Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Screen Shot 2016-03-07 at 6.41.01 PMThe Torments of Scalia

Jeffrey St. Clair on the brutal jurisprudence of Antonin Scalia; Inside the CIA: Melvin Goodman recounts his battles with William Casey and Robert Gates; Prisoners of War: Jennifer Lowenstein on Syria, Iraq and the Silenced Majority; Steeltown, USA: Lee Ballinger on the collapse of the industrial midwest; Hillary in Honduras: Nick Alexandrov exposes Hillary Clinton’s nasty role in the Honduran coup; The Red-Baiting of Bernie Sanders: Yvette Carnell excoriates the black political class for turning its back on the rich history of black socialism; Holland’s Climate Crisis: Dave Lindorff reports from Amsterdam on how are the Dutch are taking action against rising sea levels; Populists United: Sam Husseini charts a way out of the two-party stranglehold on American politics. PLUS: Mike Whitney on the easy money con of the central banks; Chris Floyd on the rotten choices offered by democracy; Luciana Bohne on the films of Ettore Scola; and Javier Sethness Castro interviews Kim Stanley Robinson on radical politics and science fiction novels.

Why Bernie Sanders is Wrong About the Sandy Hook Lawsuit

Bernie Sanders is just plain wrong about the lawsuit brought by the Sandy Hook Elementary School parents against the makers of the AR-15 assault rifle that killed their children.

Throughout the debate in Flint, Michigan Sunday night, Sanders scored points by lambasting Hillary Clinton for taking the corporate position — on trade agreements, Wall Street, corporate crime and welfare reform — against the middle class and poor. Then, inexplicably, he flipped and sided with Remington and the other makers of the AR-15 against the middle class parents who lost their twenty children in December 2014. More

Divide and Rule: Notes From the Hidden Abode in Global Iowa

Liberals and progressives in the United States are stunned and horrified by the success that the blustering arch-misogynist white nationalist Donald Trump has enjoyed in rallying white U.S. working class people behind his call to build a “giant wall” (and “make Mexico pay” for the southern portion) to keep immigrants out. It’s not the only card Trump has played in his effort to turn white working class people into “Trumpenproletarians” (Eric Draitser’s entertaining term). The Donald also talks about imposing tariffs to keep “foreign goods” from “taking American jobs.” He rails against “free trade” measures that drain U.S. jobs, against the purchase of U.S. politicians by wealthy election investors (Trump’s own wealth makes him immune to that), and against business owners who close down their U.S. operations to set up shop abroad. As Matt Taibbi recently noted in Rolling Stone, “Reporters have focused quite a lot on the crazy/race-baiting/nativist themes in Trump's campaign, but these comprise a very small part of his usual presentation. His speeches increasingly are strikingly populist in their content…His pitch is: He's rich, he won't owe anyone anything upon election, and therefore he won't do what both Democratic and Republican politicians unfailingly do upon taking office, i.e., approve rotten/regressive policies that screw ordinary people.” More

Remember When Nancy Reagan Raided a South Central Crack House?

Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock.com It had been an extremely hot week for Los Angeles in April of 1989 as a heat wave had pushed temperatures in South Central to over 100 degrees. Nancy Reagan sat comfortably in an air conditioned motor home provided by the LAPD, enjoying fruit salad with LAPD Chief Daryl Gates as More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio
George Galloway & Daniel Patrick Welch

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: George Galloway & Daniel Patrick Welch
  • TOPICS: War, betrayal, and the Empire’s ceaseless adventures in regime change


Antonio Moore: The Real State of “Black Wealth”

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