Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

He labored hard & failed at last,
His sails too weak to bear the blast,
The raging tempests tore away
& sent his beating bark astray.
But what cared he
For wind or sea!
He said, "The tempest will be short,
My bark will come to port."
He saw through every cloud a gleam ­­
He had his dream.

       — Paul Laurence Dunbar, from "He Had His Dream"

Emma Goldman, anarchist feminist



Writer & activist editor of "Mother Earth," exile, Emma knew innumerable jailings, revolutions, love affairs. Likes to dance.

Contorted karate man

Provence, France: FESTIVAL OF THE THRASQUE. The man-eating monster charges down city streets, snapping at people. (Browsers at Recollection Books?)


1605 -- In Valladolid, Spain, Cervantes & his poverty-stricken family are arrested & charged with complicity in the death of a nobleman (exonerated a few days later).

1787 -- Edward Gibbon completes last lines of his monumental History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire (nearly 25 years in the writing) between 11 o'clock & midnight in Lausanne. He calls it the "hour of my final deliverance." (In 1897, precisely 110 years later, Thomas Hardy visits the spot & writes his "Lausanne.")

1808 -- Everhardus Johannes Potgieter lives, Zwolle. Dutch writer/poet who tried to set new literary standards, & whose work anticipates the literary revival of the 1880s. A Romantic who eulogized 17th century Holland, as in Het Rijksmuseum (1844).

1833 -- US: Imprudent?: Prudence Crandall, a white woman, arrested for conducting an academy for black females at Canterbury, Conn.

1843 -- John Murray, publisher, dies.

1844 -- US: Mormon founder Joseph Smith & his brother imprisoned in Carthage, Illinois for allegedly inciting a riot. A mob broke into the jail & lynched them. After Joseph was shot he was put up for target practice; afterwards a man raised a knife to decapitate him but Mormon legend has it that a thunderbolt from heaven put an end to this act.

Small sample of a Twinkie or Cocaine — is there a difference?!
1848 -- US: First pure food law enacted in America. Spam-lovers flee to the Internet.

Upon observing the effects of the experiment, Mush Boy said to himself quietly, "I am become Jeff, destroyer of twinkies."

1848 -- Source=Robert Braunwart France: Denis-Auguste Affre, archbishop of Paris, dies. He was shot two days ago during the June Days worker uprising.

1850 -- Author/translator Lafcadio Hearn lives, Greek island of Levkás; emigrates to the US, then Japan.

Red Emma
1869 -- Lithuania: Anarchist rebel, feminist & anti-militarist Emma Goldman lives, Kaunas.

"As to the great mass of working girls & women, how much independence is gained if the narrowness & lack of freedom of the home is exchanged for the narrowness & lack of freedom of the factory, sweatshop, department store, or office."

Red pepper for Red Emma, the hot, hot anarchist Emma Goldman daughter of Taube Bienowitch & Abraham Goldman in a province of the Russian Empire.

Siblings include step-sisters Helena (b. 1860) & Lena (b. 1862) Zodikow, & brothers Louis (b. 1870), Herman (b. 1872), & Morris (b. 1879, "Yegor" in Goldman's autobiography, Living My Life). Goldman's girlhood & adolescence is spent in Kovno, Popelan, Königsberg, & St. Petersburg.

1872 -- Black American poet Paul Laurence Dunbar lives, Dayton, Ohio.

1880 -- US: Deaf, mute, blind socialist Helen Keller, lives (1880-1968), Tuscumbia, Alabama. American author, activist, socialist. Wrote fluently about her life: The World I Live In; The Song of the Stone Wall.
Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1884 -- French philosopher Gaston Bachelard lives, Bar-sur-Aube, France.

1884 -- Lawrence Corcoran sets baseball record, pitching his third no-hit baseball game.

Profits; money burning
1893 -- US: Stock Market crash begins four-year depression.

Labor & strike activity will increase dramatically, as demonstrated in the great Pullman Strike of 1894, which many trade unions opposed & undermined, fearing their own workers solidarity & radicalism in the face of repression & violence by the growing corporations, the legal system & the federal government.

See Jeremy Brecher's Strike!, highly recommended by labor historians such as Peter Rachleff, Howard Zinn, Paul Buhle, Michael Goldfield & many others as an excellent introduction, overview & reference, & "a healthy antidote to the narcotic of standard labor history..."

