Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

...& the samara goes wingèd, Oh wild Angelica!
Oh quickbeam! oh quake & sway into waking,
With aspergill enter Into the future.

— Edward Dorn, Gunslinger

Jean Baudrillard, anarchiste


French cultural theorist, media philosopher, art critic.

Quimperle, Brittany: PARDON OF THE BIRDS. Festive fair & picnic with a bird theme.

Norway: OSLOK, the festival of Saint Olaf the Fat.


1214 -- Here?: Birth of Sturla Thordsson, Law Man, & Skald.

1284 -- & Gone?: Death of Sturla Thordsson, Law Man, & Skald.

1506 --

Death of Martin Behaim, constructor of the first known world globe.
[Rotating images, Bleedster James Koehnline: Monoprints 1984-86]

1588 -- High Seas: Attacking Spanish Armada defeated & scattered by English defenders.

1805 -- Alexis de Tocqueville lives, Paris. After a two-year stay in the US, he publishes Democracy in America (1835-40).

1839 -- 3 Day Loan & You're Out?: Going with a mob to loot the Tuileries, Alexandre Dumas, Pere, is flattered to find a copy of one of his own books (Christine) in the royal apartments & absconds with it. Violates copyright?

1869 -- Novelist Booth Tarkington lives, Indianapolis, Indiana. Gets Pulitzered twice: for The Magnificent Ambersons & Alice Adams.

1871 -- Roberto Elia lives, (1871-??). Italian militant anarchist. Elia & his friend Andrea Salsedo owned a print shop in the US. In 1920, during Mitchell Palmer's terrorist reign to rid the country of "Red Satans," both were abducted (without a warrant or arrest). Held in secret, interrogated & beaten for eight weeks, Salsedo mysteriously "fell" from the 14th floor of the Department of Justice offices (May 3, 1920). The two were also were involved in the Galleanist paper "Cronaca Sovversiva"

1890 -- Dutch crackpot painter Vincent Van Gogh dies in Auvers, France. His last words: "You can't stop me...I have to gogh..."

Louise Michel, anarchiste, La vierge Rouge cartoon
1890 -- France: Craignant d'être internée comme folle, Louise Michel se réfugie à, Londres. Nous sommes à l'époque des attentats anarchistes qui donnent prétexte au vote des « lois scélérates » de 1893.
[Source: Michel Chronologie]

Élisée Reclus, anarchist, from 'Geography of Freedom' book cover; source
1895 -- England: Famed geographer Élisée Reclus (1830-1905) delivers the lecture, "On Anarchism," at South Place Institute, London. (Elisee Reclus On Anarchism, [London: Wm. Wess, 1897])

Daily Bleed Saint, March 15.

Only anarchist geographer we know of with a wine dedicated in his honor,
Cuvee Elisée

anarchist Cuvee Elisée wine label

1896 --
PSOE logoLondon, England

July 29-31 


International Anarchist Congress convenes after the Marxists take over the 2nd International Congress (convened here on the 27th) & exclude anarchists & anti-parliamentary socialists.

Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste,  anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, anarquista, anarchisten, anarchie, anarkismo, anarchisme, anarho, anarchica, libertarian[Details / context]

1900 -- Working-class novelist Eyvind Johnson lives. ?

Brings new themes & points of view to Swedish literature while experimenting with new forms & techniques. Shares the 1974 Nobel Prize with fellow Swede Harry Edmund Martinson.

To the Eyvind Johnson particulars it could be noted that EJ from early years on considered himself an anarchist. In his teens he was very active as an agitator for the youth anarchist movement & the anarchosyndicalist organisation, contributed vividly to their press in the twenties & in his own works consequently threw light on the corruption of power.

Although disillusioned by the defeat of anarchism in Spain 1937 he maintained a lifelong contact with the Swedish anarchist movement. Since his Berlin days in the 20's he was a close friend of Max Nettlau, Rudolf Rocker & Augustin Souchy.

— Bleedster Ingemar Johansson

Influenced by Marcel Proust, André Gide & James Joyce. Wrote Return to Ithaca: The Odyssey Retold as a Modern Novel; Rain at Daybreak; The Days of His Grace.

Further reading: Eyvind Johnson by G.K. Orton (1972); The Ulysses Theme by W.B. Stanford (1963)

1900 -- Italy: King Umberto of Italy is assassinated by Gaetano Bresci, an Italian anarchist Emma Goldman had met in Paterson, N.J. This was in revenge for the army's crushing of the worker's insurrection in Milan, May 1898, which left hundreds of workers dead. The insolent Humbert had callously decorated the General Bava Beccaris (responsible for the slaughter in Milan).

attentatAs he left a gymnastic display organised by the society of "Fort e Liberi" Umberto was hit by two revolver shots fired by Gaetano Bresci, who had come from Patterson, New Jersey, in the US, with the express purpose of avenging the Milan massacres of 1898.

