Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

Our Daily Bleed: recovered memory on this day in history February 27

The stone walk is paved with dark cries.

        — Pierre-Jean Jouve

Paul Sweezy

Monthly Review editor, radical economist,
dean of American independent Marxism.

Dominican Republic: INDEPENDENCE DAY.

1534 -- Beginning of Anabaptist "New Jerusalem" on earth in Germany. All Lutherans & Roman Catholics are to be eliminated by driving them out or converting them, so as to create a community bound by love & without sin. Nonbelief or "misbelief" is made a capital offense. It resists besieging armies & lasts over a year.
See Norman Cohn, Pursuit of the Millenium, p262-3.

1803 -- India: Great fire in Bombay.

1807 -- Poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow lives, Portland, Maine. The most popular 19th century American poet & first to earn a living solely from writing verse. His best-known narrative poem, The Song of Hiawatha (1855) adapted its meter from the Finnish national epic Kalevala.

1812 -- The young Lord Byron, in his maiden speech before the House of Lords, denounces a death penalty measure for rebellious laborers.
’Source: Robert Braunwart’; some Web sources say the 7th

1833 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: God tells the Mormons to abstain from alcohol, tobacco & hot drinks. Keepin it all for herself.

1846 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Herman Melville novel Typee is published, by John Murray in England.

Proudhon; SOURCE
1848 -- France: First anarchist journal appears, Proudhon's "Le Representant du Peuple". It claims that the emancipation of the working class can only be achieved by the working class itself — without the assistance of governments. Sells 40,000 copies.

To be governed is to be ...

1848 -- Following the abdication of Louis-Philippe, a Republic is proclaimed in France with poet-diplomat Alphonse de Lamartine as acting head of state.

1861 -- Rudolf Steiner lives, Austria, founder of anthroposophy movement.

1861 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Poland: The Warsaw Massacre - Russian troops fire on demonstrators against Russian rule.

1867 -- France: Paulin Mailfait (1867-1927) lives, Charleville. Ardennes anarchist, participant in "Sans patrie" (formed October 18, 1891) with Gustave Bouillard, Nicolas Thomassin, Pierre Leroux, etc. Mailfait did eight months in prison for helping a soldier desert in 1892.

1871 -- France: Regular soldiers, sent to confiscate cannon from the National Guard militia in Paris are confronted by the crowd who have gathered, with whom the troops decide to fraternise. In due course, General Lecomte is executed, along with Clement Thomas, long hated for his part in the repression of the 1848 revolution. This victory provides the opening for the Communard insurrection [1871].
'Calendar Riots'

1875 -- US: Eugene V. Debs becomes a charter member & secretary of the Vigo Lodge, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. By 1880, Debs had become grand secretary of the national Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen & editor of the Locomotive Fireman's Magazine. In June 1893 Debs helped found the first industrial union in the US, the American Railway Union. He also headed the bitter Pullman strike, often known as the "Debs Rebellion" which Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Grover Cleveland helped brutally crush with federal troops.

Further details / context, click here[Pullman Details / context]

1876 -- France: François Segond Casteu lives (1876-1935), Nice. Anarchist who attended Sebastien Faure's "Ruche" & a collaborator on "Libertaire" & "Germinal," a weekly magazine of the Somme. Partner of the teacher Eugènie Trébuquet. His remarks often caused problems with authorities, &, in September 1927, he was imprisoned at Amiens for a series of anticlerical articles. Casteu was released following a hunger strike.
[Source: L'Ephéméride Anarchiste]

1880 -- African American poet Angelina Weld Grimke lives.

Although her distinguished biracial Grimke family of Boston gives her prominence in society, the sad tone of her works suggests a deep unhappiness & frustration. Many of Grimke's poems express inner turmoil as she feels her social position does not allow her to live openly as a lesbian.
Like most black woman writers, her works have very little visibility.
Nonetheless, Grimke wins acclaim for two dramas, several short stories & a great number of poems. Her play Rachel angrily dramatizes the personal impact of lynching.

Giuseppe Monanni, Italian anarchist; source
1887 -- Italy: Giuseppe Monanni lives (d.1952). Editor, journalist & propagandist of individualist anarchism (ala Nietzsche & Palante).

