Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

However far
I'd gone,
it was still
where it had all begun. . .

      — Robert Creeley, from "A Feeling"

MAY 12

Great Brazilian samba crooner, official carnival puxador.

England: GARLAND DAY, Olde May Day (do it again).
A holiday & time for flitting (job moving). Also known as Leaving Day in Yorkshire, & considered the start of the cheese-making season.
Hi Auntie Dave,

Flitting usually refers to moving house.

The reason it might be associated with moving jobs would be because agricultural workers used to get yearly contracts, & a bothy to stay in during the year they were employed.

In Stonehaven (NE Scotland) this was done at the annual Feein' market in July — all the farmers & potential workers would meet up in the town square & make the annual contracts.

— Bleedster Carol, in the UK

1310 -- France: Fifty-four Knights Templars burned at the stake as heretics.

1738 -- "London," a poem, is published anonymously. Samuel Johnson's first significant work.

1797 -- The Nore fleet mutineers declare themselves a "floating republic," under the Presidency of seaman Richard Parker. Too radical to get support from the Spithead mutineers (16 ships-of-the-line refused to sail.), they are unfortunately trashed by 14 June. Herman Melville's novel Billy Budd, and the opera based on it by Benjamin Britten, are set immediately after the main mutinies.
[Source: Calendar Riots]

1812 -- Nonsense rhymer, artist, Edward Lear lives, London.

"There once was a man named Nation, Who worked for a radio station.

Although he was tall, His hands were too small, Wee paws for station identification."

1820 -- Florence Nightingale (health activist, nurse: promoted the nursing profession, contributed to modern nursing procedures, founded Nightingale Training School for Nurses) lives.

1828 -- Voice From the Grave?: Painter/poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti lives 1828-1882).

A founding member of Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, wanting to bring back into art a pre-Renaissance purity of style & aim. The movement was waning, but new disciples Edward Burne-Jones & William Morris brought fresh enthusiasm.

When his wife died Rossetti buried the only complete manuscript of his poems with her. Changed his mind & the manuscript was later recovered & published in 1870.

1856 -- Australia: Trade unions in Victoria, demonstrate for the 8-hour day.
Source: Robert Braunwart [Hereafter attributed with symbol:Source=Robert Braunwart]

Red & Black anarcho-syndicalist star
1876 -- France: Louis Eugène Jakmin (aka Jacquemin) lives, Paris. Blacksmith, anarchiste propagandist, antimilitarist, militant syndicalist.

Secretary of la fédération communiste anarchiste (1913), manager of "Libertaire," & participant in the newspaper "Le réveil Anarchiste ouvrier," from 1912 to the end of 1913.

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1883 -- Italy: Article by Errico Malatesta, opposing all parliamentary tactics appears today ("Revolte," May 12, 1883).

The former anarchist militant Andrea Costa entered parliament, winning a seat in the elections of November, 1882, & these new tactics were infesting a part of the Socialist press.

[Source: Max Nettlau, Errico Malatesta: The Biography of an Anarchist]
Further details/ context, click here[Details / context]

1885 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: Col. Otter defeats Riel's main rebel force at Batoche (Sask.); Gabriel Dumont & his Métis warriors run out of ammunition; they fire stones & nails before giving up the fight.

1888 -- US: Charles Sherrill of the Yale track team became the first runner to use the crouching start for a fast break in a foot race.

1888 -- Italy: Il presidente del Consiglio Francesco Crispi (ex garibaldino) fa, davanti alla Camera, l'apologia del colonialismo e, contro le proteste del negus d'Abissinia afferma: "Siamo a Massaua e ci resteremo". A grande maggioranza la Camera vota la fiducia al governo e alla politica di aggressione in Africa.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

Renzo Novatore, anarchist
1890 -- Italy: Renzo Novatore, pseudonimo di Abele Ricieri Ferrari, lives; poet, philosopher, artist & individualist anarchist militant. Fundamentally self-taught & broadly read, with a keen critical & original sense, influenced by Max Stirner, Friedrich Nietzsche, Georges Palante, Oscar Wilde, Henryk Ibsen, Arthur Schopenhauer. Killed in an ambush by police in November 1922. "Il soldato del sogno". Red A, for anarchy