1901 -- Italy: Le cosiddette forze dell'ordine sparano sui braccianti in sciopero a Berra Ferrarese : uccidono 3 persone e ne feriscono 23.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

Direct Action gets satisfaction
1905 -- US: "Wobblies" (Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)), radical syndicalist union, founding convention begins, Brand's Hall, in Chicago, Illinois. One founder, William D. "Big Bill" Haywood, Jr., calls it "Socialism with its working clothes on." The Wobblies, advocates of "The One Big Union" & the General Strike, is opposed by the trade unions to this day.

1905 -- (New style) Black Sea: The crew of the Russian battleship Potemkin mutinies. The crew kills what it considers the worst of the officers, hoist the red flag in Sébastopol, enter Odessa where the workers are on strike, then escapes to Rumania where they obtain political asylum.

See The Potemkin Mutiny, by Richard Hough.

1906 -- Catherine Cookson lives (1906-1998). British writer, published over 90 highly popular novels translated into several languages. Many concern poverty in NE England from the 19th century onwards.

Note: A third of all fiction borrowed from public libraries in 1988 in the UK was by Catherine Cookson. In 1997 nine of her works were on the list of 10 most borrowed books.

1906 -- Poet Vernon Watkins lives.

1907 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feminist US: Emma Goldman returns to New York City in time to celebrate her 38th birthday.

1917 -- US: Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman act as independent counsel in their conspiracy trial for anti-war activities; Emma denies charge that she stated, "We believe in violence & we will use violence" at a May 18 meeting. Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feminist

After a brief jury deliberation, they are both found guilty & given the maximum sentence — two years in prison & a $10,000 fine.

Judge Julius Mayer recommends their deportation as undesirable aliens. Emma's plea to have sentencing deferred is denied; she is taken to Jefferson City, Mo., & Berkman to Atlanta, Ga., to begin their sentences.

1918 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministUS: Emma Goldman spends her birthday in agonizing pain, induced by strain from her prison work.

1919 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feminist US: Emma Goldman celebrates her 50th birthday in prison. Especially touched that William Shatoff sends her a bouquet of flowers from Russia.

animated military silhouettes
1920 -- Italy: Alla Camera Giolitti ribadisce il mantenimento dell'occupazione di Valona. (Albania).
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

animated military silhouettes
1924 -- Italy: L'Aventino. Per protesta contro il governo coinvolto nel caso Matteotti, deputati di vari partiti decidono di non partecipare ai lavori della Camera fino alla costituzione di un nuovo governo.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1925 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministEngland (?): Emma Goldman, on her birthday, marries James Colton, an elderly anarchist friend & trade unionist from Wales, in order to obtain British citizenship & the right to travel & speak more widely. Emma had been deported from the "Land of the Free," & was having difficulty travelling, working & finding places to live.

1927 -- Captain Bob Keeshan lives.

James Joyce by Flavio Costantini
1928 -- Because F. Scott Fitzgerald is too awestruck by James Joyce to approach him, bookstore (Shakespeare & Co.) owners Sylvia Beach & Adrienne Monnier invite the two & Lucie & Andra Chamson to dinner.

Illustration by Flavio Costantini

1929 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministEmma Goldman takes time out of a busy writing schedule to celebrate her 60th birthday with Alex Berkman & visiting American friends Ben & Ida Capes.

1934 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministCanada: Emma Goldman celebrates her 65th birthday in Toronto with a party attended by 40 friends.

1936 -- Lucille Clifton lives, Depew, NY. American poet employing black vernacular in her exploration of family life in the urban ghetto, reflecting pride in being a woman, an African American, & a poet.

1936 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministEmma Goldman celebrates her 67th birthday with visiting American anarchist & benefactor Michael Cohn & his family. Too ill to celebrate with her, Alexander Berkman telephones in the afternoon.

1939 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministCanada: Emma Goldman's 70th birthday is marked in Toronto with a celebration that elicits cables from friends, comrades, & labor organizations around the world.