Typographer by trade; founder of the review "Vir," in Florence & collaborater on many other journals & reviews.

Monanni was Leda Rafanelli's lifelong companion & together with Ettore Molinari & Nella Giacomelli they formed “Protesta umana”. Under the fascists his activities were constrained, but post-WWII he wrote for the paper "Libertario" under the pseudonym "Mony." dell’anarchismo italiano

Further details/ context, click here; anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, Libertaria[Details / context]

Marian Anderson
1902 -- Marian Anderson lives, singer, banned by D.A.R.

When the Daughters of the American Revolution refuse to let her use Constitution Hall, African-American opera star Marian Anderson sings before 75,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday 1939. Some historians cite this as the first strategic victory of the modern civil rights movement. The DAR later manages to prevent Joan Baez from performing at Constitution Hall.

ALT; Marion Anderson

Viva Zapata film poster
1902 --

John Steinbeck lives, Salinas, California. Novelist, story writer, playwright, essayist & screenplay writer. Received the Nobel Prize in 1962. Wrote The Grapes of Wrath (1939), a novel widely considered a 20th-century classic, did much to publicize the injustices of migrant labor, which led to much-needed agricultural reform. Steinbeck also wrote Cannery Row & East of Eden. Among his film scripts are Hitchcock's film Lifeboat (1944) & Viva Zapata! (1952).

Daily Bleed Saint 2004
Socially committed American novelist & journalist, his books are often banned in schools in the "Land of the Free" where no one is free unless free to ban, censor, or burn books.

According to the American Libraries Association, in 1993, the Mingus, Ariz. Union High School challenged the choice of Of Mice & Men as an appropriate English curriculum assignment because of "profane language, moral statement, treatment of the retarded, & the violent ending."

A Putnam County, Tenn. School Superintendent pulled the same book from a classroom a year later "due to the language in it." He said, "We just can't have this kind of book being taught."

The Loganville, Ga. High School also challenged (1994) its "vulgar language throughout."

Who then had the assigned pleasure of licking the 1979 John Steinbeck commemorative postage stamps?

1904 -- Radical American novelist James T. Farrell lives (1904-1979) Chicago, Illinois. Known for his realistic portraits of the working class Irish on the South Side of Chicago, best-known is his Studs Lonigan trilogy.

1905 -- US: "Regeneración" begins republishing in St. Louis, Missouri. This anarchist publication, issued by the brothers Ricardo & Enrique Flores Magón & their Partido Liberal Mexicano, is soon repressed by the American government (on October 12).
Further details/ context, click here; anarquista, anarquismo, anarquistas, anarquía, anarchy, libertarian[Details / context]

Anarchy Man!
1908 --
US: Today's edition of the "San Francisco Chronicle" declares that proclaiming oneself an anarchist is “a decisive proof of incurable madness.”

1910 -- Peter De Vries lives, Chicago, comic novelist (The Prick of Noon).

"I love being a writer. What I can't stand is the paperwork."

1912 -- Anglo-Irish novelist, playwright, poet, Lawrence Durrell lives, Darjeeling, India.
It is the duty of every patriot to hate his country creatively.

— Lawrence Durrell

Best known for The Alexandria Quartet. Worked as a jazz pianist in a London nightclub. In the 1930s he went to Paris, where he started his career as a writer & associated with such authors as Henry Miller, who became his mentor. Durrell's brother Gerald, zoologist/traveler, gained popularity with his animal stories.

Bleedster S. notes, "Born in India, lived there only 4 years, spent the rest of his life moving around, lived in England, France, Greece, Egypt, Yugoslavia, & Argentina. Spent the last 33 years of his life in various places in France, mostly near the Mediterranean. He didn't like being called "English" either — had vague pretenses to being Irish, but had English passport.

For much greater detail, see Ian MacNiven, Lawrence Durrell (1998)."

1912 -- England: "The Times" of London prints an alarming lead story about a "conspiracy" of unions to take over ownership of British coal mines.

