Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

Let us have madness openly.
O men Of my generation.
Let us follow
The footsteps of this slaughtered age:
See it trail across Time's dim land
Into the closed house of eternity
With the noise that dying has,
With the face that dead things wear –
nor ever say
We wanted more; we looked to find
An open door, an utter deed of love,
Transforming day's evil darkness;
but We found extended hell & fog Upon the earth,
& within the head
A rotting bog of lean huge graves.

      Kenneth Patchen, "Let Us Have Madness"



Radical critic of the politics of everyday life.

Russia: ST. PETER'S DAY. Celebration of the "Funeral of Kostrama": Bonfires kindled; maiden chosen to be carried in procession & to reign over games & dancing.


Mc(F)red's Breakfast

1315 -- Death of "Doctor Illuminatus," Ramon Llull, aka Raymond Lully.


Ramon Lull


Catalan poet/novelist, the first "Doctor Illuminatus." Mystic, philosopher, much influenced by Islam. Had a vision of Christ while writing to a lover, gave away his wealth; missionary to Moslems, stoned & left for dead. Today is his feast day.

1456 -- Halley's comet can be seen at night. Pope Calixtus III, issues papal bull (official decree) against the comet. Christendom is to pray the comet — symbol of the "anger of God" — be fended off or that, as Bartolomeo Platina wrote in 1479, the comet "be entirely diverted against the Turks."
See 1955, Bill Haley & the Comets, below.

1559 -- Henry II, King of France, mortally wounded on the last day of the three day Tournament. This served to help end jousting.

1613 -- England: Globe Theatre burns to the ground
during a performance of Shakespeare's Henry VIII.

1620 -- England: Tobacco growing banned, giving the Virginia Company a monopoly.

Secondhand smoke is not a problem.

If children don't like to be in a smoky room, they'll leave.

(As for infants,) ... at some point, they crawl.

— Charles Harper, chairman, RJR Tobacco Company

1781 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Earliest date in Barbara Chase-Riboud novel Valide.

1787 -- Robert Burns is made a freeman of Dumbarton at the end of his West Highland tour.

1798 -- Willibald Alexis (Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Häring) lives.

1801 -- England: The results of the first ever British census published, inaugurating the modern era of control by information. At this time, statistics were popularly dubbed 'Political Arithmetic'.
[Source: Calendar Riots]

Mikhail Bakunin
1840 -- Mikhail Bakunin leaves Russia to study philosophy in Berlin.
[Source: Cutler, Basic Bakunin]

1844 -- Source=Robert Braunwart England: First British book illustrated with photos, William Fox Talbot's The Pencil of Nature, is published.

1851 -- In a letter to Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville laments:

"Though I wrote the Gospels in this century,
I should die in the gutter."

1854 -- Charlotte Brontë overcomes her father's objections, marries his curate, Arthur Bell Nicholls, in the Howarth parish church.

1861 -- Author Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 55, dies at home in the Casa Guidi, Florence.

1879 -- Pedro Vallina lives, Guadalcanal, Spain. Doctor of Medicine, who, while a medical student, was condemned to eight years of forced labor in prison for spreading anarchist propaganda. Worse than spreading a disease.

Vallina escaped the jaws of "justice," however, to France....was expelled, went to London, then various countries before settling in Mexico, where he established his medical practice & anarchist activities...

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1886 -- Harlem photographer James VanDerZee lives, Lenox, Massachusetts.


Daily Bleed Saint, 1998; Knockout Harlem photographer, roustabout.

Photographic subjects include Marcus Garvey, Madame C.J. Walker, Daddy Grace & many others.

1892 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Sigmund Freud first refers to the unconscious, in a letter to Josef Breuer (he calls it a "second state of consciousness").

1895 -- Russia: 7,000 Doukhobors stage mass weapons-burning, Trans-Caucasia, Russian Empire.

1897 -- US: Chicago Cubs score 36 runs in a baseball game against Louisville, a record for runs scored by a team in a single game.

