
The POUM's seven decades - Wilebaldo Solano

A history of the POUM, written by a longtime member, Wilebaldo Solano.

New year, old struggles: the strike for the collective agreement in the logistics sector

Against a background of general retreat of the labor movement triggered by fears of the absence of better alternatives, workers in the logistics sector have found the strength to reject that fear.

Ghosts of Anarchist Past: a review of Kenyon Zimmer’s Immigrants Against the State - Donald Parkinson

Donald Parkinson reviews Kenyon Zimmer's Immigrants against the state: Yiddish and Italian anarchism in America.

#4ThPrecinctShutdown: a statement on magic and resistance - Keno Evol

An article by Keno Evol about the occupation outside a police precinct in Minneapolis, that was in reaction to the killing of an unarmed black male.

Sobre Organização: As Gangues (dentro e fora do Estado) e o Estado como Gangue - Jacques Camatte & Gianni Collu

Importante texto sobre como as gangues (rackets/gangs, em inglês) se tornaram o modo de funcionamento das organizações (empresariais, políticas e até mesmo pequenos grupos e coletivos reunidos em torno de ideologias críticas e libertárias) no atual momento do capitalismo.

Kronstadt 1921 - Paul Avrich

Libro de Paul Avrich de la historia de la rebelión de Kronstadt , en español .

The Paris Commune: Revolution and Counterrevolution in Paris in 1870-1871

This is a draft translation in English of the book "La Commune de Paris – Révolution et contre-révolution à Paris en 1870-1871" in its first publication in French in 2011 under the name "Des Communards".

The Rebel Chronicles #5: Sergei Nechayev

This episode of the radical history series focuses on Sergei Nechayev and his tumultuous friendship with Mikhail Bakunin. For more episodes, please go to:

How to Think

Sojourner Truth Organization's full syllabus with discussion questions

Spanish Marxism vs Soviet Communism: A History of the P.O.U.M. in the Spanish Civil War - Victor Alba

Book cover

Spanish Marxism Versus Soviet Communism is the first historical study of the P.O.U.M. to appear in English. Drawing from his multi-volume work on the subject, which was published in Spanish and Catalan, Victor Alba has collaborated with Stephen Schwartz to produce a condensed and amplified study that is far more than a translation.