Wounded in the neck & shoulder blades, the king died shortly after.

Bresci was found strangled in circumstances which remain obscure, in cell no. 515 of Santo Stefano Prison, on May 22nd, 1901.

Umberto I viene ucciso a Monza dall'anarchico Gaetano Bresci che vuole vendicare le violente repressioni operate dallo stato in Sicilia e a Milano e la responsabilità del re nella svolta autoritaria di fine secolo.

Illustrations by Flavio Costantini

Further details/ context, click here; anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, anarquista, anarchica, libertario[Details / context]

1901 -- US: Socialist Party established.

1903 -- US: Preliminary delegation from the March of the Mill Children, accompanied by "Mother" Jones, arrives at Pres. Theodore Roosevelt's summer home in Oyster Bay, Long Island, to publicize the harsh conditions of child labor. They are not allowed through the gates. The March of the Mill Children began from Philadelphia on July 7th to publicize the harsh conditions of child labor.

1905 -- Author Stanley Kunitz lives.

1909 -- Chester Himes lives, Jefferson City, Mo. Noted African-American mystery novelist whose books If He Hollers, Let Him Go; Come Back Charleston Blue; Cotton Comes to Harlem, & others, explore the underbelly of the American dream & introduce "Gravedigger Jones" & "Coffin Ed Johnson" to the reading public. (see 12 November).

1914 -- US: First transcontinental phone link made. Between NYC & Frisco.

1917 -- US: With support from George Creel's Committee on Public Information, the American Alliance for Labor & Democracy organizes; Samuel Gompers serves as chair.

1918 -- Novelist Edwin O'Connor lives, Providence, Rhode Island. Wrote The Last Hurrah.

Poster: Ecco i libertori; source
1920 -- Germany: "No more war" demonstrations by disabled veterans. poster: Nur Hitler; source poster: Hitler; source

WWII poster of Hitler; source
1921 -- Germany: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Adolf Hitler becomes President of the German Nazi Party. German war poster; source

1921 -- Italy: Maria Occhipinti lives (1921-1996), Sicily. Pacifist & anarchist, active in Sicily, Milan, San Remo, Rome, Los Angeles & Raguse.

In 1945, in Raguse, Sicily, Maria Occhipinti lies down in front of army trucks which came to find new young conscripts to incorporate into the new Italian army. Within minutes, a crowd surrounds the soldiers, forcing them to release their recruits, but they kill a demonstrator & set off a major revolt.

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1923 -- International "No more war" demonstrations occur in 23 countries. Russian WWII poster; source

Jean Baudrillard
1929 -- France: Jean Baudrillard appears (1929-2007), looking for a simulacrum. Philosopher, sociologist, anarchiste.

Whiskey Pete's Casino...

"Showing no irritation at my rusty command of his language, he rolled his own cigarettes & lit mine, drank espressos & conjured castles of theory in the air, offering every formulation with a twinkle, exuding an irrepressible joie de penser."

«"Ouf! It's a game!"» "It is the task of radical thought, since the world is given to us in unintelligibility, to make it more unintelligible, more enigmatic, more fabulous."

"The reality-fundamentalists equip themselves with a form of magical thinking that confuses message & messenger: if you speak of the simulacrum, then you are a simulator; if you speak of the virtuality of war, then you are in league with it & have no regard for the hundreds of thousands of dead ... it is not we, the messengers of the simulacrum, who have plunged things into this discredit, it is the system itself that has fomented this uncertainty that affects everything today."

... show more

1931 --
Socialist red rose logoVienna

July 29-August 18, 1931 


Celebra el 4art. Congrés de la IOS. Representing el PSOE Francisco Largo Caballero i Manuel Albar.

[Source: Congressos Obrers]

1947 -- US: Gas leak explodes in a beauty parlor, 10 women die in Harrisonburg Virginia. They went up, getting done-up.

1951 -- South Africa: Conference of Africans, Indians & Coloureds agrees on mass campaign for end of oppressive new "apartheid" laws.

1963 -- Bleedster Peter Huston, MoocHead, lives. Author, net head, apprehensive, big on Quaker Oats.

Nationally recognized athlete in the sport of Skeleton (head-first-on-stomach luging). Former firefighter & EMT credited with saving 1,000 lives. Appeared on WRPI radio, & in the WHY FILEs.