It's account of the surfacing of an incendiary pamphlet, "The Miner's Next Step," follows several weeks' coverage of an impending industry-wide strike. The pamphlet had been printed in Tonypandy, a site of recent bloodshed between strikers & police. Authorship of the pamphlet was traced to members of the South Wales Miner's Federation, a union with syndicalist ties. The pamphlet's call for direct action & industrial solidarity was linked to syndicalist labor leader Tom Mann, who in 1911 had called Britain's working class to battle on behalf of a miner's minimum wage. On March 1, "The Times"'s headline read:


1912 -- England: Buried in the same issue of "The Times" is a review of the March 1 exhibit of futurist paintings at London's Sackville Gallery.

The futurist sweep of London is well documented. 40,000 attended the Sackville show, & Marinetti's pronunciamentos were fast absorbed by a range of young artists.

Futurism is the pre-war art world's embrace of technological advances in communications & the print media especially: Marinetti's revolution was, among other things, an incorporation onto canvas & onto the literary page of the jarring appeal of the advertising poster. The clamor of performance, of mass culture event, had invaded a previously staid arena.

Ezra Pound was not politically active before WWI, but his writings from the period around Marinetti & BLAST show that the flooding of his own art with such technological influences was accompanied by a layering of his aesthetics with political terms.

1913 -- Irwin Shaw lives. Prolific American playwright, screenwriter & author of The Young Lions.

Woman with gun...
1913 -- France: After 25 days of deliberations, the Paris trial of the anarchist Bonnot Gang ("Bande à Bonnot") concludes & sentences are handed down. Three illégalistes are condemed to death: Raymond Callemin, André Soudy, & Antoine Monier & they meet the guillotiné April 21st.

Bonnot Gang book cover Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

Andre Soudy; source l'ephemeride anarchiste
André Soudy (1892-1913), anarchiste member of the Bonnot Gang, is sentenced to death & guillotined on April 21, 1913.
Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1913 -- France: Edouard Carouy dies.
anarchist diamond dingbat

Belgian anarchiste illegalist, member of the French Bonnot Gang. Sentenced to life in prison, Carouy late today commits suicide in his cell.

1917 -- Russia: Abdication of Nicholas II, last non-Marxist Czar. Russian Duma sets up a Provisional Committee; workers set up soviets; Crowd breaks into Okhrana (tsarist secret police) HQ, destroys records; A section of the Petrograd garrison mutinies (March 12 NS).

Partisans; animated clip
1920 -- Italy: Alla Camera Giolitti ribadisce il mantenimento dell'occupazione di Valona. (Albania).
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

1921 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Italy: Riots break out between Communists & Fascists in Firenze.

1921 -- anarchist diamond dingbat; anarquistaItaly: Les 27 et 28 février 1921, à Florence (Italie), dans un contexte exacerbé par la montée du fascisme, des affrontements particulièrement graves se produisent avec les fascistes, et causent la mort de deux cheminots: Gino Mugnai et Spartaco Lavagnini.

Les fascistes tenteront ensuite de pénéter dans le quartier de San Frediano, ils se heurtent alors à une forte résistance des militants radicaux et de la population qui se retranche derrière une barricade.

A Certaldo (près de Florence), l'anarchiste Ferruccio Scarselli, meurt déchiqueté par un bombe durant un affrontement, tandis qu'à La Spezia c'est l'anarchiste Uliviero qui est tué par la police. Dans le même temps à Trieste, la Bourse du travail est incendiée. Le 1er mars, en réponse aux violences fascistes, une grève générale est déclenchée à Trieste et à Florence, ville où de nouveaux heurts se produiront. Ils causeront la mort de plus de 20 personnes et feront plus d'une centaine de blessés.

1922 -- Source=Robert Braunwart G.B. Shaw play "Back to Methusaleh" (parts I & II) premiers, NY.

1923 -- US: Formation in New York of the Mohegan Colony Association, based on anarchist principles.
Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1932 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Finland: Another Lapua (fascist) revolt begins (-March 7).

1932 -- Source=Robert Braunwart "SEP" publishes Faulkner story "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard."

1933 -- Edward Lucie-Smith lives, Kingston, Jamaica, poet/art critic.

