wave of weavers & spinners, starting at Ashton under Lynn. Got its name when the plugs were pulled out of factory boilers.

1846 -- Italy: Anarchist organizer Emilio Covelli lives (1846-1915). Implicated in the "Gang of Matese" insurrection of 1877, member of the Fédération italienne de l'AIT, forced into exile.

1850 -- Guy de Maupassant lives, Chateau de Miromesnil, France. French author of the naturalistic school, generally considered the greatest French short story writer.

Friends with Gustave Flaubert, a friend of his mother's friend, who introduced him to leading writers, such as Émile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, & Henry James.

Suffered from syphilis, which caused increasing mental disorder — reflected in nightmarish stories, which have much in common with Edgar Allan Poe's supernatural visions.

Other short story masters: Anton Chekhov, O. Henry, John O'Hara.

1850 -- Got Poupon?: Herman Melville meets Nathaniel Hawthorne at a literary picnic in New Hampshire.

1851 -- US: Little Crow, chief of the Koposia division of the Mdewakanton Lakota, signs treaty ceding most Minnesota land to US... & he thought the winters harsh...

1858 -- US: QWest? Enron?: First transatlantic cable completed by Cyrus W. Field. Fails 26 days later.

1863 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: The Sioux massacre 59 Pawnee Indians, Massacre Canyon, Nebraska.

Andrea Costa, Italian  anarchist
1874 -- Andrea Costa is arrested.

Il 5 agosto viene arrestato Andrea Costa, in seguito ad un fallito tentativo insurrezionale degli internazionalisti. Arrestati anche Malatesta e Cafiero. Bakunin arrivato clandestinamente a Bologna riesce a fuggire vestito da prete. Alla repressione sopravvive il gruppo socialista raccolto intorno alla "Plebe" di Bignami e Gnocchi-Viani. 94 scioperi nel corso dell'anno.

1882 -- France: Shafted? or Dig This!? The evening of August 5/6 in the Montceau-les-Mines, Burgundy, the famed "Bande Noire" — made up of anarchist miners — makes one of its first attacks against clericalism (supported by the mine employers against the workers), by throwing the Croix de Mission du Bois du Verne to the bottom of the mine where it belongs.
[Source: L'Ephéméride Anarchiste]

1883 -- Italy: 5-6 Agosto. La polizia di stato interrompe e scioglie il II Congresso del Partito socialista rivoluzionario di Romagna che si tiene a Ravenna.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1886 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Nicaraguan Rubén Darío publishes "El Manto," his first Chilean poem. Born in Metapa, now renamed Ciudad Darío in his honor, Darío revolutionized Spanish poetry, but remains little-known abroad.

1889 -- Author Conrad Aiken lives, Savannah, Georgia. Won the 1930 Pulitzer Prize for Selected Poems.

American poet, short story writer, critic, novelist. Traumatized when he found the bodies of his parents after his father had killed his mother & committed suicide.

Divided his time between England & the US, playing a significant role in introducing American poets to the British.

1890 -- US: American utopianist Adin Ballou dies. Christian pacifist, perhaps the major theorist of nonviolence before Leo Tolstoy, & sympathetic to anarchist ideas. Ballou advocated, in Thoreau's words, "not at once for no government, but at once a better government." Wrote Christian Non-Resistance; Practical Christian Socialism; Autobiography of Adin Ballou.

1892 -- US: Harriet Tubman gets a pension from Congress for her work as a nurse, spy & scout during the Civil War. She, along with Sojourner Truth, Susie King & almost 200 other African-American women, served as nurses during the war at 11 hospitals in three states.

1895 -- England: Frederich Engels, industrialist & co-founder of International Workingmen's Association, dies.

1902 -- Italy: Una manifestazione contro le tasse a Cassano delle Murge (Bari) viene repressa con violenza : un morto e quattro feriti.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1910 -- Constant Marie, "Le Père Lapurge" (1838-1910), dies. French Communard, militant & anarchiste songster.

Marie was a composer-songwriter of revolutionary songs, the best-known being "Dame Dynamite," "le Père Lapurge" (source of his nickname) & "La Muse Rouge" (source of the name taken in 1901 by a famous group of poets & revolutionary chansonniers which produced songs which are now part of a great French legacy).

