Santiago: Agitación solidaria a 8 años de la detención de Marcelo Villarroel y Freddy Fuentevilla


El día 15 de marzo del año 2008 los compañeros Marcelo Villarroel y Freddy Fuentevilla fueron detenidos en Neuquén, territorio Argentino, después de permanecer clandestinos por algunos meses. Opción tras la persecución que la policía efectuaba contra ellos, persecución política y mediática ante una expropiación bancaria y la muerte en enfrentamiento de un policía.
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Marseille, France: Week of action in solidarity with resistance in Calais


Following the recent evictions in Calais, a week of action in solidarity with the resistance of the ’’jungle’’ took place in Marseille. The various actions contained in this communique were anonymously contributed by numerous individuals and groups. All the targets chosen collaborate in the repression, subjugation and deportation of migrant and/or paperless people in Calais and elsewhere.
Below is the list of actions as they were communicated by those responsible:
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Torino-Lione: un destino incerto [con documenti inediti sui costi]


Comunicato Stampa | 21 marzo 2016

Presidio Europa – Movimento NO TAV

richiama l’attenzione dei media su quanto sotto riportato
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Athens: Fascist Molotov attack at Vancouver Apartman squat

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On Sunday, 13/03, at Vancouver Apartman squat we were attacked with a Molotov cocktail by the local fascist group A.M.E.
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Two women die in police operation in Batman


Two women died during a police operation in Sağlık neighborhood of Batman province last night.


two women died during a police operation in Sağlık neighborhood of Batman province last night.

Out of the two unidentified women, one was killed by police and the other reportedly shot herself dead in Komando Street. Both died at the scene.

A number of police teams and armored vehicles were dispatched to the scene which police closed to traffic after the incident. Bodies of slain women remained on the street.

It is reported that one of these women killed herself to not surrender to police.



Porto Alegre, Brazil: Posters in solidarity with Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar

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Against the trial that is being carried out against Francisco Solar and Monica Caballero, several individuals from different parts of the city set out to invade the streets with posters in solidarity with the companeros.

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Santiago: Lienzo en solidaridad con Francisco Solar y Mónica Caballero en la Iglesia Los Sacramentinos

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“Altivxs orgullosxs y Desafiantes frente al poder.

Ni distancias, ni olvido, ni arrepentimiento. Monica y Francisco a la kalle”
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Argentina: Acciones en solidaridad con CCF, Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar


“”Aullamos, canticos guerreros herejes y antiautoritarixs pues ningún compa está solo y la manada siempre estará al asecho””
Manada, esos somos y a pesar de no conocernos físicamente, de estar distantes, con nuestros aciertos y errores, victorias y fracasos, certezas y cuestionamientos, donde quiera que estemos nos une el calor inmenso de la salvaje e indomable libertad.
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Buenos Aires, Argentina: Solidaridad con Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar

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Algunxs anarquistas de buenos aires nos acercamos a la embajada de España al grito de “NO ESTAMXS TODXS, FALTAN LXS PRESXS!”, colocando banderas y repartiendo volantes en solidaridad con Monica y Francisco.

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Cizre resistance through children’s eyesCizre resistance through children’s eyes


As residents return to Cizre after state forces’ massacres, children affected by war and destruction see the world through their own perspectives.
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