Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

JUNE 3 ALLEN GINSBERG Great Beat poet, pot liberator, counter-cultural icon, OMnipresent radical, 3-foot high FBI file, gay. His old pal Jack Kerouac broke with him, Allen being too "political."

Freaks movie poster; Bush-Clinton?



Japan: BROKEN DOLLS MEMORIAL: Girls attend Buddhist funeral ceremonies, bury old dolls.

Festival of GAPHI MAHSO.


713 -- Byzantine Emperor Philippicus is overthrown & blinded.
Source: [Robert Braunwart] [Hereafter attributed with symbol: Source=Robert Braunwart]

1140 -- French scholar Peter Abelard condemned for heresy by a church court.

1391 -- England: Sir Simon de Burley charges a man with being a serf, in Gravesend; this touches off Wat Tyler's Rebellion the next day.

1461 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Mystery play "L'etat du monde" is presented, Lausanne, Switzerland.

1651 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Free Verse?: Ireton lays siege to Limerick.

1657 -- Vote With Your Feat?: The Parliamentarian Army kidnaps Charles I.

Note: This would have been a rather gruesome affair since they had beheaded him in 1649. The correct date is probably 1647. Incidentally, there are several good books on the English Revolution & related topics by Christopher Hill. See The World Turned Upside Down review,

1761 -- Henry Shrapnel, English inventor (shrapnel shell), lives. His annual birthday festivities will be held in Afghanistan this year. Occupying Nation is supplying.

1780 -- Source=Robert Braunwart England: Gordon's "No Popery" rioters open the prisons & make serious moves on the Bank of England.

1820 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Quakers open an apprentices' library, Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia.

French anarchiste Jean-Louis Pindy; source Ephéméride Anarchiste
1840 -- France: Jean-Louis Pindy lives (1840-1917), Brest. Member of the Internationale, communard, anarchiste, carpenter.

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1850 -- US: Five Cayuse Indians ordered hanged in Oregon Territory for their part in Cayuse War of 1848. On this same date, in 1849, they attacked a Washington mission school (Whitman). They are found guilty of the murders there.

1851 -- US: First baseball uniforms worn. NY Knickerbockers wear straw hat, white shirt & blue long trousers; Knickerbockers beat Washington of NY, 22-20 in 10 innings.

1856 -- US: Cullen Whipple, of Providence, RI, patents the screw machine.

1867 -- Russian symbolist poet & translator Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont lives (-1942). A major figure of the Silver Age of Russian poetry.Activist who greeted the February Revolution enthusiastically, but was against the October Revolution of 1917.

1873 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Banker Dexter Horton is elected president of the Seattle Library Association. The library currently has 169 members & 278 books — almost as many as written by Danielle Steel.

1881 -- Japanese giant salamander dies in Dutch zoo at 55; oldest amphibian.

1886 -- France: Anarchiste Louise Michel

Louise, qui ne cesse de prendre la parole au cours de multiples réunions, participe au théâtre du Château-d'eau (Paris) à, un meeting en faveur des mineurs de Decazeville. Elle y prononce un discours, Jules Guesde, Paul Lafargue et Susini y interviennent à, ses côtés.
Source: [Michel Chronologie]

1888 -- "Casey at the Bat" first appears in print, in the San Francisco Examiner.

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1888 -- Jim Tully lives, in a log cabin near St. Mary's, Ohio.

Who Was Jim Tully? Once one of America’s best-read & most-admired authors. Today his name is forgotten by contemporary readers, & his books are out of print. With Dashiell Hammett, a founder of the hard-boiled school of writing. Charles Willeford, a kindred spirit, has an essay ("Jim Tully: Holistic Barbarian") which provides an excellent social & literary context for Tully's work.

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1888 -- Source=Robert Braunwart The Jewish Publication Society of America is organized.

Pamphlet cover, Libertarian Communism
1896 -- Spanish anarquista Isaac Puente lives (-1936).