Haymarket anarchist Martyrs May Day poster
1898 -- US: Michael Schwab dies. Served over six years in prison for charges relating to the anarchist Haymarket affair before he was pardoned. Hospitalized with tuberculosis, Schwab was released just months ago.

1900 -- France: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry lives (1900-1944), Lyons. French aviator & writer, real life hero who looked at adventure & danger with a poet's eyes — sometimes from a point of a child. Among his best known books are Night Flight & The Little Prince, a child's fable for adults.

Other pilots who became writers: Joseph Heller, James Dickey.

1916 -- Irving Wallace lives (1916-1990). American author whose bestsellers never gained critical approval. His 16 novels & 17 nonfiction works have sold over 250 million copies worldwide. Screenplays include one with Horace McCoy: Bad for Each Other (1953).

Roger Casement
1916 -- Sir Roger Casement is convicted of treason & sentenced to death, UK.

Daily Bleed Saint, September 1
Gay, Irish patriot, martyr, protester of First World
terror inflicted on Third World colonials.

A patriot to the Irish, a traitor to the English, & a footnote in the history of homosexuality & of "the war to end all wars."

1917 -- US: W.E.B. DuBois leads silent march by blacks against lynching, New York City.

1918 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministUS: Because of Emma Goldman's anti-war activities, Federal agents raid the apartment of Emma's associate M. Eleanor Fitzgerald, seizing mailing lists & other relevant material. Emma's associates, Carl Newlander & William Bales, are arrested for draft evasion following the raid.

Slim Pickens
1919 -- US: Slim Pickens lives to die, Kingsburg, California.

Slim Fast?

"I can no longer sit back & allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, & the International Communist conspiracy to sap & impurify all of our precious bodily fluids... "

— General (F)red E. Ripper

1919 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Australia: Striking meat-workers in Townsville, Qld. clash with police; nine people are wounded in an exchange of gunshots.

1924 -- Italy: Sicilian peace activist Danilo Dolci lives. Called "the Gandhi of Italy."

1924 -- Poet Cid Corman lives.

Throughout the 1950's & 1960's Corman's magazine ORIGIN published some of the major works of the Black Mountain poets, as well as other important work, choosing mostly poems not yet readily available elsewhere: the early poetry of Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, & Denise Levertov with the late works of Wallace Stevens & William Carlos Williams.

He carried on a fascinating correspondence with Stevens, who greatly respected what Origin was doing.

Corman has published over 70 volumes of poetry, translated several French & Japanese poets, & published four volumes of essays. He has lived in Kyoto, Japan since 1958 where he & his wife run a business, Cid Corman's Dessert Shop.

"A hint or tint of
music — as if the silence
were being turned on."

1932 -- US: General Motors & other companies form first bus holding company, National City Lines. The companies were later convicted of criminally conspiring to replace trolleys with gas & diesel buses. Companies fined $5,000; their treasurers, $1.

1934 -- Italy: Il governo fascista invia una squadra navale a Durazzo (Albania) per dissuadere l'Albania che intende svincolarsi dalla subordinazione allo stato italiano. Di fronte alla minaccia militare il governo albanese si trova costretto a firmare un accordo economico e militare.

1934 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Movie "The Thin Man" (based on the Dashiell Hammett novel) starring William Powell & Myrna Loy opens.

1936 -- US: Jesus Pallares, founder of the 8,000-member coal miners union, Liga Obrera de Habla Esanola, is deported as a so-called "undesirable alien."

One hundred miners were arrested during the 1934 strike against the Gallup American Company in New Mexico. "La Liga," whose influence spread across northern New Mexico & southern Colorado, was able to force authorities to abandon legal proceedings against those arrested but was unable to prevent Pallares' deportation.

1937 -- Source=Robert Braunwart British magazine "Tales of Wonder" is first published.

1938 -- Canada: Short & Long of It? Shorty Long drowns when his boat capsizes off Sandwich Island in Ontario, Canada. He was 29 years old. A Short but Long life.

Paul Klee
1940 -- Individualistic Swiss artist Paul Klee (1879-1940) dies, Muralto, Switzerland.