... show more

Rebellion icon
1963 -- Spain: Bombs go off, destroying a pump in the Main directorate of Seguridad (DGS) of Madrid — "symbol of Franco torture" — & another in the National Delegation of Unions.

Franco's fascist regime wrongly arrest, & within two weeks, execute the anarchists Francisco Granados & Joaquín Delgado.
Granados & Delgado

Bob Dylan
1966 -- Songster Bob Dylan crashes his Triumph 55 motorcycle near Woodstock, New York.


Hospitalized with several broken neck vertebrae, concussion & cuts on his face & scalp. Suffered mild amnesia, paralysis & internal injuries.

Rumor mill has him in a coma, a vegetable, never performing again, dodging the draft, passing on or losing his mind due to drug use. (All of which were true.)

1967 -- US: Aircraft carrier Forrestal catches fire off North Vietnam, killing 134. Twenty-one planes are completely destroyed, & 42 damaged.

1968 -- US: Riots rock Seattle's Central Area after a police raid on the local Black Panther Party headquarters. Seattle BPP leader Aaron Dixon is arrested for possession of a stolen typewriter. (Later acquitted.) 69 are arrested in riots over the following three days.

BleedMeister, a cab driver, gets trapped in late-night mob stoning cars. Another cab gets turned over & set afire.

1968 -- US: American Indian Movement (AIM) founded in Minneapolis to deal with problems of relocated urban Indians.

1968 -- Polémica por la encíclica Humanae Vitae, que condena los anticonceptivos.

1968 -- US: Chicago MOBE applies for permits to march to & rally at the International Amphitheatre (site of the Democratic Convention, about five miles southwest of the Loop) & to march to & rally in Grant Park (just east of the Loop). All permits are denied, except one allowing the use of the Grant Park bandshell for a rally.
[Source: Chicago '68: A Chronology]

1970 -- US: After a five-year strike, United Farm Workers (UFW) sign contract with grape growers, California.

BleedMeister has his picture taken by Safeway grocery store goons at various rallies & picket lines, later discovered in his secret Washington State police files.

concert poster; source
1971 -- US: Benefit for the "John Sinclair Freedom Fund": MC-5 , Frijid Pink , The Up, Carnal Kitchen , Trunion Brothers, *Grande Ballroom*, Detroit, Michigan.

1972 -- US: Supreme Court declares death penalty unconstututional.

1972 -- US: New Math? Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Thomas Eagleton reported that Democratic Presidential candidate George McGovern was "for me 1,000 percent" (see 31 July).

Mamma Cass
1974 -- Anti-Gyro?: Mama Cass Elliot, a one-time member of the Mama's & Papa's, dies in London. She died as a result of choking on a sandwich & inhaling her own vomit. Later revealed her bum ticker also seized up like a rusty chain saw.

1974 -- US: Second article of impeachment, abuse of power, voted 28-10 against Nixon by the House Judiciary Committee.

1974 -- US: Former Treasury Secretary John Connally indicted on charges involving the acceptance of a bribe, perjury, & conspiracy to obstruct justice.

1974 -- German writer of popular children's books, Erich Kastner, dies in Munich. His children's books are noted for their humor & respect of the child's moral seriousness. Emil und die Detektive (Emil & the Detectives) has been dramatized & filmed several times.

1976 -- Eric Clapton begins first tour of Britain in five years. Stays three weeks, starting off at Hempfest's Pavillion Theatre.

1976 -- Anarcho-capitalist & seasteading pioneer Patri Friedman lives.

1979 -- US: New Left theorist / radical Herbert Marcuse dies. Makes The Communist Manifesto sexier & gives Freud more class.
Daily Bleed Saint 2001-2008
Heterodox Marxist theorist who inspired much of the Sixties
rebellions & the birth of the New Left.

Emilie Carles, anarchist; source
1979 -- France: Emilie Carles (1900-1979) dies, Val-des-Prés (Hautes-Alpes). Teacher, militant anarchist & pacifist. Companion of Jean Carles, together they converted a mansion into a hôtel (les Arcades), housing many anarchists. Emilie recounts her life & activities in Une soupe aux herbes sauvages (1977; A Soup with Wild Herbs).
Née en 1900, dans une famille paysanne des Alpes Briançonnaises, elle parvient à faire des études à Paris et découvre le milieu anarchiste et pacifiste de l'immédiat après-guerre. De retour dans ses montagnes, elle exercera le métier d'institutrice durant quarante ans. En 1927, elle rencontre le pacifiste et libre-penseur Jean Carles, qui devient son compagnon. Ensemble ils restaurent une grande maison à Val-des-Prés, pour en faire un hôtel (les Arcades) qui se remplit de compagnons(es) anarchistes grâce aux petites annonces dans les journaux "La Patrie Humaine" et "l'En-Dehors." Mais durant la guerre de 39-45, Jean doit se cacher pour éviter d'être fusillé comme otage. Par la suite, il se mobilise pour éviter que leur fils n'aille combattre durant la guerre d'Algérie, mais victime d'une maladie il décède subitement. Emilie restée seule avec ses enfants continuera à se manifester encore pour défendre la montagne du saccage autoroutier. Elle a raconté sa vie et ses révoltes dans une autobiographie : "Une soupe aux herbes sauvages" (1977).

