Anarchy Man!

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The Anarchist Encyclopedia:
A Gallery of Saints & Sinners ...

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Mikhail Bakunin; Michel Bakounine, Michael Bakunin, Mikhaïl Aleksandrovitch Bakounine, Mihail Aleksandroviç Bakunin
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Alternate spellings: Michel Bakounine, Mikhail Bakunin, Mikhaïl Aleksandrovitch Bakounine, Mihail Aleksandroviç Bakunin; Anarşist, ANARŞİZM, Anarşizmin, anarşizme, Anarşist, Anarquismo, Anarquista, Anarchisten

Mikhail Bakunin, (1814-1876)

Russian anarchist.

Enemy of the State.

Nemesis of Karl Marx, assassin of God.

Biography & Chronology of Bakunin

Michael Bakunin by Irving Horowitz

[Many other sources of articles & materials
may be found online with any decent search engine]

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