Swiss graphic artist & painter. "Art does not reproduce the visible. Art makes visible."

1940 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Mobsters kill the Flying Graysons circus high-wire team, leaving their son Dick an orphan in this issue of "Batman" comics; he becomes Robin.

Stokely Carmichael
1941 -- US: Stokely Carmichael (1941-1998) lives, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Emigrated to the United States.

In 1960, Carmichael formed the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. The SNCC was a student desegregation & civil rights group recognized for organizing massive voter registration drives in the 1960s. In 1967, Carmichael became honorary prime minister of the militant Black Panther Party.

Carmichael & his then wife, famed South African singer Miriam Makeba, moved to Guinea in 1969.

1951 -- Urbain Gohier (1862-1951) dies. French author, journalist.

Lampoonist, antimilitarist, lawyer, burning supporter of Dreyfus, Gohier was a writer for the anarchiste "Libertaire."

Author of L'armée contre la nation (1898), Les prétoriens et la Congrégation & A bas la caserne, etc. Arrested & tried for one of his books (acquitted), Gohier did a year in prison (1905) for his activities in "l'Association Internationale Antimilitariste."

Gohier sank gradually into anti-semitism & patriotism, becoming a collaborationist during WWII.

1954 -- Guatemala: Democratically elected Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Guzman successfully overthrown by a CIA-sponsored "revolution."

U.S. B-26 bombers, covertly piloted by Americans, turned the tide in the operation; one sank a British freighter loaded with coffee & cotton, which was mistakenly suspected of carrying arms to the government.

Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Secretary of State John Foster Dulles announces the coup has successfully blocked a Soviet plot to establish a "nesting place" in the Americas.

The new military junta orders the arrest of all Communists.

Ancient mushroom statuettes
1955 -- México: Gordon Wasson's first mushroom trip; eats psilocybin mushrooms in Oaxaca. He & Tina Wasson are the first outsiders to participate the Mazatec Indians' sacred mushroom rituals.

"To be shaken out of the ruts of ordinary perception, to be shown for a few timeless hours the outer & inner world, not as they appear to an animal obsessed with survival or to a human being obsessed with words & notions, but as they are apprehended, directly & unconditionally, by Mind at Large — this is an experience of inestimable value to everyone & especially to the intellectual.

— Aldous Huxley, "The Doors of Perception"

1955 -- More Papal Bull (see above)?: Bill Haley & the Comets Rock Around the Clock & Shake Rattle n Roll becomes No. 1 hit (for eight weeks) (released Jan 1).

Haley is a former hillbilly singer from Pennsylvania, cutting discs in the teenage idiom since Rock The Joint 1952; inspired by Hank Williams (c&w;) & Louis Jordan (r&b;). See Papal Bull above, 1456.

1956 -- US: Hiway to Heaven? Federal Highway Act authorizes construction of 42,500 miles of freeways from coast to coast so traffic jams can begin in earnest.

1956 -- US: Free! Free at Last!: Conceived by President Dwight D. Eisenhower as he rode over the German autobahns as supreme allied commander at the end of WWII, signed into law on June 29, 1956 & built over four decades at a cost of $130 billion, the interstates bind us together even as they free us to move & dream. The frontier hasn't closed; it runs everywhere now, on those quiet, essential lanes of blacktop.

1956 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Actress Marilyn Monroe marries playwright Arthur Miller, Katonak, Kentucky.

1963 -- England: Mass "walk-on" (trespass) at chemical & biological warfare facility, Porton Down.

Eric Dolphy
1964 -- Jazz great Eric Dolphy dies, Berlin.

"Eric Dolphy was a saint — in every way, not just his playing."

— Charles Mingus

Daily Bleed Saint 2003-2005
Unique instrumental voice, also the link between Coltrane, Mingus & the European avant-garde.

Eric Dolphy

1966 -- England: Walkin on Water? March to Paris against French nuclear tests leaves London.

Vietnam, Apocalypse Now button
1966 -- Vietnam: US starts bombing (through July 5th) major oil facilities in Hanoi & Haiphong harbor.