Yow! sez Zippy

"Je suis le vieux Père Lapurge,
Pharmacien de l'Humanité;
Contre sa bile je m'insurge
Avec ma fille Egalité.
J'ai ce qu'il faut dans ma boutique
Sans le tonnerre et les éclairs
Pour bien purger toute la clique
Des affameurs de L'Univers..."

— excerpt, "Le Père Lapurge",
published in 1886 in the Calais newspaper,
"La Révolte des Affamés."

Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste, anarchie, anarchisme, libertaria[Details / context]

1912 -- US: Got Mousse? Formation of the Progressive Party. Teddy Roosevelt thinks it a bunch of bull.

Luz Magon headline; source
1912 -- México: In today's issue of the libertarian newspaper "Luz!" the Colombian anarchist Juan Francisco Moncaleano defends & supports Ricardo Flores Magón, who is imprisoned in Los Angeles, California.

For this outrageous stance Moncaleano
is quickly expelled from México by
Querido y Respetado Camarada Lider Presidente
Francisco Madero
(owned by the Americanos).

Sources: [L'Ephéméride Anarchiste] & [Casa Obrero Mundial]

5 de agosto. Juan Francisco Moncaleano escribe un artículo en el periódico Luz defendiendo a Ricardo Flores Magón, preso en Los Angeles, California, E. U.

1914 -- US: First traffic light installed, Euclid & 105th, in Cleveland, Ohio.

1918 -- Virginia Woolf writes in her diary, of Christina Rossetti:

"First she starved herself of love, which meant also life; then of poetry.... Consequently, as I think, she starved into austere emaciation a very fine original gift."

1920 -- Source=Robert Braunwart England: The first issue of "The Communist," British Young Communist Party weekly.

1925 -- France: Georges Palante (1862-1925) dies, Yffiniac, (Côtes d'Armor). Philosopher preaching an aristocratic & libertarian individualism.

Victim of a rare hormonal & disfiguring disease, Palante became a professor of philosophy. Influenced by the work of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche & the individualist Max Stirner, he developed a radical anarchiste philosophy & "une morale désespérée, mais élégante, de la résistance."

Pessimism taking the upper hand in his struggles, Palante puts an end to his life today. His epitaph reads,

"L'individu est la seule source d'énergie, la seule mesure de l'idéal."

"The individual is the sole source of energy, the only measure of the ideal."

Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste, anarchie, anarchisme, libertaria[Details / context]

1926 -- Per Wahlöö lives. Swedish writer/journalist, who created with his wife Maj Sjöwall detective character Martin Beck. Widely translated, with several adapted to screen. Their novels confront the abuses of power & the dark side of highly organized society.

According to Wahlöö, their intention was to "use the crime novel as a scalpel cutting open the belly of the ideological pauperized & morally debatable so-called welfare state of the bourgeois type." The depiction concentrated on routine & teamwork rather the deductive leaps of a Hercule Poirot type individual.

Further details/ context, click here title=[Details / context]

1928 -- Italian anarchist Gaetano Grassi dies. La costruzione della repubblica Gaetano Grassi (Milano, INSMLI, 1998).; Guida agli archivi della Resistenza Gaetano Grassi (a cura) - Prefazione di G. Quazza (Roma, Ministero per i Beni culturali e ambientali. Ufficio centrale per i beni archivistici, 1983).; Gaetano Grassi, "L'Istituto nazionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione in Italia"
// The construction of the republic Gaetano Grassi (Milan, INSMLI, 1998).; Guide to the archives of the Resistance Gaetano Grassi (ed.) - Preface by G. Quazza (Rome, Ministry for Cultural & Environmental Assets. Central Office for archival, 1983).; Gaetano Grassi, "The National Institute for the History of the Liberation Movement in Italy"

1932 -- Source=Robert Braunwart First specific date in Nikolay Ostrovsky novel How the Steel Was Tempered.

Durruti, Spanish anarchist
1936 -- Spain: Pierre Van Passen conducts an interview:
"You will be sitting on top
of a pile of ruins
even if you are victorious" . . .

