Senator Rhiannon media statement on portfolio reshuffle

Outgoing Australian Greens spokesperson for higher education, Senator Lee Rhiannon said:

"It has been an honour to advocate Greens policy on tertiary, technical and further education for the past five years.

"From working with students and staff to successfully defeat the Coalition government's attempts to wreck our public universities, to fighting on behalf of TAFE across the country, I have been proud to put forward the Greens' vision on high quality, public and free education.

"I am particularly proud of our successful push for two Senate inquiries into TAFE and the vocational education sector that have highlighted the inequity in the system, and kick started a national debate about TAFE funding.

"I would like to deeply thank the National Tertiary Education Union, Australian Education Union, Australian Medical Students' Association, the National Union of Students, the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations, the National Alliance for Public Universities, NSW Teachers Federation and Universities Australia as well as all the students, staff and Greens members who I have had the privilege of closely working with.

Contact: Brami Jegan 0487 350 880