Caro Renzo, nostro amico, nostro compagno, anima immensa, cristallina, cuore generoso e provvido, i nostri cuori palpitano, la mia mano trema, le mie membra fremono, i miei occhi lacrimano, nell'attimo in cui io mi industrio a scrivere su di te, nel tentare inverecondamente ed ingiustificatamente di riassumere, sintetizzare, limitare la tua superba Individualità in questa scheda o articolo per forza di cose meschino, mediocre, inarrivabile a te...

"Because we were the enemies of every material
domination & of every spiritual levelling.
Because we saw, beyond every slavery & every dogma,
the Life dancing free & naked"

Renzo Novatore

1891 -- orange diamond dingbat, added 2010, remove 2012Italy: Isidoro Bertazzon lives. Emigrated to the US during World War I & was formally posted a deserter. In May 1918 he & other anarchist members of a Circolo Studi Sociali were arrested by the Police in Seattle (Wash.) sending 12 dollars, to the anarchist newspaper Il Libertario of La Spezia for the purpose of financing an anarchist revolt. Bertazzon was able to escape from arrest & went underground. The whole affair caused a certain excitement in the American Press & the Italian authorities in the United States became extremely worried that other migrants would follow Bertazzon's example. In fact, the Italian Consul-General of New York credulously reported that 'Bertazzon's letter revealed ... the existence of a real, infectious hotbed of anarchy & defeatism in those countries'. In 1920 Bertazzon went to Canada & from there returned to Italy early in 1921, where he remained until August 1922, when he migrated to Australia.

1892 -- Italy: Pietro Ferrero lives. Union activist & anarchicho.

Pietro Ferrero, secretary of the metallurgists union (F.I.O.M.) & organizer of the Councilist movement in the factories, was murdered in December 1922 by fascist thugs — attached to a truck & dragged in the streets of Turin.

1898 -- US: Louisiana adopts new constitution with "grandfather clause" designed to eliminate black voters.
Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1898 -- Puerto Rico: After exchanging fire on the 10th between Spanish forces & the U.S.S. Yale, today a squadron of 12 US peace-loving ships commanded by Rear Adm. William T. Sampson bombards San Juan without provocation or warning.

1898 -- Italy: A Pavia la polizia di stato uccide lo studente Muzio Mussi durante una manifestazione. Also: Chiusura dell'università di Roma per impedire la commemorazione dello studente Mussi ucciso dalla polizia di stato a Pavia.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1902 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Pennsylvania anthracite coal miners go on strike (-Oct. 13).

1907 -- Decadent Symbolist writer Joris-Karl Huysmans dies. Wrote À rebours (Against the Grain), & Là-bas (Down There).

Le Père Peinard
1910 -- France: Auguste Delale (1864-1910) dies. Anarcho-syndicalist. Collaborated on Jean Grave's journal "La révolte," with Émile Pouget on "Père Peinard," "Libertaire," etc. Delale was a founding member of l'Association Internationale Antimilitariste at the 1904 Congress in Amsterdam.

For Émile Pouget, see "Émile Pouget's Life As An Activist" by Paul Delesalle (archived from which is no longer on line):

1913 -- Brazilian sambo singer, great carnivalist Jamelão lives, Rio de Janeiro.

James Connolly, IWW organizer
1916 -- Ireland: Connolly Ain't Nothing But a Train Station in Dublin?: Execution of James Connolly, IWW organizer & Irish freedom fighter.

James Connolly is executed for his part in this spring's Easter Rebellion, which challenged British rule in Dublin.

Already wounded from the uprising, Connolly is shot as he sits in a chair. He is the 15th Easter Rebellion leader executed this past week.

A woman describes the killing:

"It was like watching a stream of blood coming from under a closed door."

Then sing our rebel song as we
proudly sweep along
To end the age-old tyranny
that makes for human tears.
Our march is nearer done, with
each setting of the sun.
And the tyrants' might is passing
with the passing of the years.