Large red We have always lived in slums & holes in the wall. We will know how to accomodate ourselves for a time. For, you must not forget that we can also build these palaces & cities, here in Spain & in America & everywhere. We, the workers. We can build others to take their place. & better ones. We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We are going to inherit the earth. There is not the slightest doubt about that. The bourgeoisie might blast & ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history.

Large red We carry a new world here, in our hearts, & that world is growing in this minute.

Buenaventura Durruti, interview, August 5, 1936.

1936 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministJames Colton, who married Emma Goldman in 1925 to provide her British citizenship, dies of cancer. Colton, an elderly anarchist from Wales, married Emma so she would be free of the problems of travel & speech which plagued her friend Berkman until his death.

1938 -- Italy: Una Nota dell'Informazione Diplomatica afferma che il "razzismo italiano" deve diventare "patrimonio spirituale del nostro popolo, base fondamentale del nostro Stato, elemento di sicurezza del nostro Impero."
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1940 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: RCMP arrests Montreal Mayor Houde for sedition (draft resistance).

1941 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Russia: Germans liquidate Soviet forces in Smolensk pocket (700,000 soldiers).

Boris Vian
1946 -- Boris Vian begins writing J'irai cracher sur vos tombes (I'll Spit On Your Graves), which he completes in 15 days, on the 20th of this month. J'irai cracher sur vos tombes sold in excess of half a million copies. (Also included among Favorite Anarchist/Libertarian Novels compiled on the anarchy-list in July 1998.) Boris Vian

"In the tradition of Karl May & Franz Kafka, Boris Vian imagines an America even more amazing than the land he has never visited. I Spit on Your Graves is the first novel to put quotation marks around the 'hardboiled' — a vivid & startling performance."

— J. Hoberman

"To Americans Boris Vian has long been one of the hidden glories of French literature. In I Spit on Your Graves, he wrote an utterly untypical work, a blast from his Id that may well have killed him. Even now, with misogyny disguised as racial justice, its venom remains potent & disturbing, in equal parts appalling & riveting. It is a singular book, not for the squeamish, & not to be passed by."

— Jim Krusoe

Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste,  anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, Anarþist, ANARÞÝZM, Anarþizmin, anarþizme, Anarþist, anarquista, anarchisten, anarchie, anarkismo, anarchisme[Details / context]

Democracy, plutocracy, despotism
1948 -- US: America grants Puerto Rico power to elect own Governor. "Democracy," but not freedom or independence. Wonder who owns the ballot boxes?

During this year, Pedro Albizu Campos is invited to speak at the "Recinto de Rio Piedras" by its students. The Rector Jaime Benitez is against the invitation. A strike is held in the University of Puerto Rico, which lead to violent police repression. Luis Muñoz Marin is elected the first governor. In October, Nationalists attempt to assassinate him. Guards resisted the attack, killing four of the five Nationalists. (Raimundo Diaz Pacheco, Domingo Hiraldo, Roberto Acevedo & Manuel Torres. Gregorio Hernandez is badly wounded.)

1949 -- US: Mann Gulch Fire. A crew of 15 Smokejumpers, the US Forest Service's elite airborne firefighters, jump into a remote forest fire in the Montana wilderness. Less than two hours later all but three were dead or fatally burned.
Probably most catastrophes end this way without an ending, the dead not even knowing how they died...& the rest of us tiring of this inconsolable catastrophe & turning to the next one.

— Norman Maclean

"As I get considerably beyond the biblical allotment of three score years ten, I feel with increasing intensity that I can express my gratitude for still being around on the oxygen-side of the earth's crust only by not standing pat on what I have hitherto known & loved. While the oxygen lasts, there are still new things to love, especially if compassion is a form of love."

— Norman Maclean, notes written as a possible forepiece to Young Men & Fire, December 4, 1985.

1955 -- Movie actress / hat-rack Carmen Miranda dies.

1961 -- US: Rose Bowl? America promises latrines for the poor of Latin America to counteract Communismo.

Not revolution, not reform, not a new future, but Porta Potties!