1967 -- Keith Richards found guilty of allowing his property to be used for the smoking of marijuana. Sentenced to one year in jail & fined. Mick Jagger found guilty of illegal possession of pep pills & sentenced to three months in jail.

1967 -- Israel: Barricades are removed, re-unifying Jerusalem. Yup.

1968 -- Pink Floyd's second LP "A Saucerful of Secrets" is released.

1968 -- "Tip-Toe Thru' The Tulips With Me" by Tiny Tim peaks at #17.

The thought of tomorrow's enjoyment

will never console me for today's boredom.


1969 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Jimi Hendrix gives his last show with the Experience, Denver, Colorado.

1970 -- Cambodia: Last American soldiers here withdraw.

1972 -- US: Supreme Court rules (or July 29?) (5-4) that the Death Penalty is cruel & unusual. Declares all current state death penalty laws unconstitutional. A later ruling allows states to rewrite laws to reinstitute capital punishment in 1976.

"If a man is considered guilty for what goes on in his mind then give me the Electric Chair for all my future crimes."

— Prince

1972 -- Samantha Smith lives.

1972 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Graham Young is sentenced to life for poisoning fellow workers with thallium; police are not suspicious until one reads Agatha Christie's The Pale Horse, which describes this method.

1973 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Walter Carr opens the Elliott Bay Bookstore, Pioneer Square, Seattle, Washington.

1973 -- Chile: An attempted coup d'etat.

The pressure against the popular government was mounting, boosted by millions of dollars pumped into the right-wing opposition from the US (Henry Kissinger had stated that he did not see why the US should stand idly by "& let a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people") & today there is an attempted coup d'etat. This was a sort of test to see how the people would react a real one. The army began to attempt to search & inspect the industrial cordons (to seize activists) but people erected barricades in the popular neighborhoods & prevented the incursion into their factories or homes by the police or the army. But the real coup came when the tanks rolled into the streets of Santiago on September 11th.

1983 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting President Reagan suggests that one cause of the decline in public education is the school's effort to comply with court-ordered desegregation.

1987 -- US:

"We don't care about the political or ideological allegiance of a prospective judge."

— Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Ed Meese on the Supreme Court vacancy, causing his audience to burst into laughter.

Two days later: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Robert Bork is nominated.

Elizabeth Cotten playing guitar
1987 -- Train Stops: Songster Elizabeth Cotten dies.

Cotten played her last Philadelphia Folk Festival in 1986 & her final concert, a tribute to her arranged by her peers at City College in Harlem, on February 22, 1987.

1989 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: "Washington Post" reports on a homosexual prostitution ring with clients including "key officials of the Reagan & Bush administrations."

1990 -- 93 nations agree to halt production of ozone-destroying chemicals. Yup.

1990 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Zambia: Police invade the university because of student protests.

1991 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Nicaragua: 40 rearmed contra terrorists (Ronald Reagan's heroes) rob a bank, kidnap three, Pantasma.

1991 --

Henri Lefebvre
Every day no more

French social critic.

Lefebvre was a signatory to the Proclamation of the 121

This declaration supported insubordination during the war of Algeria

September 6, 1960: 121 writers, academics & artists publish their support (in "Truth-Freedom", No 4, September-October 1960; this number was seized & its staff accused of provoking soldiers to disobedience).

The signatories face severe sanctions...Simone de Beauvoir, André Breton, Daniel Guérin, Henri Lefebvre, Jehan Mayoux, et al ...
Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1993 -- Outer Space: Space Shuttle carries first carbonated beverages into space. Specifically: A root beer float.

1995 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Chile: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Gen. Manuel Contreras, head of Chile's terrorist secret police, begins serving his 7-year sentence for murder.

1996 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Alanis Morrissette, Eric Clapton, Ron Woods, Bob Dylan & the Who perform for 150,000 at a charity concert in London's Hyde Park...without crutches even!

3000 --

"How does it become a man to behave toward this American government today?

I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it....

Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison."

                      — Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience

Stuff: Big Brother Inside your computer
3001 --

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