— James Connolly, "A Rebel Song," from "The Socialist," May 1903

1917 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Frederick Henry is wounded (WWI) in Hemingway's novel A Farewell to Arms.

NOT Henry Ford??!! Caricature of anarchist with bomb
1919 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Tribulations? Henry Ford's $1-million libel suit against the "Chicago Tribune" begins (for editorially calling him an "anarchist") — the anti-semite wins Big Time: awarded 6 cents.

That'll teach 'em to get their anarchists straight.

Joe has an idea
1921 -- Is it Happening?German conceptual artist Joseph Beuys, lives, Cleves, North Rhine-Westphalia.

Daily Bleed Alternate Patron Saint
German conceptual performer, "happenings" artist, "social sculptor."

Chair?"To make people free is the aim of art, therefore art for me is the science of freedom."

Farley Mowat
1921 -- Canada: Farley Mowat lives, Belleville, Ontario. Author of Never Cry Wolf; & No Birds Sang; Sea of Slaughter; Rescue the Earth!: Conversations with the Green Crusaders. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship RV Farley Mowat is named in his honor.

1921 -- Pardo Bazán dies in Madrid. Highly regarded novelist, held the position of chair of literature at the University of Madrid — unusual for a woman of her time.

1921 -- US: "Three Day's Battle" begins along both shores of the Tug River, in West Virginia, with sniping by labor strikers at state police, deputies & coal company officials.

God,  if You had but the moon
    Stuck in Your cap for a lamp,
Even You'd tire of it soon,
    Down in the dark & the damp.

Nothing but blackness above
    & nothing that moves but the cars. . . .
God, if You wish for our love,
    Fling us a handful of stars.

— Louis Untermeyer
excerpt from Caliban in the Coal Minesfrom Challenge, 1914
(based on the the historical character of "Few Clothes" Johnson, the character played by James Earle Jones in John Sayles' film Matewan.)


1922 -- US: Large meteor strikes Earth near Blackstone, Virginia.

Maharesha Berra?
1925 -- Yogi (Lawrence) Berra Baseball Hall of Famer, catcher/manager of the NY Yankees, former manager of NY Mets, Baseball Writers' Award recipient, NY Yankees, lives.

"Baseball is 90% mental, the other half is physical."

1926 -- US: Massachusetts Supreme Court upholds the death sentences of "those anarchistic bastards" Sacco & Vanzetti & denies their motion for a new trial.

The prosecution left a trail of doctored eyewitness accounts, altered testimony & false ballistics reports. That trail appears to exonerate the victims while convicting the executioners.

[Sacco Vanzetti sources]

Augusto Sandino
1927 -- Nicaragua: Sandino guerrillas decide to continue their fight until they defeat the invading US Marines. A Sandino manifesto asserts, "it is better to be killed as a rebel than to live on as a slave."

1930 -- Australia: Got the Itchy-Scratchies?: A rain of crabs in Laidley, Queensland. Why the pubic outcry? What is Pediculosis?
[Source: Calendar Riots]

1937 -- Scrabble From the Apple??: George Carlin, great Language Arts Teacher, lives, White Harlem, New York City.
J. Edgar Hoover couldn't take a joke... Documents show that in 1969, after Carlin appeared on Jackie Gleason's TV variety show & did a short spoof on the FBI & its director, the Bureau began collecting information on Carlin.

"It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe in it"

1939 -- US: Ron Ziegler, infamous Press Secretary for Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Dick ("I am a pacifist") M Nixon, lives.

Ziggy: "This is the operative statement."

Press: "Does that mean all previous statements are inoperative?"

The Hapless Ziggy: "Yes."

There was a silent pause as the press corps collectively sucked their breath in.

Then the room exploded.

1941 -- Juhani Peltonen lives (1941 - 1998). Finnish novelist, playwright & poet.

