Anarchy Man!

thin line

   The Charlatan Stew Collection ...

thin line

Wildcat Inside Story -- Six writings on anarchist opposition to war (1974)

Also see Anarchist Opposition to War (A Collection) on this site.

1.  Give this to a soldier this to a soldier.html posted March, 2012

2.  Leaflet for which Tom Mann was jailed in 1912 for which Tom Mann was jailed in 1912.html posted March, 2012

3.  Disaffection, 1797 to 1974, 1797 to 1974.html posted March, 2012

4.  Revived 45: Anarchists Against the Army 3A-Anarchists Against the Army.html posted March, 2012

5.  Witness for the Prosecution for the Prosecution.html posted March, 2012

6.  Fight? for What?, for what, 1945.html posted March, 2012


A Swiss Recipe for Cucumber Salad (1980) posted November, 2009   

Argentina:  Poverty and the Militarization of Society (1990) posted February, 2009   

Human Beings Are also Capable of Intelligence posted December 2008 

What We Want (1995) posted December 2008
Selections from Retort,
A quarterly journal of Anarchism, art & reviews
 January 2007

1. Editorial (Spring, 1945)
Web page   |   Text version   | Document version

2. Resistance in Prison by Clif Bennet (Winter, 1949)
Web page   |   Text version   | Document version

3. There is No Social Contract! (Editorial, Winter, 1947)
Web page   |   Text version   | Document version

4. Art: Play and its Perversions by Holley Cantine (Fall, 1947)
Web page   |   Text version   | Document version

5. Conscription and the State (Retorting, column, Spring, 1945)
Web page   |   Text version   | Document version

6. Review of THE POWER HOUSE, novel by Alex Comfort (Spring, 1945)
Web page   |   Text version   | Document version

7. London Letter to Retort by George Woodcock (Spring, 1945)
Web page   |   Text version   | Document version

8. Left About-Face: Radicals and the War. (Editorial, Spring, 1945)
Web page   |   Text version   | Document version

9. Towards a Revolutionary Morality by H. R. Cantine Jr. (Spring, 1943)
Web page   |   Text version   | Document version

 Articles on Spain on occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Spanish Revolution
posted August 2006


Seven articles published in One Big Union Monthly, a journal of the Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.), July, 1937 to February, 1938, plus 2 later pieces on the experiences of participants 

Los Quijotes: Anarchist Youth Group, Spain, 1937

The Fifth Estate Vol. 24 Number 2 (Whole Number 332) Summer 1989 September 2006
Text version | Word.doc version

Spain, 1936-1939: Gravediggers of the Revolution

Text from Why We Lost the War: A Contribution to the History of the Spanish Tragedy by Diego Abad de Santillán [Por qué perdimos la guerra; Imán, Buenos Aires, 1940; G. del Toro; Madrid, n.d.-- translation from the Madrid edition by Charlatan Stew, from pp. 211-215]. Translation, Foreword and Afterword by Charlatan Stew September 2006
Text version | Word.doc version

Pura Arcos 1919-1995

(introduction, article from The Fifth Estate, poems) September 2006
Text version | Word.doc version

Spanish Revolution reading recommendations September 2006
Text version | Word.doc version

Shays' Rebellion
Published by Solidarity, (Chicago, 1973) posted August 2006
Web page | Text version | Word.doc version

LEIU: Michigan's Computer Spy Network: "Private club" tackles intelligence

LATTER DAY INDENTURED SERVITUDE A Short But Important Historical Correction 
by Sylvie Kashdan

Four articles on the Chilean Workers Movement
Note: These articles appeared in No Middle Ground: Anti-Authoritarian
          Perspectives on Latin America and the Caribbean (No. 2 Fall, 1983).

    They give a lot of information about the role of ordinary people in
    opposition to both the plans of the authoritarian state-reformers and the
    brutal national and multi-national civilian/military elites.

>> Strange Defeat: The Chilean Revolution, 1973 by Pointblank!
    Web page    Text version    Word.doc version

>> Ten Years After
       Web page    Text version    Word.doc version

>> Dictatorship on Shaky Grounds
     Web page    Text version     Word.doc version

>> Chronology of the Chilean workers' movement
     by Coordinadora Libertaria Latino-Americana
    Web page   Text version    Word.doc version 


The Kaiser Strike & Lockout 1998-2000 

Union Leaders Fear A Self-Directed Rank And File  More Than Defeat;
With a postscript, August, 2002 from Charlatan Stew-

Anarchist Opposition to War (A Collection)

Translations and Summaries by Charlatan Stew

1.  Coming to Grips with The War*
by Federation anarchiste romande (1939)
2.  Anarchist Activity in France during World War Two*
Summary by Charlatan Stew (1994)
3. To All Intellectual and Manual Workers*
by International Revolutionary Syndicalist Federation (1943)
4.  Death to The Brutes*
by International Revolutionary Syndicalist Federation (1943)
5.  Some Further Notes on Left-libertarian Opposition to War
by Charlatan Stew (1994)
6.  Capitalist Democracy--Why It Must Fail
by Tor Cedervall (1937)
7.  Anarchist Opposition to Japanese Militarism, 1926-37
by John Crump (1991)
8.   Manifesto of the International Anarchist Conference...  1948
International Anarchist Bulletin, No. 1, June 1948
9.   Additional Readings on States, War and Opposition
by Charlatan Stew (1994)

* Copies of the French originals were obtained from C.I.R.A. Library, Centre Internationale de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme, avenue de Beaumont 24, CH-1012 Lausanne, Switzerland.  The Library circulates, for a modest membership fee, materials on all aspects of anarchism in all languages.

    Texts provided by CHARLATAN STEW,  Seattle, Wa.,  U.S.A.,  first published in 1995
    added October  2002

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