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Claude Le Maguet (known as Jean Salivas) (1887-1979).

French anarchist, pacifist militant & poet. Born April 27, 1887; died July 14, 1979, in Geneva, Switzerland.

Placed in an the orphanage, at age six, at Cempuis (directed by the anarchist Paul Robin), Le Maguet came out at 16, as a typographer. A deeply libertarian, he worked for the paper "L'Anarchie", then in the community of Aiglemont founded by Fortuné Henry.

Following his refuasal of military service, Le Mauet was forced into clandestine activity. He took refuge in Belgium for awhile, then in Lille & finally in Geneva, Switzerland, & remained committed to his pacifist ideals when WWI was declared.

In 1916, he helped found the pacifist review "Les tablettes," & contributed to various Swiss newspapers.

Returning to France in 1939, he was imprisoned for a period in Lyon by the fascists, then went back to Switzerland, where he devoted himself, until his death in 1979, to poetry.

  • Claude Le Maguet wrote Anthologie des écrivains réfractaires de langue française (1927), Les Anarchistes et le cas de conscience (1921), etc.
In French, see Ephéméride anarchiste

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