1945 -- Italy: Il governo eroga delle somme di denaro a favore dei partigiani e prevede la possibilità di assumerli nella polizia e nell'esercito. Bisogna premiare i propri sostenitori.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1946 -- Japan: Founding Congress of the Nihon Anarkisuto Renmei (Japanese Anarchist Federation) held in Tokyo. About 300 people meet, with Iwasa as Chairman & Kenji Kondo as Secretary; the federation's organ is the weekly "Heimin Shimbun".
See "Anarchism in Japan" by Boris Badinoff & Hiroshi Ozeki ("Anarchy Magazine," Vol. 1 No. 5 [second series])
Related, see John Crump's "Anarchist Opposition to Japanese Militarism, 1926-37"

1947 -- US: Convicted "trunk murderess" Winnie Ruth Judd escapes from the Arizona State Insane Hospital for a third time. She is recaptured 12 hours later (see Daily Bleed, 16 October). Judd escaped seven times from the mental hospital where she was sent. On one occasion she walked across the desert for seven days. The last time she escaped she eluded police for seven years.

1949 -- Germany: Berlin blockade ends.

Blinkin bowling pins
1950 -- US: Bowled Over?: The American Bowling Congress abolishes its white males-only membership restriction after 34 years. The recalcitrant pins remain all-white though.

Boxing kangaroo, animated
1950 -- In "The New Yorker," Boxer Ernie Hemingway is quoted:
"I started out very quiet & I beat Mr. Turgenev. Then I trained hard & I beat Mr de Maupassant. I've fought two draws with Mr Stendhal, & I think I had an edge in the last one. But nobody's going to get me in any ring with Mr Tolstoy unless I'm crazy or I keep getting better."

1950 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Court orders Communist Party head Eugene Dennis to serve one year in jail for refusing to testify before House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). Apparently "free speech" in America means you gotta talk, or else.

1951 -- France: Congrès de la Fédération anarchiste (12-14th) in Lille.

1955 -- US: Last run on Third Avenue elevated in NYC before demolition.

1957 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Historian Will Durant publishes The Reformation.

1958 -- US: America Gets Clean for Jesus? Founding of the Laundry & Dry Cleaning Union.

1958 -- US: Cabbage Patch Doll? Robert S. McNamara, future Defense Secretary, suggests Americans eat cabbage & broccoli to withstand radiation fallout. We concur. (With the caveat that spinach, Freedom Fries & rutabaga be added to the list.)

1958 -- SI dingbat Italy:

Construction of Situations . . .

During this month ...

Rapporto sulla costruzione delle situazioni, Italian edition of Guy Debord's Report on the Construction of Situations, with an introduction by Pinot Gallizio, Turin.

Also during this month: 'Interview with Asger Jorn' by Walter Korun, on the meaning of the changes in experimental art before & after Cobra (1948-1951) in Kunstmeridiaan (Taptoe 58), volume V number 4-5-6, devoted to the avant-garde gallery Taptoe in Brussels.

Bob Dylan, dignity never been photographed...
1963 -- Bob Dylan walks out of TV dress rehearsals for "The Ed Sullivan Show."

CBS censors tell Dylan he cannot perform his "Talking John Birch Society Blues." When told the tune may be libelous, Dylan refuses to appear on the show.

1963 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Anti-black bombings yesterday ignite new riots in Birmingham, Alabama.

1965 -- Source=Robert Braunwart China: Mao Tse-tung issues his "Statement Supporting the Dominican People's Resistance to U.S. Armed Aggression."

1967 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Hong Kong: About 5,000 persons riot for a third consecutive day.

Old Victrola
1968 -- Jimi Hendrix arrested for possession of hashish & heroin as he crosses the Canadian border for a concert in Toronto. He claims the drugs were planted & is later exonerated.

Flics standing around overturned cars
1968 --

French poster: L'ordre regne
1968 --
France: In Paris, at least a thousand people have joined the few dozen students who had seized the Fine Arts School & turned it into a poster factory. Working in teams of 200, & submitting each design to the Sorbonne General Assembly, during the six-week occupation they are able to put out 350 different posters in print runs of tens of thousands.
French poster: Le patron le besoin...

The imagination, impatience & forcefulness with which they mock authority incites astonishment & delight below — & grim horror above.