¡La letrinocracia!

1962 -- Good-bye Norma Jean. Hollywood sex symbol Marilyn Monroe found dead of an overdose of sleeping pills. (See 17 August.)

1962 -- Source=Robert Braunwart South Africa: Nelson Mandela is arrested for incitement, near Howick [see 0804]. He is later sentenced to life in prison.

1963 -- US: Clarence Earl Gideon walks out of the Panama City, Florida, Courthouse a free man the Bay Harbor Poolroom robbery June 3, 1961. The story of this extraordinary case, from the robbery to the moment Gideon is freed, & the telling of the complex issues involving Gideon vs. Wainwright, is the basis of Anthony Lewis's book Gideon's Trumpet.

Operation Linebacker II collage
1964 -- US:

Vietnam War
Vietnam: US begins bombing North Vietnam. To protect US interests, of course.
Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Lyndon Bane Johnson asks Congress for a resolution against North Vietnam following the Gulf of Tonkin "incident" hoax. Congress "debates," in their favorite position, the missionary position.

1964 -- Moa Martinson dies. Novelist, one of the first to depict the landless agricultural workers in Swedish countryside. Married proletarian novelist Harry Martinson (Nobel Prize, 1974). Most successful work is her autobiographical trilogy (Mother Gets Married (1936), Church Wedding (1938), The King's Roses (1938)).

1966 -- US: Everyone Must Get Stoned? Martin Luther King, Jr., stoned as he leads a march through Chicago's South Side. (With rocks, we suspect we mean).

1967 -- Flamin' Groovies open at the Matrix (Frisco's first folk night club, opened in 1965, at 3138 Fillmore in the Marina District).

1968 -- Jazzman Ornette Coleman in concert at Bill Graham’s new Fillmore West.

1968 -- US: Sleepless in Chicago?: Deputy Mayor Stahl indicates his unwillingness to grant permit application for sleeping in Chicago parks.

1968 -- Spain: Se declara durante tres meses el estado de excepción en Guipúzcoa.

Vietnam: Apocalypse Now icon
1969 -- Judge Dredd?: Army discloses that Colonel Robert B. Rheault, former commander of the Special Forces in Vietnam, & seven other Green Berets were arrested for "terminating with extreme prejudice" the job (read: the life) of a "dangerous South Vietnamese double agent."

1969 -- US: Founding meeting of the Illinois Labor History Society.

1977 -- US: Hey Saddam!? Nuclear Regulatory Commission audit cannot account for 4 tons of enriched uranium.

1981 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting President Ronnie Reagan orders FAA to fire 12,700 striking air traffic control workers, busting PATCO, & setting the tone for a decade of government complicity in corporate union-busting.

1981 -- Source=Robert Braunwart El Salvador: Salvadoran government massacres 96 villagers (46 children), Chaparral.

1982 -- Switzerland: Albert Guigui-Theral (1903-1982) dies, in Thonex. Algerian-born French militant anarchiste, syndicalist & WWII partisan.

For the "C.G.T clandestine" he worked to gain the assistance of General de Gaulle in London & then, in Philadelphia, with the O.I.T. (International Labor Organization). Entered Paris with the liberation armies.

1987 -- South Africa: 23 conscientious objectors deliver collective letter of resistance to South African Defense Forces (SADF) headquarters, Cape Town.

1990 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Bush sends US marines to Liberia to "protect American citizens."

1991 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Australia: Qld. Police Commissioner Sir Terrence Lewis is sentenced to 14 years. Kangaroo court no doubt.

1992 -- South Africa: 100,000 march for multi-racial rule.

1994 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Cuba: Antigovernment riots break out in La Habana.

1994 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Seattle's Elena Donaldson wins the US women's chess championship.

1995 --
John Brunner cover

uthor John Brunner dies. Science fiction writer, wrote Shockwave Rider, The Sheep Look Up & Stand on Zanzibar, distopian forerunners of cyber-punk. At his best, he conveyed the daunting complexity & mounting insanity of modern life with great verve & incomparable fidelity.

