Christian's under the Law or grace?
Are we under the laws of
Which is the healthier meat,
Pork, or
Nearly all commercial chicken is contaminated with inorganic arsenic by compounds similar to roxarsone. Then there are the problems with steroids & antibiotics going into poultry feeds. All this makes its way through the food chain into our bloodstream at some
point in time - its impossible to avoid.
Not only shellfish, but nearly all ocean fish are now contaminated with heavy metals and beta decay isotopes from
Nuclear reactors and weapons testing. The waterways (both fresh and salt) are contaminated with countless amounts of Oestrogen compounds from millions of women taking contraceptives and
Hormone Replacement Therapy since the 1960's. Both cattle & sheep, are subject to interspecies transmissible
BSE type diseases, viruses, bacteria, and tumorous growths.
Even plants have been genetically modified and the use of pesticides means residual toxicity even for those who choose a vegan diet. Sin has utterly corrupted our entire food chain with a plethora of both visible and invisible, potentially hazardous toxins/poisons which have contaminated the atmosphere, land, and sea.
Perhaps this is why
Mark 16 reminds believers of something very important to their faith.
17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."
We shouldn't for a minute dare tempt God by deliberately drinking poison, but
I believe that the message reminds us that its the power of the
Holy Spirit by which we are sustained and sheltered from the sin & corruption of the world.
So what is the issue with clean/unclean foods? Was it only for the
Jews until Christ came, or is it meant for all humanity to follow so that they can live a healthier life on this earth? Many can argue the benefits of clean foods and dangers of unclean foods, but the reality is that all foods are now potentially dangerous to human health and hospitals all over the world are filled with the sick, diseased and perishing. So do biblical food laws show us a way to live life more abundantly or do they merely shifts the focus away from living in the
Spirit, onto MATERIALISM with all of its religious teachings and practices through science?
But this isn't about what we think, this is about what scripture teaches.
Unfortunately, what people think scripture teaches quite often depends on their pre-suppositional beliefs - hence its difficult for the light of truth to shine into the world. So lets start from the beginning and try to follow the key developments in dietary reform over the millennia.
Genesis 1:29 told us our food was all the
SEED bearing herbs and SEED bearing fruits.
Yet even vegan Christians eat fungi which isn't a plant nor do they contain seeds, some also consume algae products like spirulina & chlorella which don't have seeds, so if the letter of the law is to be obeyed, then they should abstain from ALL fungi/algae ingredients, and any food product which contains them if they are to keep ALL of the laws given to Moses. So what next?
Genesis 9:3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
God officially changed the human diet after the flood, so now anything alive shall be food, both clean & unclean which is alive, meaning we cannot eat things which die by themselves. But notice how the seed bearing herbs & seed bearing fruits now become only the green herbs? So legally speaking, do we only eat green seed bearing plants? Do we have to eat only he green parts of a plant like banana leaves and leave the yellow fruit? Or did God mean to eat anything which grows from a green plant, or only a green plant which bears seeds? So are purple cabbages/lettuce/rhubarb off the diet? Is algae like chlorella & spirulina back on the list? How about
Coca plants, Khat,
Opium Poppies, ergot infested Rye, hallucinogenic mushrooms, diviners sage,
Opium lettuce, and all the Tryptomine producing species like acacias, etc
..? But aren't we also meant to be sober minded and temperate in all things?
- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 5628