1968 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Vietnam: US bombs & napalms the Vietcong in Saigon slums. In America we do not call this "terrorism."

1968 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: 5,000 "welfare mothers" from 20 US cities march, Washington, DC.

1969 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: The first Kissinger-Haig list of suspected leakers is given to the FBI for wiretaps; the FBI wiretaps Morton Halperin, Daniel Davidson & Lt.Gen. Robert Pursley.

1970 -- Nelly Sachs, dies, Stockholm, Sweden, her home since escaping Nazism in 1940. Wrote "O die Schornsteine" ("O the Chimneys"), in which Israel's body drifts upward as smoke from Nazi death camps. Gets Nobel in 1966 (co-recipient with S. Y. Agnon).

1970 -- US: Race riots in Augusta, Georgia; six blacks killed (five by cops).

1972 -- US: Police clash with 3,000 anti-Vietnam War protesters in Frisco, California.

Dick Brain
1974 -- New York Times reports remarks by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Dick ("I am a pacifist") Nixon alluding to SEC staff members as "Jewboys" & Judge John Sirica as a "Wop" were deleted from the public transcript of a conversation recorded in the Oval Office on 28 February 1973 (see 30 April).
Nixon: Get me the name of the Jews "Now here's the point, Bob. Please get me the names of the Jews. You know, the big Jewish contributors to the Democrats. Could we please investigate some of the cocksuckers?"


1975 -- Gonzalo Arias chains himself to Spanish gate in protest of closure of Spain/Gibraltor frontier.

1975 -- High Seas: 39 members of the US' "Mayaguez" crew seized.

The US merchant ship Mayaguez is seized by the Cambodian Khmer Rouge in international waters in the Gulf of Siam. The ship, owned by Sea-Land Corporation, was en route to Sattahip, Thailand, from Hong-Kong, carrying a non-arms cargo for military bases in Thailand.

1976 -- Spain: The Urquiola runs aground at La Coruna, releasing 100,000 tons of oil.

1978 -- From the And You Thought We Had This Straightened Out By Now file: The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration announces it will alternate men's & women's names in the naming of hurricanes. It was seen as an attempt at fair play. Hurricanes were named for women, until NOAA succumbed to women's groups who were demanding that Atlantic storms be given unisex names. Typhoid Harry?

"It's not fair that women should get all the attention for causing damage & destruction," one women's activist claimed. David, Allen, Hugo & Andrew agreed.

1984 -- England: Animal Rights demonstration held, London.

1984 -- US: Double or Nothing? The number two man at the Housing Dept. Philip Abrams, expresses doubt that Hispanics live in crowded homes because of poverty. "I don't think so," he says.

"I'm told that they don't mind & they prefer, some prefer, doubling up ... It's a cultural preference, I'm told."

1986 -- Fred Markham unpaced & unaided by wind, is first to pedal 65 mph on a level course, Big Sand Flat, California.

1989 -- Joe Valdez Caballero, creator of the hard taco shell, dies at 81. Before his body had chilled, they'd replaced him with a hard taco shill.,918/

1990 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Farm workers call for consumer boycott of Mont St. Michel wine, near Seattle, Washington.

1998 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Indonesia: Police kill 4 student demonstrators.

1998 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Turkish human-rights leader Akin Birdal survives assassination attempt.

2000 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Cuba: Felix Bonne, dissident, is freed from jail.

2003 -- US: Robert Braunwart adds 450,000th entry to his (yet-to-be-published) chronology database. That's 7,500 printed pages, by his way of reckoning it...On May 6, 2004 he reaches 480,000 entries (8,000 pages).

3000 --
Daily Bleed Saint, 2001. South African anti-apartheid activist, martyr.


3000 --


(Retired Textile Worker, London, UK)

"I wore this cape when I took Johnny to visit his father in a Budapest prison.
The Nazis were going to ship him to a concentration camp.

Johnny asked the Hungarian policeman
'When are you going to let my father come home?'

He never did."

Is Your washroom breeding Bolsheviks?! poster
3500 --

anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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Anarchist Time Line / Chronology