Reichstag burning
1933 -- Germany: Berlin's Reichstag parliament building is torched, & the Nazi's, as a ploy in their steady consolidation of total power, try to blame it on communists.

Berlin. Les nazis attribuent l’incendie du Reichstag à un « anarchiste ». Il s’agit en réalité d’un partisan du communisme des conseils : Marinus Van Der Lubbe. André Prudhommeaux cessera sa collaboration au "Libertaire" à cause d’un article où Van Der Lubbe était accusé d’être un agent d’Hitler.

Initially blaming anarchists, the Nazi's arrest Erich Mühsam while Rudolf Rocker manages to slip their grasp.

Prudhommeaux was an early Council Communist, then an anarchiste. He participated in the defense campaign for Marinus van der Lubbe.

Marinus van der Lubbe, born in Leiden 1909, a half blind militant of the Dutch communist party & an ultraleft partisan of workers' councils, confessed to setting fire to the Reichstag in Berlin. He was beheaded in Leipzig on 10 January 1934. Most believe van der Lubbe was framed or set up by the Nazis so they could seize full power in Germany. Some French anarchistes, mostly individualists, took his defense, glorifying his action.

Before the trial you were good as dead,
the hangman knew he'd have your head
while you sat in gaol your death to await,
I wept beside you at your fate. . . .

— Willem Elsschot (1882-1960), Marinus van der Lubbe

1933 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Jean Genet play "Intermezzo" (The Enchanted) premiers, Paris.

1934 -- US: Shop Til You Drop? Ralph Nader lives. Ex-Corvair fan, "full time citizen," the ultimate consumer advocate.

“Reformers come to a bad end. Only after their death do people see that they were right & erect monuments in their memory."

       — Janus Korczak, from King Matt the First

1934 -- US: Native-American author N. Scott Momaday lives, Lawton, Oklahoma. After growing up on an Oklahoma farm & Southwestern reservations, he writes his first novel, House Made of Dawn (1968), a narrative with several different points of view of the dilemma of a young man returning home to his Kiowa pueblo after a stint in the US Army.

1937 -- Spain: Lincoln Brigaders attack Pingarrón Hill ("Suicide Hill") in Jarama Valley; of the 500 who go over the top, more than 300 are killed or wounded.
Further details / context, click here[Resources / sources on the Spanish Revolution of 1936]

1938 -- Britain & France recognize Franco & his fascist regime in Spain. See Jean Barrot, Fascism/Antifascism,

Flint Sitdown strikers
1939 -- US: Supreme Court outlaws sit-down strikes.

Obviously this law has been incorrectly applied for decades,
failing to apply to sitting judges.

Now, boys, you've come to the hardest time.
The boss will try to bust your picket line.
He'll call out the po-lice & the National Guard;
They'll tell you it's a crime to have a union card!
They'll raid your meetings, they'll hit you on the head —
They's call every one of you a Goddamn Red —
Unpatriotic ... agitators ...
Send 'em back where they came from.

Song: "Talking Union"

1940 -- US: 2,500 at the Philharmonic Auditorium in Los Angeles protest rightwing attacks on the film industry.

In the late 1930s & early 1940s HUAC & State Senator Jack Tenney's California Joint Fact-finding Committee on Un-American Activities launched attacks on liberals & left-wingers in the film industry. Dies spearheaded an attack on the Federal Theatre Project, which succeeded in getting its funds cut off in June 1939.

When leading liberal & radical figures in Hollywood attacked his committee's operations, the Texass congressman told the press that the movie industry was a "hotbed of communism."

1942 -- US: Idaho Governor Chase Clark tells a congressional committee in Seattle that Japanese would be welcome in Idaho only if they were in "concentration camps under military guard." Some credit Clark with the conception of what was to become a true scenario.

1942 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Seattle School Board accepts the forced resignation of Japanese-American teachers.

1943 -- US: Mine disaster kills 74 workers at Red Lodge, Montana.

"Pray for the dead & fight like hell for the living!"

      — Mother Jones

1946 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Ho Chi Minh writes the leaders of the US, the USSR, China & Britain asking them to "stop the war in Indochina" — his letters are ignored.

