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Ernst Frick
Biographical/historical notes:
Ernst Frick, who was a metal founder by profession, edited the "Weckruf" in 1905 &, during a stay in a sanatorium in Ascona quickly made connections to the circle around the three anarchists Erich Mühsam, Johannes Nohl (one of Hermann Hesse's analysts), & the Freudian Otto Gross.With Frieda Gross he had a long relationship & three daughters. Frieda & Ernst began living together in 1911, in Ascona lived & raised their children Eva Verena Schloffer, Cornelia & Ruth Elisabeth Gross.
In 1913 he was sentenced to one year in prison. He was accused of freeing a Russian citizen from a barracks, by using explosives, & of causing a derailment of a tram. Information about his artistic creations & scholarly work, has been little known until recently. (rd/jm)
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