1941 -- Richard Wright awarded the Spingarn Medal, for the power of his books Uncle Tom's Children & Native Son in depicting "the effects of proscription, segregation & denial of opportunities on the American Negro.";=photos

WWII poster: He's Watching You
1942 -- US: FBI announces capture of eight Nazi saboteurs
who had been put ashore from a submarine on New York's Long Island.

1948 -- Australia: Coal workers strike until mid-August when the government calls out the troops to suppress it.

1949 -- F. S. Smythe, the author & climber who once supposed that he saw the remnants of a supernatural army above the Falls of Glomach, dies.

Subverted Vietnam movie poster: 'Price of admission, Your Son'
1950 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Buck Truman orders US air & naval units to South Korea, which was invaded by North Korea.

Truman also announces the dispatch of a 35-man military mission to the newly formed state of Vietnam, to teach the use of US weapons.

Apparently seeing light at the end of the tunnel, the mission sends back the ubiquitous advice: send more.

1952 -- US: Senate (57-26) follows the House (278-113) to successfully override President Truman's veto to vote the McCarran Bill into law. It will, among other things, grant Japan a token immigration quota & allow Issei naturalization. It goes into effect on December 24. Congress initially passed it on June 11 & it was vetoed on June 25.


sign-out? Atomic City logo
1954 -- Russia: First atomic power station opens at Obninsk, near Moscow. From this point on, the industrial world badly overreacts.

"In 10,000 years of human history only the current generations are so incredibly narrow in their personal discomfort zone. Under 70 degrees, automatic heat. Over 80 that A/C better kick in... We produce the most poisonist deadly substance in the known universe, by the ton, for no purpose other than 'personal comfort.' What is the future to think of us?

There's a huge concrete dome on a pacific island we nuked in the name of God, science & national security, where radioactive debris & dirt is 'contained'. The dome will last about 100 years, whereas the dirt will glow for 10,000. A present from the present, to the next 500 generations — piles of plutonium. Tons of radioactive shit all over the world.

Face this fact: Your decendants will hate your guts."

1954 -- Guatemala: CIA-sponsored rebels complete the overthrow of the democratically elected government.

When we butchered your son, boys
When we butchered your son
Have a stick of our gum, boys
Have a stick of our bubble-gum
We own half the world, oh say can you see
The name for our profits is democracy
So, like it or not, you will have to be free
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

— Phil Ochs

1957 -- Novelist & poet Malcolm Lowry dies.

Lived & wrote in a squatter's shack near Vancouver. Chronic alcoholism & mental disorders were finally treated with lobotomy. Gus Hellthaler & his ol' sidekick pre-BleedMeister Dave visited the location in the early 1970s. The shack was gone, we passed on the lobotomy, preferring to pass the bottle of Old OverCoat.

Of his death, the coroner reported "death by misadventure."

Under the Volcano is often called one of the great novels of the 20th century.

Further reading: Lowry: The Man & His Work by George Woodcock; Lowry, a Biography by D. Day; Malcolm Lowry: a Preface to His Fiction by R.K. Cross.

1960 --

Pierre Monatte anarcho-syndicalist, Émile Pouget, Albert Camus, Robert Louzon, Auguste Garnery, "Révolution prolétarienne"

Pierre Monatte (1881-1960) dies.

Pierre Monatte was a central figure of French anarcho-syndicalist movement. Influenced by Émile Pouget, friends with Albert Camus, & a former Communist Party member, he fought the Stalinist influence & reformist positions of the trade unions.

In 1925, with the help of Robert Louzon, Auguste Garnery, et al, he founded "Révolution prolétarienne", an anarchist-syndicalist publication which many anarchists wrote for.

1960 -- Italy: La polizia di stato reprime duramente la manifestazione in occasione dello sciopero generale proclamato a Palermo dai sindacati: 30 feriti.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1964 -- Ernest Borgnine & Ethel Merman get married. Huh?

Charles Bukowski
1967 -- "Show me a man who lives alone & has a perpetually dirty kitchen, & 5 times out of 9 I'll show you an exceptional man."