1952 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Seattle tests a 135-hp super siren during the Cold War.

1953 -- Gustaf Hellström, Swedish realist novelist, journalist, & literary critic, dies in Stockholm. His masterpiece, Lacemaker Lekholm Has an Idea (1927), is a family chronicle set in a provincial garrison town.

1957 -- China: Mao Tsetung delivers his speech, "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among People."

Mao Tse-tung addresses the Supreme State Conference & invites the Chinese to work out constructive criticisms to help in the building of socialism. Start of the “hundred flowers” period.
[Source: K.S. Karol]

Cartoon character eating a BigMac
1958 -- US: The first of 27 people die in NY from drinking a homemade liquor called "King Kong."

1961 -- US: Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless released in America.

1961 -- US: Unknown writer Joseph Heller's Catch-22 published. Following on the heels of Leon Uris' novel Mila 18, Heller was advised to change the numerical title of his soon-to-be-published first novel, an anti-war protest novel underscored with dark humor, so as not to confuse readers. He substituted the number 22, & hence we call a paradoxical situation a Catch-22 rather than a Catch-18.

Raoul Vaneigem
1963 -- SI dingbat

Geen dialoog met idioten...

anarchist diamond dingbat
Geen dialoog met gluiperds. Geen dialoog met idioten. Pas de dialogue avec les suspects. Pas dialogue avec cons (No Dialogue with Suspects, No Dialogue with Idiots), bilingual tract in Dutch & French against a few fragments of the Stalinist surrealist tendency, signed on behalf of the Central Council of the SI by Jan Strijbosch & Raoul Vaneigem, Anvers. | [Situationist Resources]

1964 -- Italy: Pisa asks government for over one million dollars to straighten the 184-foot leaning tower.

1969 -- US: Berkeley police charge University of California student picket lines, club & arrest two Chicano leaders.

1969 -- US: Thousands rampage thru nine University of Wisconsin buildings, in Madison, over black enrollment policy.

1969 -- US: Students at the University of Chicago march in the streets.

1970 -- US: NY Times (falsely) reports US army has ended illegal domestic surveillance. All the news that is unfit to print...?

1970 -- US: February 27–March 1, Women's Liberation Conference at Yale; includes Kate Millet, separatist Naomi Weisstein, & the Sappho Collective (with Rita Mae Brown). "Operation Hassle": Women harass men on Yale campus.

We Remember Wounded Knee poster
1973 -- US: 300 Oglala Sioux American Indian Movement (A.I.M.) activists liberate & occupy Wounded Knee, South Dakota (the site of the 1890 terrorist massacre of Sioux by US cavalry), in response to campaign of terror by tribal & FBI officials. They demand an investigation of Indian grievances at the site of the last major massacre of Indians by whites (see 29 December).

American Indians, fighting terrorism since 1492

1975 -- US: A Man After My Heart? The FDA announces recall of 1,241 pacemakers made by the General Electric Company because of potential malfunction. All the pacemakers had already been implanted.

1975 -- West Germany: Mayoral candidate Lorenz snatched by June 2 Movement; release of six imprisoned guerrillas is demanded.

1976 -- Canada: The Inuit Tapirisat Indians presents claim to immense area in Canada's Arctic.

1977 -- Canada: Royal Canadian Mounted Police raid Keith Richards' Toronto hotel suite while he is asleep, seize 22 grams of heroin, 5 grams of cocaine & narcotics paraphernalia.

1979 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: 15¢ John Steinbeck commemorative postage stamp issued.

Canned fish
1981 -- Sardines?: Greatest passenger load on a commercial airliner — 610 "people" fly on a Boeing 747. Inspires "slim fast" foods.

1982 -- US: On Strike? Earl Anthony becomes first pro bowler to win more than $1 million. Anthony, voted "Bowler of the Millennium" later falls down stairs in his retirement & dies August 14, 2001 as a result.

1986 -- Imelda Marcos & her sidekick flee the Philippines, to the US, which has supported their brutal & corrupt rule as long as it could.