Three aspects made him famous in his day: his activities as a rural physician in support of the neediest, his educational work (preventive medicine, sexual education, nutrition, wholesome living, etc.) & his theoretical & militant contributions to anarquismo.

Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste, Anarquismo, Anarquista, anarkismo[Details / context]

1900 -- US: International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) founded.

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1901 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: Ottawa carpenters strike for higher wages & union recognition.

1906 -- Belgian King Leopold II calls Congo his private possession.

 Josephine Baker
1906 -- Jazz dancer, actress, stripper Josephine Baker lives, St. Louis, Missouri.

By age 15, Baker ran away from home, left her first husband, & joined Clara Smith in a travelling show. After a short stay in Harlem, Baker left for Paris to appear in La Revue Negre. Her nude dance with Joe Alex will tantalize audiences. Eclipsing every other performer in Paris, Josephine Baker represents Europe's new black music following WWI. During WWII, Baker spied in German-occupied France for the resistance.

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1916 -- "It must have been a little after three o'clock in the afternoon that it happened — the afternoon of June 3rd, 1916. . .

Rather might I have experienced a cosmic cycle, with all its changes & evolutions for that which I have seen with my own eyes in this brief interval of time — things that no other mortal eye had seen before, glimpses of a world past, a world dead, a world so long dead that even in the lowest Cambrian stratum no trace of it remains. . ."

— Edgar Rice Burroughs, beginning date, the opening of The Land That Time Forgot

1917 -- First All-Russia Congress of Workers & Soldiers Soviets opens.
See Maurice Brinton's The Bolsheviks & Workers Control 1917-1921: The State & Counter-Revolution

Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman!
1918 -- US: During this month, while Emma Goldman is in prison in Missouri for exercising free speech...

Emma is granted permission to write two letters every week, in addition to letters to Harry Weinberger. Contemplates writing about the situation of women in prison. Receives news that William Marion Reedy & attorney Clarence Darrow are interested in the League for the Amnesty of Political Prisoners, but believe that nothing can be done until after the war. Anticipating orders for her deportation, Emma begins investigating her citizenship status. Following suspension of the Mother Earth Bulletin, her niece Stella Ballantine publishes a mimeographed newsletter, Instead of a Magazine.


1918 -- US: A Federal child labor law, enacted two years earlier, is declared unconstitutional. A new law is enacted 24 February 1919, but this one too is declared unconstitutional (on 2 June 1924).

1920 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministRussia: During this month, Emma Goldman nurses John Reed, in poor health following his release from a two-month prison term in Finland for unauthorized travel.
Further details/ context, click here; Anarþist, ANARÞÝZM, anarchia, anarquista, anarþizme, anarkismo[Details / context]

1920 -- Italy: 3 Giugno. Il comitato di difesa albanese chiede lo sgombero delle truppe italiane che occupano Valona (Albania).
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]

1921 -- US: A sudden cloudburst kills 120 near Pikes Peak, Colorado.

1921 -- Red Hot Pepper! Red Emma Goldman, anarchist feministRussia: Alexander Berkman sustains a foot injury, delaying his departure with Emma Goldman from Workers' Paradise.

The veteran anarchists are thoroughly disillusioned with the Bolshevik "counter" revolution...

Further details/ context, click here; Anarþist, ANARÞÝZM, anarchia, anarquista, anarþizme, anarkismo[Details / context]

1921 -- US: In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, after several days of voir dire, only seven jurors have been selected & the entire panel of 500 people exhausted. The Court directs the Sheriff to bring in 200 more potential jurors to try "those anarchist bastards."
See Heroes & Martyrs: Emma Goldman, Sacco & Vanzetti, & the Revolutionary Struggle, an audio CD by Howard Zinn.

Kafka, illustration by Flavio Costantini
1924 -- Dystopian allegorist & anarchist sympathizer Franz Kafka dies, Kierling, Austria, leaving a plea to his friend Max Brod to destroy all his unpublished manuscripts — including The Trial, The Castle, & Amerika.