One belief he regarded as rank superstition was the value of nuclear deterrence as a route to world peace: not a safe political position in 1958, when John was in the first Aldermaston march & wrote the song 'The H-Bombs' Thunder', later the anthem of CND.

Brunner's future in Shockwave Ride includes an info-futures betting pool called Delphi. Even as people struggle to keep up with the tiring pace of technological change, they can win money by betting on the next breakthrough. Brunner sees this not as a free-market instrument, but as a tool to be manipulated by government bureaucrats who fiddle with the odds...Now you know where creeps like Poindexter & his DARPA get their "brilliant, clever" ideas...The Delphi scheme suffers from GIGO, garbage in/garbage out.

"Don't you hear the H-bomb's thunder / Echo like the crack of doom?"

— John Brunner


"For all the claims one hears about the liberating impact of the data-net, the truth is that it's wished on most of us a brand-new reason for paranoia."

— John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider, 1975.

Brunner Page   |    Another Brunner Page    |    Heroes of Cyberspace


1995 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Krajina: Croatia takes Knin, the capital of Krajina, from the Serbs; Thus begins the greatest example of ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia to date; US military officers serve as advisers.

1995 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Bill Clinton Leader orders an end to the Cold War-era prohibition against granting security clearances to gays.

Orgone box
1997 -- "A few days after William S. Burroughs died (August 2, 1997), I sent poet Robert Creeley an email asking if he had any memories of Burroughs to share. He sent this back the next day.

The photo of Burroughs' famous orgone box, inspired by the Orgone Energy Accumulator designed by alternative psychologist Wilhelm Reich, is by Lee Ranaldo."

— Levi Asher

1999 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Alan Miller shoots two coworkers & one other person to death, Pelham, Alabama.

2000 -- Indonesia: Jafar Hamzah, student activist, murdered in Medan, while conducting human rights work. His bound & tortured body is found September 3 in a ravine with four other victims.

"Jafar Hamzah was a man of conscience who devoted his life to furthering peace & human rights in his native Indonesia," said Philip Scaturro, Chancellor of the New School for Social Research.

"We condemn this cowardly murder & call on the U.S. government to insist that Indonesian authorities find those who brutally murdered Mr. Hamzah & other unarmed human rights activists."

2002 -- France: Léo Eichenbaum dies. Third son of Voline, he shared the libertarian ideal of his father & fought in the Spanish Revolution. In 1986 when Voline's classic The Unknown Revolution is republished, it includes the conclusions found by Léo.

2009 -- Gerald A. Cohen dies. Political philosopher who produced an important contemporary reinterpretation of Marxist theory, taking on the likes of rightwing libertarian Robert Nozick & liberal John Rawls, with his "Non-Bullshit Marxism". Provided an extensive critique of the Lockean principle of self-ownership & the use of that principle to defend right — as opposed to left — libertarianism.

2010 -- Russia: Moscow chokes on smoke & smog during a record heat wave (35C+; 102 vs. a seasonally normal 75 degrees) while 1,000+ fires plague the countryside. Radioactive contamination threatens as well, as areas polluted by the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident of 1986 are burning.

2010 -- England: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Winston Churchill ordered a UFO cover-up, & the government took the threat of UFOs in the 1950s so seriously that UK intelligence chiefs met to discuss the issue, according to National Archives files released today. During WWII Churchill & Eisenhower got together to cover up a phenomenal UFO sighting, witnessed by an RAF bombing crew. Churchill feared it would cause mass panic & (God forbid) shatter people's religious views.

Robert Aitken
2010 -- US: Robert Aitken, 93, an influential American Zen master & writer who emphasized a path to enlightenment through social action, dies. Known for his strong commitment to social justice, Aitken counseled draft resisters during the Vietnam War, helped found the Berkeley-based Buddhist Peace Fellowship & was particularly fond of a photograph of himself at a protest holding a sign that read "The System Stinks.";=389x8923361

Riot, by Eric Drooker
3000 --

"Whatever the apparent cause of any riots may be, the real one is always want of happiness.

It shows that something is wrong in the system of the government that injures the felicity by which society is to be preserved."

— Thomas Paine, 1792

Illustration by Eric Drooker

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