1987 -- US: The Tower Commission Report, detailing the Iran-Contra Scandal, finds Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Ronnie Reagan confused & uninformed. It faults White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan, former National Security adviser Robert McFarlane & his successor Admiral John Poindexter, & CIA Director William Casey. Casey had resigned on February 2 for health reasons; McFarlane attempted suicide on February 9; & Regan resigns today.

Ron E. Neumann

1989 -- Canada: Ontario Court of Appeal finds the Temeaugma Anishnabe "Bear Island people" (Ojibwa) lost title to their land in 1850, although a treaty was never signed.

1990 -- Time Magazine, again on the musical edge, quotes Milli Vanilli "singer" Rob Pilatus: "musically, we're more talented than any Bob Dylan or Paul McCartney. Mick Jagger can't produce a sound. I'm the new Elvis."

The Green Girl, vintage scifi paperback cover
1991 -- Artie Mitchell porn producer (Behind the Green Door), shot at 45.

1991 -- Bangladesh elect new parliament in first democratic transition of power.

1991 -- Kuwait: Gulf War ends as Saudi army enters Kuwait City; cease-fire declared at midnight in Iraq war.

1991 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Testosterone is declared a controlled substance, like heroin (Watch out they don't throw your balls in jail!).

1995 -- Source=Robert Braunwart A group of Chinese dissidents calls for democracy & human rights.

Jack Micheline
1998 -- Jack Micheline (1930-1998), heavy drinkin howlin Beat poet dies while riding on the BART train to Orinda in the East Bay Area near Frisco. Wrote Sixty-Seven Poems For Downtrodden Saints.

I never wanted to be a poet.
I just wanted to be a human being.
Anyone who wants to be a poet is out of his mind.
Either you are one or you are not.
Most poets are not poets.
To be a real artist is a unique & valuable asset to this planet.


Born: November 6, 1929; Place of Birth: The Bronx; Died: February 27, 1998; Place of Death: San Francisco

Beat No Chaser page has nice photo of Micheline,
In Memory of Jack Micheline, by A.D. Winans

1999 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: National Baptist Convention USA head Rev. Henry Lyons is convicted of theft & racketeering, Clearwater, Florida. Just doin' God's (upLifting) work.

1999 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Brazilian poet Haraldo de Campos wins Mexico's Octavio Paz prize.

2001 -- US: Seattle ACORN workers strike. Seattle area office shut down after employer refuses to recognize Public Interest Workers IU 670 union of the IWW.
Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

2002 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Government report says at least 15,000 Americans died because of Cold War nuclear testing. In American DoubleSpeak, if the US wields the nuclear weapons these are not called "weapons of mass destruction" (WMD) nor their use called "terrorism."

2002 -- Spike Milligan (The Goon Show) spiked. b. 16 April 1918; dies died 27 Feb 2002
Thanks to Bleedster Bear Dog (aka poet William Witherup) for this one, 2005

2004 -- US: Marxist economist Paul Sweezy dies, Larchmont, New York.

2009 -- China: A report by the State Council criticizes the United States' human rights record.

2011 -- Arab Spring unrest continues in the Middle East & North Africa with protests & armed clashes inspired by anti-government foes. Gone is the long-standing warm fuzzy comfort & stability of authoritarianism in the regions.

3000 --

“Tomorrow I shall go to the High Court of Eagles... Does anyone in this strange & terrible land go anywhere, without having been there before in myth or dream? The minister with whom I shall confer will ask me a simple question. Beyond my campaign to free Neveryon’s slaves, whom will I align myself with next? Will I take up the cause of the workers who toil for wages only a step above slavery? Or will I take up the marginal workless wretches who, without wages at all, live a step below? Shall I ally myself with those women who find themselves caught up, laboring without wages, for the male population among both groups? For they are, all of them—these free men & women—caught in a freedom that, despite the name it bears, makes movement through society impossible, makes the quality of life miserable, that allows no chance & little choice in any aspect of the human not written by the presence or elision of the sign for production. This is what Lord Krodar will ask me. & I shall answer…”

       — Samuel Delany, Neveryona

5000 --

Rightwing Terrorists: Bush, Cheney, Rice, Ashcroft, Powell
9003 --

anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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