Illustration by Flavio Costantini

1924 -- Bernard Safran lives (-1995). See John Malyon's very nice site, which I came across when searching for Rockwell Kent & John Sloan material; a well-thought out & nice for "depth"/linked material/subjects. [& thanks to John for providing Safran dates of birth & death.

1926 -- Nice Hat! Ginsberg in Top Hat decorated with American flagAllen Ginsberg lives (-1997), Newark, New Jersey.

Beat poet, auntie-authoritarian activist, pedophile &, according to the FBI, god forbid (!),

an "Internal Subversive-Cuba" risk.

Branded by de FBI,
in his 3-foot high file,
as a displayer of
anti-American sympathies.

Kicked out of Cuba & Czechoslovakia for chanting to Commie Cops.

1926 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Date of the riot in author George Orwell's novel Burmese Days.

1926 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Nicolas Obouhov's "Preface au Livre de Vie" premiers, Paris.

1929 -- Chile, Perú & Bolivia sign an accord about Tacna-Arica area.

1930 -- Marion Zimmer Bradley, scifi author, lives (d. 1999). Wrote over 80 books, edited nearly one dozen anthologies. A pioneer in the field of woman-based science fiction, creating strong, independent female protagonists.

1932 -- US: Lou Gehrig connects for four consecutive home runs in a baseball game.

1935 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: 1,000 unemployed leave Vancouver at the start of "On to Ottawa Trek."

1936 -- American novelist, screenwriter ("Brokeback Mountain") & used book seller Larry McMurtry lives, Wichita Falls, Texass. In 1970, he bought a rare-book store in Washington, DC's Georgetown neighborhood, named it Booked Up, & relocated to run the store. A second Booked Up opened in Archer City, Texass in 1988. Now lives in Texass.

1938 -- Germany: German law on "Entartete Art" legalizes art robbery.

1940 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Supreme Court rules citizens can be forced to salute the flag (later reversed).

1942 -- Battle of Midway Island begins.

1942 -- US: Dutch Rub? Japanese attack Dutch Harbor, in the Aleutian Islands off far southwest Alaska. First time any foreign power has come close to attacking the US mainland since 1812. Meanwhile, Japanese-Americans are removed from Military Area #1 (western Washington, Oregon, California & southern Arizona).

1944 -- Italy: Pact of Rome signed, bringing together socialist, communist & catholic trade unions & establishing the Confederazione General Italiana del Lavoro — the first trade union in liberated Italy.

1946 -- Canadian Seamen's strike.

1946 -- US: Supreme Court bans segregation on interstate buses.

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Crazy Horse book cover
1948 -- US: Korczak Ziolkowski begins sculpture of Crazy Horse, who was murdered by US soldiers, near Mt. Rushmore.
"I will return to you in stone."
Further details / context, click here[ Related ]

1949 -- anarchist diamond; anarquistaSpain: Antifascist guerrillero Francisco Denis, better known as "Catala", who crossed the Franco-Spanish border & was arrested on the 29th of May near Gironella while on a mission to Manresa, ends his life with a cyanide capsule to avoid being tortured.
Source: Antonio Tellez, Sabate: Guerrilla Extraordinary

1952 -- China: In Guangzhou, officials mark campaign against opium with a rally of 4,000 ex-addicts.

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1961 -- US: Try This For Yourself? Months before the Billy Sol Estes scandal broke, Henry H. Marshall, an Agricultural Department official allegedly aiding Estes in his illegal operations, is found dead with five bullets from his bolt-action rifle lodged in his body....

The death is officially listed as suicide(!).

Poem to Billy Sol:

1961 -- US: Tonite the Bay Harbor Poolroom is robbed. The story of this extraordinary case, from the robbery to the moment that Clarence Earl Gideon walked out of the Panama City, Florida, Courthouse a free man, on August 5, 1963 & the telling of the complex issues involving Gideon vs. Wainwright is the basis of Anthony Lewis's book Gideon's Trumpet.

