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Caroline Remy Severine
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Caroline Remy, known under the name Séverine

French libertarian, feminist militant journalist of the League of Humans Right. Born in Paris April 27, 1855; died April 24, 1929.

Caroline Remy / Severine's meeting with Jules Vallès, about 1880, changed the course of her life. Invited to assist it in the publication of the "cri du peuple" & its literary activities, Vallès entrusted the direction of the newspaper to her before dying in 1885.

In the spirit of Vallès, Séverine kept the paper open to all the socialist tendencies, a libertarian spirit which brought her into confrontation with the Marxist Jules Guesde & caused her to leave the newspaper in 1888.

Severine continued her activism & writing for other papers to denounce social injustices. Her generous & open spirit, & a refusal of sectarianism caused some errors of judgment about Boulangisme, but when the Dreyfus affair erupted, vigorously defended him.

In 1897, she began writing for "La fronde", the first feminist daily newspaper.

In 1914, always a pacifist, she condemned "l'union sacrée". Enthusiastic about the Russian Revolution of 1917, Severine joined the Communist Party in 1921, but two years later, when forced to choose between the party or the League of Human Rights, which she helped found, she quit.

Severine was always a strong defender of the anarchists, & these included Clément Duval, Auguste Vaillant, Ascaso, Durruti & Jover, & she particpated in July 1927 in a meeting to try to save Sacco & Vanzetti.

In addition to its thousands of articles in the press, Séverine wrote several works, including Pages rouges; Notes d'une frondeuse; Line.

"J'ai trop l'horreur des théories et des théoriciens, des doctrines et des doctrinaires, des catéchismes d'école et des grammaires de sectes pour argumenter et discutailler à perte de vue sur l'acte d'un homme que le bourreau tient déjà par les cheveux, et que tous avaient le droit d'injurier et de réprouver, sauf nous!"

--- in "cri du peuple," in connection with Clement Duval, January 30, 1887

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