— Charles Bukowski, 6-27-67, over a 19th bottle of beer

as the knife stopped spinning
the answer came:
you're going to have to
save yourself.
still smiling,
a: he lit a
b: he poured
c: gave the blade

1968 -- Czechoslovakia: Ludvik Vaculik releases his manifesto "Two Thousand Words," criticizing Communist rule in Czechoslovakia & concluding with an overt threat to "foreign forces." It is seen as a direct challenge to the Soviet Administration who extend ongoing military exercises in the country, & begin planning for their invasion later in the summer.
[Source: WholeWorld is Watching]

1969 -- US: Denver Pop Festival opens at Mile High Stadium. Violence breaks out in the 50,000+ crowd & police move in with clubs & tear gas. The festival's last day (June 29) is the last concert for the Jimi Hendrix Experience.

1969 -- US: A Friday night starts off normally. NY City police storm into the Christopher Street's Stonewall Inn, a Greenwich Village gay bar around 2am. They're expecting a routine raid.

But the lumpenqueers & drag queens fight back.

Many young men are emboldened by recent race rebellions & escalating resistance to the Vietnam War. They feel it's time to take direct action.

In less than an hour, the police harassment at the Stonewall ignites a full-scale riot. The battle raged in the surrounding neighborhood for nearly a week. Within a month, organizations spring up across the country to resist similar oppression & to support the Stonewall rioters.

The modern lesbian & gay rights movement has begun. Today's action is the basis of future Gay Pride Days.

1973 -- US: Nixon's former counsel, John W. Dean III, tells Watergate Committee about Nixon's "enemies list," & releases a 1971 memo proposing the use of "available federal machinery to screw our political enemies."

20 persons were to be "screwed" with IRS audits, litigation, prosecution, or denial of federal grants,
& a separate list contained 200 additional names.

1973 -- Ida Mett dies. Member of the Dielo Truda group from 1925 to 1928.

Mett, a Russian anarchist, was married to Nicholas Lazarevitch, who helped her gather documentation for her book, The Kronstadt Uprising 1921.

1975 -- US: Sonny & Cher (Bono) call it quits as husband & wife. Cher marries rocker Gregg Alman days after saying "bye-bye." Sonny later died, barking up the wrong tree.

1980 -- Italy: Un DC9 esplode sopra Ustica; muoiono 81 persone. Le indagini metteranno in luce pesanti reticenze e depistaggi da parte dei vertici dell'aereonautica militare, forse per coprire dirette responsabilitŕ nella tragedia.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1986 -- World Court rules US-support for Nicaraguan "contras" violates international law.

1986 -- Anne White shocks Wimbledon by wearing only a body stocking.

1986 -- I Was Robbed!?: Robby Thompson (SF) sets record, caught stealing bases four times in one baseball game. Inspires the law & order right-wingers to adopt the slogan "4-strikes & you're out."

1988 -- US: Commemorating the 144th anniversary of the lynching of Joseph Smith, members of the Lambs of God, a Mormon cult, shoot & kill three men & an 8-year-old girl in three different Texass towns at 4:00pm.

1995 -- US: Two Operation Homestead activists arrested in downtown Seattle, Wa. for occupying the rooftop of a low-income housing building, the Payne Apartments, slated for demolition to make way for a parking lot. They are later acquitted of charges.

1997 -- US: Speakeasy Cafe, Seattle Hempfest Benefit, with Artis the Spoon Man, songster Jim Page, et al.
Seattle songster Jim Page

anarchist Black cat; source
2003 -- Poland: 250 converge for International anarchist meeting in Warsaw (June 27-30th).

Convenes alongside the parallel anti-border conference. The first East-European anarchist meeting in five years, participants come from the European side of Russia, as well as from Minsk & Kiev, Czech groups, people from Slovakia & Romania, Lithuania, East-European immigrants from Western Europe. In all, organisers count 20 different countries, including Canada, Germany, Italy, USA & Finland.
anarchist protesters in Poland

Start of demo against border regime, June 30, 2003

2008 -- Germany: Bavarian man torches his 1995 BMW outside Frankfurt's convention center grounds to protest skyrocketing gas prices (a liter is about euro1.55, or $9.40 per gallon), around 7:30 a.m., claiming he could no longer afford to drive the vehicle. Police consider charging him with violating German environmental laws.

3000 --

"[Anarchism is the] philosophy of a new social order based on liberty unrestricted by man-made law; the theory that all forms of government rest on violence, & are therefore wrong & harmful, as well as unnecessary."

— Emma Goldman


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