Groucho Marxist
1964 -- T. S. Eliot writes Groucho Marx:

"The picture of you in the newspaper saying that, amongst other reasons, you have come to London to see me has greatly enhanced my credit line in the neighborhood, & particularly with the greengrocer across the street."

1964 -- Frans Eemil Sillanpää dies in Helsinki. First Finn to win Nobel Prize for Literature (1939).

1964 -- Belgium: Conscientious objection legally recognized.

1966 -- US: Graduation protest at Amherst College (where Beloved & Respected comrade Leader Defense Secretary Robert McNamara receives an honorary degree).

1967 -- anarchist diamond; anarquistaRené-Louis Lafforgue dies (b.1928) in a car accident in southern France. Singer, typesetter, interpreter, anarchiste.

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1968 -- US: Author of the SCUM Manifesto Valerie Solanas makes art, air conditions Andy Warhol, illustrator of the 1954 edition of the Joy of Cooking. Momentarily punctures his ego & pokes a hole in his shoulder.

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1968 -- Germany: Manuel Santana gana el torneo internacional de tenis en Berlín.

1968 -- Source=Robert Braunwart SciFi authors Robert Bloch & Harlan Ellison appear on the Les Crane TV show.

1969 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Black students stage a sit-in at Seattle's Franklin High School.

1970 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Kinks' lead singer Ray Davies makes an 11,000-km round trip from NY to London to change a single word in the song "Lola" - "Coca-Cola" becomes "cherry cola" because the BBC bans commercial references in songs.

1970 -- US: Santa Barbara Grand Jury indicts 17 Isla Vistans on charges of burning the Bank of America. They face a total of 609 1/2 years on 72 counts. Bail is set at $120,000 for one of the 17 — & he was in the County jail the night the bank burned!

1972 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Army admits the entire command of the Americal Division suppressed My Lai Massacre information.

1973 -- France: At Paris air show, Tupolev 144, a Soviet supersonic airliner, crashes.

1974 -- Tobacco maker tests marijuana-scented cigarettes.

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1979 -- Ex-president Idi Amin of Uganda flees to Libya.

1979 -- Mexico's worst oil well blowout starts. Not capped until 24 March 1980, it spews 3.1 billion barrels, at the Bay of Campeche, near the Yucatan Peninsula, (twice as big as the 1978 Brittany [Amoco Cadiz] spill).

1979 -- Spain: Gladys Gogoan, anarquista, murdered by the Civil Guard during Earth Day protests, in Tudela. Ironically the Civil Guard wears green uniforms. Gladys was 23-years old.

1980 -- Computer malfunction — specifically, failure of a 46 cent computer chip — signals a Soviet nuclear attack on US. US forces are called back in the nick of time. Just to prove how good it is, it happens again on the 6th.


Gentlemen! You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!

— President Merkin Muffley

video icon

1982 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Peek-a-Boo? House votes to make it illegal to identify US spies or informers, even if their identities are already publicly known. & damn good spies they must be to need such protection...

1985 -- England: Appeal court rules war tax resistance unlawful.

1987 -- US: Representative Jack Brooks tells Iran-Contra lackey Elliot Abrams he takes "more pride in not knowing anything than anybody I ever saw." Replies Abrams,
"I never said I had no idea about most of the things you said I said I had no idea about."

1989 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Stevie Wonder, Bob Geldof, Sting, Elton John & Diana Ross participate in a global telecast to heighten awareness about the environment.

1990 -- Source=Robert Braunwart China: Students & police clash at the University of Peking.

Willie Nelson
1991 -- Willie Nelson releases his "Who'll Buy My Memories — The IRS Tapes" LP. The album is comprised of tunes seized by the feds & will go towards paying off his $16 million tax bill.

