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Austrian-American anarchist, activist, romantically involved with Emma Goldman.

There are few references online to Edward Brady but for Emma Goldman's writings. A number of these, as noted, are cited in the Daily Bleed:

  • 1892 - Emma Goldman attends anarchist meetings, where, in late December, Goldman meets & falls in love with Austrian anarchist Edward Brady. (Cited in the Daily Bleed)
  • 1894 - Emma Goldman moves into an apartment with Edward Brady. (Cited in the Daily Bleed)
  • 1895 - Spring: Goldman & friends Claus Timmerman & Edward Brady open an ice-cream parlor in Brownsville, Brooklyn; within three months, the venture fails & the shop is closed. (Cited in the Daily Bleed)
    Mid-August: Goldman sails to England under the name "Mrs. E. G. Brady" fearing that her real identity would limit her freedom to travel in Europe.
  • 1896 - April: Back in New York, Emma resides with Edward Brady in a German neighborhood on Eleventh Street; she rebels against Brady's periodic fits of jealousy.
    June: Brady supports Goldman financially so that she can take a break from nursing to relax & begin preparations for an East Coast winter lecture series. In her leisure time, Brady tutors Goldman's reading of the works of the 17th-century French dramatists Racine, Corneille, & Moliere.
  • 1897 - In New York, Goldman & others--including Italian & Spanish anarchists, & Harry Kelly, John Edelmann, Justus Schwab, & Edward Brady -- had organized a demonstration in front of the Spanish consulate. (On August 8 anarchist Michel Angiolillo assassinates Antonio Canovas del Castillo, premier of Spain, who in May had ordered the execution of five anarchists held responsible for the bombing in Barcelona the year before. The torture & inhumane treatment of several hundred others imprisoned in connection with the bombing were also widely protested throughout Europe.) (Cited in the Daily Bleed)
  • 1898 - Goldman's youngest brother, Morris, moves into the apartment she shares with Brady in New York City.
    To help cover traveling expenses, Goldman earns a percentage on sales she makes for Brady's stationery business while lecturing on tour.
    March: Brady complains about their separation while Goldman is on lecture tours; she responds by asserting her need for freedom.
    November-December: Goldman supports efforts of Alexander Berkman's defense committee to seek a pardon. With Justus Schwab & Brady, she reluctantly follows the recommendation of defense attorneys to seek Andrew Carnegie's influence in granting a pardon. They approach Benjamin Tucker, editor of Liberty, to meet with Carnegie, but reject his suggestion that Berkman be presented as a "penitent sinner." All plans to meet with Carnegie are eventually abandoned. (Cited in the Daily Bleed)
  • 1899 - January: Goldman ends her relationship with Edward Brady.
  • 1901- Emma Goldman reestablishes friendship with her former lover Edward Brady.
  • 1903 - Brady dies in April

Cited in the Emma Goldman Chronology,

Hippolyte Havel, notes, in New York, December, 1910, in his introduction to Emma Goldman's Anarchism & Other Essays :

"Here Emma Goldman found friends ready to aid her. Justus Schwab, one of the finest representatives of the German revolutionary period of that time, & Dr. Solotaroff were indefatigable in the care of the patient. Here, too, she met Edward Brady, the new friendship subsequently ripening into close intimacy. Brady had been an active participant in the revolutionary movement of Austria & had, at the time of his acquaintance with Emma Goldman, lately been released from an Austrian prison after an incarceration of ten years."

  • Edward Brady is also mentioned, in French, in l'éphéméride Anarchiste,

    page updated January 2006

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