A-Radio-Soliparty im Syndikat: 26.3.!


Am Samstag, den 26.3., steigt im Syndikat die große Soli-Party des Anarchistischen Radios Berlin. Wir sammeln Geld für ein Treffen anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Radioprojekte, das 2016 stattfinden wird. Und wir sammeln Geld, um neue anarchistische Radioprojekte im Ausland infrastrukturell zu unterstützen, damit sie loslegen können und der Welt libertäre Inhalte und Programme präsentieren können.
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No Border Action Days

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1st of April – 3rd of April in Freiburg (D) and Basel (CH)
Call to Action: Come to the No Border Action Days on the first weekend of April!
Hundreds of thousands of people are stuck in front of the borders along the Balkan Route, the Jungle in Calais is being evicted brutally, day by day people are dying in the Mediterranean Sea – and the EU’s most urgent concern is to re-establish the „freedom“ inside the Schengen area to make vacation go on and profit more relaxed again? No fucking way!
We* are tired of watching silently in rage and grief, how the Fortress Europe is isolating itself and expulsing so many. Practical solidarity is important and humanitarian support is necessary. Yet we will not just keep reacting to evitable emergencies, support the state by massively providing basic need care without payment and play our role in Europe getting comfortable in its racist everyday mode. It is our responsibility to disturb here, and disturb, where it’s hurting.
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Germany – Urgent Hambach Forest Eviction

Second Day of Evictions! Support needed!
Polizei an der Wiese 14.3.2016.3 from Hambacher Forst on Vimeo.



15. March2016
Yesterday morning the meadow occupation was surrounded by police. This turned into a large scale police operation: All main paths in the forest were cleared, fixed and broadened, all barricades and tripods destroyed. Until today three unoccupied occupations were evicted (Crusty Town, Pizza, Molly). Police forces are still present all around, chasing people who try to build new barricades.
This is an urgent call-out for all kinds of support! What has happened the last two days is a massive attack! Because all the roads are cleared and passable for big machinery it’s important to protect the forest occupations NOW!

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Montag 14.3.16 Antifaschistische Demonstration in Boizenburg Mvgida entgegentreten – Antifa in die Offensive!


Seit über einem Jahr laufen fast jeden Montag hunderte Neonazis durch die Städte und Dörfer Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. Zum vierten Mal nun will die neonazistische Organisation MVgida ihre rassistische Hetze in Boizenburg auf die Straße tragen.
Wir werden auch dieses Mal nicht einfach tatenlos zuschauen, sondern mobilisieren zu einer Antifaschistischen Gegendemonstration am 14.3.16 in Boizenburg.
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1. – 3. April: No Border Action Days – Reaktion auf europäische Grenzscheisze


Vom 01. bis 03. April finden in Freiburg und Basel No Border Action Days statt. Wir schauen nicht geschockt und traurig dabei zu, wie sich z.B. entlang der Balkanroute Stück für Stück die Grenzen für Menschen auf der Flucht schlieszen. WIR STÖREN!
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Memmingen: Demonstration für ein aktives Gedenken – gegen Nazis und Rassismus am 23.04.2016


Im April 2016 jährt sich zum 8. Mal der Todestag von Peter Siebert, der in seiner Wohnung in Memmingen von seinem Nachbarn dem Neonazi Alexander B. niedergestochen wurde. Am Samstag den 23. April 2016 wollen wir im Rahmen einer Demonstration in Memmingen (Allgäu) Peter Siebert und allen anderen Opfern, die durch rechte Gewalt sterben mussten, gedenken. Zudem wollen wir mit unserer Demonstration ein klares Zeichen gegen den aktuellen Rechtsruck in Deutschland und ganz Europa setzten. Wir zeigen uns solidarisch mit allen geflüchteten Menschen und möchten gemeinsam und entschlossen für eine bessere Welt fernab von Rassismus, Sexismus und allen Formen von kapitalistischer Ausbeutung kämpfen.
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CDU/JU office attacked in Mannheim for supporting Turkey’s AKP regime


For weeks, the Turkish army has been carrying out a new offensive in the Kurdish regions of Turkey. Cities are being bombarded with heavy weapons and a state of emergency has been imposed across the entire region. This has led to hundreds of deaths, including many civilians. The AKP-Fascist Erdogan speaks openly of annihilating the insurgent Kurdish population. Financial support comes from the EU, especially Germany. Under the leadership of Merkel, the EU has given Turkey billions of euros in aid to stop the ‘flood of refugees’ into Europe. With so much backing the AKP regime can mercilessly proceed unhindered against the Kurdish population.
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Inspirateria Soliparty


Soliparty for Köpi wagonplace and “Musik-Braucht-Freiräume” (MBF) in Köpi cellar Berlin


For free uncommercial areas, emancipatory spaces, freedom of living, free culture and political projects we like to party with you together onwards to a better future for us all
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Demonstration zum Tag der politischen Gefangenen in Berlin – Demo for political prisoners (Germany)

Berlin 18.3.16

Freitag, 18. März 2016 um 18 uhr
S-Bhf Sonnenallee

Join us for March 18 – Day of action for the liberation of all political prisoners! Resist and fight against the justice system of the bourgeoisie and the imperialist oppression!

Freedom for all political prisoners….

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Berlin: BKA counter-terrorism building attacked with petrol bombs & paint


It is evening in the city… While in the last few weeks hundreds of cops besieged Rigaer Strasse, harassed people and broke into homes and collective spaces,  the responsible bureaucrats met in Berlin together with representatives of the arms industry, delegates of various torturers from different countries and political actors from the entire European area to discuss how these and other repressions could generate more profit.
As a small gesture of solidarity for those affected by this machinery and to express our burning hatred for those responsible, on the night of 26.02.16. we attacked the counter-terrorism center of Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) with fire and paint.
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