1991 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Daniel Quinn wins the $500,000 Turner Tomorrow prize for his novel Ismail.

1994 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Panama: Weary Walkers? US begins withdrawing its troops (again!?!).

1997 -- US:

US Flag in Swastika format
Project for the New American Century, is the pressure group established by, among others, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Lewis Libby, Elliott Abrams & Zalmay Khalilzad, all of whom (except the president's brother) are now senior officials in the US government....

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1997 -- Source=Robert Braunwart David Foster wins the Miles Franklin Award for his novel The Glade Within the Grove, Australia.

1998 -- US: Hold the Mustard? In New York City hundreds of sidewalk food vendors hold a 1-day strike & parade through lower Manhattan.

1999 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Protest of NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia, at the White House, 26 arrested.

1999 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Animal-rights protesters stage a sit-in at the University of Washington, Seattle.

1999 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Jerome Rosen opera "Emperor Norton of the USA" premiers, Davis, California.

2000 -- England: Chawleigh Friendly Society has its annual Club Walk & feast at Chawleigh, near South Molton in Devon. Roll call is at the Royal Oak at 11.30. Founded in 1869, it is one of the last local & independent Friendly Societies in existence.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

2000 -- US: 23 out of service cop cars in Portland, Oregon, just waiting to be torched, get torched, causing $200,000 damage.

@ circle A
2005 -- Mary Frohman dies, of a heart attack while waiting for a bus. Anarchist, member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), druggie, singer & guitarist, part of the DeHorn Crew (the Chicago IWW's house band & a filk outfit — "Run, Cthulhu, Run"), perhaps the fortune-telling character Mama Sutra in the comic cult novel Illuminatus! (by Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson, two anarchist Playboy staffers). Romantically involved with filk musician & anarchist political activist Leslie Fish.
See Jesse Walker's "American Anarchist: The Life of Mary Frohman" from Reason Online.

Poet Bill Witherup can Fly! 000r00r0000r0000roooo
2009 -- Poet William Witherup (1935-2009) barks no more. Raised in Richland, Washington in the shadow of the Hanford Atomic Energy facility. Author of Down Wind, Down River: New & Selected Poems; Black Ash, Orange Fire: Collected Poems 1959-1985; Men at Work. Bill Witherup, aka Bear Dog. Here's barking atcha, 000r00r0000r0000roooo. Anti-prison activist, founder of the Gene Debs Labor Ensemble.

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2009 -- Honduras: Organization of American States (OAS) lifts 47-year-old suspension of Cuba. Formerly a rubber-stamp organization for US imperial policies, Latin leaders overwhelmingly signal a new-found independence. Former Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Fidel Castro says Cuba has no interest in rejoining the OAS, which Cuba previously described as a criminal organization. Human Rights Watch & others decry the move, citing Cuba's dismal record on human rights (jailings of journalists, labor leaders & dissidents).

2011 -- US: 83-year old Dr. Jack Kevorkian, sepulchral face of the 'Death with Dignity' movement, passes away. Militant advocate of assisted suicide, nicknamed "Dr. Death" by numerous brain-dead critics.
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3000 --
Seattle Group Bulletins The Daily Bleed: William Bill Witherup, Allen Ginsberg, Jean-Louis Pindy, Louise Michel, Isaac Puente, Francisco Denis "Catala", René-Louis Lafforgue; Timeline, Almanac of Radicalism, Arts, Literature, Authors, Poets, Anarchists... a radical annotated chronology, almanac, daybook, anarchist CALENDAR, anarchisten, anarchism, anarchico, anarchiste, anarquista, anarsizm, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, Anarchismus, sindicalismo, anarquia, anarchia, anarchisme, anarchizm, anarkisme, anarki, anarkist, libertarian, syndicalist, anarcho-syndicalist, anarcho-communism, black cats, What Happened on this day, in recovered memory, suppressed history JUNE 3

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