1981 -- US: Both houses of Congress pass Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Ronnie Reagan's tax-cut legislation. The largest tax cut in the nation's history, is expected to reduce taxes by $37.6 billion in 1982, & save taxpayers $750 billion over the next five years. Guess who, rich or poor, gets the biggest slice?

1982 -- US: Asked why he was invited to the White House dinner for Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi, Wayne Newton says, "I'm an American Indian. I guess that's a connection."

Luis Bunuel
1983 -- Surrealist filmmaker/director Luis Buñuel (1900-1983) dies, México City. Noted especially for his early Surrealist films & his work in the Mexican commercial cinema. Buñuel is distinguished for his highly personal style & controversial obsession with social injustice, religious excess, gratuitous cruelty, & eroticism.

"God & Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression & bloodshed."

Buñuel was cremated in a simple ceremony & his wife, Jeanne, has always refused to say where his ashes are scattered. Luis Buñuel said that "When I am dead I hope they burn everything I ever made. I share the feelings of the Marquis de Sade. I want them to burn me & throw me to the four winds. I want to disappear completely, without trace."

1987 -- Ben & Jerry's & Jerry Garcia agree on a new ice cream flavor: Cherry Garcia.

1987 -- US: Senator George Mitchell tells Ed Meese he finds it "hard to accept" his explanation that he took no notes during his early questioning of key officials — & didn't even ask the most obvious questions — because he didn't realize the fund diversion was a criminal case. "I take offense at the idea that it's hard to accept," says Meese. Insists Mitchell, "It's hard to accept." During two days of testimony, Meese utters the phrase "I don't recall," or some variation thereof, about 340 times.

1990 -- Iraq: American Ambassador April Glaspie infers to Saddam Hussein that the US government would have no objections to an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The rest, as they say, is history.
Source: 'Calendar Riots'

1993 -- Walter Koenig (Checkov-Star Trek) suffers a mild heart attack, saying there is no evidence he is "Concentration Camp Ivan the Terrible."

1994 -- 200,000 Moslems demand death to feminist Taslima Nasrin.

Squat: Economy decline
1997 -- Germany: The Scharnweberstrasse 28, the Rigaer Strasse 80, the side of Schreinerstrasse 14, & the Pfarrstrasse 88/Eisenbahner are evicted.

There are now only three "squats" left in Berlin, according to city officials: The Rigaer Strasse 83 (which should soon be legalized), the Kinzigstrasse 25/27 (the local government wants to make a youth center here with the aid of the squatters), & a court ruled the Rigaer Strasse 80 eviction illegal.

2000 -- Italy: Goliardo Fiaschi (1930-2000), Italian anti-fascist & anarchist guerrilla, bookstore owner, dies.

His coffin was borne around the town on the shoulders of friends, followed by a band, & anarchists from all over Italy carrying red & black flags...

Further details/ context, click here[Details / context]

2000 -- US: Direct Action Network stages a protest at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia.

2002 -- US: Betty Kapetanakis tragically dies in an accident.

Betty's commitment to social justice brought her to the North Star Fund 15 years ago, & she became the Executive Director in 1995. Among her proudest accomplishments was nurturing the ongoing partnership between donors & community activists committed to social justice.

— The Ya-Ya Network, "Youth Activists / Youth Allies NYC"

2004 -- US: 400 clash with Boston police. The Boston-area Bl(A)ck Tea Society, an ad hoc group of self-described anarchists & anti-authority activists burn a two-faced effigy depicting President Bush on one side & Sen. John Kerry on the other & get into a shoving match with Boston's of whom complains, "We have trained two years for this, & they showed us nothing....

"I'm disappointed in the quality of anarchists we've got here."

2006 -- French radical historian Pierre Vidal-Naquet dies, Nice, France.

Self portrait, drawing by Kurt Vonnegut, anarchist
3000 --

"A world without string is chaos."

— Ernie Smuntz

animation of person continuously freefalling
3500 --

anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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Stan Iverson Memorial Library
Anarchist Time Line / Chronology